CELT document G105013

A poem on the Kings of Connaught


Edited by M. F. Liddell

Whole text

A Poem on the Kings of Connaught


Do rīgaib Connacht in so sīs.

  • A fhir thēit i mMag Medba,
    do scēla bat scothmebra!
    lethaim ōs cach tūathblai thē
    anmann rīg Crūachna caeme.
  • Ocht rīg cōecat, cīan roclos,
    ō chraitim i n-ardfhlatheos:
    ō Amalgaid erccait māil
    co Domnall mac Tigernāin.
  • Amalgaid mac Fiachrach Find,
    dar a ēis rogab Ailill,
    īar nAilill Molt cen mīne
    Dūi Galach i n-ardrīge.
  • Eogan Bēl d'ēis a athar
    rogab ria nAilill athach,
    Ailill Inbanna ba flaith
    īar n-ēc Eogain enechmaith.
  • Īar sain rogab Dūi Tenhga
    rīge dar ēis Ailella,
    d'ēis Dūach, ba bladach bagda,
    Eochu tagach Tirmchārna.
  • Rogab dar ēisse Echach
    Feradach Find fīrbrethach,
    dar ēis meic Rossa in rubai
    Māēlcothaid mac Māēlhumai.
  • Īar Māēlcothaid cāēm clethach
    Āēd Abrat mac ard-Echach,
    īar nĀēd dar grūacu rosglac
    Hūatu mac Āēda Abrat.
  • Colmān mac Conchobuir caem
    īar mac Āēda enechnōēm,
    īar Colmān rodbī 'sin chath
    rosgab in rī Rogallach.
  • Īar mac Hūatach, ard a gāir,
    rogab Lonhgsech mac Colmāin,
    īar Loingsiuch, lūad co n-aidble,
    rosgab Gūaire glanAidne.
  • Īar nGūaire nā fāēmad fill
    rogab Cenn Faelad fīrgrinn,
    īar mac Colmāin, ba cuiscle,
    Dūnchad mōēnech Muirisce.
  •  p.464
  • Īar nDūnchad grennach co nhgail
    Cellach mac rēil Ro-gallaich,
    dar ēiss Cellaich cen chaire
    flaith Fergail meic Artgaile.
  • D'ēis Fergail figed frossa
    Muiredach mac Murgossa,
    īarsain, ba sāerda slechtach,
    in rī ōebda Indrechtach.
  • Rogab Cathal, slōgmar sain,
    mac maith mōrglan Muredaich,
    in rīgi, dūthaich nār dūail,
    īar mac Dūnchaid daigerrūaid.
  • Rogab dar ēis a athar
    Domnall mac do mōrChathal,
    īar nhdīth Domnaill cen debaid
    Inrechtach mac Muiredaich.
  • Cathal mac Murgiusa mōir
    īar sin rogab fō chētōir
    rī hIrruis Domnann, in daig,
    Domnall mac Cathail chētaig.
  • Indrechtach ailithrech ān,
    mac Muiredaich, mō cach māl,
    dara ēis, nī dalb decair,
    rī Āēd Balb rosbēothecail.
  • Īar nĀēd co n-ergnus ronfail
    rogab Fergus mac Cellaich,
    īar n-ēcaib Fergusa find
    rī na hergnusa Ailill.
  • Dubinrecht mac Cathail chind
    rogab athaich īar nAilill,
    dar a ēis, nī fūair fhachaid,
    Dond crūaid cathach caem Chathaid.
  • Rogab Flathrōi fuind co fraig
    rīge dar ēis Duind Chothaid,
    d'ēis meic Domnaill, ba marcach,
    cathrī comlaind crūaid Artgal.
  • Rogab Tipraiti mac Taidc
    dar ēis Arttgail fhāeburgairg,
    īarum fūair duilgius in daig
    Muirgius mōr mac Tomaltaich.
  •  p.466
  • Dīarmait īar Muirgius maith mōr,
    fūair tria chuibdius cach cāēmslōg,
    ardrī for drongaltaib den,
    mac trēn Tomaltaich Taillten.
  • Cathal mac Muirgiusa mind
    dar ēis Dīarmata dūangrinn,
    mo chumthach īar Cathul chāin
    Murchad mac Āēda inmain.
  • Fergus mac Fothaid, feith lat,
    d'ēis mac Āēda, ba hadmat,
    īar Fergus mōr cen mire
    Fīnnachta lōr Luibnige.
  • Conchobur inmain āege
    d'ēis flatha fir Formāēle,
    īar n-ēc flatha finn Fobair
    rogab Āēd mac Conchobuir.
  • Cathal mac Conchobair chrūaid
    īar ndīth Āēda Abratrūaid,
    rī na mbard ōn Chēis romchar,
    rogab Tadc d'ēis a athar.
  • Fergal mac Rūairgc ōn Rige
    rosgab cūaird ar cathmire,
    fūair īar ndorchogud Fergail
    Conchobur cāid cathbernaid.
  • Cathal mac Taidc tānic sunn
    īar Conchobar na comlunn,
    ferr ind athaich cen fhogail
    flaith Chathail meic Conchobuir.
  • Tadgc mac Cathail, cumnich dam,
    rogab īar n-ēc a athar,
    d'ēis Taidgc rochuir cūaird Codail
    Artt hūa Rūairc in rīgfhoraid.
  •  p.468
  • Īar nArt chāēm crīchi Codail
    rogab Āēd hūa Conchobair,
    ba hī in rīgi co rige,
    flaithius fīre foirgclide.
  • Āēd mac Airtt īar nĀēd aile
    rogab for Sairt sithgaile,
    dar a ēis, ba slūagrī sunn,
    Rūaidrī mac Āēda acunn.
  • Domnall mac Tigernāin tūi,
    dar ēis meic Āēda adnūi,
    rī Domnann ōs Braine bī
    Domnall aile mac Rūaidrī.
  • Ō rosgab Nathī coa thaig,
    nō Ailill co crī chobsaid,
    nīsrogaib ōs Chliu chlemnach
    ōenfher bad fhiu Tairdelbach.
  • Tairdelbach, tuir Thulcha Ōc,
    his ē in muir dar cach magrōt,
    a Dē, rothōcba shhinni,
    ardfhlaith Fōtla foltfinne.
  • Hūa Conchobuir Cēisse crūi
    dar ēisse cach rīg rathnūi,
    lāēchrī luchair na lām nhgel,
    rop suthain sunn in sāērfher!
  • Document details

