Louise Crowley
Research Profile
Louise Crowley is a solicitor and a first class honours graduate of University College Cork (BCL 1996; LLM 1997), (MA Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2020), Cardiff University (PhD 2010) and is a Professor in Family Law at the School of Law, UCC. Her publications include Family Law (Roundhall 2013, 2nd edition 2023), Family Law (Thomson Roundhall 2008); the contribution of chapters to Law
and Gender in Modern Ireland (2019 Hart Publishing); The International Survey of Family Law (Intersentia, 2015 - 2018); Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments
(Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017);
Marital Agreements and Private Autonomy in Comparative Perspective (Hart 2012); 30 Years of Legal Scholarship (Roundhall 2011); Family Law (Oxford University Press 2008), and the Family Law Practitioner (Round Hall 2000). She has published articles on regulatory approaches to marital breakdown, asset distribution and marital agreements in a range of Irish and international journals, including the Child and Family Law Quarterly, International Family Law, the Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law and the Irish Journal of Family Law and has published her research in developing and delivering the UCC School of Law Family Law Clinic in the Journal of Clinical Legal Education. Louise was a member of the 2007 National Expert Group on pre-nuptial agreements appointed by the then Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform. In 2010 she was jointly awarded the UCC Presidents Award for Excellence in Teaching for her contribution to the annual School of Law eLaw Summer Institute and was again a recipient of the UCC Presidents Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2020, in recognition of her design and delivery of the Family Law Clinic at UCC. Louise is the Director of the LLM (Children's Rights and Family Law) and with the support of IRC funding, and the students of the Family Law Clinic, Louise has developed and maintains an online information hub relating to all aspects of family law www.familylawinformation.ie which seeks to address the challenging issue of legal literacy and access to information. Louise is a national voice on intimate partner violence having published widely
on the adequacy of legal responses to the challenges of gender based violence and
works with service providers including Tusla, SATU, MOVE Ireland and state
agencies to highlight the need for greater and targeted investment in service
provision. At UCC, Louise has developed the campus-wide Bystander Intervention initiative
which seeks to educate and empower staff and students to challenge the normalisation of sexual abuse and to recognise their
role as active bystanders to effect change and bring about a new normal of
safety and respect. In recognition of this work Louise was awarded HEA funding of €350,000 in November 2019 to support the implementation of the National Framework to End Sexual Harassment and Violence at UCC. Louise was a member of the Expert Group that developed that National Framework and continues to support the work of the HEA whilst making Bystander Intervention training available to staff and students
of HEIs across the sector, both for Orientation and throughout the academic
year. In further recognition of this work Louise was awarded the UCC President's Exceptional Citizen award in 2018 and Honorary Life Membership of the UCC Students' Union in 2019.
A New Foundations grant from the Irish Research Council supported Louise's development of a second level TY pilot, delivering training to 180 teachers in 50 schools nationwide in 2021/22. In 2013 Louise was invited to speak before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education to inform future developments in relation to the second level RSE curriculum. Most recently for 9 months in 2023/24 Louise delivered Sexual Ethics and Respectful Relationships workshops to 3,000 members of the Irish Defence Forces, as part of their response to the recommendations of the IRG report, and was awarded the UCC Consultancy Research Project of the Year for this work in May 2024.
A New Foundations grant from the Irish Research Council supported Louise's development of a second level TY pilot, delivering training to 180 teachers in 50 schools nationwide in 2021/22. In 2013 Louise was invited to speak before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education to inform future developments in relation to the second level RSE curriculum. Most recently for 9 months in 2023/24 Louise delivered Sexual Ethics and Respectful Relationships workshops to 3,000 members of the Irish Defence Forces, as part of their response to the recommendations of the IRG report, and was awarded the UCC Consultancy Research Project of the Year for this work in May 2024.
Research Interests
Family Law and the recognition and regulation of multiple family formations; and the breakdown of those relationships, particularly marital breakdown. Domestic Violence and the adequacy of regulatory responses; the capacity for perpetrator programmes to play an effective role in protecting the victims of domestic violence.
