RecordAuthor |
Orla Murphy |
ISODate |
2002-06-10 |
Date |
12 June 2002 |
PictureCredit |
Jane Hawkes |
County |
Dumfriesshire |
Townland |
Ruthwell |
OSMapRef |
NV 103681 (310330, 568180) |
Area |
Scotland |
GeneralContext |
Close-up of vine scroll and runes. |
Location |
Church of Ruthwell |
GeneralContext |
Stone type: Red Sandstone |
Dimensions |
17' high, shaft is 1'9'' wide at bottom and 1'1'' at the top, the head of the cross is 3'1'' wide, and the top arm is 9''
wide, the thickness is 1'6'' at the bottom to 9'' at the top.
GeneralDescription |
The Ruthwell Cross has sculpture on its four faces and incised capitals and runes round the panels on the four faces. |
GeneralDescription |
The shaft is divided into two panels containing scroll foliage with birds and beasts involved in the scrolls and eating the
fruit. Around this is a runic inscription.