
Dr Alan Mathewson is  an Assistant Head of the Micro & Nano Systems  ( M&NS) Centre in Tyndall National Institute  where he is responsible for circuits and systems related activities. He is Head of the Heterogeneous Systems Integration Group withinthe MNS centre and he is also PI and Assistant Director of the SFI Connect Centre which is devoted to advanced research into IoT technologies and Future Networks.  

After graduating with a B.Sc in Physical Electronics  from Northumbria University in 1978 and working in Racal Research Berks ( UK)) on CMOS and thin film amorphous Si LCD technology development. Dr Alan Mathewson moved to University College Cork and the National Microelectronics Research Centre in 1982. Between then and 1999 he was responsible for research activity in silicon technology characterisation and modelling. He received a PhD from University College Cork in 1995 for his work in the area of CMOS Compatible Avalanche Photodiode Arrays. From 1999 to 2005 he was an Assistant Director of the institute responsible for the Transducers Group within NMRC. This involved working on a broad spectrum of Si based technology and design activities with applications in bio assay systems among others. After a sabbatical in CEA-Leti he returned to Tyndall in 2007 and assumed leadership of the heterogeneous systems integration group. In 2015 he was given the role of deputy head of the new micro and nanosytems centre in Tyndall

To date twenty nine  PhDs and thirty five M.Eng.Sc projects have been completed under his supervision. Furthermore, more than three hundred and fifty publications in peer reviewed journal and conference proceedings have been presented and 9 Patents have been deposited. 

Dr Mathewson is a Senior Member of IEEE.


  Year Publication
(2014) ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering.
Paul Cahill, Nora Aine Ni Nuallain, Nathan Jackson, Alan Mathewson, Raid Karoumi and Vikram Pakrashi (2014) ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. United States of America: ASCE. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2015) 'Vertically aligned nanowire based sensors and its catalytic applications'
Kafil M. Razeeb, Mamun Jamal, Maksudul Hasan and Alan Mathewson (2015) 'Vertically aligned nanowire based sensors and its catalytic applications' In: Vestergaard, M.C., Kerman, K., Hsing, I.-M., Tamiya, E (eds). Nanobiosensors and Nanobioanalysis. New York: Springer-Verlag. [Details]
(2011) 'Nanowire Array Electrodes in Biosensor Applications'
K. M. Razeeb, M. Jamal, J. Xu, and M. Hasan (2011) 'Nanowire Array Electrodes in Biosensor Applications' In: Nanowires: Properties, Synthesis and Applications. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers. [Details]
(2007) 'Electronically functional fibre technology development for ambient intelligence'
Healy, Thomas and Papadas, Constantin and Venios, Nikos and Clemens, Frank and Wegmann, Markus and Winkler, Doerte and Ullsperger, Astrid and Hartmann, Wolf and O’Neill, Brendan and Donnelly, Julie and others (2007) 'Electronically functional fibre technology development for ambient intelligence' In: Springer. [Details]
(2001) 'Simulation of dark count in geiger mode avalanche photodiodes'
Jackson, JC and Lane, B and Mathewson, A and Morrison, AP (2001) 'Simulation of dark count in geiger mode avalanche photodiodes' In: Springer. [Details]
(2001) 'Stress Modelling of Multi Level Interconnect Schemes For Future Deep Submicron Device Generations'
Carlos, Sean and Foley, Sean and Mathewson, Alan and Rohan, James F (2001) 'Stress Modelling of Multi Level Interconnect Schemes For Future Deep Submicron Device Generations' In: Springer. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2016) 'Crystallinity and mechanical effects from annealing Parylene thin films'
Jackson, N;Stam, F;O'Brien, J;Kailas, L;Mathewson, A;O'Murchu, C (2016) 'Crystallinity and mechanical effects from annealing Parylene thin films'. Thin Solid Films, 603 :371-376 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Investigation of Process Parameters and Characterization of Nanowire Anisotropic Conductive Film for Interconnection Applications'
Tao, J;Hasan, M;Xu, J;Mathewson, A;Razeeb, KM (2014) 'Investigation of Process Parameters and Characterization of Nanowire Anisotropic Conductive Film for Interconnection Applications'. Ieee Transactions On Components Packaging And Manufacturing Technology, 4 :538-547 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Surface modification of piezoelectric aluminum nitride with functionalizable organosilane adlayers'
Chan, E;Jackson, N;Mathewson, A;Galvin, P;Dow, ABA;Kherani, NP;Blaszykowski, C;Thompson, M (2013) 'Surface modification of piezoelectric aluminum nitride with functionalizable organosilane adlayers'. Applied Surface Science, 282 :709-713 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'An examination of calibration intervals required for accurately tracking blood pressure using pulse transit time algorithms'
McCarthy, BM and Vaughan, CJ and O'Flynn, B and Mathewson, A and Math\'una, C \'O (2013) 'An examination of calibration intervals required for accurately tracking blood pressure using pulse transit time algorithms'. Journal of human hypertension, [Details]
(2013) 'Shell@Core Coaxial NiO@Ni Nanowire Arrays as High Performance Enzymeless Glucose Sensor'
Jamal, M;Hasan, M;Schmidt, M;Petkov, N;Mathewson, A;Razeeb, KM (2013) 'Shell@Core Coaxial NiO@Ni Nanowire Arrays as High Performance Enzymeless Glucose Sensor'. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 160 :207-212 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Flexible-CMOS and biocompatible piezoelectric AlN material for MEMS applications'
Jackson, N;Keeney, L;Mathewson, A (2013) 'Flexible-CMOS and biocompatible piezoelectric AlN material for MEMS applications'. Smart Materials and Structures, 22 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Temperature behavior of electrical properties of high-k lead-magnesium-niobium titanate thin-films'
Chen, WB;McCarthy, KG;Copuroglu, M;O'Brien, S;Winfield, R;Mathewson, A (2012) 'Temperature behavior of electrical properties of high-k lead-magnesium-niobium titanate thin-films'. Thin Solid Films, 520 :4523-4526 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'An investigation of pulse transit time as a non-invasive blood pressure measurement method'
McCarthy, BM and O'Flynn, B and Mathewson, A (2011) 'An investigation of pulse transit time as a non-invasive blood pressure measurement method'. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 307 (1) [Details]
(2011) 'A passive circuit based RF optimization methodology for wireless sensor network nodes'
Zheng, Li Qiang and Mathewson, Alan and O'Flynn, Brendan and Hayes, Michael and O'Mathuna, Cian (2011) 'A passive circuit based RF optimization methodology for wireless sensor network nodes'. Advanced Materials Research, 267 :1059-1064 [Details]
(2011) 'Impact study of substrate materials on wireless sensor node RF performance'
Zheng, Li Qiang and Mathewson, Alan and O'Flynn, Brendan and Hayes, Michael and O'Mathuna, Cian (2011) 'Impact study of substrate materials on wireless sensor node RF performance'. Materials Science Forum, 663 :455-461 [Details]
(2010) 'Epoxy based 3D technology for wireless sensor node integration'
Zheng, Liqiang and Mathewson, Alan and O’Flynn, Brendan and Hayes, Michael and O’Mathuna, Cian (2010) 'Epoxy based 3D technology for wireless sensor node integration'. Wireless as enabling technology: Royal Irish Academy Research Colloquium. Dublin, Ireland, [Details]
(2009) 'Wearable wireless inertial measurement for sports applications'
Gaffney, Mark and O'Flynn, Brendan and Mathewson, Alan and Buckley, John and Barton, John and Angove, Philip and Vcelak, Jan and \'O Conaire, Ciar\'an and Healy, Graham and Moran, Kieran and others (2009) 'Wearable wireless inertial measurement for sports applications'. Proc. IMAPS-CPMT Poland 2009, Gliwice--Pszczyna, Poland, 22-24 Sept, 2009, [Details]
(2009) 'Development of a highly-miniaturised wireless ISE/pH sensor'
Quinlan, Finbarr and Anastasova, Salzitsa and Morris, Virginia and Radu, Aleksandar and O'Flynn, Brendan and Mathewson, Alan (2009) 'Development of a highly-miniaturised wireless ISE/pH sensor'. Proc. IMAPS-CPMT Poland 2009, Gliwice--Pszczyna, Poland, 22-24 Sept, 2009, [Details]
(2009) 'Silver nanowire array-polymer composite as thermal interface material'
Xu, J;Munari, A;Dalton, E;Mathewson, A;Razeeb, KM (2009) 'Silver nanowire array-polymer composite as thermal interface material'. Journal of Applied Physics, 106 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'Effect of solder volume on joint shape with variable chip-to-board contact pad ratio'
Jesudoss, Pio and Mathewson, Alan and Wright, William and O'Flynn, Brendan and Stam, Frank (2008) 'Effect of solder volume on joint shape with variable chip-to-board contact pad ratio'. Proceedings XXXII International Microelectronics and Packaging Poland Conference. IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society, [Details]
(2007) 'Single step cell lysis/PCR detection of Escherichia coli in an independently controllable silicon microreactor'
Ke, C;Kelleher, AM;Berney, H;Sheehan, M;Mathewson, A (2007) 'Single step cell lysis/PCR detection of Escherichia coli in an independently controllable silicon microreactor'. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 120 :538-544 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Microporous silicon and biosensor development: structural analysis, electrical characterisation and biocapacity evaluation'
Lillis, Brian and Jungk, Cornelia and Iacopino, Daniela and Whelton, Andrew and Hurley, Eileen and Sheehan, Michelle M and Splinter, Alexandra and Quinn, Aidan and Redmond, Gareth and Lane, William A and others (2005) 'Microporous silicon and biosensor development: structural analysis, electrical characterisation and biocapacity evaluation'. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21 (2):282-292 [Details]
(2005) 'Two D flip-flops based on bistable-gated-bipolar devices'
Cheng, X;Duane, R;Mathewson, A (2005) 'Two D flip-flops based on bistable-gated-bipolar devices'. Electronics Letters, 41 :305-306 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Low-voltage micromechanical test structures for measurement of residual charge in dielectrics'
O'Mahony, C;Duane, R;Hill, M;Mathewson, A (2005) 'Low-voltage micromechanical test structures for measurement of residual charge in dielectrics'. Electronics Letters, 41 :409-411 [Details]
(2005) 'Microporous silicon and biosensor development: structural analysis, electrical characterisation and biocapacity evaluation'
Lillis, B;Jungk, C;Iacopino, D;Whelton, A;Hurley, E;Sheehan, MM;Splinter, A;Quinn, A;Redmond, G;Lane, WA;Mathewson, A;Berney, H (2005) 'Microporous silicon and biosensor development: structural analysis, electrical characterisation and biocapacity evaluation'. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 21 :282-292 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Novel capacitance coupling coefficient measurement methodology for floating gate nonvolatile memory devices'
Duane, R;Beug, MF;Mathewson, A (2005) 'Novel capacitance coupling coefficient measurement methodology for floating gate nonvolatile memory devices'. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 26 :507-509 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'MOS table models for circuit simulation'
Bourenkov, V;McCarthy, KG;Mathewson, A (2005) 'MOS table models for circuit simulation'. IEEE Transactions On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 24 :352-362 [DOI] [Details]
(2004) 'Heterodimensional FET with split drain'
Cheng, TW;Mathewson, A;Kennedy, MP;Greer, JC (2004) 'Heterodimensional FET with split drain'. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 25 :737-739 [DOI] [Details]
(2004) 'Heterodimensional FET with split drain'
Chang, T., Mathewson, A., Kennedy, M.P. and Greer, J.C.; (2004) 'Heterodimensional FET with split drain'. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 25 (11):737-739 [DOI] [CORA Link] [Details]
(2004) 'Rapid amplification for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using a non-contact heating method in a silicon microreactor based thermal cycler'
Ke, C;Berney, H;Mathewson, A;Sheehan, MM (2004) 'Rapid amplification for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using a non-contact heating method in a silicon microreactor based thermal cycler'. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 102 :308-314 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'A novel CMOS-compatible top-floating-gate EEPROM cell for embedded applications'
Mc Carthy, D;Duane, R;O'Shea, M;Duffy, R;Mc Carthy, K;Kelliher, AM;Concannon, A;Mathewson, A (2003) 'A novel CMOS-compatible top-floating-gate EEPROM cell for embedded applications'. IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, 50 :1708-1711 [DOI] [Details]
(2002) 'Small signal equivalent circuit for Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'
Moloney, AM;Morrison, AP;Jackson, JC;Mathewson, A;Murphy, PJ (2002) 'Small signal equivalent circuit for Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'. Electronics Letters, 38 :285-286 [DOI] [Details]
(2002) 'Application of magnetohydrodynamic actuation to continuous flow chemistry'
West, J;Karamata, B;Lillis, B;Gleeson, JP;Alderman, J;Collins, JK;Lane, W;Mathewson, A;Berney, H (2002) 'Application of magnetohydrodynamic actuation to continuous flow chemistry'. Lab on a chip, 2 :224-230 [DOI] [Details]
(2001) 'Extraction of coupling ratios for Fowler-Nordheim programming conditions'
Duane, R;Concannon, A;O'Sullivan, P;O'Shea, M;Mathewson, A (2001) 'Extraction of coupling ratios for Fowler-Nordheim programming conditions'. Solid-State Electronics, 45 :235-242 [Details]
(1999) 'An evaluation of fast wafer level test methods for interconnect reliability control'
Foley, S;Molyneaux, J;Mathewson, A (1999) 'An evaluation of fast wafer level test methods for interconnect reliability control'. Microelectronics Reliability, 39 :1707-1714 [Details]
(1999) 'Analysis of external latch-up protection test structure design using numerical simulation'
Palser, K;Concannon, A;Duffy, R;Mathewson, A (1999) 'Analysis of external latch-up protection test structure design using numerical simulation'. Microelectronics Reliability, 39 :647-659 [Details]
(1998) 'A SPICE compatible subcircuit model for lateral bipolar transistors in a CMOS process'
MacSweeney, D;McCarthy, KG;Mathewson, A;Mason, B (1998) 'A SPICE compatible subcircuit model for lateral bipolar transistors in a CMOS process'. IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, 45 :1978-1984 [Details]
(1998) 'Optimizing MOS transistor mismatch'
Lovett, SJ;Welten, M;Mathewson, A;Mason, B (1998) 'Optimizing MOS transistor mismatch'. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 33 :147-150 [Details]
(2001) 'Direct tunnelling models for circuit simulation'
O'Sullivan,P.; Clerc,R.; McCarthy,K.G.; Mathewson,A.; Ghibaudo,G.; (2001) 'Direct tunnelling models for circuit simulation'. Microelectronics and Reliability, 41 (7):951-957 [Details]
(2001) 'A physical compact model for direct tunneling from NMOS inversion layers'
Clerc,R.;O'Sullivan,P.;McCarthy,K.G.;Ghibaudo,G.;Pananakakis,G.;Mathewson,A.; (2001) 'A physical compact model for direct tunneling from NMOS inversion layers'. Solid-State Electronics, 45 (10):1705-1716 [Details]
(2000) 'Design for Reliability'
Minehane,S.; Duane,R.; O'Sullivan,P.; McCarthy,K.G.; Mathewson,A.; (2000) 'Design for Reliability'. Microelectronics and Reliability, 40 (8-10):1285-1294 [Details]
(0) 'Relating Statistical MO'SFET Model Parameter Variabilities to IC Manufacturing Process Fluctuations Enabling Realistic Worst Case Design [B2667]'
Power, J. A.; Donnellan, B.; Mathewson, A.; Lane, W. A.; (0) 'Relating Statistical MO'SFET Model Parameter Variabilities to IC Manufacturing Process Fluctuations Enabling Realistic Worst Case Design [B2667]'. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 7.3 :306-318 [Details]
(0) 'Advanced Process Development Using Numerical Simulation [B2746]'
Duffy, R.; Concannon, A.; Mathewson, A.; (0) 'Advanced Process Development Using Numerical Simulation [B2746]'. Iee Colloquium (Digest), 0.033 :14-01/14/06 [Details]
(0) 'Comparison of RS/1 and SPAYN for the Generation of Worst-Case SPICE Level 3 MOSFET Model Parameters [B2744]'
Clancy, R.; Welten, M.; Power, J. A.; Mason, B.; Stribley, R.; Mathewson, A.; (0) 'Comparison of RS/1 and SPAYN for the Generation of Worst-Case SPICE Level 3 MOSFET Model Parameters [B2744]'. Iee Colloquium (Digest), 0.153 :7-01/07/04 [Details]
(0) 'Electromigration Simulations for Small Scale Structures [B2748]'
O'Sullivan, C.; Rohan, M.; Mathewson, A.; (0) 'Electromigration Simulations for Small Scale Structures [B2748]'. Iee Colloquium (Digest), 0.033 :8-01/08/07 [Details]
(0) 'Improved Modelling and Parameter Extraction for Parasitic BJT Devices in CMOS [B2749]'
MacSweeney, D.; McCarthy, K.; Mathewson, A.; Mason, B.; (0) 'Improved Modelling and Parameter Extraction for Parasitic BJT Devices in CMOS [B2749]'. Iee Colloquium (Digest), 0.033 :6-01/06/08 [Details]
(0) 'Sensitivity of MOS Transistor Mismatch to Device Dimensions and Suggestions on How to Improve Matching Performance [B2743]'
Lovett, S. J.; Wall, L.; Welten, M.; Mathewson, A.; Mason, B.; (0) 'Sensitivity of MOS Transistor Mismatch to Device Dimensions and Suggestions on How to Improve Matching Performance [B2743]'. Iee Colloquium (Digest), 0.153 :11-01/11/05 [Details]
(0) 'Statistical Worst-Case Simulation for CMOS Technology [B2745]'
Welten, M.; Clancy, R.; Power, J. A.; Mason, B.; Stribley, P.; Mathewson, A.; (0) 'Statistical Worst-Case Simulation for CMOS Technology [B2745]'. Iee Colloquium (Digest), 0.153 :4-01/04/03 [Details]
(0) 'Temperature Characterisation and Parameter Extraction for Fine-Geometry CMOS Processes [B2747]'
Healy, S.; McCarthy, K.; Mason, B.; Mathewson, A.; (0) 'Temperature Characterisation and Parameter Extraction for Fine-Geometry CMOS Processes [B2747]'. Iee Colloquium (Digest), 0.033 :13-01/13/07 [Details]
(1995) 'Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of Heavily Doped Silicon-Insulator-Silicon Capacitors [B2669]'
Hurley, P. K.; Wall, L.; Moran, S.; Mathewson, A.; (1995) 'Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of Heavily Doped Silicon-Insulator-Silicon Capacitors [B2669]'. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 10.2 :190-196 [Details]
(1996) 'Impact of Oxide Degradation on the Low Frequency (1/f) Noise Behaviour of p Channel MO'SFETs [B2671]'
Hurley, P. K.; Sheehan, E.; Moran, S.; Mathewson, A.; (1996) 'Impact of Oxide Degradation on the Low Frequency (1/f) Noise Behaviour of p Channel MO'SFETs [B2671]'. Microelectronics and Reliability, 36.11/12 :1679-1682 [Details]
(2012) 'Temperature behavior of electrical properties of high-k lead-magnesium-niobium titanate thin-films'
Chen, Wenbin,McCarthy, Kevin G.,Copuroglu, Mehmet,O'Brien, Shane,Winfield, Richard,Mathewson, Alan (2012) 'Temperature behavior of electrical properties of high-k lead-magnesium-niobium titanate thin-films'. Thin Solid Films, 520 (1414):4523-45264523 [Details]
(2012) 'Capacitance and S-Parameter Techniques for Dielectric Characterization With Application to High-k PMNT Thin-Film Layers'
Chen, Wenbin,McCarthy, Kevin G.,Mathewson, Alan,Copuroglu, Mehmet,O'Brien, Shane,Winfield, Richard (2012) 'Capacitance and S-Parameter Techniques for Dielectric Characterization With Application to High-k PMNT Thin-Film Layers'. Ieee Transactions on Electron Devices, 59 (66):1723-17291723 [Details]
(2011) 'Effect of nanoparticles on ferroelectric and electrical properties of novel PMNT thin-films'
Chen, W.,McCarthy, K. G.,Copuroglu, M.,Doyle, H.,Malic, B.,Kuznik, B.,Kosec, M.,O'Brien, S.,Winfield, R.,Mathewson, A. (2011) 'Effect of nanoparticles on ferroelectric and electrical properties of novel PMNT thin-films'. Thin Solid Films, 519 (1717):5800-58035800 [Details]
(2010) 'High-Performance MIM Capacitors Using Novel PMNT Thin Films'
Chen, W; McCarthy, KG; Mathewson, A; Copuoglu, M; O'Brien, S; Winfield, R; (2010) 'High-Performance MIM Capacitors Using Novel PMNT Thin Films'. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 31 (0):996-998 [Details]
(2010) 'Modeling and Characterization of high-k dielectric thin-films using microwave techniques'
Chen, W; McCarthy, KG; Copuroglu, M; O'Brien, S; Winfield, R; Mathewson, A; (2010) 'Modeling and Characterization of high-k dielectric thin-films using microwave techniques'. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 8 :1-4 [Details]
(2010) 'Miniaturization of wireless sensor network nodes'
Zheng, L.; Mathewson, A.; O’Flynn, B.; Hayes, M.; Ó Mathúna, S.C. (2010) 'Miniaturization of wireless sensor network nodes'. Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering, 3 (1):43-48 [CORA Link] [Details]
(2010) 'High-Performance MIM Capacitors Using Novel PMNT Thin Films'
Chen, W. B.,McCarthy, K. G.,Mathewson, A.,Copuroglu, M.,O'Brien, S.,Winfield, R. (2010) 'High-Performance MIM Capacitors Using Novel PMNT Thin Films'. Ieee Electron Device Letters, 31 (99):996-998996 [Details]
(2005) 'MOS Table Models for Circuit Simulation'
Bourenkov, V., McCarthy, K.G., Mathewson, A. ; (2005) 'MOS Table Models for Circuit Simulation'. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 24 (3):352-362 [Details]
(2005) 'Low-voltage micromechanical test structures for measurement of residual charge in dielectrics'
O'Mahony, C.,Duane, R.,Hill, M.,Mathewson, A. (2005) 'Low-voltage micromechanical test structures for measurement of residual charge in dielectrics'. Electronics Letters, 41 (77):409-411409 [Details]
(2003) '¿A novel CMOS-compatible top-floating-gate EEPROM cell for embedded applications¿'
7. McCarthy, D., Duane, R., O¿Shea, M., Duffy, R., McCarthy, K.G., Kelleher, A.M., Concannon, A., Mathewson, A; (2003) '¿A novel CMOS-compatible top-floating-gate EEPROM cell for embedded applications¿'. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 50 (7):1708-1710 [Details]
(2003) 'Performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS for RF application'
Hill, M.,O' Mahony, C.,Duane, R.,Mathewson, A. (2003) 'Performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS for RF application'. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 13 (44) [Details]
(2003) 'Characterization of micromechanical structures using white-light interferometry'
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Brunet, M.,Duane, R.,Mathewson, A. (2003) 'Characterization of micromechanical structures using white-light interferometry'. Measurement Science & Technology, 14 (1010):1807-18141807 [Details]
(2003) 'Analysis of electromechanical boundary effects on the pull-in of micromachined fixed–fixed beams'
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Duane, R.,Mathewson, A. (2003) 'Analysis of electromechanical boundary effects on the pull-in of micromachined fixed–fixed beams'. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 13 [Details]
(1998) '¿A SPICE Compatible Subcircuit Model for Lateral Bipolar Transistors in a CMOS Process'
MacSweeney, D., McCarthy, K.G., Mathewson, A., Mason, B; (1998) '¿A SPICE Compatible Subcircuit Model for Lateral Bipolar Transistors in a CMOS Process'. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 45 (9):1978-1984 [Details]
(2003) 'Improving the accuracy and efficiency of junction capacitance characterization: Strategies for probing configuration and data set size'
MacSweeney, D,McCarthy, KG,Floyd, L,Duane, R,Hurley, P,Power, JA,Kelly, SC,Mathewson, A (2003) 'Improving the accuracy and efficiency of junction capacitance characterization: Strategies for probing configuration and data set size'. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16 :207-214 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Compact model development for a new nonvolatile memory cell architecture'
O'Shea, M,Duane, R,McCarthy, D,McCarthy, KG,Concannon, A,Mathewson, A (2003) 'Compact model development for a new nonvolatile memory cell architecture'. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16 :215-219 [DOI] [Details]
(2000) 'Design for reliability'
Minehane, S,Duane, R,O'Sullivan, P,McCarthy, KG,Mathewson, A (2000) 'Design for reliability'. Microelectronics Reliability, 40 :1285-1294 [Details]
(1999) 'Modelling and simulation of reliability for design'
Mathewson, A,O'Sullivan, P,Concannon, A,Foley, S,Minehane, S,Duane, R,Palser, K (1999) 'Modelling and simulation of reliability for design'. Microelectronic Engineering, 49 :95-117 [Details]
