
I am a Lecturer in Migration Studies and Geography at the Department of Geography, School of the Human Environment, in University College Cork. I was Director from 1997-2003 of the inter-disciplinary Irish Centre for Migration Studies, focusing on Irish and comparative international migration research. I am also an active member of the Institute for the Study of Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21). 

My current interests focus on a range of topics in the fields of migration and integration studies. I am working on a project to re-visit our major Emigre project of 2012/2013, a representative survey of Irish emigration after the crash of 2008. I'm also working on migrant-centred approaches to integration (combined with an active role in Cork Sanctuary Movement), looking at borders in the context of the Common Travel Area, EU borders and associated systems of control and containment including Direct Provision, and researching the Irish far right online (key question: why is Ireland an outlier compared to the growing strength of ethnonationalist hate movements in most other European countries?). Finally, I'm looking at the implications of climate change for large-scale forced migration 

My other academic interests are concerned with Middle Eastern politics, geopolitics and the small state and historical constructions of 'white entitlement' and racism in late 19th and early 20th century Ireland.

I set up and managed UCC's first International Office from 1989 to 1994. Prior to that I taught in the Université  d'Orléans, France, from 1987 to 1989 as Maître de Conférences Associé. I served in the Department of Foreign Affairs from 1976 to 1987, with postings in Brussels, Beirut and Paris and in the Department of Defence, Dublin, from 1971 to 1972.

Research Interests

My primary research focus, on migration and integration issues, has been at the interstices of theoretical, empirical and policy enquiries, located in Geography but within a broadly interdisciplinary framework. I have been able to undertake research combining a knowledge and understanding of official and NGO discourses and actions, the collection of primary empirical field data, an appreciation of the vital role played by a bottom-up, migrant-centred perspective, an informed theoretical perspective, a wide knowledge of literature in the field and a familiarity with the broader international context. My work contributes in significant ways to a public and academic debate which, in the Irish context, has up to now been under-theorised and under-informed in terms of the international comparative dimension.  My recent  research award (below) concerns current Irish emigration and the likelihood of return and confirms my standing in this area of enquiry (more details are  provided in the research portfolio). Moreover, I have an established international reputation in the fields of migration and integration, as evidenced by field-defining publications, a strong and growing record of grant capture and regular invitations to lecture at prestigious international venues and conferences.

Research Grants (summary) Irish Research Council 2012/2013 Current Grant  
Other Grants
Migrant Integration Index British Council/Migration Policy Group Brussels            €900 Jan-Mar 2008 Study of Migrant Integration in North Cork (PI, with researcher Dr Liam Coakley) Avondhu Development €15,000 Jan 2007- Nov 2007
Study of integration options commissioned for Integrating Ireland/One Foundation €13,000 Nov 2005 – Jan 2006
Study of integration of refugees and persons with leave to remain in Cork city Reception and Integration Agency, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform €20,000 2005-2007
Principal Investigator (jointly with Dr Brian Lambkin, CMS Omagh) for all-island study of return migration (chief researcher Dr C Ní Laoire) Higher Education Authority €268,000 2003-2005
Ireland section of Service Provision Study (with Scotland, NI) for migrants and ethnic minorities NCCRI Dublin and OFMDFM Belfast €10,000 2004.
 Advisory work on application to Joseph Rowntree Trust for six-city integration study in UK (grant awarded: UK£250,000) London Metropolitan University UK£6,000 2004
Authorship of briefing paper ‘The Implications for Ireland and Britain arising from the development of recent EU policy on migration’. National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism, and Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust €3,000 2002.
Research grant for study ‘The role of the third sector in the reception and integration of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants into Irish society’. Royal Irish Academy €35,000 2001/2002. RAXEN survey (European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia Vienna) on anti-racist organisations in Ireland National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism IR£6,500 2001 Contract VS/2000/0312.
‘Governance models and new migration patterns: local strategies to foster social cohesion in a changing labour market’. The project was a study of immigration policies in new immigration EU member states (Spain, Italy, Ireland). Award to ICMS: approx. €26,000. European Commission €26,000 2001.
 Work on oral life narratives. Mr David Ryan, Ryan Partnership Connecticut (private donor) $25,000 2001
Project ‘Here to Stay: Refugees in Ireland – an information pack for second level schools’.  Ireland FundsIR£5,000 1999
 Project Leader, Euromodule on Comparative Contemporary European Migration €10,000. European Commission €10,000
1997-2000 Ireland Funds, New York Donation from Michael Foley, CEO Heineken America €40,000 1999