Research Grants
Project | Funding Body |
Start Date | End Date | Award | |
Delivery of UCC Bystander Intervention National Youth Programme as outlined in Proposal issued September 23. Phase 1, Option One to be delivered and Phase 2 Bespoke workshops. Services will be provided by Professor Louise Crowley and Ms Celine Griffin | Government Departments | 01-NOV-23 | 31-DEC-24 | €235,000.00 | |
Bystander Intervention at UCC. | Miscellaneous Non Exchequer | 10-MAY-21 | 09-MAY-22 | €18,179.00 | |
Bystander Intervention at second level - educating and empowering our young people to speak up and demand a zero tolerance approach to all forms of sexual harrassment and violence. | Irish Research Council | 01-DEC-21 | 01-MAR-23 | €11,996.00 | |
From Dispute to Decree: A Critical Exploration of the Client's Journey Through the Legal Aid Board Family Dispute Resolution Services. | Irish Research Council | 01-APR-20 | 31-DEC-24 | €107,375.00 | |
Bystander Intervention at UCC. | Higher Education authority | 01-JAN-20 | 30-JUN-23 | €5,887.00 | |
Bystander Intervention - transition to online delivery | 01-AUG-18 | 31-JUL-19 | €84,966.00 | ||
Bystander Intervention | 01-SEP-16 | 01-JUL-17 | €60,422.00 | ||
IRC"New Foundations Award 2014"Dr L Crowley [X] | Irish Research Council | 01-MAR-15 | 30-NOV-15 | €8,668.00 | |
SFPA"Secondment Prog Laurie O'Keeffe | Miscellaneous | 01-SEP-14 | 31-AUG-16 | €63,763.00 | |
Family law information | Irish Research Council | 18-MAR-14 | 10-DEC-14 | €5,710.00 | |
Travel to the Faculty at Brooklyn Law School | Miscellaneous | 31-JUL-13 | 31-JUL-14 | €512.00 |
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | Family Law.
Crowley L Joyce M (2023) Family Law. Dublin: Roundhall. [Details] |
(2013) | Family Law.
Crowley, Louise (2013) Family Law. : Thomson Roundhall. [Details] |
(2008) | Family Law.
Crowley Louise; (2008) Family Law. Dublin: Thomson Roundhall. [Details] |
(2005) | Cyberlaw in Ireland: International Encyclopaedia of Laws.
McDonagh, M. and Crowley, L; (2005) Cyberlaw in Ireland: International Encyclopaedia of Laws. : Kluwer Law. [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2019) | 'Domestic Violence Law'
(2018) | '“Sheltering the Homemaker in Irish Family Law – Ireland’s Failure to Evolve with the Shifting Social and Family Norms”'
Crowley Louise (2018) '“Sheltering the Homemaker in Irish Family Law – Ireland’s Failure to Evolve with the Shifting Social and Family Norms”' In: Brinig Margaret (eds). The International Survey of Family Law. London: Intersentia. [Details] |
(2017) | 'Domestic Violence Law in Ireland'
Crowley Louise (2017) 'Domestic Violence Law in Ireland' In: Brinig Margaret (eds). The International Survey of Family Law 2017. Bristol: Lexis Nexis. [Details] |
(2017) | 'Commentary on the Matrimonial Homes Bill'
(2015) | '“Defining the Family and the Scope of the Protection Available – Tensions between National Governance and International Expectations”'
Crowley, Louise (2015) '“Defining the Family and the Scope of the Protection Available – Tensions between National Governance and International Expectations”' In: Atkin B (eds). The International Survey of Family Law. London: Jordans. [Full Text] [Details] |
(2015) | '“The Contractualisation of Family law in Ireland'
Crowley L and Harding M (2015) '“The Contractualisation of Family law in Ireland' In: Swennen F (eds). Contractualisation of Family Law – Global Perspectives”. Belgium: Springer. [Details] |
(2013) | 'International and European Developments in Family Law 2013'
Crowley, Louise (2013) 'International and European Developments in Family Law 2013' In: Atkin, Bill (eds). The International Survey of Family Law. London: Jordan Publishing. [Full Text] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Ireland'
Crowley, Louise (2012) 'Ireland' In: Marital Agreements and Private Autonomy in Comparative Perspective. England: Hart Publishing. [Details] |
(2011) | 'Teaching Law with Technology'
Crowley, L., and White, F., (2011) 'Teaching Law with Technology' In: Thirty Years of Legal Scholarship - The Irish Association of Law Teachers. Dublin: Thomson Round Hall. [Details] |