(1998) 'Dependence of gate oxide breakdown on initial charge trapping under Fowler-Nordheim injection'
Martin, A,Duane, R,O'Sullivan, P,Mathewson, A (1998) 'Dependence of gate oxide breakdown on initial charge trapping under Fowler-Nordheim injection'. Microelectronics and Reliability, 38 :1091-1096 [Details]
(2004) 'Characterization of novel active area silicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger Mode'
D.M. Taylor, J.C. Jackson, A.P. Morrison, A. Mathewson, J.G. Rarity; (2004) 'Characterization of novel active area silicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger Mode'. Journal of Modern Optics, 51 (9):1323-1332 [Details]
(2003) 'An integrated bulk/SOI APD sensor: bulk substrate inspection with Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'
J. C. Jackson, J. Donnelly, B. O'Neill, A-M. Kelleher, G. Healy, A.P. Morrison, and A. Mathewson.; (2003) 'An integrated bulk/SOI APD sensor: bulk substrate inspection with Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'. Electronic Letters, 39 (9):735-736 [Details]
(2003) 'Monolithically integrated avalanche photodiode and transimpedance amplifier in a hybrid bulk/SOI CMOS process'
A. M. Moloney, A. P. Morrison, J. C. Jackson, A. Mathewson, J. Donnelly, B. O'Neill, A-M. Kelleher, G. Healy, and P. J. Murphy.; (2003) 'Monolithically integrated avalanche photodiode and transimpedance amplifier in a hybrid bulk/SOI CMOS process'. Electronic Letters, 39 (4):391-392 [Details]
(2003) 'Towards integrated single photon counting microarrays'
J. C. Jackson, D. Phelan, A. P. Morrison, R. M. Redfern, and A. Mathewson.; (2003) 'Towards integrated single photon counting microarrays'. Optical Engineering, 42 (1):112-118 [Details]
(2003) 'Compact Model Development for a New Non-Volatile Memory Cell Architecture'
O'Shea,M.; Duane,R.; McCarthy,D.; McCarthy,K.G.; Concannon,A.; Mathewson,A.; (2003) 'Compact Model Development for a New Non-Volatile Memory Cell Architecture'. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16 (2):215-219 [Details]
(2003) 'Monolithically integrated avalance photodiode and transimpedance amplifier in a hybrid bulk/SOI CMOS process'
Moloney, A.M., Morrison, A.P., Jackson, J.C., Mathewson, A., Donnelly, B., Kelleher, A.M., Healy, G., Murphy, P.J.; (2003) 'Monolithically integrated avalance photodiode and transimpedance amplifier in a hybrid bulk/SOI CMOS process'. Electronic Letters, 39 (4):391-392 [Details]
(2002) 'Comparing leakage currents and dark count rates in Geiger-Mode avalanche photodiodes'
J. C. Jackson, P. K. Hurley, A. P. Morrison, B. Lane, and A. Mathewson.; (2002) 'Comparing leakage currents and dark count rates in Geiger-Mode avalanche photodiodes'. Applied Physics Letters, 80 (22):4100-4102 [Details]
(2002) 'Small signal equivalent circuit for Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'
A. M. Moloney, A. P. Morrison, J. C. Jackson, A. Mathewson, and P. J. Murphy.; (2002) 'Small signal equivalent circuit for Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'. Electronic Letters, 38 (6):285-286 [Details]
(2002) 'Application of magnetohydrodynamic actuation to continuous flow chemistry'
West J, Karamata B, Lillis B, Gleeson JP, Alderman J, Collins JK, Lane W, Mathewson A, Berney H; (2002) 'Application of magnetohydrodynamic actuation to continuous flow chemistry'. Lab On A Chip, 2 (4):224-230 [Details]
(2003) 'Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of Junction Capacitance Characterization: Strategies for Probing Configuration and Data Set Size'
MacSweeney,D.; McCarthy,K.G.; Floyd,L.; Duane,R.; Hurley, P.; Power, J.A.; Kelly, S.C.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) 'Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of Junction Capacitance Characterization: Strategies for Probing Configuration and Data Set Size'. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16 (2):207-214 [Details]
(1997) 'Direct parameter extraction for hot-carrier reliability simulation'
Minehane,S.; Healy,S.; O'Sullivan,P.; McCarthy,K.G.; Mathewson,A.; Mason, B.; (1997) 'Direct parameter extraction for hot-carrier reliability simulation'. Microelectronics and Reliability, 37 (10-11):1437-1440 [Details]
(1996) 'Device Modeling in the Frame of Project ADEQUAT'
Rudan, M.; Vecchi, M. C.; Schwerin, A. V.; Schoenmaker, W.; DeKeersgieter, A.; McCarthy, K.; Mathewson, A.; Klaassen, D. B. M.; Otten, J. A. M.; Jones, S. K.; Metcalfe, J. G.; (1996) 'Device Modeling in the Frame of Project ADEQUAT'. Microelectronic Engineering, 34 (1):67-84 [Details]
(2013) 'Mechanical assessment of an anisotropic conductive adhesive joint of a direct access sensor on a flexible substrate for a swallowable capsule application'
Jesudoss, P,Mathewson, A,Wright, WMD,Stam, F (2013) 'Mechanical assessment of an anisotropic conductive adhesive joint of a direct access sensor on a flexible substrate for a swallowable capsule application'. Microelectronics Reliability, 53 :452-462 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Temperature behavior of electrical properties of high-k lead-magnesium-niobium titanate thin-films'
Chen, WB,McCarthy, KG,Copuroglu, M,O'Brien, S,Winfield, R,Mathewson, A (2012) 'Temperature behavior of electrical properties of high-k lead-magnesium-niobium titanate thin-films'. Thin Solid Films, 520 :4523-4526 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Capacitance and S-Parameter Techniques for Dielectric Characterization With Application to High-k PMNT Thin-Film Layers'
Chen, WB,McCarthy, KG,Mathewson, A,Copuroglu, M,O'Brien, S,Winfield, R (2012) 'Capacitance and S-Parameter Techniques for Dielectric Characterization With Application to High-k PMNT Thin-Film Layers'. IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, 59 :1723-1729 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Non-Enzymatic and Highly Sensitive H2O2 Sensor Based on Pd Nanoparticle Modified Gold Nanowire Array Electrode'
Jamal, M,Hasan, M,Mathewson, A,Razeeb, KM (2012) 'Non-Enzymatic and Highly Sensitive H2O2 Sensor Based on Pd Nanoparticle Modified Gold Nanowire Array Electrode'. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 159 :825-829 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Ultra-long metal nanowire arrays on solid substrate with strong bonding'
Xu, J,Chen, L,Mathewson, A,Razeeb, KM (2011) 'Ultra-long metal nanowire arrays on solid substrate with strong bonding'. Nanoscale Research Letters, 6 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'High-Performance MIM Capacitors Using Novel PMNT Thin Films'
Chen, WB,McCarthy, KG,Mathewson, A,Copuroglu, M,O'Brien, S,Winfield, R; (2010) 'High-Performance MIM Capacitors Using Novel PMNT Thin Films'. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 31 :996-998 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Silver nanowire array-polymer composite as thermal interface material'
Xu, J,Munari, A,Dalton, E,Mathewson, A,Razeeb, KM; (2009) 'Silver nanowire array-polymer composite as thermal interface material'. Journal of Applied Physics, 106 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Investigation Into The Effect That Probe Immobilisation Method Type Has On The Analytical Signal of An Eis Dna Biosensor'
Lillis, B, Manning, M, Hurley, E, Berney, H, Duane, R, Mathewson, A, Sheehan, MM; (2007) 'Investigation Into The Effect That Probe Immobilisation Method Type Has On The Analytical Signal of An Eis Dna Biosensor'. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 22 (7):1289-1295 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Single Step Cell Lysis/Pcr Detection of Escherichia Coli In An Independently Controllable Silicon Microreactor'
Ke, C, Kelleher, AM, Berney, H, Sheehan, M, Mathewson, A; (2007) 'Single Step Cell Lysis/Pcr Detection of Escherichia Coli In An Independently Controllable Silicon Microreactor'. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 120 (2):538-544 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Investigation into the effect that probe immobilisation method type has on the analytical signal of an EIS DNA biosensor'
Lillis, B,Manning, M,Hurley, E,Berney, H,Duane, R,Mathewson, A,Sheehan, MM; (2007) 'Investigation into the effect that probe immobilisation method type has on the analytical signal of an EIS DNA biosensor'. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 22 :1289-1295 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Single step cell lysis/PCR detection of Escherichia coli in an independently controllable silicon microreactor'
Ke, C,Kelleher, AM,Berney, H,Sheehan, M,Mathewson, A; (2007) 'Single step cell lysis/PCR detection of Escherichia coli in an independently controllable silicon microreactor'. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 120 :538-544 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Two D flip-flops based on bistable-gated-bipolar devices'
Cheng, X,Duane, R,Mathewson, A; (2005) 'Two D flip-flops based on bistable-gated-bipolar devices'. Electronic Letters, 41 :305-306 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'MOS table models for circuit simulation'
Bourenkov, V,McCarthy, KG,Mathewson, A; (2005) 'MOS table models for circuit simulation'. IEEE Transactions On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 24 :352-362 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Novel capacitance coupling coefficient measurement methodology for floating gate nonvolatile memory devices'
Duane, R,Beug, MF,Mathewson, A; (2005) 'Novel capacitance coupling coefficient measurement methodology for floating gate nonvolatile memory devices'. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 26 :507-509 [DOI] [Details]
(2004) 'Heterodimensional FET with split drain'
Cheng, TW,Mathewson, A,Kennedy, MP,Greer, JC; (2004) 'Heterodimensional FET with split drain'. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 25 :737-739 [DOI] [Details]
(2004) 'Voltammetric behaviour at gold electrodes immersed in the BCR sequential extraction scheme media - Application of underpotential deposition-stripping voltammetry to determination of copper in soil extracts'
Beni, V,Newton, HV,Arrigan, DWM,Hill, M,Lane, WA,Mathewson, A; (2004) 'Voltammetric behaviour at gold electrodes immersed in the BCR sequential extraction scheme media - Application of underpotential deposition-stripping voltammetry to determination of copper in soil extracts'. Analytica Chimica Acta, 502 :195-206 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'A novel CMOS-compatible top-floating-gate EEPROM cell for embedded applications'
Mc Carthy, D,Duane, R,O'Shea, M,Duffy, R,Mc Carthy, K,Kelliher, AM,Concannon, A,Mathewson, A; (2003) 'A novel CMOS-compatible top-floating-gate EEPROM cell for embedded applications'. IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, 50 :1708-1711 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Bistable gated bipolar device'
Duane, R,Mathewson, A,Concannon, A; (2003) 'Bistable gated bipolar device'. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 24 :661-663 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Integrated bulk/SOI APD sensor: Bulk substrate inspection with Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'
Jackson, JC,Donnelly, J,O'Neill, B,Kelleher, AM,Healy, G,Morrison, AP,Mathewson, A; (2003) 'Integrated bulk/SOI APD sensor: Bulk substrate inspection with Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'. Electronic Letters, 39 :735-736 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Toward integrated single-photon-counting microarrays'
Jackson, JC,Phelan, D,Morrison, AP,Redfern, RM,Mathewson, A; (2003) 'Toward integrated single-photon-counting microarrays'. Optical Engineering, 42 :112-118 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Monolithically integrated avalanche photodiode and transimpedance amplifier in a hybrid bulk/SOI CMOS process'
Moloney, AM,Morrison, AP,Jackson, JC,Mathewson, A,Alderman, J,Donnelly, J,O'Neill, B,Kelleher, AM,Healy, G,Murphy, PJ; (2003) 'Monolithically integrated avalanche photodiode and transimpedance amplifier in a hybrid bulk/SOI CMOS process'. Electronic Letters, 39 :391-392 [DOI] [Details]
(2002) 'Application of magnetohydrodynamic actuation to continuous flow chemistry'
West, J,Karamata, B,Lillis, B,Gleeson, JP,Alderman, J,Collins, JK,Lane, W,Mathewson, A,Berney, H; (2002) 'Application of magnetohydrodynamic actuation to continuous flow chemistry'. Lab On A Chip, 2 :224-230 [DOI] [Details]
(2002) 'Small signal equivalent circuit for Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'
Moloney, AM,Morrison, AP,Jackson, JC,Mathewson, A,Murphy, PJ; (2002) 'Small signal equivalent circuit for Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'. Electronic Letters, 38 :285-286 [DOI] [Details]
(2002) 'Comparing leakage currents and dark count rates in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'
Jackson, JC,Hurley, PK,Lane, B,Mathewson, A,Morrison, AP; (2002) 'Comparing leakage currents and dark count rates in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'. Applied Physics Letters, 80 :4100-4102 [DOI] [Details]
(2001) 'Extraction of coupling ratios for Fowler-Nordheim programming conditions'
Duane, R,Concannon, A,O'Sullivan, P,O'Shea, M,Mathewson, A; (2001) 'Extraction of coupling ratios for Fowler-Nordheim programming conditions'. Solid-State Electronics, 45 :235-242 [Details]
(2001) 'A physical compact model for direct tunneling from NMOS inversion layers'
Clerc, R,O'Sullivan, P,McCarthy, KG,Ghibaudo, G,Pananakakis, G,Mathewson, A; (2001) 'A physical compact model for direct tunneling from NMOS inversion layers'. Solid-State Electronics, 45 :1705-1716 [Details]
(2001) 'Scaling embedded EEPROMs for the integration in deep submicron technologies'
Duffy, R,Concannon, A,Mathewson, A,Lane, B; (2001) 'Scaling embedded EEPROMs for the integration in deep submicron technologies'. Rna-A Publication of The Rna Society, 32 :35-42 [Details]
(2000) 'A novel fast technique for detecting voiding damage in IC interconnects'
Foley, S,Floyd, L,Mathewson, A; (2000) 'A novel fast technique for detecting voiding damage in IC interconnects'. Microelectronics Reliability, 40 :87-97 [Details]
(1999) 'An evaluation of fast wafer level test methods for interconnect reliability control'
Foley, S,Molyneaux, J,Mathewson, A; (1999) 'An evaluation of fast wafer level test methods for interconnect reliability control'. Microelectronics Reliability, 39 :1707-1714 [Details]
(1999) 'Analysis of external latch-up protection test structure design using numerical simulation'
Palser, K,Concannon, A,Duffy, R,Mathewson, A; (1999) 'Analysis of external latch-up protection test structure design using numerical simulation'. Microelectronics Reliability, 39 :647-659 [Details]
(1998) 'A SPICE compatible subcircuit model for lateral bipolar transistors in a CMOS process'
MacSweeney, D,McCarthy, KG,Mathewson, A,Mason, B; (1998) 'A SPICE compatible subcircuit model for lateral bipolar transistors in a CMOS process'. IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, 45 :1978-1984 [Details]
(1998) 'A study of the influence of inter-metal dielectrics on electromigration performance'
Foley, S,Ryan, A,Martin, D,Mathewson, A; (1998) 'A study of the influence of inter-metal dielectrics on electromigration performance'. Microelectronics Reliability, 38 :107-113 [Details]
(1998) 'Optimizing MOS transistor mismatch'
Lovett, SJ,Welten, M,Mathewson, A,Mason, B; (1998) 'Optimizing MOS transistor mismatch'. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 33 :147-150 [Details]
(1997) 'Investigation of the influence of ramped voltage stress on intrinsic t(bd) of MOS gate oxides'
Martin, A,OSullivan, P,Mathewson, A,Suehle, JS,Chaparala, P; (1997) 'Investigation of the influence of ramped voltage stress on intrinsic t(bd) of MOS gate oxides'. Solid-State Electronics, 41 :1013-1020 [Details]
(1997) 'Study of unipolar pulsed ramp and combined ramped/constant voltage stress on MOS gate oxides'
Martin, A,OSullivan, P,Mathewson, A; (1997) 'Study of unipolar pulsed ramp and combined ramped/constant voltage stress on MOS gate oxides'. Microelectronics Reliability, 37 :1045-1051 [Details]
MacSweeney, D and McCarthy, KG and Floyd, L and Duane, R and Hurley, P and Power, JA and Kelly, SC and Mathewson, A (2003) 'SPECIAL SECTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONICS TEST STRUCTURES-SPECIAL SECTION PAPERS-Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of Junction Capacitance Characterization'. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16 (2):207-214 [Details]
(2013) 'Shell@Core Coaxial NiO@Ni Nanowire Arrays as High Performance Enzymeless Glucose Sensor'
M. Jamal, M. Hasan, M. Schmidt, M. Petkov, A. Mathewson, K. M. Razeeb (2013) 'Shell@Core Coaxial NiO@Ni Nanowire Arrays as High Performance Enzymeless Glucose Sensor'. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 160 (11):207-212 [DOI] [Details]
MEEHAN, A,OSULLIVAN, P,HURLEY, P,MATHEWSON, A (1995) 'HOT-CARRIER RELIABILITY LIFETIMES AS PREDICTED BY BERKELEYS MODEL'. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 11 :269-272 [Details]
(2013) 'An examination of calibration intervals required for accurately tracking blood pressure using pulse transit time algorithms'
McCarthy, BM,Vaughan, CJ,O'Flynn, B,Mathewson, A,Mathuna, CO (2013) 'An examination of calibration intervals required for accurately tracking blood pressure using pulse transit time algorithms'. Journal of Human Hypertension, 27 :744-750 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Characterization of micromechanical structures using white-light interferometry'
O'Mahony, C,Hill, M,Brunet, M,Duane, R,Mathewson, A (2003) 'Characterization of micromechanical structures using white-light interferometry'. Measurement Science &Technology, 14 :1807-1814 [Details]
(2013) 'Effect of processing options on ultra-low-loss lead-magnesium-niobium titanate thin films for high density capacitors'
Chen, WB,McCarthy, KG,O'Brien, S,Copuroglu, M,Cai, M,Winfield, R,Mathewson, A (2013) 'Effect of processing options on ultra-low-loss lead-magnesium-niobium titanate thin films for high density capacitors'. Thin Solid Films, 541 :117-120 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS for RF application'
Hill, M,O' Mahony, C,Duane, R,Mathewson, A (2003) 'Performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS for RF application'. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 13 :131-138 [Details]
(2013) 'High-Temperature Die-Attach Technology for Power Devices Based on Thermocompression Bonding of Thin Ag Films'
Smet, V,Jamal, M,Waldron, F,Stam, F,Mathewson, A,Razeeb, KM (2013) 'High-Temperature Die-Attach Technology for Power Devices Based on Thermocompression Bonding of Thin Ag Films'. Ieee Transactions On Components Packaging And Manufacturing Technology, 3 :533-542 [DOI] [Details]
(1999) 'Long term noise measurements and median time to failure test for the characterization of electromigration in metal lines'
Ciofi, C,Dattilo, V,Neri, B,Foley, S,Mathewson, A (1999) 'Long term noise measurements and median time to failure test for the characterization of electromigration in metal lines'. Microelectronics Reliability, 39 :1691-1696 [Details]
(2009) 'Silver nanowire array-polymer composite as thermal interface material'
Xu, Ju and Munari, Alessio and Dalton, Eric and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2009) 'Silver nanowire array-polymer composite as thermal interface material'. Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (12) [Details]
(2013) 'Disposable sensor based on enzyme-free Ni nanowire array electrode to detect glutamate'
Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2013) 'Disposable sensor based on enzyme-free Ni nanowire array electrode to detect glutamate'. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 40 (1):213-218 [Details]
(2013) 'Influence of aluminum nitride crystal orientation on MEMS energy harvesting device performance'
Jackson, Nathan and O’Keeffe, Rosemary and Waldron, Finbarr and O’Neill, Mike and Mathewson, Alan (2013) 'Influence of aluminum nitride crystal orientation on MEMS energy harvesting device performance'. Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineeringjournal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering, 23 (7) [Details]
(2011) 'Ultra-long metal nanowire arrays on solid substrate with strong bonding'
Xu, Ju and Chen, Lan and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2011) 'Ultra-long metal nanowire arrays on solid substrate with strong bonding'. Nanoscale Research Letters, 6 (1):1-7 [Details]
(2011) 'Fabrication of Horseradish Peroxidase Modified 3D Pt Nanowire Array Electrode and its Electro-Catalytical Activity towards H2O2'
Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Mischieri, Jennifer and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2011) 'Fabrication of Horseradish Peroxidase Modified 3D Pt Nanowire Array Electrode and its Electro-Catalytical Activity towards H2O2'. ECS Transactions, 35 (26):53-59 [Details]
(2013) 'High-Temperature Die-Attach Technology for Power Devices Based on Thermocompression Bonding of Thin Ag Films'
Smet, Vanessa and Jamal, Mamun and Waldron, Finbarr and Stam, Frank and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2013) 'High-Temperature Die-Attach Technology for Power Devices Based on Thermocompression Bonding of Thin Ag Films'. IEEE Transactions On Components and Packaging Technologies, 3 (4):533-542 [Details]
(2013) 'Surface modification of piezoelectric aluminum nitride with functionalizable organosilane adlayers'
Chan, Edmund and Jackson, Nathan and Mathewson, Alan and Galvin, Paul and Alamin Dow, Ali B and Kherani, Nazir P and Blaszykowski, Christophe and Thompson, Michael (2013) 'Surface modification of piezoelectric aluminum nitride with functionalizable organosilane adlayers'. Applied Surface Science, 282 :709-713 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Effect of processing options on ultra-low-loss lead--magnesium--niobium titanate thin films for high density capacitors'
Chen, Wenbin and McCarthy, Kevin G and O'Brien, Shane and \cCopuro\uglu, Mehmet and Cai, Miao and Winfield, Richard and Mathewson, Alan (2013) 'Effect of processing options on ultra-low-loss lead--magnesium--niobium titanate thin films for high density capacitors'. Thin Solid Films, [Details]
(2014) 'Evaluation of low-acceleration MEMS piezoelectric energy harvesting devices'
Jackson, Nathan and O’Keeffe, Rosemary and Waldron, Finbarr and O’Neill, Mike and Mathewson, Alan (2014) 'Evaluation of low-acceleration MEMS piezoelectric energy harvesting devices'. Microsystem Technologies, 20 (4-5):671-680 [Details]
(2014) 'Energy Harvesting from Train-Induced Response in Bridges'
Cahill, Paul and Nuallain, Nora Aine Ni and Jackson, Nathan and Mathewson, Alan and Karoumi, Raid and Pakrashi, Vikram (2014) 'Energy Harvesting from Train-Induced Response in Bridges'. Journal Of Bridge Engineering, [Details]
(2012) 'An Experimental Evaluation of IEEE 802.15. 4a Ultra Wide Band Technology for Precision Indoor Ranging'
Ye, Tingcong and Walsh, Michael and Haigh, Peter and Barton, John and Mathewson, Alan and O’Flynn, Brendan (2012) 'An Experimental Evaluation of IEEE 802.15. 4a Ultra Wide Band Technology for Precision Indoor Ranging'. International journal of ambient computing and intelligence, 4 (2):48-63 [Details]
(2014) 'Evaluation of low-acceleration MEMS piezoelectric energy harvesting devices'
Jackson, N,O'Keeffe, R,Waldron, F,O'Neill, M,Mathewson, A (2014) 'Evaluation of low-acceleration MEMS piezoelectric energy harvesting devices'. Microsystem Technologies-Micro-and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems, 20 :671-680 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Analysis of electromechanical boundary effects on the pull-in of micromachined fixed–fixed beams'
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Duane, R.,Mathewson, A. (2003) 'Analysis of electromechanical boundary effects on the pull-in of micromachined fixed–fixed beams'. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 13 [Details]
(2005) 'Microporous silicon and biosensor development: structural analysis, electrical characterisation and biocapacity evaluation'
Lillis, B,Jungk, C,Iacopino, D,Whelton, A,Hurley, E,Sheehan, MM,Splinter, A,Quinn, A,Redmond, G,Lane, WA,Mathewson, A,Berney, H (2005) 'Microporous silicon and biosensor development: structural analysis, electrical characterisation and biocapacity evaluation'. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 21 :282-292 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Computing fibers: A novel fiber for intelligent fabrics?'