Research Grants

  Project Funding
Start Date End Date Award
[HEA North South Prog] {MacEinri P} N Higher Education authority 06-OCT-03 14-APR-06 €160,984.00
Southern Integrated Research Partnership project on asylum seekers and immigrants Other: Not Listed 01-MAR-02 30-SEP-03 €53,328.00
All-Island Study of Return Migration Higher Education Authority (HEA) 01-SEP-03 31-AUG-05 €268,000.00
Youth mobility - maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe. Horizon 2020 01-MAR-15 28-FEB-18 €204,401.00
Emigration and return - profiling today's generation of emigrants and their propensity to return. Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) 01-OCT-12 31-OCT-13 €111,681.00


  Year Publication
(2005) Where is home? An educational resource on Refugees in International and Irish Perspesctive.
King, J.& Mac Éinrí, P.; (2005) Where is home? An educational resource on Refugees in International and Irish Perspesctive. Dublin: Calypso Productions. [Details]
(2003) Labour Migration into Ireland: Study and Recommendations on Employment Permits, Working Conditions, Family Reunification and the Integration of Migrants.
Mac Einri, P. with Walley, P.; (2003) Labour Migration into Ireland: Study and Recommendations on Employment Permits, Working Conditions, Family Reunification and the Integration of Migrants. : Immigrant Council of Ireland. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2022) 'Ireland’s Homeland-Diaspora Engagement: Policy Responses to the Post-2008 Economic Crisis'
Anastasakis, O.,Pratsinakis, M.,Kalantzi, F.,Kamaris, A. (2022) 'Ireland’s Homeland-Diaspora Engagement: Policy Responses to the Post-2008 Economic Crisis' In: Diaspora Engagement in Times of Severe Economic Crisis: Greece and Beyond. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. [Details]
(2014) 'Introduction to Education in Indigenous, Nomadic and Travelling Communities: Global Perspectives'
Griffin, R. and MacEinri, P. (2014) 'Introduction to Education in Indigenous, Nomadic and Travelling Communities: Global Perspectives' In: Griffin, Rosarii (eds). Education in Indigenous, Nomadic and Travelling Communities: Global Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury Academic. [Details]
(2012) 'Famine and the Irish Diaspora'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras (2012) 'Famine and the Irish Diaspora' In: Atlas of the Great Irish Famine. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2010) 'The recognition of the right of non-EU citizens to suffrage in local elections in Ireland'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras and Mutwarasibo, Fidèle (2010) 'The recognition of the right of non-EU citizens to suffrage in local elections in Ireland' In: Political participation of aliens in local government in Europe (in Spanish). Barcelona: Institut de Dret Pùblic. [Details]
(2009) 'If I wanted to go there I wouldn’t start from here: Re-imagining a multi-ethnic nation'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras (2009) 'If I wanted to go there I wouldn’t start from here: Re-imagining a multi-ethnic nation' In: Transforming Ireland: Challenges, Critiques, Resources. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Details]
(2009) 'Migration to rural Ireland: a North Cork case study'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras and Coakley, Liam (2009) 'Migration to rural Ireland: a North Cork case study' In: International Migration and Rural Areas. London: Ashgate. [Details]
(2006) 'Migration in Ireland: a changing reality?'
Mac Éinrí, P.; (2006) 'Migration in Ireland: a changing reality?' In: Healy, S. et al Social Justice in Ireland. Dublin: CORI/Liffey Press. [Details]
(2006) 'A Slice of Africa: Whose side were we on? Ireland and the anti-colonial struggle?'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2006) 'A Slice of Africa: Whose side were we on? Ireland and the anti-colonial struggle?' In: Lentin, A and Lentin, R. Race and State in Ireland. Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press. [Details]
(2006) 'Ireland: what models for integration?'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2006) 'Ireland: what models for integration?' In: Fanning, B. Immigration and social change in the Republic of Ireland. Manchester: Manchester U.P. [Details]
(2006) 'Chapter 17: Immigration: Labour Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2006) 'Chapter 17: Immigration: Labour Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees' In: Bartley, B. and Kitchin, R. (eds) A New Geography of Ireland. London: Pluto. [Details]
(2005) 'Our Shelter and Ark: Immigrants and the Republic?'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2005) 'Our Shelter and Ark: Immigrants and the Republic?' In: Identity Under Erasure? Irish Perspectives on Citizenship and the Politics of Identification Berlin and London:. London: LIT Verlag. [Details]
