CELT document E890000-021

Sonnets of Travel

Patrick Augustine Sheehan

Sonnets of Travel


1. A Thunderstorm at Bingen

  • The dying sun had sucked his last red beam
    From the drunk vine, whose long, dishevelled tress
    Leaned as in maudlin madness to caress
    The child-like waves of the great, haunted stream.
    Then through the sudden darkness tore the scream
    And snarl of thunder; and the choking stress
    Made of the midnight all a wilderness,
    Lit by the torches of the lightning's gleam.
  • And lo! o'er slumb'ring village rose the crest
    Of shattered keeps, that in the magic flash
    Assumed the might and mien of ancient power.
    And from their walls by leaguering hosts opprest,
    The mailed and vanquished knights did leap and dash
    Into the Lethe of the storm and hour.
  • 2. At the Rhine Falls (Schaffhausen)

  • O stately river! winding to the sea,
    Deep-bayed and solemn for the centuries,
    That gaze upon thee with their dreaming eyes
    From shattered keep and empty hostelry;
    Here in thy riot of lusty infancy,
    Heedless and unrebuked by the wise,
    Who cast the dark, gray shadows of surmise
    Of what a turbid future stores for thee,
  • Ay! leap and dance and curvet o'er these stones,
    That dare to thwart thy progress and thy pride;
    Stately and slow and solemn shalt thou move,
    Thy high song lowered to the dread monotones
    Of war's loud clangour, or the rippling tide
    Of music breathed from harps of wine and love.
  •  p.181

    3. An Organ Recital (Lucerne)

  • I have beheld Nature and Art at war,
    For on this summer eve the thunder pealed,
    Where the Pilatus threat'ning raised his steeled
    And crested helmet o'er the smoking bar,
    That wreathed its rival column from afar,
    And in its snowy crevices revealed
    The glowing emulation, field on field,
    Of thick mists, lighted by the lightning's star.
  • And here the mighty building rocked and heaved
    Under the organ's thunders that awoke
    Beneath the fingers of the Silent One.
    And the rain hissed, as we had fain believed,
    And the pines crashed beneath the lightning's stroke,
    And the fear-stricken hunters shriek and run.
  • 4. The 'Vox Humana' (Lucerne)

  • We tired of surging cataracts of sound,
    That broke from loosened stop and fretted keys,
    And poured their cadences without surcease,
    And made the mountain thunders peal around.
    When 'mid the hissing of the deluge drowned,
    Lo! from the depths of Alpine crevices,
    Came the faint cry of horror and distress,
    Of lonely chamois-hunter, tempest-bound.
  • O great interpreter! Nature hast thou shamed;
    We woke, 'mid horrors of thy Erebus,
    To that one cry that ever touches us.
    In the vast organ music she has framed,
    Her noblest stops for us are idly stirred,
    Until she wakes the one great human chord.

    Document details

    The TEI Header

    File description

    Title statement

    Title (uniform): Sonnets of Travel

    Author: Patrick Augustine Sheehan

    Responsibility statement

    Electronic edition compiled by: Benjamin Hazard

    Funded by: School of History, University College, Cork and private donation

    Edition statement

    1. First draft

    Extent: 1010 words

    Publication statement

    Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork

    Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland — http://www.ucc.ie/celt

    Date: 2014

    Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

    CELT document ID: E890000-021

    Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

    Source description


    • [Details to follow].

    Canon Sheehan on the Internet

    • http://www.canonsheehanremembered.com.


    • Canon P.A. Sheehan, 'Sonnets of Travel,' The Irish Monthly, 26/298 (April 1898) 180–181.


    1. Herman Joseph Heuser, Canon Sheehan of Doneraile: the story of an Irish parish priest as told chiefly by himself in books, personal memoirs, and letters (New York 1917).
    2. Arthur Coussens, P.A. Sheehan, zijn leven en zijn werken (Brugge/Bruges 1923).
    3. Michael P. Linehan, Canon Sheehan of Doneraile: Priest, Novelist, Man of Letters (Dublin 1952).
    4. Patrick Maume, The Long Gestation: Irish Nationalist Life, 1891–1918 (Dublin 1999).
    5. Patrick Maume, 'Sheehan, (Canon) Patrick Augustine,' in: Dictionary of Irish Biography (9 vols, Cambridge 2009), vol. 8, 882–884.
    6. James O'Brien (ed.), The Collected Letters of Canon Sheehan of Doneraile, 1883–1913 (Wells 2013).
    7. James O'Brien, Canon Sheehan of Doneraile 1852–1913: Outlines for a Literary Biography (Wells 2013). [Bibliographical references 205–11].

    The edition used in the digital edition

    ‘Sonnets of Travel’. In: The Irish Monthly: A Magazine of General Literature‍ 26.298. Ed. by Matthew Russell SJ, pp. 180–181.

    You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

      title 	 = {Sonnets of Travel},
      journal 	 = {The Irish Monthly: A Magazine of General Literature},
      editor 	 = {Matthew Russell SJ},
      address 	 = {Dublin},
      publisher 	 = {Irish Jesuit Province},
      date 	 = {April 1898},
      volume 	 = {26},
      number 	 = {298},
      pages 	 = {180–181}


    Encoding description

    Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

    Sampling declarations

    The electronic text represents the edited version.

    Editorial declarations

    Correction: Text has been checked and proof-read once.

    Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text.

    Quotation: There are no quotations.

    Hyphenation: Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break or line-break, the page-break and line-break are marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.

    Segmentation: div0 = group of texts (poems); div1 = the individual poem; metrical lines, line-breaks, verses and page-breaks are marked and numbered.

    Standard values: There are no dates.

    Interpretation: Names of persons and places are not tagged.

    Profile description

    Creation: By Patrick Augustine Sheehan (1852–1913)

    Date: 1898

    Language usage

    • The text is in English. (en)

    Keywords: poetry; 19c; Rhineland; Switzerland; religious

    Revision description

    (Most recent first)

    1. 2014-03-28: File parsed; minor modifications made to header; new SGML and HTML files created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
    2. 2014-03-27: Further structural mark-up added. (ed. Benjamin Hazard)
    3. 2014-03-12: Header created; structural mark-up added; file proofed. (ed. Benjamin Hazard)
    4. 2014-02-07: Text scanned. (file capture Benjamin Hazard)

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    page of the print edition

    folio of the manuscript

    numbered division

     999 line number of the print edition (in grey: interpolated)

    underlining: text supplied, added, or expanded editorially

    italics: foreign words; corrections (hover to view); document titles

    bold: lemmata (hover for readings)

    wavy underlining: scribal additions in another hand; hand shifts flagged with (hover to view)

    TEI markup for which a representation has not yet been decided is shown in red: comments and suggestions are welcome.

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