    The TEI Header

    File description

    Title statement

    Title (uniform): A poem on the Kings of Connaught

    Author: unknown

    Editor: M. F. Liddell

    Responsibility statement

    Electronic edition compiled by: Marcus Balé

    Funded by: University College, Cork and Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project

    Edition statement

    2. Second draft.

    Extent: 1307 words

    Publication statement

    Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork

    Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland.—http:www.ucc.ie/celt

    Date: 2003

    Date: 2010

    Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

    CELT document ID: G105013

    Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

    Source description

    Manuscript source

    • Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B 502 (facs. p. 165).

    The edition used in the digital edition

    ‘A poem on the Kings of Connaught’ (1913). In: Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie‍ 9. Ed. by M. F. Liddell, pp. 461–469.

    You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

      editor 	 = {M. F. Liddell},
      title 	 = {A poem on the Kings of Connaught},
      journal 	 = {Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie},
      address 	 = {Halle an der Saale},
      publisher 	 = {Max Niemeyer},
      volume 	 = {9},
      date 	 = {1913},
      pages 	 = {461–469}


    Encoding description

    Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

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    All editorial introduction is omitted.

    Editorial declarations

    Correction: Text has been checked, proof-read twice and parsed using NSGMLS.

    Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text. Variants and editorial notes are integrated into the markup. A consonant with overdot is rendered the corresponding consonant + h. Æ with lenghth-mark is rendered Āē. Text supplied by the editor is marked up sup resp="MFL".

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    The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

    The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

    Profile description

    Creation: By (an) unknown author(s). c.900–c.1000

    Language usage

    • The text is in Middle Irish. (ga)
    • The supplied title is in English. (en)

    Keywords: genealogy; poetry; medieval

    Revision description

    (Most recent first)

    1. 2010-04-29: Conversion script run; header updated; new wordcount made; file parsed. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
    2. 2008-08-29: File validated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
    3. 2008-08-29: Keywords added. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
    4. 2008-07-27: Value of div0 "type" attribute modified, creation date inserted, content of 'langUsage' revised; minor modifications made to header. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
    5. 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
    6. 2005-08-04T15:34:44+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
    7. 2003-02-27: Header modified; HTML file created, online version checked. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
    8. 2003-02-05: Second proofing of file; markup of poem; header created; text parsed. (ed. Marcus Bale)
    9. 1998: Text captured by scanning; first proofing. (ed. Students at the Department of History, UCC.)

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     999 line number of the print edition (in grey: interpolated)

    underlining: text supplied, added, or expanded editorially

    italics: foreign words; corrections (hover to view); document titles

    bold: lemmata (hover for readings)

    wavy underlining: scribal additions in another hand; hand shifts flagged with (hover to view)

    TEI markup for which a representation has not yet been decided is shown in red: comments and suggestions are welcome.

    Other languages

    T105013: A poem on the Kings of Connaught (in English Translation)

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      2 Carrigside, College Road, Cork