(2008) | 'Child Law'
Crowley, Louise (2008) 'Child Law' In: Family Law. Oxford: Oxford. [Details] |
(2000) | 'Divorce law'
Crowley, Louise (2000) 'Divorce law' In: Family Law Practitioner. [Details] |
(2000) | 'Marital Separation'
Crowley, Louise; (2000) 'Marital Separation' In: Family Law Practitioner (2000). [Details] |
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | 'The Family Law Clinic at UCC - Understanding the Law, in the Classroom and Beyond'
Crowley L (2020) 'The Family Law Clinic at UCC - Understanding the Law, in the Classroom and Beyond'. International Journal of Legal Information, 27 (3):176-229 [Details] |
(2017) | 'Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes in Ireland - Intervention Required!'
Crowley, L (2017) 'Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes in Ireland - Intervention Required!'. International Journal Of Law Policy And The Family, 31 :291-310 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Irish divorce law in a social policy vacuum - from the unspoken to the unknown'
Crowley L. (2011) 'Irish divorce law in a social policy vacuum - from the unspoken to the unknown'. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 33 (3):227-242 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'The international summer school experience: a worthwhile challenge'
White, F;Crowley, L (2015) 'The international summer school experience: a worthwhile challenge'. Law Teacher, 49 :39-59 [DOI] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Dividing the Spoils on divorce: rule-based regulation versus discretionary-based decision'
Crowley, Louise (2012) 'Dividing the Spoils on divorce: rule-based regulation versus discretionary-based decision'. International Family Law, :388-401 [Details] |
(2001) | 'Reform of the Regulation of the Financial Services Industry - An Irish viewpoint'
Crowley., L.; (2001) 'Reform of the Regulation of the Financial Services Industry - An Irish viewpoint'. Hibernian Law Journal, * (*):105-* [Details] |
(2009) | 'Collaborative Law: The Future Cornerstone of the Resolution process?'
Crowley, Louise (2009) 'Collaborative Law: The Future Cornerstone of the Resolution process?'. Judicial Studies Institute Journal, (01):19-29 [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details] |
(2007) | 'Equal versus Equitable Division of Marital Assets ¿ What can be learned from the experiences of other jurisdictions? Part I'
Crowley Louise; (2007) 'Equal versus Equitable Division of Marital Assets ¿ What can be learned from the experiences of other jurisdictions? Part I'. Irish Journal of Family Law, 1 [Details] |
(2007) | 'Equal versus Equitable Division of Marital Assets ¿ What can be learned from the experiences of other jurisdictions? Part II'
Crowley Louise; (2007) 'Equal versus Equitable Division of Marital Assets ¿ What can be learned from the experiences of other jurisdictions? Part II'. Irish Journal of Family Law, 2 [Details] |
(2004) | 'Divorce Law in Ireland – Facilitating or Frustrating the Resolution Process'
Crowley, Louise; (2004) 'Divorce Law in Ireland – Facilitating or Frustrating the Resolution Process'. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 16 (1):49-62 [Details] |
(2001) | 'Pre-Nuptial Agreements - Have they any place in Irish law?'
Crowley, L.; (2001) 'Pre-Nuptial Agreements - Have they any place in Irish law?'. Irish Journal of Family Law, 4 (*):3-* [Details] |
(2001) | 'Trade Mark Law - The Supreme Court considers the sufficiency of proof confusion'
Crowley, L.; (2001) 'Trade Mark Law - The Supreme Court considers the sufficiency of proof confusion'. Dublin University Law Journal, 23 (*):218-* [Details] |
(2001) | 'Ireland's Answer to Europe's Call for Patent Protection for Biotechnological Inventions'
Crowley, L.; (2001) 'Ireland's Answer to Europe's Call for Patent Protection for Biotechnological Inventions'. Commercial Law Practitioner, 8 (*):51-* [Details] |
(2001) | 'Who Regulates the Insurance Industry?'