Clemens, F,Wegmann, M,Graule, T,Mathewson, A,Healy, T,Donnelly, J,Ullsperger, A,Hartmann, W,Papadas, C (2003) 'Computing fibers: A novel fiber for intelligent fabrics?'. Advanced Engineering Materials, 5 :682-687 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Low-voltage micromechanical test structures for measurement of residual charge in dielectrics'
O'Mahony, C,Duane, R,Hill, M,Mathewson, A (2005) 'Low-voltage micromechanical test structures for measurement of residual charge in dielectrics'. Electronics Letters, 41 :409-411 [Details]
(2003) 'Analysis of electromechanical boundary effects on the pull-in of micromachined fixed-fixed beams'
O'Mahony, C,Hill, M,Duane, R,Mathewson, A (2003) 'Analysis of electromechanical boundary effects on the pull-in of micromachined fixed-fixed beams'. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 13 :75-80 [Details]
(2004) 'Avalanche photodiode-based active pixel imager'
Marshall, GF,Jackson, JC,Denton, J,Hurley, PK,Braddell, O,Mathewson, A (2004) 'Avalanche photodiode-based active pixel imager'. IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, 51 :509-511 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Influence of aluminum nitride crystal orientation on MEMS energy harvesting device performance'
Jackson, N,O'Keeffe, R,Waldron, F,O'Neill, M,Mathewson, A (2013) 'Influence of aluminum nitride crystal orientation on MEMS energy harvesting device performance'. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23 [DOI] [Details]
(2004) 'Development of pcr conditions in a silicon microreactor DNA-amplification device'
Hofmann, MH,Akkoyun, A,Flynn, R,Mathewson, A,Berney, H,Sheehan, MM (2004) 'Development of pcr conditions in a silicon microreactor DNA-amplification device'. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 84 :821-833 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Energy Harvesting from Train Induced Response in Bridges'
Cahill P, Ni Nuallain N.A.,Jackson N, Mathewson A, Karoumi R and Pakrashi V (2014) 'Energy Harvesting from Train Induced Response in Bridges'. American Society of Civil Engineers; Journal of Bridge Engineering, [Details]
(2013) 'PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) Material based Energy Harvesting from Train and Damaged Bridge Interaction'
Cahill P, Jackson N, Mathewson A and Pakrashi V (2013) 'PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) Material based Energy Harvesting from Train and Damaged Bridge Interaction'. Key Engineering Materials, [Details]
(2000) 'An evaluation of test methods for the detection and control of interconnect reliability'
Foley, S,Molyneaux, J,Mathewson, A (2000) 'An evaluation of test methods for the detection and control of interconnect reliability'. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 13 :127-135 [Details]
(2003) 'A novel CMOS-compatible top-floating-gate EEPROM cell for embedded applications'
Mc Carthy, D., Duane, R., O'Shea, M., Duffy, R., Mc Carthy, K., Kelliher, A.-M., Concannon, A., Mathewson, A. (2003) 'A novel CMOS-compatible top-floating-gate EEPROM cell for embedded applications'. IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, 50 (7):1708-1711 [Details]
(2014) 'Investigation of Process Parameters and Characterization of Nanowire Anisotropic Conductive Film for Interconnection Applications'
Tao, J,Hasan, M,Xu, J,Mathewson, A,Razeeb, KM (2014) 'Investigation of Process Parameters and Characterization of Nanowire Anisotropic Conductive Film for Interconnection Applications'. Ieee Transactions On Components Packaging And Manufacturing Technology, 4 :538-547 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Flexible-CMOS and biocompatible piezoelectric AlN material for MEMS applications'
Jackson, N,Keeney, L,Mathewson, A (2013) 'Flexible-CMOS and biocompatible piezoelectric AlN material for MEMS applications'. Smart Materials and Structures, 22 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Surface modification of piezoelectric aluminum nitride with functionalizable organosilane adlayers'
Chan, E,Jackson, N,Mathewson, A,Galvin, P,Dow, ABA,Kherani, NP,Blaszykowski, C,Thompson, M (2013) 'Surface modification of piezoelectric aluminum nitride with functionalizable organosilane adlayers'. Applied Surface Science, 282 :709-713 [DOI] [Details]
(2001) 'Thermomechanical stress analysis of Cu/low-k dielectric interconnect schemes'
Mathewson, A,De Oca, CGM,Foley, S (2001) 'Thermomechanical stress analysis of Cu/low-k dielectric interconnect schemes'. Microelectronics Reliability, 41 :1637-1641 [Details]
(2004) 'Rapid amplification for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using a non-contact heating method in a silicon microreactor based thermal cycler'
Ke, C,Berney, H,Mathewson, A,Sheehan, MM (2004) 'Rapid amplification for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using a non-contact heating method in a silicon microreactor based thermal cycler'. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 102 :308-314 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Energy Harvesting from Train-Induced Response in Bridges'
Cahill, P,Nuallain, NAN,Jackson, N,Mathewson, A,Karoumi, R,Pakrashi, V (2014) 'Energy Harvesting from Train-Induced Response in Bridges'. Journal Of Bridge Engineering, 19 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Analysis of specification of an electrode type sensor equivalent circuit on the base of impedance spectroscopy simulation'
Ogurtsov, V. I.,Mathewson, A.,Sheehan, M. M. (2005) 'Analysis of specification of an electrode type sensor equivalent circuit on the base of impedance spectroscopy simulation'. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 10 :325-328 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Tunable MEMS Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Device'
R. O'Keeffe, Nathan Jackson, Alan Mathewson (2014) 'Tunable MEMS Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Device'. Journal Of Intelligent Material Systems And Structures, [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(1997) 'Integrated array of avalanche photodiodes for single-photon counting'
Zappa, F and Ghioni, M and Cova, Sergio and Varisco, L and Sinnis, B and Morrison, A and Mathewson, A (1997) 'Integrated array of avalanche photodiodes for single-photon counting' Proc. Eur. Solid State Device Res. Conf, :22-24. [Details]
(2004) 'Rapid amplification for the detection of< i> Mycobacterium tuberculosis using a non-contact heating method in a silicon microreactor based thermal cycler'
Ke, C and Berney, H and Mathewson, A and Sheehan, MM (2004) 'Rapid amplification for the detection of< i> Mycobacterium tuberculosis using a non-contact heating method in a silicon microreactor based thermal cycler' Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 102 (2) :308-314. [Details]
(2001) 'A physical compact model for direct tunneling from NMOS inversion layers'
Clerc, R and O'sullivan, P and McCarthy, KG and Ghibaudo, G and Pananakakis, G and Mathewson, A (2001) 'A physical compact model for direct tunneling from NMOS inversion layers' Solid-State Electronics, 45 (10) :1705-1716. [Details]
(2003) 'Performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS for RF application'
Hill, M and Duane, R and Mathewson, A and others (2003) 'Performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS for RF application' Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 13 (4) . [Details]
(2002) 'A novel silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode'
Jackson, JC and Morrison, AP and Phelan, D and Mathewson, A (2002) 'A novel silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode' INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES MEETING, :797-800. [Details]
(2002) 'Comparing leakage currents and dark count rates in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'
Jackson, JC and Hurley, PK and Lane, B and Mathewson, A and Morrison, AP (2002) 'Comparing leakage currents and dark count rates in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes' Applied physics letters, 80 (22) :4100-4102. [Details]
(2006) 'Study of the properties of new SPM detectors'
Stewart, A and Greene-O'Sullivan, E and Herbert, D and Saveliev, V and Quinlan, F and Wall, L and Hughes, PJ and Mathewson, A and Jackson, JC (2006) 'Study of the properties of new SPM detectors' Proc. SPIE, 6119 . [Details]
(1998) 'A SPICE compatible subcircuit model for lateral bipolar transistors in a CMOS process'
MacSweeney, Dermot and McCarthy, Kevin G and Mathewson, Alan and Mason, Barry (1998) 'A SPICE compatible subcircuit model for lateral bipolar transistors in a CMOS process' Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 45 (9) :1978-1984. [Details]
(1999) 'Modelling and simulation of reliability for design'
Mathewson, A and O'Sullivan, P and Concannon, A and Foley, S and Minehane, S and Duane, R and Palser, K (1999) 'Modelling and simulation of reliability for design' Microelectronic engineering, 49 (1) :95-117. [Details]
(2000) 'Design for reliability'
Minehane, S and Duane, R and O'Sullivan, P and McCarthy, KG and Mathewson, A (2000) 'Design for reliability' Microelectronics Reliability, 40 (8) :1285-1294. [Details]
(1993) 'Two-dimensional numerical analysis of floating-gate EEPROM devices'
Concannon, Ann and Keeney, Stephen and Mathewson, Alan and Lombardi, C (1993) 'Two-dimensional numerical analysis of floating-gate EEPROM devices' Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 40 (7) :1258-1262. [Details]
(2007) 'Investigation into the effect that probe immobilisation method type has on the analytical signal of an EIS DNA biosensor'
Lillis, Brian and Manning, Mary and Hurley, Eileen and Berney, Helen and Duane, Russell and Mathewson, Alan and Sheehan, Michelle M (2007) 'Investigation into the effect that probe immobilisation method type has on the analytical signal of an EIS DNA biosensor' Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22 (7) :1289-1295. [Details]
(2006) 'Novel Black Silicon PIN Photodiodes for use in Solar Cells'
Moloney, AM and Wall, L and Mathewson, A and Healy, G and Jackson, C (2006) 'Novel Black Silicon PIN Photodiodes for use in Solar Cells' INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY UK SECTION-CONFERENCE-C, 85 . [Details]
(1999) 'SPECIAL SECTION: EU RESEARCH PROJECT PROPHECY PAPERS-Analysis of external latch-up protection test structure design using numerical simulation'
Palser, K and Concannon, A and Duffy, R and Mathewson, A (1999) 'SPECIAL SECTION: EU RESEARCH PROJECT PROPHECY PAPERS-Analysis of external latch-up protection test structure design using numerical simulation' Microelectronics Reliability, 39 (5) :647-660. [Details]
(1994) 'CMOS compatible avalanche photodiode (APD) arrays [2209-45]'
Mathewson, A and Duane, R and Wrixon, GT (1994) 'CMOS compatible avalanche photodiode (APD) arrays [2209-45]' PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, :378-378. [Details]
(1994) 'Evaluation of hot-carrier degradation of n-channel MOSFETs at low gate bias'
Meehan, Alan and O'Sullivan, Paula and Hurley, Paul and Mathewson, Alan (1994) 'Evaluation of hot-carrier degradation of n-channel MOSFETs at low gate bias' Microelectronics Journal, 25 (7) :463-467. [Details]
(2005) 'LETTERS-Silicon and Elemental Semiconductor Devices-Novel Capacitance Coupling Coefficient Measurement Methodology for Floating Gate Nonvolatile Memory Devices'
Duane, R and Beug, MF and Mathewson, A (2005) 'LETTERS-Silicon and Elemental Semiconductor Devices-Novel Capacitance Coupling Coefficient Measurement Methodology for Floating Gate Nonvolatile Memory Devices' IEEE Electron Device Letters, 26 (7) :507-509. [Details]
(1998) 'Evaluation of the Electromigration Performance of New Aluminium Via Plug-Fill Techniques for 0.25 $\mu$m and 0.18 $\mu$m Technologies'
Foley, S and Chan Tung, N and Gounelle, C and Wyborn, G and Louwers, S and Mathewson, A (1998) 'Evaluation of the Electromigration Performance of New Aluminium Via Plug-Fill Techniques for 0.25 $\mu$m and 0.18 $\mu$m Technologies' MRS Proceedings, 516 . [Details]
(2007) 'Part IV-Augmenting Physical Artefacts-Electronically Functional Fibre Technology Development for Ambient Intelligence'
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(1993) 'The simulation of EPROM and flash EEPROM programming using energy transport'
Keeney, S and Mathewson, A and Ravazzi, L and Annunziata, R (1993) 'The simulation of EPROM and flash EEPROM programming using energy transport' CONFERENCE SERIES-DUBLIN-BOOLE PRESS-, 14 :158-158. [Details]
(1996) 'Device modeling in the frame of Project ADEQUAT'
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(2001) 'Scaling embedded EEPROMs for the integration in deepsubmicron technologies'
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(1998) 'Dependence of gate oxide breakdown on initial charge trapping under Fowler-Nordheim injection'
Martin, A and Duane, R and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1998) 'Dependence of gate oxide breakdown on initial charge trapping under Fowler-Nordheim injection' Microelectronics Reliability, 38 (6) :1091-1096. [Details]
(2004) 'Detecting fungicide residues'
Sheehan, MM and Berney, H and Mathewson, A and Watson, DH and others (2004) 'Detecting fungicide residues' Pesticide, Veterinary and Other Residues in Food, . [Details]
(1994) 'Electroless plating techniques for microelectronic packaging'
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(2012) 'Capacitance and-Parameter Techniques for Dielectric Characterization With Application to High-PMNT Thin-Film Layers'
Chen, Wenbin and McCarthy, Kevin G and Mathewson, Alan and Copuroglu, Mehmet and O'Brien, Shane and Winfield, Richard (2012) 'Capacitance and-Parameter Techniques for Dielectric Characterization With Application to High-PMNT Thin-Film Layers' Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 59 (6) :1723-1729. [Details]
O'Shea, M and Duane, R and McCarthy, D and McCarthy, KG and Concannon, A and Mathewson, A (2003) 'SPECIAL SECTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONICS TEST STRUCTURES-SPECIAL SECTION PAPERS-Compact Model Development for a New Nonvolatile Memory Cell Architecture' IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16 (2) :215-219. [Details]
(1995) 'Hot-carrier reliability lifetimes as predicted by Berkeley's model'
Meehan, Alan and O'Sullivan, Paula and Hurley, Paul and Mathewson, Alan (1995) 'Hot-carrier reliability lifetimes as predicted by Berkeley's model' Quality and reliability engineering international, 11 (4) :269-272. [Details]
(1987) 'TEM and SEM Studies of Multiple Silicon on Insulator Films for Three Dimensional Circuits'
Williams, DA and McMahon, RA and Ahmed, H and Barfoot, KM and Godfrey, DJ and Dunne, B and Mathewson, A (1987) 'TEM and SEM Studies of Multiple Silicon on Insulator Films for Three Dimensional Circuits' MRS Proceedings, 107 . [Details]
(2003) 'David J. Kestell and David L. Stevens'
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(2010) 'High-performance MIM capacitors using novel PMNT thin films'
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(2012) 'Temperature behavior of electrical properties of high-k lead--magnesium--niobium titanate thin-films'
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(2013) 'Energy Harvesting Potential of Piezoelectric Materials from Train-Bridge Interaction using Finite Element Modelling'
Cahill, Paul and Pakrashi, Vikram and Mathewson, Alan and Jackson, Nathan (2013) 'Energy Harvesting Potential of Piezoelectric Materials from Train-Bridge Interaction using Finite Element Modelling' IABSE Symposium Report, 99 (20) :812-818. [Details]
(2013) 'PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) Material Based Energy Harvesting from Train and Damaged Bridge Interaction'
Cahill, Paul and Jackson, Nathan and Mathewson, Alan and Pakrashi, Vikram (2013) 'PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) Material Based Energy Harvesting from Train and Damaged Bridge Interaction' Key Engineering Materials, 569 :335-341. [Details]
(2010) 'Modelling and characterisation of high-k dielectric Thin-films using microwave techniques'
Chen, W and McCarthy, KG and \cCopuro\uglu, M and O'Brien, S and Winfield, R and Mathewson, A (2010) 'Modelling and characterisation of high-k dielectric Thin-films using microwave techniques' IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 8 (1) . [Details]
(2011) 'Wireless Accelerometers for Early Detection of Restenosis'
Jackson, Nathan and O’Keeffe, Rosemary and O’Leary, Robert and O’Neill, Mike and Moriarty, Miche\'al and Mathewson, Alan (2011) 'Wireless Accelerometers for Early Detection of Restenosis' Procedia Engineering, 25 :563-566. [Details]
(1998) 'Optimizing MOS transistor mismatch'
Lovett, Simon J and Welten, Marco and Mathewson, Alan and Mason, Barry (1998) 'Optimizing MOS transistor mismatch' Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, 33 (1) :147-150. [Details]
(1998) 'Dielectric reliability measurement methods: a review'
Martin, Andreas and O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan (1998) 'Dielectric reliability measurement methods: a review' Microelectronics Reliability, 38 (1) :37-72. [Details]
(1994) 'Relating statistical MOSFET model parameter variabilities to IC manufacturing process fluctuations enabling realistic worst case design'
Power, James A and Donnellan, Brian and Mathewson, Alan and Lane, William A (1994) 'Relating statistical MOSFET model parameter variabilities to IC manufacturing process fluctuations enabling realistic worst case design' Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on, 7 (3) :306-318. [Details]
(2002) 'Application of magnetohydrodynamic actuation to continuous flow chemistry'
West, Jonathan and Karamata, Boris and Lillis, Brian and Gleeson, James P and Alderman, John and Collins, John K and Lane, William and Mathewson, Alan and Berney, Helen (2002) 'Application of magnetohydrodynamic actuation to continuous flow chemistry' Lab on a Chip, 2 (4) :224-230. [Details]
(2002) 'Large-area Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for short-haul plastic optical fiber communication [4876-83]'
Moloney, AM and Morrison, AP and Jackson, JC and Mathewson, A and Murphy, PJ (2002) 'Large-area Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for short-haul plastic optical fiber communication [4876-83]' PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (1) :438-445. [Details]
(1989) 'A Novel Approach to Smart Power System Integration'
Cahill, Ciaran G and Mathewson, Alan and Chapuis, Didier and Montier, Michel (1989) 'A Novel Approach to Smart Power System Integration' Proceedings of the Symposium on High Voltage and Smart Power ICs, 89 (15) . [Details]
(2005) 'MOS table models for circuit simulation'
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(2004) 'Characterization of novel active area silicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger mode'
Taylor, DM and Jackson, JC and Morrison, AP and Mathewson, A and Rarity, JG (2004) 'Characterization of novel active area silicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger mode' Journal of Modern Optics, 51 (9-10) :1323-1332. [Details]
(2003) 'Computing fibers: A novel fiber for intelligent fabrics?'