(2005) 'Migration and the city'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2005) 'Migration and the city' In: Crowley, J., Linehan, D. et al. Atlas of Cork City. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2004) 'Britain and Ireland: Lives Entwined¿'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2004) 'Britain and Ireland: Lives Entwined¿' In: What is British?. London: British Council. [Details]
(2001) 'Farrell, F. and Watt, P. (eds) Responding to Racism in Ireland'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2001) 'Farrell, F. and Watt, P. (eds) Responding to Racism in Ireland' In: Immigration Policy in Ireland. Dublin: Veritas. [Details]
(2000) 'Emigration: An Enduring Tradition'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2000) 'Emigration: An Enduring Tradition' In: Jones, A. (ed.) The Scattering: Images of Emigrants from an Irish County. Dublin: A.& A. Farmar. [Details]
(2000) 'Introduction'
Mac Éinrí, P.; (2000) 'Introduction' In: The Irish Diaspora. London: London: Pearson Education. [Details]
(1991) 'The Irish in Paris: an Aberrant Community?'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (1991) 'The Irish in Paris: an Aberrant Community?' In: Geographical Society of Ireland Special Publications. Ireland: Geographical Society of Ireland Special Publications. [Details]
(1989) 'The new Europeans'
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (1989) 'The new Europeans' In: Emigration, Employment and Enterprise. Dublin and Cork: Hibernian University Press. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2021) 'Ireland's White Paper to End Direct Provision (2021): Migrant Accommodation and Control'
Coakley, L;MacEinri, P (2021) 'Ireland's White Paper to End Direct Provision (2021): Migrant Accommodation and Control'. International Migration Review, [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Human capital and life satisfaction among circular migrants: an analysis of extended mobility in Europe'
McGarry O.;Krisjane Z.;Sechi G.;MacÉinrí P.;Berzins M.;Apsite-Berina E. (2019) 'Human capital and life satisfaction among circular migrants: an analysis of extended mobility in Europe'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Overcoming “Crisis”: Mobility Capabilities and “stretching” a Migrant Identity among Young Irish in London and Return Migrants'
Lulle A.;Coakley L.;MacÉinrí P. (2019) 'Overcoming “Crisis”: Mobility Capabilities and “stretching” a Migrant Identity among Young Irish in London and Return Migrants'. International Migration, [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Introduction (Joint Editor) New Approaches to Irish Migration'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras and O'Toole, Tina (2012) 'Introduction (Joint Editor) New Approaches to Irish Migration'. Eire Ireland, 47 (1&2):5-18 [Details]
(2009) 'Migration to Rural Ireland: A North Cork Case Study'
Coakley, L,Mac Einri, P,Jentsch, B,Simard, M (2009) 'Migration to Rural Ireland: A North Cork Case Study'. International Migration And Rural Areas: Cross-National Comparative Perspectives, :99-126 [Details]
(2008) 'Immigration into the Republic of Ireland : a bibliography of recent research'
Mac Éinrí, P. and White, A; (2008) 'Immigration into the Republic of Ireland : a bibliography of recent research'. Irish Geography, 41 (2):151-179 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Migration, Development and Human Rights'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras and Munck, Ronnie (2007) 'Migration, Development and Human Rights'. Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 1 (1) [Details]
(2004) 'Whose Diaspora? Whose Migration? Some current issues in Irish migration studies'
Lambkin, B.K., Mac Einri, P; (2004) 'Whose Diaspora? Whose Migration? Some current issues in Irish migration studies'. Irish Journal of Psychology (Special Issue), * (Psychosocial Dimensi):*-* [Details]
(1997) 'Some recent demographic developments in Ireland'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras (1997) 'Some recent demographic developments in Ireland'. Études Irlandaises, 22 (1):145-164 [Details]
(1994) 'The International Education Office in the Traditional University'
Mac Éinrí (1994) 'The International Education Office in the Traditional University'. Higher Education Management and Policy: All about the Journal, 6 (1) [Details]
(1992) 'Migration: l'expérience contemporaine irlandaise’'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras (1992) 'Migration: l'expérience contemporaine irlandaise’'. l'Irlande Politique et Sociale Université de Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, 4 [Details]
(1989) 'La diaspora irlandaise'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras and Goldring, Maurice (1989) 'La diaspora irlandaise'. Hérodote, 53 [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2007) 'One country many cultures? Irish responses to the challenge of diversity'