Crowley, L.; (2001) 'Who Regulates the Insurance Industry?'. Commercial Law Practitioner, 8 (*):241-* [Details] |
(1999) | 'The Slicing of the Marital Cake - Separation Agreements and Property Adjustment Orders
Crowley, L.; (1999) 'The Slicing of the Marital Cake - Separation Agreements and Property Adjustment Orders '. Irish Journal of Family Law, 2 (*):8-* [Details] |
(1998) | 'Factors to be considered in the making of ancillary orders on the granting of a decree of divorce'
Crowley, L.; (1998) 'Factors to be considered in the making of ancillary orders on the granting of a decree of divorce'. Family Law Journal, 1 (*):2-* [Details] |
(1998) | 'Pensions and Divorce'
Crowley, L.; (1998) 'Pensions and Divorce'. Irish Student Law Review, * (*):*-* [Details] |
(1998) | 'Recent Developments in the Law of Succession'
Crowley, L.; (1998) 'Recent Developments in the Law of Succession'. Irish Journal of Family Law, 2 (*):5-* [Details] |
Newspaper Articles
Year | Publication | |
(2019) | Divorce Referendum: Compassion that reflects life’s reality.
Crowley Louise (2019) Divorce Referendum: Compassion that reflects life’s reality. Cork: Newspaper Articles [Details] |
(2018) | Ireland needs to look at Clean Break Divorce.
Crowley Louise (2018) Ireland needs to look at Clean Break Divorce. Dublin: Newspaper Articles [Details] |
(2015) | Daddy of them all: Bill finally offers to fill gap in family law.
Crowley L (2015) Daddy of them all: Bill finally offers to fill gap in family law. Cork: Newspaper Articles [Details] |
(2014) | Copyright and the Creative Commons.
Whelan, Darius; Crowley, Louise (2014) Copyright and the Creative Commons. Newspaper Articles [Full Text] [Details] |
(2014) | Copyright Ireland: Fitting a Square Peg into a Round Hole.
Crowley, Louise (2014) Copyright Ireland: Fitting a Square Peg into a Round Hole. Newspaper Articles [ Publisher's Version] [Details] |
(2014) | Guardianship Proposals Still Fail Fathers.
Crowley, Louise (2014) Guardianship Proposals Still Fail Fathers. Newspaper Articles [ Publisher's Version] [Details] |
(2014) | The Law Changes Slowly to Fit Modern Irish Families.
Crowley, Louise (2014) The Law Changes Slowly to Fit Modern Irish Families. Newspaper Articles [ Publisher's Version] [Details] |
Honours and Awards
Year | Title | Awarding Body | |
2020 | President's Award for Excellence in Teaching | UCC | |
2010 | President's Award for Excellence in Teaching | University College Cork | |
2019 | Honorary Life Membership of UCC Student's Union | University College Cork Student's Union | |
2018 | Exceptional Citizen | Univeristy College Cork President's Staff Excellence Awards | |
2017 | Outstanding Contribution to Student Life | UCC Students Union | |
1996 | UCC College Scholar |
Professional Associations
Association | Function | From / To | |
Society of Legal Scholars (formerly, the Society of Public Teachers of Law) | Member | / | |
Law and Society Association | Member | / | |
Irish Association of Law Teachers | Member | / | |
Law Society of Ireland | Admitted to the Roll of Solicitors | / |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2019) | SLSA Annual Conference 2019,
Crowley Louise (2019) Bystander Intervention at UCC:A sexual violence prevention programme. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], SLSA Annual Conference 2019, Leeds University . [Details] |
(2019) | The 3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence,
Ó Súilleabháin, F., Crowley, L. and Bolton, R. (2019) Violence against Women in Ireland: Conceptualising Definitions, Laws and Interventions. [Oral Presentation], The 3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence, Oslo, Norway , 01-SEP-19 - 04-SEP-19. [Details] |
(2017) | Biennial Conference of the Confederation of Student Services in Ireland,
O'Neill, S., Crowley, L., & Byrne, M. (2017) Implementing a Bystander Intervention Programme at University College Cork. [Poster Presentation], Biennial Conference of the Confederation of Student Services in Ireland, Cork . [Details] |
(2017) | Biennial Conference of the Confederation of Student Services in Ireland,
