Research Profile

Elisa Maria Serra Porteiro


I have been teaching in UCC since 2008. Here, as an Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Scholar (2012-2015), I completed my PhD in Hispanic Studies on the translations of Irish drama for the Galician stage.
I also hold a MA in Drama and Theatre Studies (UCC), a Licenciatura in English (Universidade da Coruña) and an Advanced Certificate in French (EOI A Coruña).
My research is mainly in  the areas of translation, theatre and minorised cultures in Iberia, especially Irish drama in the Iberian context. 
I am a review editor for Galicia 21. Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies.

Research Interests

  • Translation and international reception of contemporary Irish drama.
  • Translation for the stage as a collaborative process.
  • Interconnections between theatre translation and stage practice.
  • Contemporary stage practice: interdisciplinary dialogue and character construction.
  • Cultural production, canon and national identity.
  • Translation in minoritized cultural contexts.
  • Cultural exchange networks in the European context.
  • Inclusive approaches to the teaching of languages and cultural studies.
I welcome proposals for collaboration or supervision of research projects in those areas. 



(2021)Performing Irishness: Irish Drama on the Galician Stage.
Serra Porteiro, Elisa (2021) Performing Irishness: Irish Drama on the Galician Stage. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2018)'Staging Translation and Nation: Irish Drama in the Repertoire of the Centro Dramático Galego'
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2018) 'Staging Translation and Nation: Irish Drama in the Repertoire of the Centro Dramático Galego'. Journal of Romance studies, 18 (1):81-102   [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'‘De roses y rosas: Mediaciones silenciadas en la traducción gallega de Sean O’Casey’'
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2018) '‘De roses y rosas: Mediaciones silenciadas en la traducción gallega de Sean O’Casey’'. Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies, (12):32-56 [Details]
(2014)'Taming Irishness: Martin McDonagh's A Skull in Connemara on the Galician Stage'
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2014) 'Taming Irishness: Martin McDonagh's A Skull in Connemara on the Galician Stage'. breac: A Digital Journal of Irish Studies, (2) [Details]
(2013)'The Gap and the Craft: Martin McDonagh's A Skull in Connemara on the Galician Stage'
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2013) 'The Gap and the Craft: Martin McDonagh's A Skull in Connemara on the Galician Stage'. Aigne, (Spanish Issue) [Details]

Book Chapters

(2022)''Trazos e pegadas: documentando o teatro irlandés na escena galega''
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2022) ''Trazos e pegadas: documentando o teatro irlandés na escena galega'' In: Carlos-Caetano Biscainho-Fernandes (eds). Elsinor no Finis Terrae. Estudos transversais en teatro galego. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2022)'‘Model, Mirror, Distant Cousin: Viewing Ireland through the Work of Plácido Castro’'
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2022) '‘Model, Mirror, Distant Cousin: Viewing Ireland through the Work of Plácido Castro’' In: Sergi Mainer, David Miranda-Barreiro and Martín Veiga (eds). Here and Beyond: Narratives of Travel and Mobility in Contemporary Iberian Culture. Berlin/London: LIT Verlag. [Details]

Other Journals

(2012)'Is Irishness Part of the Joke? Martin McDonagh's A Skull in Connemara on the Galician Stage'
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2012) 'Is Irishness Part of the Joke? Martin McDonagh's A Skull in Connemara on the Galician Stage' The Boolean, 3 . [Details]

Invited Lectures

(2022)Teatro irlandés en Galicia.
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2022) Teatro irlandés en Galicia. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pidal: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2022)'Somos nós': Teatro irlandés na escena galega.
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2022) 'Somos nós': Teatro irlandés na escena galega. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2022)The Ireland 'we' love: Irish Drama on the Galician Stage.
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2022) The Ireland 'we' love: Irish Drama on the Galician Stage. Invited Lectures [Details]


(2019)Judy Garland y el gigante de ónix/Alén do arco da vella/Moyσα Δεσμοτης/America’s Sweetheart/Kansasetik at.
Ozkar Galán (2019) Judy Garland y el gigante de ónix/Alén do arco da vella/Moyσα Δεσμοτης/America’s Sweetheart/Kansasetik at. Translations [Details]


(2022)Theatre and internationalization. Perspectives from Australia, Germany, and beyond, Garde, U. & J.R. Severn, eds. (Routledge, 2021).
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2022) Theatre and internationalization. Perspectives from Australia, Germany, and beyond, Garde, U. & J.R. Severn, eds. (Routledge, 2021). Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2021)Son de Galicia: Os coros galegos, Costa Vázquez, L. & I. López Silva, eds. (Consello da Cultura Galega, 2019).
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2021) Son de Galicia: Os coros galegos, Costa Vázquez, L. & I. López Silva, eds. (Consello da Cultura Galega, 2019). Reviews   [Details]
(2017)Resistir no scenario: Cara a unha historia institucional do teatro Galego, Inmaculada López Silva (USC, 2015).
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2017) Resistir no scenario: Cara a unha historia institucional do teatro Galego, Inmaculada López Silva (USC, 2015). Reviews [Details]