Clemens, Frank and Wegmann, Markus and Graule, Thomas and Mathewson, Alan and Healy, Thomas and Donnelly, Julie and Ullsperger, Astrid and Hartmann, Wolf and Papadas, Constantin (2003) 'Computing fibers: A novel fiber for intelligent fabrics?' Advanced Engineering Materials, 5 (9) :682-687. [Details]
(1998) 'A comparison between normally and highly accelerated electromigration tests'
Foley, S and Scorzoni, A and Balboni, R and Impronta, M and De Munari, I and Mathewson, A and Fantini, F (1998) 'A comparison between normally and highly accelerated electromigration tests' Microelectronics Reliability, 38 (6) :1021-1027. [Details]
(2003) 'Monolithically integrated avalanche photodiode and transimpedance amplifier in a hybrid bulk/SOI CMOS process'
Moloney, AM and Morrison, AP and Jackson, JC and Mathewson, A and Alderman, J and Donnelly, J and O'Neill, B and Kelleher, AM and Healy, G and Murphy, PJ (2003) 'Monolithically integrated avalanche photodiode and transimpedance amplifier in a hybrid bulk/SOI CMOS process' Electronics letters, 39 (4) :391-392. [Details]
(2003) 'Integrated bulk/SOI APD sensor: bulk substrate inspection with Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'
Jackson, JC and Donnelly, J and O'Neill, B and Kelleher, A-M and Healy, G and Morrison, AP and Mathewson, A (2003) 'Integrated bulk/SOI APD sensor: bulk substrate inspection with Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes' Electronics letters, 39 (9) :735-736. [Details]
(2002) 'Small signal equivalent circuit for Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes'
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(2004) 'Voltammetric behaviour at gold electrodes immersed in the BCR sequential extraction scheme media: Application of underpotential deposition--stripping voltammetry to determination of copper in soil extracts'
Beni, Valerio and Newton, Hazel V and Arrigan, Damien WM and Hill, Martin and Lane, William A and Mathewson, Alan (2004) 'Voltammetric behaviour at gold electrodes immersed in the BCR sequential extraction scheme media: Application of underpotential deposition--stripping voltammetry to determination of copper in soil extracts' Analytica chimica acta, 502 (2) :195-206. [Details]
(2006) 'Silicon fibre technology development for wearable and ambient electronics applications'
Healy, Thomas and Donnelly, Julie and O'NEILL, BRENDAN and Alderman, John and Mathewson, Alan (2006) 'Silicon fibre technology development for wearable and ambient electronics applications' International journal of high speed electronics and systems, 16 (02) :713-721. [Details]
(1991) 'An exponentially ramped current stress method providing a wide range of dielectric parameters'
Ghezzi, P and Pio, F and Riva, C and Mathewson, A and Naughton, F and O'Sullivan, P (1991) 'An exponentially ramped current stress method providing a wide range of dielectric parameters' Microelectronic Engineering, 15 (1) :117-120. [Details]
(2005) 'Calibration of numerical simulation tools for fine eometry SOI CMJOS'
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(2006) 'Bioassay platform for fiber coupled avalanche photodiode for improved biomolecule detection [6092-27]'
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(1997) 'Correlation of SiO2 lifetimes from constant and ramped voltage measurements'
Martin, Andreas and O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan (1997) 'Correlation of SiO2 lifetimes from constant and ramped voltage measurements' Microelectronics Reliability, 37 (8) :1279-1279. [Details]
(1997) 'Delay simulation comparisons between and multilevel interconnect'
Floyd, L and O'Reilly, M and Mathewson, A (1997) 'Delay simulation comparisons between and multilevel interconnect' Microelectronic engineering, 33 (1) :415-422. [Details]
(2004) 'Simulation of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for specification equivalent circuit parameters for electrode type sensor'
Ogurtsov, VI and Mathewson, A and Sheehan, MM (2004) 'Simulation of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for specification equivalent circuit parameters for electrode type sensor' Microelectronics, Microsystems and Nanotechnology, . [Details]
(2013) 'Mechanical assessment of an anisotropic conductive adhesive joint of a direct access sensor on a flexible substrate for a swallowable capsule application'
Jesudoss, P and Mathewson, Alan and Wright, WMD and Stam, F (2013) 'Mechanical assessment of an anisotropic conductive adhesive joint of a direct access sensor on a flexible substrate for a swallowable capsule application' Microelectronics Reliability, 53 (3) :452-462. [Details]
(1998) 'The Impact of Rapid Thermal Annealing on the Properties of the Si (100)-SiO2 Interface'
Hurley, PK and Leveugle, C and Mathewson, A and Doyle, D and Whiston, S and Prendergast, J and Lundgren, P (1998) 'The Impact of Rapid Thermal Annealing on the Properties of the Si (100)-SiO2 Interface' MRS Proceedings, 510 . [Details]
MATHEWSON, A (1998) 'S. FOLEY*, N. CHAN TUNG**, C. GOUNELLE**, G. WYBORN**, S. LOUWERS**' Materials reliability in microelectronics VIII: symposium held April 13-16, 1998, San Francisco, California, USA, 516 . [Details]
(2006) 'Silicon photomultipliers for improved biomolecule detection [6092-19]'
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(2009) 'System on wafer: a new silicon concept in sip'
Poupon, Gilles and Sillon, Nicolas and Henry, David and Gillot, Charlotte and Mathewson, Alan and Di Cioccio, Lea and Charlet, Barbara and Leduc, Patrick and Vinet, Maud and Batude, Perrine (2009) 'System on wafer: a new silicon concept in sip' Proceedings of the IEEE, 97 (1) :60-69. [Details]
(2001) 'Extraction of coupling ratios for Fowler--Nordheim programming conditions'
Duane, Russell and Concannon, Ann and O'Sullivan, Paula and O'Shea, Mike and Mathewson, Alan (2001) 'Extraction of coupling ratios for Fowler--Nordheim programming conditions' Solid-State Electronics, 45 (2) :235-242. [Details]
(1997) 'Study of unipolar pulsed ramp and combined ramped/constant voltage stress on mos gate oxides'
Martin, A and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1997) 'Study of unipolar pulsed ramp and combined ramped/constant voltage stress on mos gate oxides' Microelectronics Reliability, 37 (7) :1045-1051. [Details]
(2003) 'Bistable gated bipolar device'
Duane, Russell and Mathewson, Alan and Concannon, Ann (2003) 'Bistable gated bipolar device' Electron Device Letters, IEEE, 24 (10) :661-663. [Details]
(2004) 'Electromechanical modelling of low-voltage RF MEMS switches'
O’Mahony, Conor and Duane, Russell and Hill, Martin and Mathewson, Alan (2004) 'Electromechanical modelling of low-voltage RF MEMS switches' Proc. IEEE--DTIP, :2-84813. [Details]
(2005) 'Novel capacitance coupling coefficient measurement methodology for floating gate nonvolatile memory devices'
Duane, Russell and Beug, M Florian and Mathewson, Alan (2005) 'Novel capacitance coupling coefficient measurement methodology for floating gate nonvolatile memory devices' Electron Device Letters, IEEE, 26 (7) :507-509. [Details]
(2000) 'A novel fast technique for detecting voiding damage in IC interconnects'
Foley, Sean and Floyd, Liam and Mathewson, Alan (2000) 'A novel fast technique for detecting voiding damage in IC interconnects' Microelectronics Reliability, 40 (1) :87-97. [Details]
(1997) 'Impact of the polysilicon doping level on the properties of the< i> silicon/oxide interface in polysilicon/oxide/silicon capacitor structures'
Leveugle, C and Hurley, PK and Mathewson, A and Moran, S and Sheehan, E and Kalnitsky, A and Lepert, A and Beinglass, I and Venkatesan, M (1997) 'Impact of the polysilicon doping level on the properties of the< i> silicon/oxide interface in polysilicon/oxide/silicon capacitor structures' Microelectronic engineering, 36 (1) :215-218. [Details]
(1996) 'The impact of oxide degradation on the low frequency (1f) noise behaviour of P channel mosfets'
Hurley, Paul K and Sheehan, Eoin and Moran, Stephen and Mathewson, Alan (1996) 'The impact of oxide degradation on the low frequency (1f) noise behaviour of P channel mosfets' Microelectronics Reliability, 36 (11) :1679-1682. [Details]
(2000) 'Interface properties of the Si (100)--SiO< sub> 2 system formed by rapid thermal oxidation'
O’Sullivan, BJ and Hurley, PK and Mathewson, A and Das, JH and Daniel, AD (2000) 'Interface properties of the Si (100)--SiO< sub> 2 system formed by rapid thermal oxidation' Microelectronics Reliability, 40 (4) :645-648. [Details]
(2005) 'A protein biosensor using Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes'
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(1998) 'A study of the influence of inter-metal dielectrics on electromigration performance'
Foley, Sean and Ryan, Anne and Martin, David and Mathewson, Alan (1998) 'A study of the influence of inter-metal dielectrics on electromigration performance' Microelectronics Reliability, 38 (1) :107-113. [Details]
(1997) 'Investigations of stress distributions in tungsten-filled via structures using finite element analysis'
Coughlan, J and Foley, S and Mathewson, A (1997) 'Investigations of stress distributions in tungsten-filled via structures using finite element analysis' Microelectronics Reliability, 37 (10) :1549-1552. [Details]
(2001) 'Direct tunnelling models for circuit simulation'
O'Sullivan, P and Clerc, R and McCarthy, Kevin G and Mathewson, Alan and Ghibaudo, G (2001) 'Direct tunnelling models for circuit simulation' Microelectronics Reliability, 41 (7) :951-957. [Details]
(1996) 'Enhancement of t< sub> bd of mos gate oxides with a single-step pre-stress prior to a CVS in the Fowler-Nordheim regime'
Martini, A and Ribbrock, T and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1996) 'Enhancement of t< sub> bd of mos gate oxides with a single-step pre-stress prior to a CVS in the Fowler-Nordheim regime' Microelectronics Reliability, 36 (11) :1647-1650. [Details]
(1998) 'Hot carrier degradation mechanisms in sub-micron< i> p channel MOSFETs: Impact on low frequency (1/f) noise behaviour'
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(1991) 'Worst-case simulation using principal component analysis techniques: An investigation'
Power, JA and Barry, D and Mathewson, A and Lane, WA (1991) 'Worst-case simulation using principal component analysis techniques: An investigation' Microelectronic Engineering, 15 (1) :213-216. [Details]
(2006) 'Towards a disposable in vivo miniature implantable fluorescence detector [6083-23]'
Bellis, S and Jackson, JC and Mathewson, A (2006) 'Towards a disposable in vivo miniature implantable fluorescence detector [6083-23]' PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 6083 . [Details]
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(2004) 'Avalanche photodiode-based active pixel imager'
Marshall, GF and Jackson, JC and Denton, J and Hurley, PK and Braddell, O and Mathewson, A (2004) 'Avalanche photodiode-based active pixel imager' Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 51 (3) :509-511. [Details]
(1999) 'Long term noise measurements and median time to failure test for the characterization of electromigration in metal lines'
Ciofi, C and Dattilo, V and Neri, B and Foley, S and Mathewson, A (1999) 'Long term noise measurements and median time to failure test for the characterization of electromigration in metal lines' Microelectronics Reliability, 39 (11) :1691-1696. [Details]
(1996) 'Correlation of SiO< sub> 2 lifetimes from constant and ramped voltage measurements'
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(1988) 'Materials and devices toward three-dimensional integration'
Dunne, B and O'Flanagan, S and Hobbs, L and Cahill, CG and Mathewson, A and Lane, WA and Montier, M and Chapuis, D and Gris, Y and Karapiperis, L and others (1988) 'Materials and devices toward three-dimensional integration' Microelectronic Engineering, 8 (3) :235-253. [Details]
(1994) 'Evaluation of the lifetime and failure probability for inter-poly oxides from RVS measurements'
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(2003) 'A novel CMOS-compatible top-floating-gate EEPROM cell for embedded applications'
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(2005) 'Two D flip-flops based on bistable-gated-bipolar devices'
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(2004) 'A long lifetime, low voltage, capacitive RF microswitch'
O'Mahony, Conor and Duane, Russell and Hill, Martin and Mathewson, A (2004) 'A long lifetime, low voltage, capacitive RF microswitch' Proceedings of the 15th Micromechanics Europe, Leuven, Belgium, :237-240. [Details]
(1997) 'Finite Element Analysis of Stress Distributions in Interconnect Structures'
Coughlan, J and Foley, S and Mathewson, A (1997) 'Finite Element Analysis of Stress Distributions in Interconnect Structures' Proc ESSDERC Conf, . [Details]
(2005) 'Low-voltage micromechanical test structures for measurement of residual charge in dielectrics'
O'Mahony, C and Duane, R and Hill, M and Mathewson, A (2005) 'Low-voltage micromechanical test structures for measurement of residual charge in dielectrics' Electronics Letters, 41 (7) :409-411. [Details]
(2006) 'Novel black silicon PIN photodiodes'
Moloney, Anoife M and Wall, Liam and Mathewson, Alan and Healy, Gerard and Jackson, J Carlton (2006) 'Novel black silicon PIN photodiodes' SPIE, 6119 . [Details]
(2000) 'An evaluation of test methods for the detection and control of interconnect reliability'
Foley, Sean and Molyneaux, James and Mathewson, Alan (2000) 'An evaluation of test methods for the detection and control of interconnect reliability' Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on, 13 (2) :127-135. [Details]
(2003) 'Improving the accuracy and efficiency of junction capacitance characterization: strategies for probing configuration and data set size'
MacSweeney, Dermot and McCarthy, Kevin G and Floyd, Liam and Duane, Russell and Hurley, Paul and Power, James A and Kelly, Sean C and Mathewson, Alan (2003) 'Improving the accuracy and efficiency of junction capacitance characterization: strategies for probing configuration and data set size' Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on, 16 (2) :207-214. [Details]
(2001) 'Implementation issues and performance evaluation of table models in SPICE3'
Burenkov, V and McCarthy, Kevin G and Mathewson, Alan (2001) 'Implementation issues and performance evaluation of table models in SPICE3' Proceedings of International Conference on Software for Electrical Engineering Analysis and Design Electrosoft V, :107-116. [Details]
(1992) 'Simulation of EPROM device programming using the hydrodynamic model'
Keeney, S and Mathewson, A and Ravazzi, L and Lombardi, C (1992) 'Simulation of EPROM device programming using the hydrodynamic model' Microelectronic Engineering, 19 (1) :261-264. [Details]
(2002) 'Investigation of performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS structures'
Hill, M and O'Mahony, CO and Mathewson, A (2002) 'Investigation of performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS structures' Proc. Micromechanics Europe, Sinai, Romania, . [Details]
(2005) 'Analysis of specification of an electrode type sensor equivalent circuit on the base of impedance spectroscopy simulation'
Ogurtsov, VI and Mathewson, A and Sheehan, MM (2005) 'Analysis of specification of an electrode type sensor equivalent circuit on the base of impedance spectroscopy simulation' Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 10 (1) . [Details]
(2002) 'A fully integrated low light level detection system'
Jackson, JC and Moloney, AM and Donnelly, J and Alderman, J and O’Neill, B and Kelleher, AM and Healy, G and Morrison, AP and Mathewson, A (2002) 'A fully integrated low light level detection system' IEEE Electron Device Letters, . [Details]
(1988) 'Improved breakdown for SOI MOSFETs fabricated in electron-beam recrystallized polysilicon'
Hobbs, L and Mathewson, A and Lane, WA (1988) 'Improved breakdown for SOI MOSFETs fabricated in electron-beam recrystallized polysilicon' Electron Device Letters, IEEE, 9 (8) :385-387. [Details]
(1998) 'Observation of high interface state densities at the silicon/oxide interface for low doped polysilicon/oxide/silicon capacitor structures'
Leveugle, C and Hurley, PK and Mathewson, A and Moran, S and Sheehan, E and Kalnitsky, A (1998) 'Observation of high interface state densities at the silicon/oxide interface for low doped polysilicon/oxide/silicon capacitor structures' Microelectronics Reliability, 38 (2) :233-237. [Details]
(2002) 'A Novel, High Surface Area, Capacitance Based Silicon Sensor for DNA Hybridisation Detection'
Lillis, Brian and Hurley, Eileen and Galvin, Steve and Mathewson, Alan and Berney, HA and Maltings, Lee (2002) 'A Novel, High Surface Area, Capacitance Based Silicon Sensor for DNA Hybridisation Detection' The 16th European Conference on solid-state transducers, Prague, Czech Republic, Sept, :15-18. [Details]
(1995) 'Capacitance-voltage characteristics of heavily doped silicon-insulator-silicon capacitors'
Hurley, PK and Wall, L and Moran, S and Mathewson, A (1995) 'Capacitance-voltage characteristics of heavily doped silicon-insulator-silicon capacitors' Semiconductor science and technology, 10 (2) . [Details]
(1995) 'Enhanced Thickness Uniformity and Electrical Performance of Ultrathin Dielectrics Grown by RTP Using Various N 2 O-Oxynitridation Processes'
Wrixon, R and Twomey, A and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1995) 'Enhanced Thickness Uniformity and Electrical Performance of Ultrathin Dielectrics Grown by RTP Using Various N 2 O-Oxynitridation Processes' Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 142 (8) :2738-2742. [Details]
(2001) 'Stress modeling of multi level interconnect schemes for future deep submicron device generations [C]'
DeOca, Carlos Gonzales Montes and Foley, Sean and Mathewson, A and others (2001) 'Stress modeling of multi level interconnect schemes for future deep submicron device generations [C]' Proc Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2001, :364-367. [Details]
(2000) 'SPECIAL SECTION ON 1999 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES-SPECIAL SECTION PAPERS-An Evaluation of Test Methods for the Detection and Control of Interconnect Reliability'
Foley, S and Molyneaux, J and Mathewson, A (2000) 'SPECIAL SECTION ON 1999 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES-SPECIAL SECTION PAPERS-An Evaluation of Test Methods for the Detection and Control of Interconnect Reliability' IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 13 (2) :127-135. [Details]
(2001) 'Photon counting arrays for spatially varying, low light level signals'
Mathewson, A and Alderman, JC and Ryan, J and Redfern, RM and Wrixon, GT (2001) 'Photon counting arrays for spatially varying, low light level signals' SPIE MILESTONE SERIES MS, 169 :385-396. [Details]
(1996) 'The 6th ESPRIT workshop on the characterisation and growth of thin dielectrics in microelectronics'
O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan (1996) 'The 6th ESPRIT workshop on the characterisation and growth of thin dielectrics in microelectronics' Microelectronics Journal, 27 (7) :597-598. [Details]
(1996) 'Investigation of trapped charge in oxides under Fowler-Nordheim stress using low bias conditions'
Duane, R and Martin, A and O'Donovan, P and Hurley, P and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1996) 'Investigation of trapped charge in oxides under Fowler-Nordheim stress using low bias conditions' Microelectronics Reliability, 36 (11) :1623-1626. [Details]
(1996) 'A practical lifetime prediction method for inter-poly oxides'
Martin, ANDREAS and O'Sullivan, PAULA and Mathewson, ALAN (1996) 'A practical lifetime prediction method for inter-poly oxides' Microelectronics Reliability, 36 (3) :442-442. [Details]
(1989) 'Characterisation of furnace-annealed TiSi< sub> 2 for VLSI circuit applications'
Donnelly, J and O'Neill, B and Mathewson, A (1989) 'Characterisation of furnace-annealed TiSi< sub> 2 for VLSI circuit applications' Applied Surface Science, 38 (1) :447-457. [Details]
(1997) 'Theoretical analysis of a pseudo-floating gate flash EEPROM device'
Concannon, A and Mathewson, A and Papadas, C and Guillaumot, B and Kelaidis, C and Crolles, France (1997) 'Theoretical analysis of a pseudo-floating gate flash EEPROM device' Proceedings of ESSDERC, :320-323. [Details]
(1989) 'Analysis of distributed resistance effects in MOS transistors'
Horan, John and Lyden, Colin and Mathewson, Alan and Cahill, Ciaran G and Lane, WA (1989) 'Analysis of distributed resistance effects in MOS transistors' Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 8 (1) :41-45. [Details]
(2001) 'Thermomechanical stress analysis of Cu/low-< i> k dielectric interconnect schemes'
Mathewson, Alan and Montes De Oca, Carlos Gonzales and Foley, Sean (2001) 'Thermomechanical stress analysis of Cu/low-< i> k dielectric interconnect schemes' Microelectronics Reliability, 41 (9) :1637-1641. [Details]
(1997) 'Investigation of the influence of ramped voltage stress on intrinsic< i> t< sub> bd of MOS gate oxides'
Martin, A and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A and Suehle, JS and Chaparala, P (1997) 'Investigation of the influence of ramped voltage stress on intrinsic< i> t< sub> bd of MOS gate oxides' Solid-State Electronics, 41 (7) :1013-1020. [Details]
(1993) 'Implications of a localised defect model for wafer level reliability measurements of thin dielectrics'
O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan (1993) 'Implications of a localised defect model for wafer level reliability measurements of thin dielectrics' Microelectronics Reliability, 33 (11) :1679-1685. [Details]
(1999) 'Analysis of external latch-up protection test structure design using numerical simulation'
Palser, K., Concannon, A., Duffy, R., Mathewson, A. (1999) 'Analysis of external latch-up protection test structure design using numerical simulation' Microelectronics Reliability, 39 (5) :647-659. [Details]
(1993) 'Two-dimensional numerical simulation of transcience floating gate EEPROMS'
Concannon, A and Keeney, S and Mathewson, A and Bez, R (1993) 'Two-dimensional numerical simulation of transcience floating gate EEPROMS' CONFERENCE SERIES-DUBLIN-BOOLE PRESS-, 14 :156-156. [Details]
(2006) 'Bioassay platform for fibre coupled avalanche photodiode for improved biomolecule detection'
SWEENEY, M Mac and LIN, F and JACKSON, C and MANNING, M and SHEEHAN, MM and MATHEWSON, A (2006) 'Bioassay platform for fibre coupled avalanche photodiode for improved biomolecule detection' Progress in biomedical optics and imaging, 7 (15) . [Details]
(1994) 'A model for hot-electron and hot-hole injection in flash EEPROM programming'
Concannon, A and Mathewson, A and Piccinini, F and Mei, GL and Bez, R and Lombardi, C (1994) 'A model for hot-electron and hot-hole injection in flash EEPROM programming' Microelectronics Journal, 25 (7) :469-473. [Details]
(2003) 'Guest editorial ICMTS 2002'
Walton, Anthony J and Mathewson, Alan and McCARTHY, KEVIN G (2003) 'Guest editorial ICMTS 2002' Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on, 16 (2) :179-180. [Details]
Akiyama, S and Allen, RA and Ando, S and Anguita, J and Aoki, H and Ashida, T and Ashton, RA and Basset, R and Blaes, BR and Buehler, MG and others (1990) 'CONFERENCE AUTHOR'S INDEX' ICMTS 1991: proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, March 18-20, 1991, Kyoto, Japan, 4 . [Details]
(1992) 'Simulation of enhanced injection split gate flash EEPROM device programming'
Keeney, S and Van Houdt, J and Groeseneken, Guido and Mathewson, A (1992) 'Simulation of enhanced injection split gate flash EEPROM device programming' Microelectronic engineering, 18 (3) :253-258. [Details]
(2000) 'ICMTS 1999 [Guest Editorial]'
Jeppson, Kjell O and Mathewson, Alan (2000) 'ICMTS 1999 [Guest Editorial]' Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on, 13 (2) :117-118. [Details]
(2004) 'Development of PCR conditions in a silicon microreactor DNA-amplification device'
Hofmann, Marco H and Akkoyun, Akin and Flynn, Rowan and Mathewson, Alan and Berney, Helen and Sheehan, Michelle M (2004) 'Development of PCR conditions in a silicon microreactor DNA-amplification device' International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 84 (11) :821-833. [Details]
(1997) 'Direct parameter extraction for hot-carrier reliability simulation'
Minehane, S and Healy, S and O'Sullivan, P and McCarthy, K and Mathewson, A and Mason, B (1997) 'Direct parameter extraction for hot-carrier reliability simulation' Microelectronics Reliability, 37 (10) :1437-1440. [Details]
(1999) 'An evaluation of fast wafer level test methods for interconnect reliability control'
Foley, S and Molyneaux, J and Mathewson, A (1999) 'An evaluation of fast wafer level test methods for interconnect reliability control' Microelectronics Reliability, 39 (11) :1707-1714. [Details]
(2001) 'Annular magnetohydrodynamic actuation for cyclical chemical reactions'
West, J and Karamata, B and Lillis, B and Gleeson, J and Alderman, J and Collins, JK and Lane, W and Mathewson, A and Berney, H (2001) 'Annular magnetohydrodynamic actuation for cyclical chemical reactions' submitted to NanoTech, . [Details]
(1996) 'Investigation of reliability measurements with ramped and constant voltage stress on MOS gate oxides'
Martin, Andreas and O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan (1996) 'Investigation of reliability measurements with ramped and constant voltage stress on MOS gate oxides' Quality and reliability engineering international, 12 (4) :281-286. [Details]
(2004) 'Heterodimensional FET with split drain'
Cheng, Tongwei and Mathewson, Alan and Kennedy, Michael Peter and Greer, James C (2004) 'Heterodimensional FET with split drain' Electron Device Letters, IEEE, 25 (11) :737-739. [Details]
(1993) 'Lujan, AS 163'
Maddux, JR and Madrenas, J and Mathewson, A and Matsuda, JI and Matsumoto, T and McAndrew, CC and Menozzi, R and Milldn, J and Mitsuhashi, J and Moison, B and others (1993) 'Lujan, AS 163' ICMTS 93: proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures: March 22-25, 1993, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, . [Details]
(2012) 'Non-Enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor based on Nanostructured Metallic Array Electrodes: A Comparative Study'
Jamal, Mamun and Aslam, Bilal and Hasan, Maksudul and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2012) 'Non-Enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor based on Nanostructured Metallic Array Electrodes: A Comparative Study' Meeting Abstracts, (45) :1633-1633. [Details]
(2002) 'AUTHENTIC: a very low-cost infrared detector and camera system [4820-27]'
Mansi, MV and Brookfield, M and Porter, SG and Edwards, I and Bold, B and Shannon, J and Lambkin, P and Mathewson, A (2002) 'AUTHENTIC: a very low-cost infrared detector and camera system [4820-27]' PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (1) :227-238. [Details]
(2002) 'A novel flip-chipped integrated single photon detection platform for proteomics [4876-10]'
Jackson, JC and West, J and Moloney, AM and O Connell, D and Morrison, AP and Mathewson, A (2002) 'A novel flip-chipped integrated single photon detection platform for proteomics [4876-10]' PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, (1) :43-53. [Details]
(2003) 'Characterization of micromechanical structures using white-light interferometry'
O’Mahony, Conor and Hill, Martin and Brunet, Magali and Duane, Russell and Mathewson, Alan (2003) 'Characterization of micromechanical structures using white-light interferometry' Measurement Science and Technology, 14 (10) . [Details]
(2003) 'Analysis of electromechanical boundary effects on the pull-in of micromachined fixed--fixed beams'
O'Mahony, C and Hill, M and Duane, R and Mathewson, A (2003) 'Analysis of electromechanical boundary effects on the pull-in of micromachined fixed--fixed beams' Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 13 (4) . [Details]