Crowley, L., Byrne, M., & O'Neill, S. (2017) Bystander Intervention at UCC: Developing and evaluating a sexual violence prevention programme for 3rd level. [Oral Presentation], Biennial Conference of the Confederation of Student Services in Ireland, Cork . [Details] |
(2019) | Financial Provision on Divorce: some comparative and cross border perspectives,
Crowley Louise (2019) “Ireland - the need for reform”. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Financial Provision on Divorce: some comparative and cross border perspectives, Glasgow University . [Details] |
(2019) | SLSA Annual Conference 2019,
Crowley Louise (2019) “The Times They Are A-Changin……” A critical analysis of Irish family law in light of changing social norms. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], SLSA Annual Conference 2019, Leeds University . [Details] |
(2019) | SLSA Annual Conference 2019,
Crowley Louise (2019) “Family Law Clinic at University College Cork”. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], SLSA Annual Conference 2019, Leeds University . [Details] |
(2018) | West Cork Women’s Project – West Cork Women Against Violence,
Crowley Louise (2018) “Knowing your rights – Irish family law”. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], West Cork Women’s Project – West Cork Women Against Violence, Skibereen . [Details] |
(2018) | Legal Aid Board - Annual Conference on Family Law Justice Reform,
Crowley Louise (2018) “Solving Family Disputes – the Case for Reform” - How academic teaching and research initiatives enhance the user experience in Irish Family Law . [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Legal Aid Board - Annual Conference on Family Law Justice Reform, National Gallery Dublin 2 . [Details] |
(2018) | Southern Council of the Irish Association of Social Workers Cork,
Crowley Louise (2018) “Domestic Violence Bill 2017 – impact on family services. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Southern Council of the Irish Association of Social Workers Cork, Cork . [Details] |
(2018) | Cork University Hospital/Cork University Maternity Hospital Biennial Conference,
Crowley Louise (2018) The Istanbul Convention; An Update Domestic Abuse. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Cork University Hospital/Cork University Maternity Hospital Biennial Conference, Cork University Hospital . [Details] |
(2018) | Changing Family Forms,
Crowley Louise (2018) “Catch me if you can! The saga of Irish Family law and its reluctance to reflect modern social change.”. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Changing Family Forms, Edinburgh Law School . [Details] |
(2018) | Domestic Abuse: Cork Universty Hospital/Cork Univeristy Maternity Hospital Biennial Conference,
Crowley Louise (2018) The Istanbul Convention; An Update. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Domestic Abuse: Cork Universty Hospital/Cork Univeristy Maternity Hospital Biennial Conference, Cork University Hospital , 30-JAN-18 - 30-JAN-18. [Details] |
(2017) | Irish Asssociation of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2017,
Crowley Louise (2017) 20 years of Divorce in Ireland - Time to dismantle and rebuild the governing framework. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish Asssociation of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2017, Dunboyne, Co Meath , 24-NOV-17 - 26-NOV-17. [Details] |
Crowley Louise (2017) Irish Divorce Law - how binding are pre-nuptial agreeements?. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], L’AUTONOMIA PRIVATA NELLA CRISI DELLA FAMIGLIA, Univerista di Padova , 10-MAY-17 - 10-MAY-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Irish Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2017,
Crowley Louise (2017) 20 years of Divorce in Ireland - Time to dismantle and rebuild the governing framework. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2017, Athlone . [Details] |
(2017) | Fault and divorce law reform: an international seminar,
Crowley Louise (2017) Fault and Irish divorce law – see no evil, hear no evil!. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Fault and divorce law reform: an international seminar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam , 24-JUL-17 - 24-JUL-17. [Details] |