Mac Éinrí, Piaras (2007) 'One country many cultures? Irish responses to the challenge of diversity' Diversities, 9 (1) :75-90. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2015) 'The Re-emergence of emigration from Ireland: New trends in an old story'.
Glynn, I., Kelly, T., Mac Éinrí, P. (2015) 'The Re-emergence of emigration from Ireland: New trends in an old story'. Migration Policy Institute, Washington. [Details]
(2010) Irish section (revised and updated), Migration Policy Index.
Mac Éinrí, Piaras and Coakley, Liam (2010) Irish section (revised and updated), Migration Policy Index. NCCRI, British Council, Migration Policy Group, Dublin and Brussels. [Details]
(2008) Islands of Difference? The integration of refugees and persons with leave to remain in the Cork City area.
Mac Éinrí, Piaras and Coakley, Liam (2008) Islands of Difference? The integration of refugees and persons with leave to remain in the Cork City area. Reception and Integration Agency, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Dublin. [Details]
(2007) A survey of new communities in the Avondhu area of North Cork: the challenges to integration.
Mac Éinrí, Piaras and Coakley, Liam (2007) A survey of new communities in the Avondhu area of North Cork: the challenges to integration. Avondhu Development, Mallow. [Details]
(2006) How public authorities provide services to minority ethnic groups. Report for Ireland for tripartite project (Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland).
Mac Éinrí, P. (with Stavrou, S., O¿Sullivan, J.); (2006) How public authorities provide services to minority ethnic groups. Report for Ireland for tripartite project (Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland). Office of First Minister and Deputy First Minister, Belfast, Belfast. [Details]
(2006) The integration of refugees and persons with leave to remain in the Cork City area. Report commissioned by Reception and Integration Agency.
Mac Éinrí, P. and Coakley, L. ; (2006) The integration of refugees and persons with leave to remain in the Cork City area. Report commissioned by Reception and Integration Agency. Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Dublin, Dublin. [Details]
(2006) Integration in Ireland: what models? Briefing paper for Integrating Ireland (report funded privately by One Foundation).
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2006) Integration in Ireland: what models? Briefing paper for Integrating Ireland (report funded privately by One Foundation). One Foundation, Ireland. [Details]
(2005) Governance, the Third Sector and New Migrants: a comparative study. Report carried out for the Southern Integrated Research Partnership, with funding from Royal Irish Academy.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2005) Governance, the Third Sector and New Migrants: a comparative study. Report carried out for the Southern Integrated Research Partnership, with funding from Royal Irish Academy. Cork City County, Cork. [Details]
(2005) `Ireland: country report¿ in Niessen, J., Schibel, Y., Thompson, C., Current Immigration Debates in Europe. Brussels: Migration Policy Group.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2005) `Ireland: country report¿ in Niessen, J., Schibel, Y., Thompson, C., Current Immigration Debates in Europe. Brussels: Migration Policy Group. Brussels, Migration Policy Group. [Details]
(2004) A survey of integration and migration research in Ireland. Report to EU IMISCOE network.
Mac Einri, P.; (2004) A survey of integration and migration research in Ireland. Report to EU IMISCOE network. EU IMISCOE network, Coimbra. [Details]
(2003) Labour Migration into Ireland: Study and Recommendations on Employment Permits, Working Conditions.
Mac Éinrí, P. (with Walley, P.) ; (2003) Labour Migration into Ireland: Study and Recommendations on Employment Permits, Working Conditions. Family Reunification and the Integration of Migrants, Ireland. [Details]
(2002) The Implications for Ireland and Britain arising from the development of recent EU policy on migration.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2002) The Implications for Ireland and Britain arising from the development of recent EU policy on migration. National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism/Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (UK), Brussels. [Details]
(2001) Immigration into Ireland: Trends, Policy Responses, Outlook Governance models and new migration patterns: local strategies to foster social cohesion in a changing labour market.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2001) Immigration into Ireland: Trends, Policy Responses, Outlook Governance models and new migration patterns: local strategies to foster social cohesion in a changing labour market. EU Commission Contract VS/2000/0312 February-December 2001, Ireland. [Details]
(1999) Regional Reception of Asylum Seekers in Ireland: towards a strategic approach.
Mac Éinrí, P. (with Dr Bryan Fanning) ; (1999) Regional Reception of Asylum Seekers in Ireland: towards a strategic approach. ICMS, Cork. [Details]