(2018)‘As mulleres do/no teatro galego: vieiros de avangarda’.
Iolanda Ogando and Elisa Serra Porteiro (2018) ‘As mulleres do/no teatro galego: vieiros de avangarda’. Interview [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2023Royal Irish Academy Charlemont Grant Royal Irish Academy
2015Government of Ireland IRC PhD Scholar Irish Research Council

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Association of Hispanists of Ireland and Great Britain Member30-SEP-12 /
Irish Society for Theatre Research Member10-OCT-21 /

Conference Contributions

(2022)CARTEMAD. Reescrituras, Lenguajes y Públicos de las Artes Escénicas en el Siglo XXI,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2022) Relato para un incendio: Procesos creativos y diálogo multidisciplinar en el teatro documento. [Oral Presentation], CARTEMAD. Reescrituras, Lenguajes y Públicos de las Artes Escénicas en el Siglo XXI, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid , 03-OCT-22 - 05-OCT-22. [Details]
(2019)VI Congresso Internacional da SEEPLU,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2019) Teatro irlandés na escena galega: avinzas e desavíos . [Invited Oral Presentation], VI Congresso Internacional da SEEPLU, Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres , 17-OCT-19 - 18-OCT-19. [Details]
(2019)New Research Trends in Galician Studies,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2019) Making history: trope, anecdote and myth in the framing of Irish drama in Galicia. [Invited Oral Presentation], New Research Trends in Galician Studies, Irish Centre for Galician Studies, University College Cork , 27-SEP-19. [Details]
(2018)I Simposio Internacional sobre el español en Irlanda,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2018) Transcribiendo voces: texto y teatralidad en el aula de traducción. [Invited Oral Presentation], I Simposio Internacional sobre el español en Irlanda, Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Institute, Trinity College Dublin , 27-JUN-18 - 28-JUN-18. [Details]
(2017)II Symposium on Literary Translation and Contemporary Iberia: Translation, Conflict and Memory,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2017) Translating Exile: Luis Seoane’s El irlandés astrólogo. [Oral Presentation], II Symposium on Literary Translation and Contemporary Iberia: Translation, Conflict and Memory, Dublin City University , 03-NOV-17 - 04-NOV-17. [Details]
(2017)Unsettling Communities: Minor, Minority and Small Literatures in Europe,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2017) Irish Drama in Galicia: New driving forces behind an evolving tradition. [Oral Presentation], Unsettling Communities: Minor, Minority and Small Literatures in Europe, Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London , 23-FEB-17 - 24-FEB-17. [Details]
(2016)Re-encountering the Canon: Literary Translation in Contemporary Iberia,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2016) Staging Translation and Nation: Irish Drama in the Repertoire of the Centro Dramático Galego. [Oral Presentation], Re-encountering the Canon: Literary Translation in Contemporary Iberia, University College Cork , 23-SEP-16 - 24-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Conference,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2016) Tinkers and Glens: Synge’s Drama and the Galician Diaspora in Buenos Aires. [Oral Presentation], Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Conference, Universtity of Northumbria, Newcastle , 04-APR-16 - 06-APR-16. [Details]
(2016)CASiLaC Early-Career Researchers Seminar Series,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2016) Backstage to Front Stage: Translations of Irish Drama in Galicia. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], CASiLaC Early-Career Researchers Seminar Series, Centre for Advanced Studies in Literatures and Cultures, University College Cork , 03-MAR-16. [Details]
(2015)Texts and Identities: A Symposium on Contemporary Galician Studies,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2015) Somos nós”: Ireland on the Galician Stage. [Oral Presentation], Texts and Identities: A Symposium on Contemporary Galician Studies, Irish Centre for Galician Studies, University College Cork , 01-APR-15. [Details]
(2015)Translation, Language and Performance on the Galician Stage,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2015) A dramaturxia irlandesa na escena galega: apuntamentos cara a unha panorámica. [Oral Presentation], Translation, Language and Performance on the Galician Stage, University College Cork , 01-APR-15. [Details]
(2014)Process and Practice: Adaptation Considered as a Collaborative Art,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2014) Meddling Folk: The Role of the Translator in Adaptations of Irish Drama to the Galician Stage. [Oral Presentation], Process and Practice: Adaptation Considered as a Collaborative Art, University College Cork , 03-OCT-14 - 04-NOV-16. [Details]
(2014)Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Conference,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2014) Indepted to Manent: Catalan Mediation in the Incorporation of Irish Drama to the Galician. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Conference, NUI Galway , 14-APR-14 - 16-APR-14. [Details]
(2013)Postgraduate Conference, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2013) Minding their language: Idiolect in Adaptations of Martin McDonagh’s Plays for the Galician Stage. [Oral Presentation], Postgraduate Conference, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, University College Cork , 09-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013)Travel Writing and Narratives of Mobility in Contemporary Iberian Literature,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2013) Model, Mirror and Distant Cousin: Ireland’s Islands in Plácido Castro. [Oral Presentation], Travel Writing and Narratives of Mobility in Contemporary Iberian Literature, University College Cork , 28-JUN-13 - 29-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013)Iberia in Translation,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2013) Performing Irishness on the Galician Stage. [Oral Presentation], Iberia in Translation, University College Cork , 01-MAR-13. [Details]
(2012)Postgraduate Hispanic Studies Conference of Ireland and the UK,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2012) The Gap and the Craft: Martin McDonagh’s A Skull in Connemara on the Galician Stage. [Oral Presentation], Postgraduate Hispanic Studies Conference of Ireland and the UK, University College Cork , 08-JUN-12 - 09-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012)The Speckled Ground: Hybridity in Irish and Galician Cultural Production,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2012) Ten ar de forasteira”: Villar Ponte’s Galician translation of W.B. Yeats Cathleen Ni Houliha. [Oral Presentation], The Speckled Ground: Hybridity in Irish and Galician Cultural Production, NUI Galway , 30-MAR-12. [Details]
(2011)Invisible Borders: Rethinking Translations and Minority,
Elisa Serra Porteiro (2011) And where was it, mister honey, that you did the deed?: Spatial references and character development in a Galician translation of J.M. Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World. [Oral Presentation], Invisible Borders: Rethinking Translations and Minority, University College Cork , 31-MAR-11 - 01-APR-11. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
CACSSS Community Engagement Committee School Representative2023 /
SLLC Executive Management Committee Departmental Representative2022 / 2022
School Quality Review Committee Departmental Representative2020 / 2020