(2003) 'Toward integrated single-photon-counting microarrays'
Jackson, J Carl and Phelan, Don and Morrison, Alan P and Redfern, R Michael and Mathewson, Alan (2003) 'Toward integrated single-photon-counting microarrays' Optical Engineering, 42 (1) :112-118. [Details]
(2007) 'Single step cell lysis/PCR detection of< i> Escherichia coli in an independently controllable silicon microreactor'
Ke, Cathy and Kelleher, Ann-Marie and Berney, Helen and Sheehan, Michelle and Mathewson, Alan (2007) 'Single step cell lysis/PCR detection of< i> Escherichia coli in an independently controllable silicon microreactor' Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 120 (2) :538-544. [Details]
(2006) 'Dual polarisation interferometry characterisation of DNA immobilisation and hybridisation detection on a silanised support'
Lillis, B and Manning, M and Berney, H and Hurley, E and Mathewson, A and Sheehan, MM (2006) 'Dual polarisation interferometry characterisation of DNA immobilisation and hybridisation detection on a silanised support' Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21 (8) :1459-1467. [Details]
(1992) 'Complete transient simulation of Flash EEPROM devices'
Keeney, Stephen and Bez, Roberto and Cantarelli, Daniele and Piccinini, Francesco and Mathewson, Alan and Ravazzi, Leonardo and Lombardi, Claudio (1992) 'Complete transient simulation of Flash EEPROM devices' Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 39 (12) :2750-2757. [Details]
(2001) 'Scaling embedded EEPROMs for the integration in deep submicron technologies'
Duffy, R., Concannon, A., Mathewson, A., Lane, B. (2001) 'Scaling embedded EEPROMs for the integration in deep submicron technologies' Microelectronics Journal, 32 (1) :35-42. [Details]
(2011) 'Fabrication of Pt nanoparticle modified 3-D Cu nanotube array electrode and its electro-catalytical activity towards H2O2'
Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2011) 'Fabrication of Pt nanoparticle modified 3-D Cu nanotube array electrode and its electro-catalytical activity towards H2O2' Meeting Abstracts, (40) :1887-1887. [Details]
(2014) 'Comparison of piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting from civil infrastructure elements for use in health monitoring'
Cahill, P and Pakrashi, V and Jackson, N and Mathewson, A (2014) 'Comparison of piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting from civil infrastructure elements for use in health monitoring' Harmful Algae Blooms in Drinking Water: Removal of Cyanobacterial Cells and Toxins, 1 . [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
Jackson, N;Olszewski, OZ;Keeney, L;Blake, A;Mathewson, A (2015) A Capacitive based Piezoelectric AlN Film Quality Test Structure PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES (ICMTS 2015) , pp.193-197 [Details]
(2015) 28th ICMTS Conference
N.Jackson, Z. Olszewski, L, Keeney, A. Blake, A. Mathewson (2015) A capacitive based Piezoelectric AlN Film Quality Test Structure 28th ICMTS Conference [Details]
(2015) International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2015
Nathan Jackson, Oskar Z Olszewski, Lynette Keeney, Alan Blake, Alan Mathewson (2015) A capacitive based piezoelectric AlN film quality test structure International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2015 , 23-MAR-15 , pp.193-197 [Details]
Olszewski, OZ;Houlihan, R;O'Keeffe, R;O'Neill, M;Waldron, F;Mathewson, A;Jackson, N (2014) A MEMS silicon-based piezoelectric AC current sensor 28TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON SOLID-STATE TRANSDUCERS (EUROSENSORS 2014) , pp.1457-1460 [DOI] [Details]
Tao, J;Mathewson, A;Razeeb, KM (2014) Study of Fine Pitch Micro-Interconnections Formed by Low Temperature Bonded Copper Nanowires Based Anisotropic Conductive Film 2014 IEEE 64TH ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (ECTC) , pp.1064-1070 [Details]
(2013) Investigation of Devices for In-Vivo Energy Harvesting through Blood-Flow-Like Excitation
O'Keeffe, R,Jackson, N,Mathewson, A,McCarthy, KG, (2013) 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES (ICMTS) Investigation of Devices for In-Vivo Energy Harvesting through Blood-Flow-Like Excitation , pp.19-24 [Details]
O'Keeffe, R;Jackson, N;Waldron, F;O'Niele, M;McCarthy, K;Mathewson, A (2013) Investigation into Modelling Power Output for MEMS Energy Harvesting Devices using COMSOL Multiphysics(R) 2013 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THERMAL, MECHANICAL AND MULTI-PHYSICS SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTS IN MICROELECTRONICS AND MICROSYSTEMS (EUROSIME) [Details]
Jamal, M;Hasan, M;Mathewson, A;Razeeb, KM (2013) Disposable sensor based on enzyme-free Ni nanowire array electrode to detect glutamate BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS , pp.213-218 [DOI] [Details]
Xu, J;Razeeb, KM;Sitaraman, SK;Mathewson, A (2012) The Fabrication Of Ultra Long Metal Nanowire Bumps and Their Application as Interconnects 2012 12TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON NANOTECHNOLOGY (IEEE-NANO) [Details]
McCarthy, BM;O'Flynn, B;Mathewson, A (2011) An Investigation of Pulse Transit Time as a Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Measurement Method SENSORS & THEIR APPLICATIONS XVI [DOI] [Details]
Zheng, LQ;Mathewson, A;O'Flynn, B;Hayes, M;O'Mathuna, C (2011) A Passive Circuit Based RF Optimization Methodology for Wireless Sensor Network Nodes MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS AND INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS , pp.1059-1064 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) IMAPS International Conference on Device Packaging
Ramm, Peter and Lietaer, Nicolas and De Raedt, Walter and Fritsch, Thomas and Hilt, Thierry and Couderc, Pascal and Val, Christian and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M and Stam, Frank and others (2010) The European 3D technology platform (e-CUBES) IMAPS International Conference on Device Packaging , pp.4-11 [Details]
Jesudoss, P;Chen, WB;Mathewson, A;Wright, WMD;McCarthy, KG;Stam, F (2010) Electrical Characterization of Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Based Flip Chip for a Direct Access Sensor 2010 PROCEEDINGS 60TH ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (ECTC) , pp.369-374 [Details]
Zheng, LQ;Mathewson, A;O'Flynn, B;Hayes, M;O'Mathuna, C (2010) Impact study of substrate materials on wireless sensor node RF performance OPTOELECTRONIC MATERIALS, PTS 1AND 2 , pp.455-461 [DOI] [Details]
Jesudoss, P;Mathewson, A;Wright, W;McCaffrey, C;Ogurtsov, V;Twomey, K;Stam, F (2009) System packaging & integration for a swallowable capsule using a direct access sensor 2009 EUROPEAN MICROELECTRONICS AND PACKAGING CONFERENCE (EMPC 2009), VOLS 1 AND 2 , pp.759-762 [Details]
Jesudoss, P;Mathewson, A;Wright, W;Stam, F (2008) Evaluation of chip-to-board interconnection using variable aspect ratio contact pad areas 2008 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS , pp.565-568 [Details]
(2006) Frontiers in Electronics
Healy, T;Donnelly, J;O'Neill, B;Alderman, J;Mathewson, A (2006) Silicon fibre technology development for wearable and ambient electronics applications Frontiers in Electronics , pp.713-721 [Details]
(2005) Second Conference on Microelectronics, Microsystems and Nanotechnology
Ogurtsov, VI;Mathewson, A;Sheehan, MM (2005) Analysis of specification of an electrode type sensor equivalent circuit on the base of impedance spectroscopy simulation Second Conference on Microelectronics, Microsystems and Nanotechnology , pp.325-328 [DOI] [Details]
Taylor, DM;Jackson, JC;Morrison, AP;Mathewson, A;Rarity, JG (2004) Characterization of novel active area silicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger mode JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS , pp.1323-1332 [DOI] [Details]
Saha, CR;Bellis, SJ;Mathewson, A;Popovici, EM (2004) Performance enhancement defect tolerance in the cell matrix architecture 2004 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONICS, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 AND 2 , pp.777-780 [Details]
Bourenkov, V;McCarthy, KG;Mathewson, A (2003) A hybrid table/analytical approach to MOSFET modelling ICMTS 2003: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2003 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES , pp.142-147 [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Mathewson, A.; Duane, R.; Wrixon, G. T.; (2003) CMOS compatible avalanche photodiode (APD) arrays . In: * eds. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering CMOS Compatible Avalanche Photodiode (APD) Arrays [B2723], , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.378-387 [Details]
O'Shea, M;Duane, R;McCarthy, D;McCarthy, KG;Concannon, A;Mathewson, A (2003) Compact model development for a new nonvolatile memory cell architecture IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING , pp.215-219 [DOI] [Details]
Moloney, AM;Morrison, AP;Jackson, JC;Mathewson, A;Murphy, PJ (2003) Large-area Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for short-haul plastic optical fibre communication OPTO-IRELAND 2002: OPTICS AND PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2 , pp.438-445 [Details]
(2003) Analysis of material properties for MEMS using interferometric measurements
O'Mahony, C,Hill, M,Mathewson, A,Blau, WJ,Donegan, JF,Duke, AF,MacCraith, JA,McMillan, ND,OConnor, GM,OMongain, E,Toal, V,McLaughlin, JA (2003) OPTO-IRELAND 2002: OPTICS AND PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2 Analysis of material properties for MEMS using interferometric measurements , pp.712-722 [Details]
(2002) Compact model development for a new non-volatile memory cell architecture
O'Shea, M,McCarthy, D,Duane, R,McCarthy, K,Concannon, A,Mathewson, A,IEEE,IEEE (2002) ICMTS 2002:PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2002 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES Compact model development for a new non-volatile memory cell architecture , pp.151-156 [Details]
Jackson, JC;Morrison, AP;Hurley, P;Harrell, WR;Damjanovic, D;Lane, B;Mathewson, A (2001) Process monitoring and defect characterization of single photon avalanche diodes ICMTS 2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2001 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES , pp.165-170 [Details]
O'Sullivan, P;Clerc, R;McCarthy, KG;Mathewson, A;Ghibaudo, G (2001) Direct tunnelling models for circuit simulation MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY , pp.951-957 [Details]
(2001) Efficient parameter extraction techniques for a new surface-potential-based MOS model for RF applications
Liang, WZ,van Langevelde, R,McCarthy, KG,Mathewson, A,IEEE,IEEE (2001) ICMTS 2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2001 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES Efficient parameter extraction techniques for a new surface-potential-based MOS model for RF applications , pp.141-145 [Details]
(2001) A novel approach to the estimation of confidence limits for BJT model sets using a bootstrap technique
MacSweeney, D,McCarthy, KG,Floyd, L,Riordan, M,Sattler, L,Mathewson, A,Power, JA,Kelly, SC,IEEE,IEEE (2001) ICMTS 2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2001 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES A novel approach to the estimation of confidence limits for BJT model sets using a bootstrap technique , pp.47-52 [Details]
O'Sullivan, BJ;Hurley, PK;Mathewson, A;Das, JH;Daniel, AD (2000) Interface properties of the Si(100)-SiO2 system formed by rapid thermal oxidation MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY , pp.645-648 [Details]
Healy, S;Horan, E;McCarthy, K;Mathewson, A;Ning, ZQ;Rombouts, E;Vanderbauwhede, W;Tack, M (1999) Implementation of statistical characterisation and design techniques for an industrial 0.51 mu m CMOS technology ICMTS 1999: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1999 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES , pp.227-232 [Details]
Foley, S;Floyd, L;Mathewson, A (1999) A novel fast technique for detecting voiding damage in IC interconnects 1999 IEEE INTERNATIONAL RELIABILITY PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS - 37TH ANNUAL , pp.213-220 [Details]
(1999) Evaluation of test methods and associated test structures for interconnect reliability control
Foley, S,Motyneaux, J,Mathewson, A,IEEE,IEEE (1999) ICMTS 1999: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1999 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES Evaluation of test methods and associated test structures for interconnect reliability control , pp.167-172 [Details]
Sheehan, E;Hurley, PK;Mathewson, A (1998) Hot carrier degradation mechanisms in sub-micron p channel MOSFETs: Impact on low frequency (l/f) noise behaviour MICROELECTRONICS AND RELIABILITY , pp.931-936 [Details]
Leveugle, C;Hurley, PK;Mathewson, A;Moran, S;Sheehan, E;Kalnitsky, A;Lepert, A;Beinglass, I;Venkatesan, M (1997) Impact of the polysilicon doping level on the properties of the silicon/oxide interface in polysilicon/oxide/silicon capacitor structures MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING , pp.215-218 [Details]
(1997) Evolution of BSIM3v3 parameters during hot-carrier stress
Minehane, S,O'Sullivan, P,Mathewson, A,Mason, B,IEEE (1997) 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED RELIABILITY WORKSHOP FINAL REPORT Evolution of BSIM3v3 parameters during hot-carrier stress , pp.110-118 [Details]
MacSweeney, D;McCarthy, K;Mathewson, A;Mason, B (1996) Modelling of lateral bipolar devices in a CMOS process PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1996 BIPOLAR/BICMOS CIRCUITS AND TECHNOLOGY MEETING , pp.27-30 [Details]
(1996) Modelling of lateral bipolar devices in a CMOS process
MacSweeney, D,McCarthy, K,Mathewson, A,Mason, B,IEEE (1996) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1996 BIPOLAR/BICMOS CIRCUITS AND TECHNOLOGY MEETING Modelling of lateral bipolar devices in a CMOS process , pp.27-30 [Details]
Martin, A;OSullivan, P;Mathewson, A (1996) Assessment of a unipolar pulsed ramp for the characterisation of MOS gate oxide reliability 1995 INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED RELIABILITY WORKSHOP, FINAL REPORT , pp.158-158 [Details]
Moran, S;Hurley, PK;Mathewson, A (1996) Test structure for investigating activated doping concentrations in polycrystalline silicon ICMTS 1996 - 1996 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONIC TEST STRUCTURES, PROCEEDINGS , pp.217-220 [Details]
(2013) International IABSE Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Cahill P, Pakrashi V, Mathewson A and Jackson N (2013) Energy Harvesting Potential of Piezoelectric Materials from Train-Bridge Interaction using Finite Element Modelling International IABSE Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands [Details]
(2013) DAMAS 2013 10th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures
Cahill P, Jackson N, Mathewson A and Pakrashi V (2013) PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) Material based Energy Harvesting from Train and Damaged Bridge Interaction DAMAS 2013 10th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures [Details]
(2012) Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI)
Cahill P, Pakrashi V, Mathewson A and Jackson N (2012) Characterisation of a PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) Material for Energy Harvesting from Road Infrastructure Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI) [Details]
(2012) IEEE Nano 2012
Ju Xu, Kafil M. Razeeb, Suresh K. Sitaraman and Alan Mathewson (2012) The Fabrication Of Ultra Long Metal Nanowire Bumps and Their Application as Interconnects IEEE Nano 2012 Birmingham, United Kingdom, , pp.1-6 [Details]
(2011) IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS 2011)
Jesudoss, P; Mathewson, A; Wright, WMD; Twomey, K; Stam, F; (2011) A swallowable diagnostic capsule with a direct access sensor using anisotropic conductive adhesive IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS 2011) Monterey, CA, , 20-APR-11 - 14-APR-11 , pp.1-4 [Details]
(2011) 2010 International Conference on Optical, Electronic and Electrical Materials
Zheng, Liqiang; Mathewson, Alan; O'Flynn, Brendan; Hayes, Michael; Ó Mathúna, S. Cian (2011) Impact study of substrate materials on wireless sensor node RF performance 2010 International Conference on Optical, Electronic and Electrical Materials Kunming, China, , 01-AUG-10 - 04-AUG-10 , pp.455-461 [DOI] [CORA Link] [Details]
(2010) IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference
Jesudoss, P; Chen, W; Mathewson, A; Wright, WMD; McCarthy, KG; Stam, F; (2010) Electrical Characterization of Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Based Flip Chip for a Direct Access Sensor IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference Las Vegas, , 01-JUN-10 - 06-JUN-10 , pp.369-374 [Details]
(2010) IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures
Chen, W; McCarthy, KG; Copuroglu, M; O'Brien, S; Winfield, R; Mathewson, A; (2010) Electrical Characterization of Novel PMNT Thin-films IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures Hiroshima, , 22-MAR-10 - 25-MAR-10 , pp.98-101 [Details]
(2010) European Materials Research society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting
Chen, W; McCarthy, KG; Copuroglu, M; Doyle, H; Malic, B; Kuznik, B; Kosec, M; Mathewson, A; (2010) Effect of Nanoparticles on Ferroelectric and Electrical Properties of Novel PMNT Thin-films European Materials Research society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting Strasbourg, , 07-JUN-10 - 11-JUN-10 [Details]
(2010) Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2010 Proceedings 60th
Hilt, Thierry; Boutry, Herve;Franiatte, Remi;Rothan, Frederic;Sillon, Nicolas;Stam, Frank;Mathewson, Alan;Wang, Ningning;O'Mathuna, Cian;Rodgers, Kenneth; (2010) DC/DC converter 3D assembly for autonomous sensor nodes Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2010 Proceedings 60th Las Vegas, NV, USA, , 01-JUN-10 - 04-JUN-10 , pp.834-839 [DOI] [CORA Link] [Details]
(2010) Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), 2010 3rd
Zheng, Liqiang; Rodgers, Kenneth; Mathewson, Alan; O'Flynn, Brendan; Hayes, Michael; Ó Mathúna, S. Cian; (2010) A simulation-based design method to transfer surface mount RF system to flip-chip die implementationA simulation-based design method to transfer surface mount RF system to flip-chip die implementation Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), 2010 3rd Berlin, , 13-SEP-10 - 16-SEP-10 , pp.1-5 [DOI] [CORA Link] [Details]
(2010) 2010 11th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP)
Zheng, Liqiang; Mathewson, Alan; O'Flynn, Brendan; Hayes, Michael; Ó Mathúna, S. Cian (2010) Statistical method of modeling and optimization for wireless sensor nodes with different interconnect technologies and substrates 2010 11th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP) Xi'an, China, , 16-AUG-10 - 18-AUG-11 , pp.860-865 [DOI] [CORA Link] [Details]
(2010) 12th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2010
Zheng, Liqiang;Mathewson, Alan;O'Flynn, Brendan;Hayes, Michael;Ó Mathúna, S. Cian (2010) Design and implementation of the embedded capacitance layers for decoupling of wireless sensor nodes 12th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2010 Singapore, , 08-DEC-10 - 10-DEC-10 , pp.687-690 [DOI] [CORA Link] [Details]
(2009) International Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PRIME)
Chen, W., McCarthy, K.G., Mathewson, a.; (2009) SEnsitivity Analysis and Fine Tuning of EM Simulations for Transmission Line Characterization International Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PRIME) Cork, , 12-JUL-09 - 17-JUL-09 , pp.260-263 [Details]
(2009) European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting
Chen, W., McCarthy, K.G., Mathewson, A., O'Brien, S., Winfield, R.; (2009) Modelling and Characterization of High-k Dielectric Thin-films Using Microwave Techniques European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting Strasbourg, , 08-JUN-10 - 12-JUN-10 [Details]
(2009) IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures
Chen, W., McCarthy, K.G., Mathewson, A.; (2009) Practical Considerations for Measurement of Test Structures for Dielectric Characterization IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures Oxnard, , 30-MAR-09 - 02-APR-09 , pp.221-225 [Details]
(2009) 59th Electronic Components & Technology Conference (ECTC 2009)
Alessio Munari, Ju Xu, Eric Dalton, Alan Mathewson and Kafil M. Razeeb (2009) Metal Nanowire-Polymer Nanocomposite as Thermal Interface Material 59th Electronic Components & Technology Conference (ECTC 2009) San Diego, CA, USA, , pp.448-452 [Details]
(2009) Micromechanics Europe 2009
Houlihan, R.,Olszewski, O. Z.,Duane, R.,O'Mahony, C.,Collins, P.,Mathewson, A. (2009) System-Level Reliability of a Capacitive MEMS Switch Micromechanics Europe 2009 Toulouse, FranceToulouse, France, [Details]
(2008) 26th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2008)
Jesudoss, P; Mathewson, A; Wright, W; Stam, F; (2008) Evaluation of chip-to-board interconnection using variable aspect ratio contact pad areas . In: MIEL eds. 26th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2008) Nis, Serbia, , 11-MAY-08 - 14-MAY-08 , pp.565-568 [Details]
(2008) 32nd International Microelectronics and Packaging IMAPS-CPMT Poland Conference
Jesudoss, P.; Mathewson, A.; Wright, W. ; O'Flynn, B.; Stam, F.; (2008) Effect of solder volume on joint shape with variable chip-to-board contact pad ratio . In: IMAPS eds. 32nd International Microelectronics and Packaging IMAPS-CPMT Poland Conference Warszawa-Pultusk, Poland, , 21-SEP-08 - 24-SEP-08 , pp.In press-In press [Details]
(2008) Proc. XXXII International Microelectronics and Packaging IMAPS-IEEE CPMT Poland Conference (IMAPS-CPMT 2008)
Jesudoss, P. Mathewson, A; Wright, W; O'Flynn, B; Stam, F; (2008) Effect of Solder Volume on joint shape with variable chip-to-board contact pad ratio Proc. XXXII International Microelectronics and Packaging IMAPS-IEEE CPMT Poland Conference (IMAPS-CPMT 2008) , 21-SEP-08 - 24-SEP-08 [Details]
(2006) 2008 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2008)
Jesudoss, P; Mathewson, A; Wright, W; Stam, F; (2006) Evaluation of chip-to-board interconnection using variable aspect ratio contact pad areas 2008 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2008) Nis, Serbia, , 11-JUN-08 - 14-JUN-08 [Details]
(2004) MIEL2004
Saha C., Bellis S., Mathewson A., Popovici E.; (2004) Performance Enhancement Defect tolerance in the Cell Matrix architecture . In: IEEE eds. MIEL2004 Nis, Yugoslavia, , 16-MAY-04 - 19-MAY-04 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2004) Emerging Technologies in Optical Science (ETOS)
A. M. Moloney, J. C. Jackson, A. Mathewson and A. P. Morrison; (2004) A high speed, high multiplication gain CMOS avalanche photodiode . In: * eds. Emerging Technologies in Optical Science (ETOS) Cork, IRELAND, , 26-JUL-04 - 29-JUL-04 , pp.69-71 [Details]
(2004) IEEE Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS (DTIP) 2004
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Duane, R.,Mathewson, A. (2004) Electromechanical Modelling of Low-Voltage RF MEMS Switches IEEE Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS (DTIP) 2004 Montreux, SwitzerlandMontreux, Switzerland, , pp.277-282277 [Details]
(2004) Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics
O'Mahony, C.,Duane, R.,Hill, M.,Mathewson, A. (2004) Reliable Dielectrics for Micromachined RF Switches Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics Kinsale, IrelandKinsale, Ireland, [Details]
(2004) Micromechanics Europe 2004
O'Mahony, C.,Duane, R.,Hill, M.,Mathewson, A. (2004) A long lifetime, low voltage, capacitive RF microswitch Micromechanics Europe 2004 Leuven, BelgiumLeuven, Belgium, , pp.237-240237 [Details]
(2003) International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2003)
Bourenkov, V.; McCarthy, K.G.; Mathewson,A.; (2003) A Hybrid Table/Analytical Approach to MOSFET Modelling . In: Verzhi, B,; Hess, C eds. International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2003) Monterey, U.S.A, , 17-MAR-03 - 20-MAR-03 , pp.142-147 [Details]
(2003) International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS03)
J. C. Jackson, G. Healy, A-M. Kelleher, J. Alderman, J. Donnelly, P. K. Hurley, A. P. Morrison, and A. Mathewson.; (2003) Defect passivation and dark count in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes . In: * eds. International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS03) Dallas, Texas, USA, , 30-MAR-03 - 03-APR-03 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2003) Workshop on single-photon
D. M. Taylor, J. C. Jackson, A. P. Morrison, A. Mathewson, and J. G. Rarity; (2003) Characterization of novel active area silicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger mode . In: * eds. Workshop on single-photon Gaithersburg, MD, , 31-MAR-03 - 01-APR-03 , pp.1323-1332 [Details]
(2003) Micromechanics Europe 2003
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Duane, R.,Kelleher, AM,Mathewson, A. (2003) Effects of dielectric charging on the reliability of capacitive microswitches Micromechanics Europe 2003 Delft, NetherlandsDelft, Netherlands, , pp.151-155151 [Details]
(2003) Micromechanics Europe 2003
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Duane, R.,Kelleher, AM,Mathewson, A. (2003) Effects of dielectric charging on the reliability of capacitive microswitches Micromechanics Europe 2003 Delft, NetherlandsDelft, Netherlands, , pp.151-155151 [Details]
(2003) Micromechanics Europe 2003
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Duane, R.,Kelleher, AM,Mathewson, A. (2003) Effects of dielectric charging on the reliability of capacitive microswitches Micromechanics Europe 2003 Delft, NetherlandsDelft, Netherlands, , pp.151-155151 [Details]
(2003) Micromechanics Europe 2003
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Duane, R.,Kelleher, AM,Mathewson, A. (2003) Effects of dielectric charging on the reliability of capacitive microswitches Micromechanics Europe 2003 Delft, NetherlandsDelft, Netherlands, , pp.151-155151 [Details]
(2003) Micromechanics Europe 2003Micromechanics Europe 2003
Hill, M.,O'Mahony, C.,Lambkin, P.,Mathewson, A. (2003) Mechanical Reliability Testing and Strength Evaluation of Metal-oxide MEMSMechanical Reliability Testing and Strength Evaluation of Metal-oxide MEMS Micromechanics Europe 2003Micromechanics Europe 2003 Delft, NetherlandsDelft, Netherlands, , pp.81-8581 [Details]
(2003) Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2003)Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2003)
Healy, T.,Donnelly, J.,O'Neill, B.,O'Mahony, C.,Alderman, J.,Mathewson, A. (2003) Development of a Novel Technology for Building Flexible and Wearable Integrated SystemsDevelopment of a Novel Technology for Building Flexible and Wearable Integrated Systems Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2003)Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2003) New Orleans, USANew Orleans, USA, [Details]
(2002) International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM)
J. C. Jackson, A. P. Morrison, D. Phelan, and A. Mathewson.; (2002) A novel silicon Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode . In: * eds. International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) San Francisco, California, , 10-DEC-02 - 12-DEC-02 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2002) SPIE Opto Ireland
J. C. Jackson, J. West, A. M. Moloney, D. O'Connell, A. P. Morrison, and A. Mathewson; (2002) A novel flip-chipped integrated single photon detection platform for proteomics . In: * eds. SPIE Opto Ireland Galway, Ireland, , 05-SEP-02 - 06-SEP-02 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2002) SPIE Opto Ireland
