Chiara Giuliani
Research Profile
I was awarded with a doctoral degree from the University of St Andrews in 2015, with a thesis entitled Negotiating Home Spaces: Spatial Practices in Italian Postcolonial Literature.
I received my BA in English and Spanish Literature from the University of Bologna in 2008 and completed my Master’s Degree in Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Cultures at the University of Bologna in 2010 with a final dissertation on Somali-Italian women writers and the controversial relationship between these two countries.
I received my BA in English and Spanish Literature from the University of Bologna in 2008 and completed my Master’s Degree in Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Cultures at the University of Bologna in 2010 with a final dissertation on Somali-Italian women writers and the controversial relationship between these two countries.
Research Interests
In my PhD thesis, I analysed selected Italian postcolonial novels from a spatial perspective, investigating the ways in which specific spaces come to play crucial roles in the narration. I examined the strategies through which characters (first generation migrants or with migrant origins) try to appropriate certain spaces, in the attempt to recreate feelings of home. The corpus comprised the work of Cristina Ubax Ali-Farah, Igiaba Scego, Shirin Ramzanali Fazel, Amara Lakhous and Gabriella Kuruvilla.
In my current research project, I investigate the ambiguities that shape the socio-economic relations between Italy and China and the role played by the Chinese community in Italy. The analysis is based on the close study of a wide corpus of novels, periodicals and TV shows in which the representation of China and of the Chinese community can be read as a mirror in which to delineate the discursive tensions underpinning this yet unfulfilled economic encounter. More recently I started analysing the growing phenomenon of Italian (and Chinese-Italian) expats to China and the way this affects not only the relationship between the two countries but the representation of China and Italy’s resident Chinese community.
My research interest comprises postcolonial theories, geocriticism, cultural geography, material culture and memory studies and Italian contemporary literature.
In my current research project, I investigate the ambiguities that shape the socio-economic relations between Italy and China and the role played by the Chinese community in Italy. The analysis is based on the close study of a wide corpus of novels, periodicals and TV shows in which the representation of China and of the Chinese community can be read as a mirror in which to delineate the discursive tensions underpinning this yet unfulfilled economic encounter. More recently I started analysing the growing phenomenon of Italian (and Chinese-Italian) expats to China and the way this affects not only the relationship between the two countries but the representation of China and Italy’s resident Chinese community.
My research interest comprises postcolonial theories, geocriticism, cultural geography, material culture and memory studies and Italian contemporary literature.
Research Grants
Project | Funding Body |
Start Date | End Date | Award | |
ComiCork: Picturing Oneself in Irish Multicultural Society | Irish Research Council | 01-DEC-23 | 30-NOV-24 | €12,000.00 |
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | Memory, Mobility, and Material Culture.
Chiara Giuliani & Kate Hodgson (eds.) (2023) Memory, Mobility, and Material Culture. London: Routledge. [ Publisher's Version] [Details] |
(2021) | Home, Memory and Belonging in Italian Postcolonial Literature.