(2017) | 2017 NASPA Region 1 Conference,
Crowley Louise (2017) Bystander Intervention at UCC:Developing and evaluating a sexual violence prevention programme for 3rd level. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 2017 NASPA Region 1 Conference, Springfield Massachussets , 12-NOV-17 - 15-NOV-17. [Details] |
(2017) | UCC Student Law Society Annual Conference - Sexual Violence,
Crowley Louise (2017) Bystander Intervention at UCC. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], UCC Student Law Society Annual Conference - Sexual Violence, University College Cork , 31-OCT-17 - 31-OCT-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Universities,
Crowley Louise (2017) Bystander Intervention at UCC:Students as Contributors to a Safer Campus. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Universities, Newcastle University, England , 14-MAR-17 - 14-MAR-17. [Details] |
(2017) | World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights,
Crowley Louise (2017) 20 years of divorce in Ireland – time to identify what we seek to achieve. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights, Dublin , 04-JUN-17 - 07-JUN-17. [Details] |
(2016) | Promoting Safer Relationships within Higher Education,
Crowley Louise (2016) Bystander Intervention – Students as Contributors to a Safer Society. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Promoting Safer Relationships within Higher Education, Newry, Northern Ireland , 25-NOV-16 - 25-NOV-16. [Details] |
(2015) | 'Oral History: Community Engagement and Digital Methods',
Crowley L (2015) Copyright and intellectual property in the digital age. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 'Oral History: Community Engagement and Digital Methods', UCC , 03-JUN-15 - 03-JUN-15. [Details] |
(2015) | Southern Law Association - Family lawyers: Children and Family Relationships Act 2015 - An Overview,
Crowley L (2015) Critical overview of the provisions of the Children and Family Relationships Act 2015. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Southern Law Association - Family lawyers: Children and Family Relationships Act 2015 - An Overview, Imperial Hotel, Cork , 11-JUN-15 - 11-JUN-15. [Details] |
(2015) | Changing Families in Ireland: the Social, Legal and Political Context,
Crowley L (2015) Regulating Family Formations and Associated Rights in Modern Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Changing Families in Ireland: the Social, Legal and Political Context, CACSSS Seminar Room University College Cork , 14-MAY-15 - 14-MAY-15. [Details] |
(2014) | Marriage Equality, Relationship Recognition and Non-Discrimination: Securing Equality and Rights?,
Crowley, Louise (2014) Parental equality - current legislative attempts to equalise parental rights under Irish law. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Marriage Equality, Relationship Recognition and Non-Discrimination: Securing Equality and Rights?, University College Cork , 28-MAR-14. [Details] |
(2014) | The Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights and the MA in Women's Studies, UCC Lunchtime seminar on March 6th to mark International Women's Day,
Crowley, Louise (2014) Commented on the Irish perspective and ongoing refusal to ratify The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights and the MA in Women's Studies, UCC Lunchtime seminar on March 6th to mark International Women's Day, University College Cork , 06-MAR-14. [Details] |
(2010) | NAIRTL and LIN Annual Conference,
White, F & Crowley, L.; (2010) Technology Based Teaching and Learning: the eLaw Summer Institute. [Oral Presentation], NAIRTL and LIN Annual Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin , 07-OCT-10 - 07-OCT-10. [Details] |
(2010) | Fourth Legal Education Symposium,
White, F. & Crowley, L.; (2010) E-Law Summer Institute 2005-10: reflections on teaching and learning. [Oral Presentation], Fourth Legal Education Symposium, Univerity of Limerick, , 14-MAY-10 - 14-MAY-10. [Details] |
(2010) | E-Law Summer Institute 2005-10: reflections on teaching and learning,