A. M. Moloney, A. P. Morrison, J. C. Jackson, A. Mathewson, and P. J. Murphy; (2002) Large-area geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for short-haul plastic optical fibre communication . In: * eds. SPIE Opto Ireland Galway, Ireland, , 05-SEP-02 - 06-SEP-02 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2002) SPIE Photonics West 2002
D. Phelan, J. C. Jackson, R. M. Redfern, A. P. Morrison , and A. Mathewson; (2002) Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiodes for Microarray Systems . In: * eds. SPIE Photonics West 2002 San Jose, California, , 19-JAN-02 - 25-JAN-02 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2002) SPIE Photonics West 2002
J. C. Jackson, D. Phelan, A. P. Morrison , R. M. Redfern, and A. Mathewson; (2002) Characterisation of Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiodes for Fluorescence Decay Measurements . In: * eds. SPIE Photonics West 2002 San Jose, California, , 19-JAN-02 - 25-JAN-02 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2002) International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2002)
McCarthy,D.; O’Shea,M.; Duane,R. McCarthy,K.G.; Concannon,A,; Mathewson,A.; (2002) Extraction of Coupling Coefficients for the Top-Floating-Gate (TFG) Flash EEPROM Cell . In: Walton, A.J,; Mathewson,A eds. International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2002) Cork, Ireland, , 08-APR-02 - 11-APR-02 , pp.139-144 [Details]
(2002) International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2002)
MacSweeney,D.; McCarthy,K.G.; Floyd,L.; Mathewson,A.; Hurley,P.; Power,S.; Kelly,S.; (2002) Influence of Probing Configuration and Data Set Size for Bipolar Capacitance Determination . In: Walton,A.J.; Mathewson,A eds. International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2002) Cork, Ireland, , 08-APR-02 - 11-APR-02 , pp.127-132 [Details]
(2002) International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2002)
O'Shea,M.; McCarthy,D.; Duane,R.; McCarthy,K.G.; Concannon,A.; Mathewson,A.; (2002) Compact Model Development for a New Non-Volatile Memory Cell Architecture . In: Walton,A.J.; Mathewson, A eds. International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2002) Cork, Ireland, , 08-APR-02 - 11-APR-02 , pp.151-156 [Details]
(2002) SIE Opto Ireland 2002SIE Opto Ireland 2002
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Mathewson, A. (2002) Analysis of Material Properties for MEMS using Interferometric MeasurementsAnalysis of Material Properties for MEMS using Interferometric Measurements SIE Opto Ireland 2002SIE Opto Ireland 2002 Galway, IrelandGalway, Ireland, , pp.712-722712 [Details]
(2002) Micromechanics Europe 2002Micromechanics Europe 2002
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Mathewson, A. (2002) Simulation of Boundary Effects in Surface Micromachined Fixed-fixed BeamsSimulation of Boundary Effects in Surface Micromachined Fixed-fixed Beams Micromechanics Europe 2002Micromechanics Europe 2002 Sinai, RomaniaSinai, Romania, , pp.169-172169 [Details]
(2002) MIGAS Summer School 2002
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Duane, R.,Mathewson, A. (2002) Titanium-based Microswitches MIGAS Summer School 2002 Grenoble, FranceGrenoble, France, [Details]
(2002) Micromechanics Europe 2002Micromechanics Europe 2002
Hill, M.,O'Mahony, C.,Mathewson, A. (2002) Investigation of performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS structuresInvestigation of performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS structures Micromechanics Europe 2002Micromechanics Europe 2002 Sinai, RomaniaSinai, Romania, , pp.327-330327 [Details]
(2002) IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test StructuresIEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures
Hill, M.,O'Mahony, C.,Hughes, PJ,Lane, B.,Mathewson, A. (2002) Test structures for a MEMS SiOx/metal processTest structures for a MEMS SiOx/metal process IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test StructuresIEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures Cork, IrelandCork, Ireland, , pp.203-210203 [Details]
(2001) IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test-structures, (ICMTS 2001)
J. C. Jackson, A. P. Morrison , P. Hurley, W. R. Harrell, D. Damjanovic, B. Lane, and A. Mathewson.; (2001) Process monitoring and defect characterization with single photon avalanche diodes . In: * eds. IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test-structures, (ICMTS 2001) Kobe, Japan, , 19-MAR-01 - 22-MAR-01 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2001) International Conference on Software for Electrical Engineering and Design V (ELECTROSOFT 2001)
Bourenkov,V.; McCarthy,K.G.; Mathewson,A.; (2001) Implementation issues and performance evaluation of table models in SPICE3 . In: Wessex Institute of Technology, U.K eds. International Conference on Software for Electrical Engineering and Design V (ELECTROSOFT 2001) Lemnos, Greece, , 16-MAY-01 - 18-MAY-01 , pp.107-116 [Details]
(2001) International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2001)
MacSweeney,D.; McCarthy,K.G.; Floyd,L.; Riordan,M.; Sattler,A.; Mathewson,A.; Power,J.; Kelly,S.; (2001) A Novel Approach to the Estimation of Confidence Limits for BJT Model Sets Using a Bootstrap Technique . In: Hazama,H.; Ohzone,T eds. International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2001) Kobe, Japan, , 19-MAR-01 - 22-MAR-01 , pp.47-52 [Details]
(2001) Micromechanics Europe 2001Micromechanics Europe 2001
O'Mahony, C.,Hill, M.,Mathewson, A.,Hill, M. (2001) Titanium as a Micromechanical MaterialTitanium as a Micromechanical Material Micromechanics Europe 2001Micromechanics Europe 2001 Cork, IrelandCork, Ireland, , pp.233-236233 [Details]
(2000) European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2000)
Minehane,S.; McCarthy,K.G.; O'Sullivan,P.; Mathewson,A.; (2000) Statistical Hot-Carrier Reliability Simulation using a Novel SPICE Parameter Evolution Model . In: Lane,W.A.; Crean,G.M.; McCabe,F.A.; Grunbacher,H eds. European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2000) Cork, Ireland, , 11-SEP-00 - 13-SEP-00 , pp.616-619 [Details]
(2000) European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2000)
O'Shea,M.; Concannon,A.; McCarthy,K.G.; Lane,A.; Mathewson,A.; Slotboom,M.; (2000) Macro Model for Flash EEPROM Cells . In: Lane,W.A.; Crean,G.M.; McCabe,F.A.; Grunbacher,H eds. European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2000) Cork, Ireland, , 11-SEP-00 - 13-SEP-00 , pp.352-355 [Details]
(2000) 13th IEEE International ASIC/SOC Conference
O'Shea,M.;Concannon,A.;McCarthy,K.G.;Lane,B.;Mathewson,A;Slotboom,M.; (2000) Development and Application of a Macro Model for Flash EEPROM Design . In: Buchner,T.;Carothers,J.D.;Krishnamurthry,R.K eds. 13th IEEE International ASIC/SOC Conference Arlington, U.S.A, , 13-SEP-00 - 16-SEP-00 , pp.192-196 [Details]
(1999) European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC'99)
Minehane,S.; McCarthy,K.G.; O'Sullivan,P.; Mathewson,A.; (1999) Novel Parameter Extraction Techniques for Low-Voltage, Low-Power Technolgies . In: Maes,H.; Mertens,R.P.; Declerck,G.; Grunbacher,H eds. European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC'99) Leuven, Belgium, , 13-SEP-99 - 15-SEP-00 , pp.452-455 [Details]
(1999) European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC'99)
Vanderbauwhede,W.; Rombouts,E.; Ning,Z.; Tack,M.; Healy,S.; McCarthy,K.G.; Mathewson,A.; (1999) Efficient Methodologies for Statistical Characterization of Analogue Designs for Submicron Technologies . In: Maes,H.E.; Meterns,R.P.; Declerc,G.; Grunbacker,H eds. European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC'99) Leuven, Belgium, , 13-SEP-99 - 15-SEP-99 , pp.468-471 [Details]
(1999) European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC'99)
O'Sullivan,P.; Fox,A.; McCarthy,K.G.; Mathewson,A.; (1999) Towards a Compact Model for MOSFETs with Direct Tunnelling Gate Dielectrics . In: Maes,H.E.; Mertens,R.P.; Declerck,G.; Grunbacher,H eds. European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC'99) Leuven, Belgium, , 13-SEP-99 - 15-SEP-99 , pp.488-491 [Details]
(1999) International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 1999)
Healy,S.; Horan,E.; McCarthy,K.G; Mathewson,A.; Ning,Z.; Rombouts,E.; Vanderbauwhede,W.; Tack,M.; (1999) Implementation of Statistical Characterization and Design Techniques for an Industrial 0.5um CMOS Technology . In: Mathewson,A.; Jeppson,K.O eds. International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 1999) Goteborg, Sweden, , 15-MAR-99 - 18-MAR-99 , pp.227-232 [Details]
(1999) International Conference on Microelecronic Test Structures (ICMTS 1999)
MacSweeney,D.; McCarthy,K.G.; Mathewson,A.; Power, J.A.; Kelly,S.C.; (1999) Inclusion of Substrate Effects in the Flyback Method for BJT Resistance Characterisation . In: Mathewson,A.; Jeppson,K.O eds. International Conference on Microelecronic Test Structures (ICMTS 1999) Goteborg, Sweden, , 15-MAR-99 - 18-MAR-99 , pp.194-199 [Details]
(1998) International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 1998)
McCarthy, K.G.; Saavedra Diaz,E.V.; Klaassen,D.B.M.; Mathewson,A.; (1998) Statistical Characterization and Analysis of 0.18um Low-Power CMOS Process using Efficient Parameter Extraction . In: Koyama,H,; Asada,K eds. International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 1998) Kanazawa, Japan, , 23-MAR-98 - 26-MAR-98 , pp.127-131 [Details]
(1997) European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC)
F. Zappa, M. Ghioni, S. Cova, B. Sinnis, L. Varisco, A. P. Morrison and A. Mathewson; (1997) Integrated array of avalanche photodiodes for single-photon counting . In: * eds. European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) Stuttgart, Germany, , 22-SEP-97 - 24-SEP-97 , pp.600-603 [Details]
(1997) SPIE, EUV,X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII
A. P. Morrison , V. S. Sinnis, A. Mathewson, F. Zappa, L. Varisco, M. Ghioni, and S. Cova; (1997) Single-photon avalanche detectors for low-light level imaging . In: * eds. SPIE, EUV,X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII San Diego, California, , 30-JUL-97 - 01-AUG-97 , pp.333-340 [Details]
(1997) 6th International Symposium on the Physics and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA 1997)
Minehane,S.; Healy,S.; O'Sullivan,P.; McCarthy,K.; Mathewson,A.; Mason,B.; (1997) Direct BSIM3v3 Parameter Extraction for Hot Carrier Reliability Simulation of n-Channel LDD MOSFETs . In: * eds. 6th International Symposium on the Physics and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA 1997) Singapore, , 21-JUL-97 - 25-JUL-97 , pp.133-139 [Details]
(1997) European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC)
Saavedra Diaz, E.V.;McCarthy,K.G.;Klaassen, D.B.M.;Mathewson,A.; (1997) Efficient Parameter Extraction and Statistical Analysis for 0.25um Low-Power CMOS Process . In: H. Grunbaher eds. European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) Stuttgart, Germany, , 22-SEP-97 - 24-SEP-97 , pp.656-659 [Details]
(1996) Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM 1996)
MacSweeney,D.; McCarthy,K.; Mathewson,A.; Mason,B.; (1996) Modelling of Lateral Bipolar Devices in a CMOS Process . In: * eds. Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM 1996) Minneapolis, U.S.A, , 29-SEP-96 - 01-OCT-96 , pp.27-30 [Details]
(1990) Microelectronic Test Structures, 1991. ICMTS 1991. Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on
Power, JA and Mathewson, A and Lane, WA (1990) MOSFET statistical parameter extraction using multivariate statistics Microelectronic Test Structures, 1991. ICMTS 1991. Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on , pp.209-214 [Details]
(1993) Microelectronic Test Structures, 1993. ICMTS 1993. Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on
Power, JA and Mathewson, A and Lane, WA (1993) An approach for relating model parameter variabilities to process fluctuations Microelectronic Test Structures, 1993. ICMTS 1993. Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on , pp.63-68 [Details]
(2002) International Symposium on Biomedical Optics
Phelan, Don and Jackson, Carl and Redfern, R Michael and Morrison, Alan P and Mathewson, Alan (2002) Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes for microarray systems International Symposium on Biomedical Optics , pp.89-97 [Details]
(1992) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1992. ESSDERC'92. 22nd European
Concannon, A and Keeney, S and Mathewson, A and Bez, R and Lombardi, C (1992) Analysis of transient behaviour of floating gate EEPROMs Solid State Device Research Conference, 1992. ESSDERC'92. 22nd European , pp.773-776 [Details]
(1987) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1987. ESSDERC'87. 17th European
Dunne, B and Cahill, CG and Mathewson, A and Lane, WA and Montier, M and Chapuis, D (1987) 3D-SOI Intelligent Power Structures Solid State Device Research Conference, 1987. ESSDERC'87. 17th European , pp.303-306 [Details]
(1995) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1995. ESSDERC'95. Proceedings of the 25th European
Kalnitsky, Alex and Hurley, P and Lepert, Arnaud and Mallardeau, C and Sheehan, Eoin and Mathewson, A (1995) Phosphorus in the Polysilicon TiSi 2 System: Dopant Redistribution Solid State Device Research Conference, 1995. ESSDERC'95. Proceedings of the 25th European , pp.371-374 [Details]
(1994) Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1994. Final Report., 1994 International
Meehan, Alan and O'Sullivan, Paula and Hurley, Paul and Mathewson, Alan (1994) Evaluation of the predictive capability of Berkeley's hot-carrier reliability model Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1994. Final Report., 1994 International [Details]
(2003) Quantum Electronics Conference, 2003. EQEC'03. European
Taylor, DM and Rarity, JG and Jackson, C and Mathewson, A (2003) Novel geometry photon counting silicon avalanche photodiodes Quantum Electronics Conference, 2003. EQEC'03. European [Details]
(1997) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1997. Proceeding of the 27th European
Saavedra Diaz, EV and McCarthy, KG and Klaassen, DBM and Mathewson, A (1997) Efficient Parameter Extraction and Statistical Analysis for a 0.25 um low-power CMOS Process Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1997. Proceeding of the 27th European , pp.656-659 [Details]
(1988) SOS/SOI Technology Workshop, 1988. Proceedings., 1988 IEEE
Dunne, B and O'Flanagan, S and Donnelly, J and Cahill, C and Mathewson, A and Timans, PJ and McMahon, RA and Ahmed, H (1988) Fully stacked 3D devices in electron beam recrystallised material SOS/SOI Technology Workshop, 1988. Proceedings., 1988 IEEE [Details]
(1997) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1997. Proceeding of the 27th European
Dimitriadis, C and Papadas, C and Conncanon, A and Villani, N and Vincent, E and Mathewson, A (1997) A Stress Technique Suitable For The In-line Reliability Monitoring Of The Hot Carrier Endurance Of Sub-0.5 um MOSFETs Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1997. Proceeding of the 27th European , pp.588-591 [Details]
(1994) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European
Wrixon, Robert and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1994) Highly Uniform RTP Growth and Characterisation of Ultra-Thin Oxynitride Dielectrics Grown in N 2 O Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European , pp.21-24 [Details]
(2010) Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2010 12th
Zheng, Liqiang and Mathewson, Alan and O'Flynn, Brendan and Hayes, Michael and O'Mathuna, Cian (2010) Design and implementation of the embedded capacitance layers for decoupling of wireless sensor nodes Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2010 12th , pp.687-690 [Details]
(1993) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1993. ESSDERC'93. 23rd European
Hurley, PK and Wall, L and Mathewson, A (1993) Double Polysilicon Capacitors in 1 $\mu$m Analogue CMOS Technology Solid State Device Research Conference, 1993. ESSDERC'93. 23rd European , pp.569-572 [Details]
(2007) Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, 2007. EPTC 2007. 9th
Mathewson, A and Brun, J and Franiatte, R and Nowodzinski, A and Sillon, N and Depoutot, F and Dubois-Bonvalot, B (2007) Reliability Aspects of Microinsert Based Interconnection Technologies Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, 2007. EPTC 2007. 9th , pp.227-232 [Details]
(2010) Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2010 IEEE International Conference on
Chen, Wenbin and McCarthy, KG and Copuroglu, M and O'Brien, S and Winfield, R and Mathewson, A (2010) Electrical characterization of novel PMNT thin-films Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2010 IEEE International Conference on , pp.98-101 [Details]
(2011) 219th ECS Annual Meeting
Mamun Jamal, Maksudul Hasan, Jennifer Mischieri, Alan Mathewson, and Kafil M. Razeeb (2011) Fabrication of Horseradish Peroxidase Modified 3D Pt Nanowire Array Electrode and its Electro-Catalytical Activity towards H2O2 219th ECS Annual Meeting Montreal, Canada, , 01-MAY-11 - 06-MAY-11 , pp.53-59 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) Workshop on Ultra Low power sensor networks
Magno, M; Jackson, N; Mathewson, A; Benini, L; Popovici, E (2013) Combination of hybrid energy harvesters MEMS piezoelectric and nanowatt radio wake up to extend lifetime of system for wireless sensor nodes Workshop on Ultra Low power sensor networks [Details]
(2013) IEEE Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures
O'Keeffe, R; Jackson, N; McCarthy, K; Mathewson, A (2013) Investigation of Devices for in vitro energy harvesting through blood flow excitation IEEE Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures [Details]
(2013) SPIE Microtechnologies
Jackson, N; O'Keeffe, R; O'Neill, M; Waldron, F; Mathewson, A (2013) CMOS compatible Low Frequency Aluminium Nitride MEMS piezoelectric energy harvesting device SPIE Microtechnologies [Details]
(2012) IEEE Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures
Jackson, N; O'Keeffe, R; O'Neill, M; Waldron, F; Mathewson, A (2012) A diaphragm based piezoelectric AlN film quality test structure IEEE Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures [Details]
(2011) Eurosensors
Jackson, N; O'Keeffe, R; O'Leary, R; O'Neill, M; Mathewson, A (2011) Wireless Accelerometers for Early Detection of Restenosis Eurosensors [Details]
(2014) Eurosensors
Olszewski, O; Houlihan, R; O'Keeffe, R; O'Neill, M; Waldron, F; Mathewson, A; Jackson, N (2014) A MEMS Silicon-based piezoelectric AC current Sensor Eurosensors [Details]
(2001) SISPAD
DeOca, Carlos Gonzales Montes,Foley, Sean,Mathewson, A (2001) Stress modeling of multi level interconnect schemes for future deep submicron device generations SISPAD , pp.364-367 [Details]
(2009) Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2009. ECTC 2009. 59th
Stam, F and Razeeb, KM and Salwa, S and Mathewson, A (2009) Micro-nano interconnect between gold bond pads and copper nano-wires embedded in a polymer template Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2009. ECTC 2009. 59th , pp.1470-1474 [Details]
(2013) Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Proceedings of 2013 26th International Conference on
Magno, Michele and Jackson, Nathan and Mathewson, Alan and Benini, Luca and Popovici, E (2013) Combination of hybrid energy harvesters with MEMS piezoelectric and nano-Watt radio wake up to extend lifetime of system for wireless sensor nodes Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Proceedings of 2013 26th International Conference on , pp.1-6 [Details]
(2009) Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2009. ECTC 2009. 59th
Munari, Alessio and Xu, Ju and Dalton, Eric and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2009) Metal nanowire-polymer nanocomposite as thermal interface material Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2009. ECTC 2009. 59th , pp.448-452 [Details]
(2012) Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2012 IEEE International Conference on
Jackson, N and O'Keeffe, R and O'Leary, R and O'Neill, M and Waldron, F and Mathewson, A (2012) A diaphragm based piezoelectric AlN film quality test structure Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2012 IEEE International Conference on , pp.50-54 [Details]
(2012) Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2012 IEEE 62nd
Smet, Vanessa and Jamal, Mamun and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2012) Thermocompression Bonding of Ag-MWCNTs Nanocomposite Films as an Alternative Die-Attach Solution for High Temperature Packaging of SiC Devices Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2012 IEEE 62nd , pp.231-237 [Details]
(2011) ECS Meetings
Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2011) Fabrication of Pt nanoparticle modified 3-D Cu nanotube array electrode and its electro-catalytical activity towards H2O2 ECS Meetings , pp.1887-1887 [Details]
(2013) Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), 2013 14th International Conference on
O'Keeffe, Rosemary and Jackson, Nathan and Waldron, Finbarr and O'Niell, M and McCarthy, K and Mathewson, Alan (2013) Investigation into modelling power output for MEMS energy harvesting devices using COMSOL Multiphysics R Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), 2013 14th International Conference on , pp.1-6 [Details]
(2013) Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2013 IEEE International Conference on
O'Keeffe, Rosemary and Jackson, Nathan and Mathewson, Alan and McCarthy, Kevin G (2013) Investigation of devices of in-vivo energy harvesting through blood-flow-like excitation Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2013 IEEE International Conference on , pp.19-24 [Details]
(2012) Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2012 12th IEEE Conference on
Xu, Ju and Razeeb, Kafil M and Sitaraman, Suresh K and Mathewson, Alan (2012) The fabrication of ultra long metal nanowire bumps and their application as interconnects Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2012 12th IEEE Conference on , pp.1-6 [Details]
(2014) EWSHM-7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring
Cahill, Paul and O'Keeffe, Rosemary and Jackson, Nathan and Mathewson, Alan and Pakrashi, Vikram and others (2014) Structural Health Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System EWSHM-7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring [Details]
(2003) Reactor Dosimetry in the 21st Century
Benson, Chris and Joyce, Malcolm J and Kestell, David J and Stevens, David L and Price, Robert A and Mathewson, Alan and Silvie, Jon (2003) Towards Low-Dose Reactor Compartment Dosimetry with Mosfet Devices Reactor Dosimetry in the 21st Century , pp.202-210 [Details]
(1992) Microelectronic Test Structures, 1992. ICMTS 1992. Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on
Power, JA and Clancy, R and Wall, WA and Mathewson, A and Lane, WA (1992) An investigation of MOSFET statistical and temperature effects Microelectronic Test Structures, 1992. ICMTS 1992. Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on , pp.202-207 [Details]
(1996) Reliability Physics Symposium, 1996. 34th Annual Proceedings., IEEE International
Martin, Andreas and Suehle, John S and Chaparala, Prasad and O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan (1996) A new oxide degradation mechanism for stresses in the Fowler-Nordheim tunneling regime Reliability Physics Symposium, 1996. 34th Annual Proceedings., IEEE International , pp.67-76 [Details]
(2007) Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2007. ECTC'07. Proceedings. 57th
Mathewson, A and Brun, J and Ponthenier, G and Franiatte, R and Nowodzinski, A and Sillon, N and Poupon, G and Deputot, F and Dubois-Bonvalot, B (2007) Detailed characterisation of Ni microinsert technology for flip chip die on wafer attachment Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2007. ECTC'07. Proceedings. 57th , pp.616-621 [Details]
(2001) Microelectronic Test Structures, 2001. ICMTS 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on
Jackson, JC and Morrison, AP and Hurley, P and Harrell, WR and Damjanovic, D and Lane, B and Mathewson, A (2001) Process monitoring and defect characterization of single photon avalanche diodes Microelectronic Test Structures, 2001. ICMTS 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on , pp.165-170 [Details]
(1993) SPIE's 1993 International Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and Instrumentation
Mathewson, Alan and Alderman, John C and Ryan, J and Redfern, R Michael and Wrixon, GT (1993) Photon-counting arrays for spatially varying low-light-level signals SPIE's 1993 International Symposium on Optics, Imaging, and Instrumentation , pp.132-143 [Details]
(1994) Garmisch-DL tentative
Mathewson, Alan and Duane, R and Wrixon, GT (1994) CMOS compatible avalanche photodiode (APD) arrays Garmisch-DL tentative , pp.378-387 [Details]
(2002) Microelectronic Test Structures, 2002. ICMTS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on
Hill, Martin and O'Mahony, Conor and Hughes, PJ and Lane, Bill and Mathewson, Alan (2002) Test structures for a MEMS SiO x/metal process Microelectronic Test Structures, 2002. ICMTS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on , pp.203-210 [Details]
(1999) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European
Vanderbauwhede, Wim and Rombouts, Erik and Ning, Zhenqiu and Tack, Mamix and Healy, Sharon and McCarthy, Kevin and Mathewson, Alan (1999) Efficient Methodologies for Statistical Characterisation of Analogue Designs for Submicron CMOS Technologies Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European , pp.468-471 [Details]
(2003) OPTO Ireland
Jackson, JC and West, Jonathan and Moloney, Aoife M and O'Connell, Dan and Morrison, Alan P and Mathewson, Alan (2003) A novel flip-chipped integrated single photon detection platform for proteomics OPTO Ireland , pp.43-53 [Details]
(1996) Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1996., IEEE International
Minehane, Secin and Meehan, Alan and O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan and Mason, Barry (1996) The application of a direct parameter extraction strategy to hot-carrier reliability simulation of n-channel LDD MOSFETs Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1996., IEEE International , pp.20-26 [Details]
(2009) Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, 2009. PRIME 2009. Ph. D
Chen, Wenbin and Mathewson, Alan and McCarthy, Kevin G (2009) Sensitivity analysis and fine tuning of EM simulation for CPW transmission line characterization Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, 2009. PRIME 2009. Ph. D , pp.260-263 [Details]
(2004) Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004. IEMBS'04. 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Ke, C and Kelleher, AM and Mathewson, A and Sheehan, MM (2004) Design and fabrication of a silicon microreactor for DNA amplification Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004. IEMBS'04. 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE , pp.1964-1967 [Details]
(2000) ASIC/SOC Conference, 2000. Proceedings. 13th Annual IEEE International
O'Shea, Mike and Concannon, Ann and McCarthy, Kevin and Lane, Bill and Mathewson, Alan and Slotboom, Michiel (2000) Development and application of a macro model for flash EEPROM design ASIC/SOC Conference, 2000. Proceedings. 13th Annual IEEE International , pp.192-196 [Details]
(2003) Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2003. Proceedings. 53rd
Healy, Thomas and Donnelly, Julie and O'Neill, Brendan and O'Mahoney, C and Alderman, John and Mathewson, Alan (2003) Development of a novel technology for building flexible and wearable integrated systems Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2003. Proceedings. 53rd , pp.1119-1122 [Details]
(2002) Microelectronic Test Structures, 2002. ICMTS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on