Spanish FluentFluentFluent
French FluentFunctionalFunctional
Gallego FluentFluentFluent

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Galicia 21. Journal Of Contemporary Galician Studies Co-Editor-

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

As a teacher, I am committed to the continuous development of content, materials and methodologies. I am especially interested in the incorporation of performative techniques to the teaching of translation and cultural studies and I am actively involved in the implementation of an innovative approach to Spanish grammar in the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies.
I contribute to a range of modules, both within the Department  and at School level, mainly - but not exclusively - around two key areas that closely link in with my research: Translation Studies and Theatre History in the Iberian context. 

  • BA/BA International/BComm International Hispanic Studies/BA World Languages
LL2108 Crossing Borders [Coordinator]
HS2011 Contemporary Hispanic Theatre [Coordinator]
HS3013 Text and Performance in Contemporary Iberia [Coordinator]
WL4103 Introduction to Translation Studies [Coordinator]
HS3001 Final Year Spanish Language (Translation)
  • Postgraduate Diploma for Teachers 
                    HS5011 Landmarks in Spanish and Latin American Literature
HS5017 Literary and Cinematic Responses to Global Challenges in the Spanish-Speaking World
  • MA in Translation Studies/MA in Languages and Cultures
HS6003 Advanced Translation Skills

LL6027 Translation and Genre
LL6037 Migration and Culture

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2023Eva Cabrejas University College CorkDOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHYResistencia y Solidaridad a través de la Producción Cultural de Mujeres Zapatistas: Muralismo, Teatro y Video/Web (1994-presente)
2022Kate O'Driscoll University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSThe Partial Translation of the Play Elisa y Marcela by A Panadaría from Spanish into English with Translation Commentary
2021Marta Nunez University College CorkMASTER OF ARTS“Language Matters”: The Treatment of Racial Issues in the Spanish Subtitles of Hollywood Animated Shows
2021Robert Blackmore University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSA Comparative Analysis of Two Translations of La Casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca Through the Lens of Performability .
2020Hannah Moreira Garcia Ximenes University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSThe Functionalist Approach in Medical Translation – an Extended Translation Project
2020Angela Vega Giménez University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSExtended Translation: The Black American Amputation Epidemic
2016Anna Ruth University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSAn Extended Translation and Commentary of Sé de un lugar by Iván Morales

Current Postgraduate Students

 StudentDegree Type
Lessa Ana Regina Doctoral Degree

Contact details

  • Elisa Maria Serra Porteiro
  • O'Rahilly Building
    Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
    School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • 00353214902240

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Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

First Floor - Block B East O'Rahilly Building University College Cork Ireland