Book Reviews

  Year Publication
(2020) War, Suffering and the Struggle for Human Rights.
Mac Einri, P (2020) War, Suffering and the Struggle for Human Rights. BELFAST: Book Reviews [Details]

Magazine article

  Year Publication
(2003) Contemporary Migration to and from Ireland¿.
Mac Éinrí, P ; (2003) Contemporary Migration to and from Ireland¿. Magazine article [Details]
(2002) `Immigration into Ireland¿ Cornerstone (Homeless Agency, Dublin).
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2002) `Immigration into Ireland¿ Cornerstone (Homeless Agency, Dublin). Magazine article [Details]


  Year Publication
(1997) Some recent demographic developments in Ireland¿ Études Irlandaises.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (1997) Some recent demographic developments in Ireland¿ Études Irlandaises. Other [Details]
(1989) La diaspora irlandaise¿.
Mac Éinrí, P. (with Maurice Goldring) ; (1989) La diaspora irlandaise¿. Ireland: Other [Details]

Newspaper Articles

  Year Publication
(2006) The Irish Diaspora.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2006) The Irish Diaspora. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2004) The referendum on citizenship ¿ why we should vote no.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2004) The referendum on citizenship ¿ why we should vote no. Newspaper Articles [Details]

Policy Contribution

  Year Publication
(2011) Ireland - Migrant Integration Policy Index III - MIPEXIII.
Coakley, L. and MacEinri, P. (2011) Ireland - Migrant Integration Policy Index III - MIPEXIII. Policy Contribution [Details]

Review Articles

  Year Publication
(2006) The projected percentage of `foreigners¿ in the Irish population in 2031 and a related issue concerning ethnicity¿.
Mac Éinrí, P. and Ní Laoire, C. ; (2006) The projected percentage of `foreigners¿ in the Irish population in 2031 and a related issue concerning ethnicity¿. Review Articles [Details]
(1998) States of becoming: Is there a `here¿ here and a `there¿ there? Some reflections on home, away, displacement and identity¿.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (1998) States of becoming: Is there a `here¿ here and a `there¿ there? Some reflections on home, away, displacement and identity¿. Review Articles [Details]
(1995) Sex, death and destination: some current population questions¿.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (1995) Sex, death and destination: some current population questions¿. Review Articles [Details]
(1994) How does it feel? Migrants and the postmodern condition.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (1994) How does it feel? Migrants and the postmodern condition. Review Articles [Details]
(1992) Migration: l'expérience contemporaine irlandaise¿.
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (1992) Migration: l'expérience contemporaine irlandaise¿. Review Articles [Details]

Unpublished Reports

  Year Publication
(2005) The role of the third sector in the reception and integration of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants in Ireland.
Mac Einri, P.; (2005) The role of the third sector in the reception and integration of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants in Ireland. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2005) Ireland: Country Report.
Mac Einri, P; (2005) Ireland: Country Report. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2001) Immigration into Ireland: Trends, Policy Responses, Outlook.
Mac Einri, P.; (2001) Immigration into Ireland: Trends, Policy Responses, Outlook. Unpublished Reports [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2022) Ireland's Soft power: Potential and Limitations,
Coakley, L. and MacEinri, P. (2022) An overview of Ireland's foreign policy. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Ireland's Soft power: Potential and Limitations, Universitee Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris . [Details]
(2017) IMISCOE - 14th Annual Conference,
Coakley, L. and MacEinri, P. (2017) Youth Mobilities and Migration: Case Studies from Ireland. [Oral Presentation], IMISCOE - 14th Annual Conference, Roterdam, Netherlands . [Details]
(2006) Address to Parliamentarians for Global Action at Dublin meeting, April,
Mac Éinrí, P.; (2006) Migrant integration ¿ the cultural dimension. A view from Ireland¿. [Oral Presentation], Address to Parliamentarians for Global Action at Dublin meeting, April, Dublin, Ireland , 01-APR-06 - 30-APR-06. [Details]
(2006) Comhlámh/Bewleys public café debate, Dublin,
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2006) A managed, not an open-door, approach. [Oral Presentation], Comhlámh/Bewleys public café debate, Dublin, Dublin , 01-JAN-06 - 31-DEC-06. [Details]
(2005) Double Vision: Liminal Irish Identities,
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2005) Homeland and Hostland: diasporic liminalities¿. [Oral Presentation], Double Vision: Liminal Irish Identities, UCD, Dublin , 01-MAR-05 - 31-DEC-05. [Details]
(2005) Diasporic communities ¿ a view from Ireland¿,
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2005) Irish Studies Conference, University of Notre Dame. [Oral Presentation], Diasporic communities ¿ a view from Ireland¿, Indiana , 01-APR-05 - 30-APR-05. [Details]
(2005) IHRC/Law Society,
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2005) Migration in the Irish Economic Context¿. [Oral Presentation], IHRC/Law Society, Dublin , 01-JAN-05 - 31-DEC-05. [Details]
(2005) Public Debate, Cúirt Festival, Town Hall Theatre,
Mac Éinrí, P. ; (2005) Multiculturalism and Cultural Politics¿. [Oral Presentation], Public Debate, Cúirt Festival, Town Hall Theatre, Town Hall Theatre, Galway , 01-APR-05 - 30-APR-05. [Details]