White, F. & Crowley, L. ; (2010) E-Law Summer Institute 2005-10: reflections on teaching and learning. [Oral Presentation], E-Law Summer Institute 2005-10: reflections on teaching and learning, Fourth Legal Education Symposium, Univerity of Limerick, , 14-MAY-10 - 14-MAY-10. [Details] |
(2010) | NAIRTL/LIN Conference on Flexible Learning,
White, F., & Crowley, L. (2010) Technology Based Teaching and Learning at the eLaw Summer Institute, UCC. [Oral Presentation], NAIRTL/LIN Conference on Flexible Learning, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin , 07-OCT-10 - 07-OCT-10. [Details] |
(2009) | Irish Society of Comparative Law,
Crowley Louise; (2009) ¿The Regulation of Asset Distribution on Marital Breakdown: The Lessons from other Jurisdictions¿. [Oral Presentation], Irish Society of Comparative Law, University of Limerick , 28-FEB-09 - 28-FEB-09. [Details] |
(2009) | SLSA Conference,
Crowley Louise; (2009) ¿Asset Distribution on Divorce: What Irish lawmakers can glean from the experiences of other jurisdictions¿. [Oral Presentation], SLSA Conference, De Montfort University Leicster , 07-APR-09 - 09-APR-09. [Details] |
(2007) | Asset Distribution On Divorce and Separation,
Crowley Louise and Marie Baker SC; (2007) Asset Distribution On Divorce and Separation. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Asset Distribution On Divorce and Separation, Cork , 19-SEP-07 - 19-SEP-07. [Details] |
(2006) | Celebratory Conference - 30 year anniversary of Treoir,
Crowley Louise; (2006) Legal Remedies For Unmarried Parents. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Celebratory Conference - 30 year anniversary of Treoir, Croke Park, Dublin , 10-OCT-06 - 10-OCT-06. [Details] |
(2005) | Enterprise Ireland Family Business Conference,
Crowley Louise; (2005) ¿Marital Breakdown, Succession Law and the Family Business¿. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Enterprise Ireland Family Business Conference, Cork , 09-DEC-05 - 09-DEC-05. [Details] |
(2004) | SLSA,
Crowley Louise; (2004) Discretion v. Rules – The Impact of a Discretionary Based Divorce Regime. [Oral Presentation], SLSA, University Of Glasgow , 06-APR-04 - 08-APR-04. [Details] |
(2004) | Copyright Law in Ireland in the Digital Age,
Louise Crowley; (2004) Copyright Law in Ireland in the Digital Age. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Copyright Law in Ireland in the Digital Age, . [Details] |
(2003) | Copyright Implications of the Use of ICT Materials,
Whelan, Darius, Crowley, Louise; (2003) Copyright Implications of the Use of ICT Materials. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Copyright Implications of the Use of ICT Materials, . [Details] |
(2002) | IALT Annual Conference,
Crowley, L.; (2002) Divorce six years on…some unresolved issues. [Invited Oral Presentation], IALT Annual Conference, Belfast , 01-APR-02 - 01-APR-02. [Details] |
(2002) | SLSA Conference,
Crowley, L.; (2002) Pre-Nuptial Agreements- a comparative study of the Irish and English position. [Invited Oral Presentation], SLSA Conference, Aberystwyth , 01-APR-02 - 01-APR-02. [Details] |
(2002) | Society of Young Solicitors of Ireland Autumn Conference,
Crowley, L.; (2002) “Is there any future for pre-nuptial agreements under Irish law?. [Invited Oral Presentation], Society of Young Solicitors of Ireland Autumn Conference, * , 01-SEP-02 - 01-SEP-02. [Details] |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
Working Group to create a Framework for Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions | Government appointed Expert Member | / | |
Study Group on Pre-nuptial Agreements 2007 | / |
Year | Institution | Qualification | Subject | |
2010 | Cardiff University | PHD | Law | |
2010 | University College Cork | Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | Teaching and Learning |
Outreach Activities
Description | |
Board Member of Barnardos |
Board Member Crawford Art Gallery |
Board Member of Sexual Health Centre Cork |
Teaching Interests
Family Law, Family Relationships, Asset/Financial distribution on breakdown, State Regulation of the Family, Domestic Violence, Bystander Intervention.