McCarthy, Diarmuid and O'Shea, Mike and Duane, Russell and Mccarthy, Kevin and Concannon, Ann and Mathewson, Alan (2002) Extraction of the coupling coefficients for the top-floating-gate (TFG) flash EEPROM cell Microelectronic Test Structures, 2002. ICMTS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on , pp.139-144 [Details]
(1994) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European
Concannon, A and Mathewson, A and Piccinini, F and Mei, GL and Bez, R and Lombardi, C (1994) Applications of a Novel Hot Carrier Injection Model in Flash EEPROM Design Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European , pp.503-506 [Details]
(1999) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European
OSullivan, BJ and Hurley, PK and Mathewson, A and Beanland, R and Rodrigues, R and Kay, P (1999) The Effect of Oxide Patterned Layers on the Rapid Thermal Oxidation of Polycrystalline Silicon Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European , pp.424-427 [Details]
(1994) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European
Twomey, A and Mathewson, A and Gigon, F (1994) A Parameter Extraction Methodology for FLOTOX EEPROM's Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European , pp.499-502 [Details]
(2004) Microelectronics, 2004. 24th International Conference on
Saha, CR and Bellis, SJ and Mathewson, A and Popovici, EM (2004) Performance enhancement defect tolerance in the cell matrix architecture Microelectronics, 2004. 24th International Conference on , pp.777-780 [Details]
(2003) OPTO Ireland
O'Mahony, Conor and Hill, Martin and Mathewson, Alan (2003) Analysis of material properties for MEMS using interferometric measurements OPTO Ireland , pp.712-722 [Details]
(2003) International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology
Mansi, Mike V and Brookfield, Martin and Porter, Stephen G and Edwards, Ivan and Bold, Brendon and Shannon, John and Lambkin, Paul and Mathewson, Alan (2003) AUTHENTIC: a very low-cost infrared detector and camera system International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology , pp.227-238 [Details]
(2005) Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2005
Jackson, Carlton and Mathewson, Alan (2005) Improvements in silicon photon counting modules Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2005 , pp.69-76 [Details]
(1994) Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1994. Final Report., 1994 International
Martin, A and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1994) Correlation of lifetimes from CVS and RVS using the 1/E-model for thermally grown oxides on polysilicon Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1994. Final Report., 1994 International , pp.106-112 [Details]
(1998) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1998. Proceeding of the 28th European
Duane, R and Concannon, A and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1998) Advanced numerical modelling of non-volatile memory cells Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1998. Proceeding of the 28th European , pp.304-307 [Details]
(2006) Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference, 2006. 1st
Mathewson, A and Brun, J and Puget, C and Franiatte, R and Sillon, N and Depoutot, F and Dubois-Bonvalot, B (2006) Microstructured interconnections for high security systems Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference, 2006. 1st , pp.126-132 [Details]
(2006) Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2006
Buckley, Steve and Bellis, Stephen and Wilcock, Reuben and Mathewson, Alan and Jackson, J Carlton (2006) Scalable Geiger/APD/PIN multi-channel sensing platform Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2006 , pp.611909-611909 [Details]
(1999) Plasma Process-Induced Damage, 1999 4th International Symposium on
Hurley, PK and Rodrigues, R and Kay, P and Thakur, RPS and Clarke, D and Sheehan, E and Mathewson, A (1999) Plasma process induced degradation of thin inter-polysilicon dielectric layers Plasma Process-Induced Damage, 1999 4th International Symposium on , pp.45-48 [Details]
(1993) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1993. ESSDERC'93. 23rd European
Power, JA and Donnellan, B and Burke, K and Moloney, K and Mathewson, A and Lane, WA (1993) Generation of MOS Model Parameters Covering Statistical Process Variations Solid State Device Research Conference, 1993. ESSDERC'93. 23rd European , pp.97-100 [Details]
(2010) Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2010 Proceedings 60th
Jesudoss, Pio and Chen, Wenbin and Mathewson, Alan and Wright, William MD and McCarthy, Kevin G and Stam, Frank (2010) Electrical characterization of anisotropic conductive adhesive based flip chip for a direct access sensor Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2010 Proceedings 60th , pp.369-374 [Details]
(1997) Physical \& Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, 1997., Proceedings of the 1997 6th International Symposium on
Minehane, Sean and Healy, Sharon and O'Sullivan, Paula and McCarthy, Kevin and Mathewson, Alan and Mason, Barry (1997) Direct BSIM3v3 parameter extraction for hot-carrier reliability simulation of n-channel LDD MOSFETs Physical \& Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, 1997., Proceedings of the 1997 6th International Symposium on , pp.133-139 [Details]
(1994) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European
Hurley, PK and Moran, S and Wall, L and Mathewson, A and Mason, B (1994) Mechanisms of Low Frequency Noise in P Channel MOSFETs Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European , pp.147-150 [Details]
(1993) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1993. ESSDERC'93. 23rd European
O'Sullivan, P and Naughton, F and Benz, HT and Femholz, G and Haeseler, S and Mathewson, A (1993) Effect of Polysilicon Doping and Oxidation Conditions on Tunnel Oxide Performance For EEPROM Devices Solid State Device Research Conference, 1993. ESSDERC'93. 23rd European , pp.583-586 [Details]
(1999) Microelectronic Test Structures, 1999. ICMTS 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on
MacSweeney, Dermot and McCarthy, Kevin and Mathewson, Alan and Power, JA and Kelly, SC (1999) Inclusion of substrate effects in the flyback method for BJT resistance characterisation Microelectronic Test Structures, 1999. ICMTS 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on , pp.194-199 [Details]
(2014) Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2014 International Conference on
Tao, Jing and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2014) Test structure for electrical characterization of copper nanowire anisotropic conductive film (NW-ACF) for 3D stacking applications Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), 2014 International Conference on , pp.165-169 [Details]
(2014) Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2014 IEEE 64th
Tao, Jing and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2014) Study of fine pitch micro-interconnections formed by low temperature bonded copper nanowires based anisotropic conductive film Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2014 IEEE 64th , pp.1064-1070 [Details]
(1995) Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1995. Final Report., International
Martin, Andreas and Suehle, John and Chaparala, Prasad and O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan and Messick, C (1995) Assessing MOS gate oxide reliability on wafer level with ramped/constant voltage and current stress Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1995. Final Report., International , pp.81-91 [Details]
(1997) Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report, 1997 IEEE International
Minehane, Sean and O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan and Mason, Barry (1997) Evolution of BSIM3v3 parameters during hot-carrier stress Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report, 1997 IEEE International , pp.110-118 [Details]
(1999) Microelectronic Test Structures, 1999. ICMTS 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on
Healy, Sharon and Horan, Edel and McCarthy, Kevin and Mathewson, Alan and Ning, Zhenqiu and Rombouts, Erik and Vanderbauwhede, Wim and Tack, Marnix (1999) Implementation of statistical characterisation and design techniques for an industrial 0.5 $\mu$m CMOS technology Microelectronic Test Structures, 1999. ICMTS 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on , pp.227-232 [Details]
(1996) Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1996., IEEE International
Foley, Sean and Martin, David and Mathewson, Alan (1996) Temperature ageing as a means of improving the electromigration performance of an aluminium copper alloy metallization Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1996., IEEE International , pp.110-115 [Details]
(2003) OPTO Ireland
Moloney, Aoife M and Morrison, Alan P and Jackson, J Carlton and Mathewson, Alan and Murphy, Patrick J (2003) Large-area Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for short-haul plastic optical fiber communication OPTO Ireland , pp.438-445 [Details]
(1995) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1995. ESSDERC'95. Proceedings of the 25th European
Welten, M and Clancy, R and Power, JA and Mason, B and Mathewson, A (1995) Enhanced Worst-Case Simulation Utilising Regression based Performance Spread Solid State Device Research Conference, 1995. ESSDERC'95. Proceedings of the 25th European , pp.761-764 [Details]
(1996) Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1996., IEEE International
Martin, A and O'Sullivan, P and Ribbrock, T and Mathewson, A (1996) Injected charge as an indicator for at bd increase of pre-stressed gate oxides Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1996., IEEE International , pp.142-152 [Details]
(2002) Microelectronic Test Structures, 2002. ICMTS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on
MacSweeney, D and McCarthy, KG and Floyd, L and Mathewson, A and Hurley, P and Power, JA and Kelly, SC (2002) Influence of probing configuration and data set size for bipolar junction capacitance determination Microelectronic Test Structures, 2002. ICMTS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on , pp.127-132 [Details]
(2000) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2000. Proceeding of the 30th European
O'Shea, M and Concannon, A and McCarthy, KG and Lane, B and Mathewson, A and Slotboom, M (2000) Macro Model for Flash EEPROM cells Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2000. Proceeding of the 30th European , pp.352-355 [Details]
(2010) Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), 2010 3rd
Zheng, Liqiang and Rodgers, Kenneth and Mathewson, Alan and O'Flynn, Brendan and Hayes, Michael and O'Mathuna, Cian (2010) A simulation-based design method to transfer surface mount RF system to flip-chip die implementation Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), 2010 3rd , pp.1-5 [Details]
(2012) Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), 2012 International Conference on
Rivadeneyra, Almudena and Lopez-Villanueva, Juan A and O'Keeffe, Rosemary and Jackson, Nathan and O'Neill, Mike and Mathewson, Alan (2012) Frequency response of variants of a cantilever beam Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), 2012 International Conference on , pp.177-180 [Details]
(1999) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European
O'Sullivan, P and Fox, A and McCarthy, KG and Mathewson, A (1999) Towards a compact model for MOSFETS with direct tunneling gate dielectrics Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European , pp.488-491 [Details]
(1999) Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 7th International Symposium on the
Ciofi, C and Dattilo, V and Neri, B and Foley, S and Mathewson, A (1999) Long term noise measurements to characterize electromigration in metal lines of ICs Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 7th International Symposium on the , pp.132-135 [Details]
(1997) Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation'97
Morrison, Alan P and Sinnis, Vasileios S and Mathewson, Alan and Zappa, Franco and Varisco, Laura and Ghioni, Massimo and Cova, Sergio D (1997) Single-photon avalanche detectors for low-light-level imaging Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation'97 , pp.333-340 [Details]
(1995) Electron Devices Meeting, 1995. IEDM'95., International
Concannon, Ann and Piccinini, Francesco and Mathewson, Alan and Lombardi, Claudio (1995) The numerical simulation of substrate and gate currents in MOS and EPROMS Electron Devices Meeting, 1995. IEDM'95., International , pp.289-292 [Details]
(2000) Microelectronic Manufacturing
Foley, Sean and Molyneaux, James and Mathewson, Alan (2000) Fast wafer-level detection and control of interconnect reliability Microelectronic Manufacturing , pp.166-177 [Details]
(2009) Microelectronic Test Structures, 2009. ICMTS 2009. IEEE International Conference on
Chen, Wenbin and McCarthy, Kevin G and Mathewson, Alan (2009) Practical Considerations for Measurements of Test Structures for Dielectric Characterization Microelectronic Test Structures, 2009. ICMTS 2009. IEEE International Conference on , pp.221-225 [Details]
(1994) Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 1994., Conference Record of the Twenty Fourth. IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference-1994, 1994 IEEE First World Conference on
Dheasuna, C Ni and Mathewson, A and Hecking, L and Wrixon, GT (1994) Novel buried contact technology for advanced silicon solar cells Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 1994., Conference Record of the Twenty Fourth. IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference-1994, 1994 IEEE First World Conference on , pp.1496-1499 [Details]
(2004) Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 54th
Healy, Thomas and Donnelly, Julie and O'Neill, Brendan and Delaney, Kieran and Dwane, Kevin and Barton, John and Alderman, John and Mathewson, Alan (2004) Innovative packaging techniques for wearable applications using flexible silicon fibres Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 54th , pp.1216-1219 [Details]
(2008) Microelectronics, 2008. MIEL 2008. 26th International Conference on
Jesudoss, Pio and Mathewson, Alan and Wright, William and Stam, Frank (2008) Evaluation of chip-to-board interconnection using variable aspect ratio contact pad areas Microelectronics, 2008. MIEL 2008. 26th International Conference on , pp.565-568 [Details]
(1990) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1990. ESSDERC'90. 20th European
NiDheasuna, C and Spalding, T and Mathewson, A (1990) The application of selective electroless plating for microelectronics applications Solid State Device Research Conference, 1990. ESSDERC'90. 20th European , pp.129-132 [Details]
(2002) Microelectronic Test Structures, 2002. ICMTS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on
O'Shea, Mike and McCarthy, Diarmuid and Duane, Russell and McCarthy, Kevin and Concannon, Ann and Mathewson, Alan (2002) Compact model development for a new non-volatile memory cell architecture Microelectronic Test Structures, 2002. ICMTS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on , pp.151-156 [Details]
(1995) Improving the Efficiency of IC Manufacturing Technology, IEE Colloquium on
Welten, M and Clancy, R and Power, JA and Mason, B and Stribley, P and Mathewson, A (1995) Statistical worst-case simulation for CMOS technology Improving the Efficiency of IC Manufacturing Technology, IEE Colloquium on , pp.4-1 [Details]
(1998) Device Research Conference Digest, 1998. 56th Annual
Concannon, A and McCarthy, D and Mathewson, A and Guillaumot, B and Papadas, C and Kelaidis, C (1998) A novel CMOS compatible multi-level flash EEPROM for embedded applications Device Research Conference Digest, 1998. 56th Annual , pp.78-79 [Details]
(1996) Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1996., IEEE International
Martin, A and Duane, R and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1996) Oxide trapped charge and time to breakdown of pulsed current measurements in the Fowler-Nordheim regime Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1996., IEEE International [Details]
(1993) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1993. ESSDERC'93. 23rd European
Lombardi, C and Keeney, S and Bez, R and Ravazzi, L and Cantarelli, D and Piccinini, F and Concannon, A and Mathewson, A (1993) Numerical Simulation of Non-Volatile Memories Solid State Device Research Conference, 1993. ESSDERC'93. 23rd European , pp.601-608 [Details]
(1996) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1996. ESSDERC'96. Proceedings of the 26th European
Foley, S and Martin, D and Mathewson, A (1996) Improvements in the Electromigration Performance of an Aluminium-Copper Alloy Metallization by Optimization of the Copper Distribution Solid State Device Research Conference, 1996. ESSDERC'96. Proceedings of the 26th European , pp.917-920 [Details]
(2003) 2012 16th International Symposium on Wearable Computers
Choudhury, Tanzeem and Pentland, Alex (2003) Technology development for building flexible silicon functional fibres 2012 16th International Symposium on Wearable Computers , pp.210-210 [Details]
(1999) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European
Duffy, R and Concannon, A and Mathewson, A and Slotboom, M and Dormans, D and Wils, N and Verhaar, R (1999) Scaling low power embedded flash EEPROMs to 0.18 um Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European , pp.620-623 [Details]
(2003) Microelectronic Test Structures, 2003. International Conference on
Bourenkov, Victor and McCarthy, Kevin G and Mathewson, Alan (2003) A hybrid table/analytical approach to MOSFET modelling Microelectronic Test Structures, 2003. International Conference on , pp.142-147 [Details]
(2009) Microelectronics and Packaging Conference, 2009. EMPC 2009. European
Jesudoss, Pio and Mathewson, Alan and Wright, William and McCaffrey, Colm and Ogurtsov, Vladimir and Twomey, Karen and Stam, Frank (2009) System packaging \& integration for a swallowable capsule using a direct access sensor Microelectronics and Packaging Conference, 2009. EMPC 2009. European , pp.1-4 [CORA Link] [Details]
(2000) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2000. Proceeding of the 30th European
Duane, R and Concannon, A and McCarthy, D and Mathewson, A (2000) Inverse Modelling of trapped charge in Hot-Carrier Stressed nMOSFET Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2000. Proceeding of the 30th European , pp.368-371 [Details]
(1995) Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1995. Final Report., International
Martin, Andreas and O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan (1995) Assessment of a unipolar pulsed ramp for the characterisation of MOS gate oxide reliability Integrated Reliability Workshop, 1995. Final Report., International [Details]
(1988) SOS/SOI Technology Workshop, 1988. Proceedings., 1988 IEEE
Achard, H and Mermet, JL and Bono, H and Joly, JP and Monroy, A and Chapuis, D and Cahill, CG and Dunne, B and Mathewson, A (1988) Contribution to 3D SOI integration technologies using seeded laser ZMR and polycide refractory metallisation SOS/SOI Technology Workshop, 1988. Proceedings., 1988 IEEE [Details]
(1997) Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report, 1997 IEEE International
Martin, Andreas and O'Sullivan, Paula and Mathewson, Alan (1997) Q bd dependence on stress and test structure parameters: A review Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report, 1997 IEEE International , pp.140-141 [Details]
(1999) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European
Palser, K and Concannon, A and Duffy, R and Mathewson, A (1999) 3D Numerical Simulation for Assisting External Latch-up Protection Test Structure Design Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European , pp.508-511 [Details]
(2005) OPTO-Ireland
Lin, F and Mac Sweeney, M and Sheehan, MM and Mathewson, A (2005) A photon-counting avalanche photodiode array with fully integrated active quenching and recharging circuit OPTO-Ireland , pp.569-579 [Details]
(2000) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2000. Proceeding of the 30th European
Minehane, S and McCarthy, KG and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (2000) Statistical Hot-Carrier Reliability Simulation using a Novel SPICE Parameter Evolution Model Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2000. Proceeding of the 30th European , pp.616-619 [Details]
(2003) Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2003. 41st Annual. 2003 IEEE International
Jackson, JC and Healy, G and Kelleher, AM and Alderman, J and Donnelly, J and Hurley, PK and Morrison, AP and Mathewson, A (2003) Defect passivation and dark count in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2003. 41st Annual. 2003 IEEE International , pp.586-587 [Details]
(1992) Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1992., Proceedings of the IEEE 1992
Power, JA and Barry, D and Mathewson, A and Lane, WA (1992) Accurate and efficient predictions of statistical circuit performance spreads Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1992., Proceedings of the IEEE 1992 , pp.3-3 [Details]
(2001) Electron Devices Meeting, 2001. IEDM'01. Technical Digest. International
Hynes, E and Elebert, P and McAuliffe, D and Doyle, D and O'Neill, M and Lane, WA and Berney, H and Hill, M and Mathewson, A (2001) The CAP-FET, a scaleable MEMS sensor technology on CMOS with programmable floating gate Electron Devices Meeting, 2001. IEDM'01. Technical Digest. International , pp.41-3 [Details]
(1996) Microelectronic Test Structures, 1996. ICMTS 1996. Proceedings. 1996 IEEE International Conference on
Moran, S and Hurley, PK and Mathewson, A (1996) Test structure for investigating activated doping concentrations in polycrystalline silicon Microelectronic Test Structures, 1996. ICMTS 1996. Proceedings. 1996 IEEE International Conference on , pp.217-220 [Details]
(1998) Microelectronic Test Structures, 1998. ICMTS 1998., Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on
McCarthy, KG and Saavedra Diaz, EV and Klaassen, DBM and Mathewson, A (1998) Statistical characterization of 0.18 $\mu$m low-power CMOS process using efficient parameter extraction Microelectronic Test Structures, 1998. ICMTS 1998., Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on , pp.127-131 [Details]
(1999) Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European
Minehane, S and McCarthy, KG and O'Sullivan, P and Mathewson, A (1999) Novel Parameter Extraction Techniques for Low-Voltage, Low-Power Technologies Solid-State Device Research Conference, 1999. Proceeding of the 29th European , pp.452-455 [Details]
(2010) Electronic Packaging Technology \& High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP), 2010 11th International Conference on
Zheng, Liqiang and Mathewson, Alan and O'Flynn, Brendan and Hayes, Michael and O'Mathuna, Cian (2010) Statistical method of modeling and optimization for wireless sensor nodes with different interconnect technologies and substrates Electronic Packaging Technology \& High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP), 2010 11th International Conference on , pp.860-865 [Details]
(1999) Microelectronic Test Structures, 1999. ICMTS 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on
Foley, S and Molyneaux, J and Mathewson, A (1999) Evaluation of test methods and associated test structures for interconnect reliability control Microelectronic Test Structures, 1999. ICMTS 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on , pp.167-172 [Details]
(1994) Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European
Clancy, R and Welten, M and Wall, L and Power, JA and Mason, B and Stribley, P and Mathewson, A (1994) Statistical Worst-Case Analysis Techniques for CMOS Technology Using Design of Experiments Solid State Device Research Conference, 1994. ESSDERC'94. 24th European , pp.837-840 [Details]
(2001) Microelectronic Test Structures, 2001. ICMTS 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on
Macsweeney, D and McCarthy, KG and Floyd, L and Riordan, M and Sattler, L and Mathewson, A and Power, JA and Kelly, SC (2001) A novel approach to the estimation of confidence limits for BJT model sets using a bootstrap technique Microelectronic Test Structures, 2001. ICMTS 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on , pp.47-52 [Details]
(1996) Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1996., Proceedings of the 1996
MacSweeney, Dermot and McCarthy, Kevin and Mathewson, Alan and Mason, Barry (1996) Modelling of lateral bipolar devices in a CMOS process Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1996., Proceedings of the 1996 , pp.27-30 [Details]
(2002) Symposium on Integrated Optoelectronic Devices
Jackson, John C and Phelan, Don and Morrison, Alan P and Redfern, R Michael and Mathewson, Alan (2002) Characterization of geiger mode avalanche photodiodes for fluorescence decay measurements Symposium on Integrated Optoelectronic Devices , pp.55-66 [Details]
(2014) Civil Engineering Research Ireland (CERI) Conference, Belfast, UK
Cahill P, Amato G, Jackson N, Mathewson A and Pakrashi V. (2014) Design of Scaled Bridge Prototype for Energy Harvesting Testing Civil Engineering Research Ireland (CERI) Conference, Belfast, UK [Details]
(2014) Civil Engineering Research Ireland (CERI) Conference, Belfast, UK
Cahill P, Jackson N, Mathewson A and Pakrashi V (2014) The Full Potential of Energy Harvesting from Train Induced Responses in Bridges Civil Engineering Research Ireland (CERI) Conference, Belfast, UK [Details]
(2014) 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring EWSHM 2014, Nantes, France
Cahill P, O’Keeffe R, Jackson N, Mathewson A and Pakrashi V (2014) Structural Health Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Beam using Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring EWSHM 2014, Nantes, France [Details]
(2009) IEEE 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference
Munari, A and Xu, J and Dalton, E and Mathewson, A and Razeeb, KM (2009) Metal Nanowire-Polymer Nanocomposite as Thermal Interface Materia IEEE 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference , pp.448-452 [Details]
(2010) 7th ESA Round Table on MNT for Space Applications Workshop
Houlihan, R. and Collins, P. and Olszewski, Z. and Mathewson, A. (2010) Reliability Enhancing Circuit for a Capacitive MEMS Switch 7th ESA Round Table on MNT for Space Applications Workshop [Details]
(2015) IEEE Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures
Nathan Jackson, Oskar Olszewski, L. Keeney, A. Blake, Alan Mathewson (2015) A capacitive based piezoelectric AlN Film Quality Test Structure IEEE Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures [Details]
(2014) Eurosensors 2014
Z. Olszewski, R. Houlihan, R. O’Keeffe, M. O’Neill*, F. Waldron, A. Mathewson, N. Jackson (2014) A MEMS silicon-based piezoelectric AC current sensor Eurosensors 2014 [Details]
(2009) Micromechanics Europe 2009, Toulouse, France, Sept. 2009
Houlihan, R.,Olszewski, O. Z.,Duane, R.,O'Mahony, C.,Collins, P.,Mathewson, A. (2009) System-Level Reliability of a Capacitive MEMS Switch Micromechanics Europe 2009, Toulouse, France, Sept. 2009 [Details]
(2009) Microelectronics and Packaging Conference, 2009. EMPC 2009. European
Jesudoss, P. and Mathewson, A. and Wright, W. and McCaffrey, C. and Ogurtsov, V. and Twomey, K. and Stam, F. (2009) Integration for a swallowable capsule using a direct access sensor Microelectronics and Packaging Conference, 2009. EMPC 2009. European , pp.1-4 [Details]
(2014) IALCCE 2014 Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Tokyo
Cahill P, Pakrashi V, Jackson N and Mathewson A (2014) Comparison of piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting from civil infrastructure elements for use in health monitoring IALCCE 2014 Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Tokyo [Details]


  Year Publication
(2011) Effect of nanoparticles on ferroelectric and electrical properties of novel PMNT thin-films.
