John completed his BSc in Earth and Ocean Sciences at NUI Galway in 2008 after which he worked as a water quality scientist at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in the UK. He completed a PhD in contaminant hydrogeology at the University of Keele in 2014 (funded by the UK Environment Agency). His doctoral research investigated trichloroethene and nitrate transformation and fate in the hyporheic zone at field scale. Prior to joining the School of BEES, John was an industry practitioner focused on contaminated land site investigation, detailed quantitative risk assessment and remediation of legacy groundwater pollutants in hydrogeologically complex settings. He was the technical lead on projects addressing dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs), MTBE, chromium and ammonium contamination throughout Ireland and the UK.