Chen, W,McCarthy, KG,Copuroglu, M,Doyle, H,Malic, B,Kuznik, B,Kosec, M,O'Brien, S,Winfield, R,Mathewson, A (2011) Effect of nanoparticles on ferroelectric and electrical properties of novel PMNT thin-films. Other [DOI] [Details]
(2006) Silicon Fibre Technology Development For Wearable and Ambient Electronics Applications.
Healy, T, Donnelly, J, O'Neill, B, Alderman, J, Mathewson, A; (2006) Silicon Fibre Technology Development For Wearable and Ambient Electronics Applications. Other [Details]
(2004) Characterization of novel active area silicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger mode.
Taylor, DM,Jackson, JC,Morrison, AP,Mathewson, A,Rarity, JG (2004) Characterization of novel active area silicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger mode. Other [DOI] [Details]
(2001) Direct tunnelling models for circuit simulation.
O'Sullivan, P,Clerc, R,McCarthy, KG,Mathewson, A,Ghibaudo, G (2001) Direct tunnelling models for circuit simulation. Other [Details]
(2000) Interface properties of the Si(100)-SiO2 system formed by rapid thermal oxidation.
O'Sullivan, BJ,Hurley, PK,Mathewson, A,Das, JH,Daniel, AD (2000) Interface properties of the Si(100)-SiO2 system formed by rapid thermal oxidation. Other [Details]
(1998) Observation of high interface state densities at the silicon/oxide interface for low doped polysilicon/oxide/silicon capacitor structures.
Leveugle, C,Hurley, PK,Mathewson, A,Moran, S,Sheehan, E,Kalnitsky, A (1998) Observation of high interface state densities at the silicon/oxide interface for low doped polysilicon/oxide/silicon capacitor structures. Other [Details]
(1998) Hot carrier degradation mechanisms in sub-micron p channel MOSFETs: Impact on low frequency (l/f) noise behaviour.
Sheehan, E,Hurley, PK,Mathewson, A (1998) Hot carrier degradation mechanisms in sub-micron p channel MOSFETs: Impact on low frequency (l/f) noise behaviour. Other [Details]
(1998) A comparison between normally and highly accelerated electromigration tests.
Foley, S,Scorzoni, A,Balboni, R,Impronta, M,De Munari, I,Mathewson, A,Fantini, F (1998) A comparison between normally and highly accelerated electromigration tests. Other [Details]
(1997) Direct parameter extraction for hot-carrier reliability simulation.
Minehane, S,Healy, S,OSullivan, P,McCarthy, K,Mathewson, A,Mason, B (1997) Direct parameter extraction for hot-carrier reliability simulation. Other [Details]
(1997) Impact of the polysilicon doping level on the properties of the silicon/oxide interface in polysilicon/oxide/silicon capacitor structures.
Leveugle, C,Hurley, PK,Mathewson, A,Moran, S,Sheehan, E,Kalnitsky, A,Lepert, A,Beinglass, I,Venkatesan, M (1997) Impact of the polysilicon doping level on the properties of the silicon/oxide interface in polysilicon/oxide/silicon capacitor structures. Other [Details]
(1997) Investigations of stress distributions in tungsten-filled via structures using finite element analysis.
Coughlan, J,Foley, S,Mathewson, A (1997) Investigations of stress distributions in tungsten-filled via structures using finite element analysis. Other [Details]
(1996) Investigation of reliability measurements with ramped and constant voltage stress on MOS gate oxides.
Martin, A,OSullivan, P,Mathewson, A (1996) Investigation of reliability measurements with ramped and constant voltage stress on MOS gate oxides. Other [Details]
(1996) Correlation of SiO2 lifetimes from constant and ramped voltage measurements.
Martin, A,OSullivan, P,Mathewson, A (1996) Correlation of SiO2 lifetimes from constant and ramped voltage measurements. Other [Details]
(1996) Enhancement of t(bd) of MOS gate oxides with a single-step pre-stress prior to a CVS in the Fowler-Nordheim regime.
Martin, A,Ribbrock, T,OSullivan, P,Mathewson, A (1996) Enhancement of t(bd) of MOS gate oxides with a single-step pre-stress prior to a CVS in the Fowler-Nordheim regime. Other [Details]
(1996) The impact of oxide degradation on the low frequency (1/F) noise behaviour of P channel MOSFETs.
Hurley, PK,Sheehan, E,Moran, S,Mathewson, A (1996) The impact of oxide degradation on the low frequency (1/F) noise behaviour of P channel MOSFETs. Other [Details]

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
IEEE Senior Member 01-JAN-90 /

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2013) 223rd ECS Meeting,
Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Schmidt, Michael and Petkov, Nikolay and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M. (2013) Core@Shell Ni@NiO Nanowire Array Electrode for Catalytic Activity towards Glucose. [Invited Oral Presentation], 223rd ECS Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada , 12-MAY-13 - 16-MAY-13. [Details]
(2012) Non-Enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor based on Nanostructured Metallic Array Electrodes: A Comparative Study,
Mamun Jamal, Bilal Aslam, Maksudul Hasan, Alan Mathewson and Kafil Razeeb (2012) 221st ECS Meeting. [Oral Presentation], Non-Enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor based on Nanostructured Metallic Array Electrodes: A Comparative Study, Seattle, WA, USA , 06-MAY-12 - 11-MAY-12. [Details]
(2012) 22nd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors,
Mamun Jamal, Bilal Aslam, Maksudul Hasan, Alan Mathewson and Kafil M. Razeeb (2012) Fabrication of nanoparticle modified nanowire array electrode to detect liver enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALT). [Oral Presentation], 22nd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, Cancun, Mexico , 15-MAY-12 - 18-MAY-12. [Details]
(2011) 219th ECS Meeting,
Mamun Jamal, Maksudul Hasan, Alan Mathewson and Kafil M. Razeeb (2011) Fabrication of Pt Nanoparticle Modified 3-D Cu Nanotube Array Electrode and Its Electro-Catalytical Activity towards H2O2. [Oral Presentation], 219th ECS Meeting, Montreal, Canada , 01-MAY-11 - 06-MAY-11. [Details]
(2003) 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference. Amsterdam. (April),
Hecking, L.; Mathewson, A.; Ní Dheasuna, C.; Wrixon, G. T.; (2003) *. [N/A], 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference. Amsterdam. (April), Low Cost High Purity Metallisation Schemes For Advanced Solar Cells [B2724] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of 24th European Solid State Research Conference (ESSDERC '94), Edinburgh (September),
Hurley, P. K.; Moran, S.; Wall, L.; Mathewson, A.; Mason, B.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of 24th European Solid State Research Conference (ESSDERC '94), Edinburgh (September), Mechanisms Of Low Frequency Noise In P Channel Silicon MOSFETs [B2730] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference,
Ní Dheasuna, C.; Mathewson, A.; Hecking, L.; Wrixon, G. T.; (2003) *. [N/A], Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Novel Buried Contact Technology for Advanced Silicon Solar Cells [B2727] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) IEEE International Conference On Applications Of Photonic Technology. Sensing, Signal Processing and Communications, Toronto, Canada (21-23 June),
Mathewson, A.; Lambkin, J. D.; Redfern, M.; Wrixon, G. T.; (2003) *. [N/A], IEEE International Conference On Applications Of Photonic Technology. Sensing, Signal Processing and Communications, Toronto, Canada (21-23 June), The SPARCE-CMOS Module For Low Light Level Imaging [B2722] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of 24th European Solid State Research Conference ESSDERC-95, The Hague, the Netherlands,
Welten, M.; Clancy, R.; Power, J. A.; Mason, B.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of 24th European Solid State Research Conference ESSDERC-95, The Hague, the Netherlands, Enhanced Worst-Case Simulation Utilising Regression Based Performance Spread [B2740] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF'95),
Meehan, A.; Minehane, S.; Clancy, R.; O'Sullivan, P.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF'95), Hot Carrier Reliability Simulation Of MOS Circuits Using A Direct SPICE Parameter Extraction Strateg , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference. SISC, Charleston, SC, USA,
Hurley, P. K.; Kalnitsky, A.; Lepert, A.; Moran, S.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference. SISC, Charleston, SC, USA, Influence of the Polysilicon/Oxide Interface on the C-V Characteristics of N+ Polysilicon/Oxide/Sili , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) 14th Annual IEEE Non-Volatile Semiconductor Memory Workshop, Monterey, CA (August),
Concannon, Ann; Piccinini, Francesco; Mathewson, Alan; Lombardi, Claudio; (2003) *. [N/A], 14th Annual IEEE Non-Volatile Semiconductor Memory Workshop, Monterey, CA (August), The Numerical Simulation of Hot Carrier Processes in Flash EEPROM Programming [B2750] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM,
Concannon, A.; Piccinini, F.; Mathewson, A.; Lombardi, C.; (2003) *. [N/A], Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, Numerical Simulation of Substrate and Gate Currents in MOS and EPROMs [B2742] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceeding. ESSDERC 95, The Hague,
Sheehan, E.; Mathewson, A.; Kalnitsky, A.; Hurley, P. K.; Lepert, A.; Mallardeau, C.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceeding. ESSDERC 95, The Hague, Phosphorus In The Polysilicon-TiSi2 System: Dopant Redistribution [B2736] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF '95) (3-6 October),
Martin, A.; O'Sullivan, P.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF '95) (3-6 October), Reliability Measurements With Ramped and Constant Voltage Stress on MOS Gate Oxides [B2737] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Physical &Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, IPFA,
Foley, S.; Ryan, A.; Martin, D.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Physical &Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, IPFA, Study of the Influence of Inter-Metal Dielectrics on Electromigration Performance [B2741] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) c International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report,
Minehane, S.; Meehan, A.; O'Sullivan, P.; Mathewson, A.; Mason, B.; (2003) *. [N/A], c International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report, Application of a Direct Parameter Extraction Strategy to Hot-Carrier Reliability Simulation of N-Cha , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report,
Martin, A.; Suehle, J.; Chaparala, P.; O'Sullivan, P.; Mathewson, A.; Messick, C.; (2003) *. [N/A], IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report, Assessing MOS Gate Oxide Reliability on Wafer Level With Ramped/Constant Voltage and Current Stress , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures,
Lovett, S. J.; Clancy, R.; Welten, M.; Mathewson, A.; Mason, B.; (2003) *. [N/A], IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, Characterizing the Mismatch of Submicron MOS Transistors [B2755] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of the European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC '96) Bologna, September,
Foley, S.; Martin, D.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of the European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC '96) Bologna, September, Improvements in the Electromigration Performance of an Aluminium-Copper Alloy Metallization by Optim , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of the IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting,
MacSweeney, D.; McCarthy, K.; Mathewson, A.; Mason, B.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of the IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, Modelling of Lateral Bipolar Devices in a CMOS Process [B2752] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Annual Proceedings - IEEE Reliability Physics (Symposium) (IRPS),
Martin, A.; Suehle, J. S.; Chaparala, P.; O'Sullivan, P.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Annual Proceedings - IEEE Reliability Physics (Symposium) (IRPS), New Oxide Degradation Mechanism for Stresses in the Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling Regime [B2756] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Tutorial Short Course - 1996 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS'96),
Clancy, R.; Welten, M.; Power, J. A.; Mason, B.; Stribley, P.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Tutorial Short Course - 1996 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS'96), Statistical Worst-Case Simulation for CMOS Technology [B2762] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceeding. 27th ESSDERC -97, Stuttgardt , Germany,
Saavedra Diaz, E. V.; McCarthy, K. G.; Klassen, D. B. M.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceeding. 27th ESSDERC -97, Stuttgardt , Germany, Efficient Parameter Extraction And Statistical Qanalysis For a 0.25um Low Power CMOS Process [B2766] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona Spain,
Lyne, P.; Doyle, A.; Patterson, J.; Bruton, G.; Mathewson, A.; Barrett, J.; (2003) *. [N/A], 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona Spain, Electroless Nickel Deposition Of Low Cost Contacts To Silicon Solar Cells [B2770] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceeding of the IEEE '92 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference,
Power, J. A.; Mathewson, A.; Lane, W. A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceeding of the IEEE '92 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Accurate And Efficient Predictions Statistical Circuit Performance Spreads [B2710] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings. 92 Int Conf Microelectron Test Struct ICMTS 92,
Power, J. A.; Clancy, R.; Wall, W. A.; Mathewson, A.; Lane, W. A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings. 92 Int Conf Microelectron Test Struct ICMTS 92, An Investigation of MOSFET Statistical and Temperature Effects [B2709] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) MRS Conference Advanced Metallisation for ULSI Applications in 1992, Tempe Arizona (20-22 October 1992),
Ní Dheasuna, C.; Hourihane, R.; Spalding, T.; O'Leary, A.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], MRS Conference Advanced Metallisation for ULSI Applications in 1992, Tempe Arizona (20-22 October 1992), Selective Electroless Plating For ULSI Multilevel Metallisation [B2711] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits (NASECODE VIII), Vienna, Austria (May),
Keeney, S.; Mathewson, A.; Ravazzi, L.; Annunziata, R.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits (NASECODE VIII), Vienna, Austria (May), The Simulation Of EPROM And Flash EEPROM Programming Using Energy Transport [B2712] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of the 5th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF '94),
Martin, A.; O'Sullivan, P.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of the 5th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF '94), Comparison Of Inter-Polysilicon Oxide Lifetime Using Ramped And Constant Voltage Measurements [B2720 , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) 1st European Conference On Electronic Packaging Technology ESSEN, Germany (February),
Bruton, J.; Mathewson, A.; Ní Dheasuna, C.; Spalding, T.; Burke, D.; Barrett, J.; (2003) *. [N/A], 1st European Conference On Electronic Packaging Technology ESSEN, Germany (February), Electroless Plating Techniques For Microelectronics Packaging [B2733] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) IEEE International Reliability Workshop Final Report,
Martin, A.; O'Sullivan, P.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], IEEE International Reliability Workshop Final Report, Correlation of Lifetimes From CVS and RVS Using the 1/E-Model for Thermally Grown Oxides on Polysili , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) Proceedings of the European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC-93), Grenoble,
Hurley, P. K.; Wall, L.; Mathewson, A.; (2003) *. [N/A], Proceedings of the European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC-93), Grenoble, Double Polysilicon Capacitors in 1µm Analogue CMOS Technology [B2714] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003) 186th Meeting Of Electrochemical Society Miami Beach Florida. USA (October),
Bruton, J.; Mathewson, A.; Ní Dheasuna, C.; Spalding, T.; Burke, D.; Barrett, J.; (2003) *. [N/A], 186th Meeting Of Electrochemical Society Miami Beach Florida. USA (October), Applications Of Electroless Plating [B2734] , 01-JAN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2002) Information Technology and Telecommunications conference, IT&T2002,
A. M. Moloney, A. P. Morrison, J. C. Jackson, A. Mathewson, and P. J. Murphy; (2002) Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiode with CMOS transimpedance amplifier receiver for optical data link applications. [Oral Presentation], Information Technology and Telecommunications conference, IT&T2002, Waterford, Ireland , 30-OCT-02 - 31-OCT-02. [Details]
(2001) International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD),
J. C. Jackson, A. P. Morrison , V. S. Sinnis, B. Lane, and A. Mathewson.; (2001) Simulation of dark count in Geiger Mode avalanche photodiodes. [Poster Presentation], International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), Athens, Greece , 05-SEP-01 - 07-SEP-01. [Details]
(2000) 11th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WODIM),
O'Sullivan,P.; Clerc,R.; McCarthy,K.G.; Mathewson,A.; Ghibaudo,G.; (2000) A Review of Direct Tunnelling Models for Circuit Simulation. [Oral Presentation], 11th Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics (WODIM), Munich, Germany , 13-NOV-00 - 15-NOV-00. [Details]
(2000) IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Meeting,
J. C. Jackson, A. P. Morrison , B. Lane, and A. Mathewson; (2000) Characterization of large area SPAD detectors operated in avalanche photodiode mode. [Oral Presentation], IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico , 13-NOV-00 - 16-NOV-00. [Details]
(1998) Simulation based development of EEPROM devices within a 0.35 $\mu$m process,
Duffy, R and Concannon, A and Mathewson, A and de Graaf, C and Slotboom, M and Verhaar, R (1998) Simulation based development of EEPROM devices within a 0.35 $\mu$m process. [Oral Presentation], Simulation based development of EEPROM devices within a 0.35 $\mu$m process, Leuven, Belgium . [Details]
(1995) IEE Colloquium on Advanced MOS and Bi-Polar Devices,
Healy,S.; McCarthy,K.; Mason,B.; Mathewson,A.; (1995) Temperature Characterisation and Parameter Extraction for Fine-Geometry CMOS Processes. [Oral Presentation], IEE Colloquium on Advanced MOS and Bi-Polar Devices, London, U.K , 14-FEB-95 - 14-FEB-95. [Details]
(1995) IEE Colloquium on Advanced MOS and Bi-Polar Devices,
MacSweeney,D.; McCarthy,K.; Mathewson,A.; Mason,B.; (1995) Improved Modelling and Parameter Extraction for Parasitic BJT Devices in CMOS. [Oral Presentation], IEE Colloquium on Advanced MOS and Bi-Polar Devices, London, U.K , 14-FEB-95 - 14-FEB-95. [Details]
(1994) Ext. Absts. of the Electrochem. Soc., Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida,
Bruton, G.; Ni. Dheasuna, C.; Mathewson, A.; Barrett, J.; Burke, L. D.; (1994) *. [N/A], Ext. Absts. of the Electrochem. Soc., Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, Novel Applications of Electroless Plating [B4827] , 01-JAN-94 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]


  Committee Function From / To
technical committee IEEE- 3dic conference technical reviewer 2009 /
Techical committee IEEEE ICMTS techical evaluation 1995 /


  Employer Position From / To
University college COrk head of group 01-OCT-07 /


  Language Reading Writing Speaking
French Functional Functional Functional