Chiara Giuliani (2021) Home, Memory and Belonging in Italian Postcolonial Literature. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | 'Italian Migration to China, Contemporary Movements, Self-Representations and Practices'
Chiara Giuliani (2023) 'Italian Migration to China, Contemporary Movements, Self-Representations and Practices' In: Valentina Pedone, Gaoheng Zhang (eds). Cultural Mobilities Between China and Italy. London: Palgrave McMillan. [ Publisher's Version] [Details] |
(2023) | 'Rhinos, Photographs and Earrings: Migrating Objects, Memories and Absences in Ali Farah’s 'Madre piccola' (2007) and Scego’s 'La mia casa è dove sono' (2010)'
Chiara Giuliani (2023) 'Rhinos, Photographs and Earrings: Migrating Objects, Memories and Absences in Ali Farah’s 'Madre piccola' (2007) and Scego’s 'La mia casa è dove sono' (2010)' In: Chiara Giuliani & Kate Hodgson (eds). Memory, Mobility and Material Culture. London: Routledge. [Details] |
(2023) | 'Introduction'
Chiara Giuliani & Kate Hodgson (2023) 'Introduction' In: Chiara Giuliani & Kate Hodgson (eds). Memory, Mobility and Material Culture. London: Routledge. [Details] |
(2020) | 'Chinamen d’Italia: la nascita della comunità italo-cinese in due graphic novels'
Chiara Giuliani (2020) 'Chinamen d’Italia: la nascita della comunità italo-cinese in due graphic novels' In: M. Jansen, I. Lanslot, M. Spunta (eds). Viaggi minimi e luoghi qualsiasi. Florence: Franco Cesati Editore. [Details] |
(2020) | 'The Chinese Community in Italy, the Italian Community in China: Economic Exchanges and Cultural Difference'
Chiara Giuliani (2020) 'The Chinese Community in Italy, the Italian Community in China: Economic Exchanges and Cultural Difference' In: Transcultural Italies. Mobility, Memory and Translation. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [Details] |
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | 'Drawing One’s Place in the City: Art Practices and Subjectivity in Gabriella Kuruvilla’s 'Milano, fin qui tutto bene' (2012) and 'Maneggiare con cura' (2020)'
Chiara Giuliani (2024) 'Drawing One’s Place in the City: Art Practices and Subjectivity in Gabriella Kuruvilla’s 'Milano, fin qui tutto bene' (2012) and 'Maneggiare con cura' (2020)'. Women Language Literature in Italy / Donne Lingua Letteratura in Italia, VI :93-106 [DOI] [Details] |
(2023) | 'Collective biographies and transnational history in Primavere e autunni, Chinamen and La macchina zerø'
Chiara Giuliani (2023) 'Collective biographies and transnational history in Primavere e autunni, Chinamen and La macchina zerø'. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 14 (4):516-534 [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Domesticating Public Space in Italian Migration Literature: The Bench and the Park'
Giuliani, Chiara (2019) 'Domesticating Public Space in Italian Migration Literature: The Bench and the Park'. Annali D'Italianistica, 37 :321-340 [Details] |
(2019) | 'Italiani Made in China: Defining Italianness in second-generation Chinese-Italians'
Giuliani, Chiara (2019) 'Italiani Made in China: Defining Italianness in second-generation Chinese-Italians'. Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, 7 :75-92 [DOI] [Details] |
(2017) | '“Là dove c’era … ora c’è…” the threat of kebab shops to Italian culture'
Chiara Giuliani (2017) '“Là dove c’era … ora c’è…” the threat of kebab shops to Italian culture'. Italian Studies, 72 (4):455-466 [DOI] [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2013) | Uno sguardo all’altra sponda dell’Adriatico: Italia e Albania.
Chiara Giuliani (2013) Uno sguardo all’altra sponda dell’Adriatico: Italia e Albania. Nardo': Translations [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Ribka Sibhatu.
Chiara Giuliani (2020) Ribka Sibhatu. Biographical-Item [ Publisher's Version] [Details] |
(2020) | Shirin Ramzanali Fazel.
Chiara Giuliani (2020) Shirin Ramzanali Fazel. Biographical-Item [ Publisher's Version] [Details] |
(2012) | Ribka Sibhatu, between Eritrea and Italy.
Chiara Giuliani (2012) Ribka Sibhatu, between Eritrea and Italy. Biographical-Item [ Publisher's Version] [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | Memory Studies Association Nordic 2022: Explorations of Counter Memory,
Chiara Giuliani (2022) Their Story, Our Story. The Chinese Community in Italy in Three Graphic Essays. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Memory Studies Association Nordic 2022: Explorations of Counter Memory, Reykjavík , 13-OCT-22 - 14-OCT-22. [Details] |
(2022) | Canadian Association for italian Studies,
Chiara Giuliani (2022) “Mario Tchou and the Macchina Zero. The transnational story of the first computer”. [Oral Presentation], Canadian Association for italian Studies, Sorrento , 02-JUN-22 - 05-JUN-22. [Details] |
(2022) | In/Out: Women, Performance, Space in Italy,
Chiara Giuliani (2022) ‘Ogni quadro è un racconto e viceversa’: Spatial and Artistic Practices in the Work of Gabriella Kuruvilla. [Oral Presentation], In/Out: Women, Performance, Space in Italy, University of Cambridge , 20-MAY-22 - 21-MAY-22. [Details] |
(2019) | Studies Theory and Practice: An ECR Workshop,
Chiara Giuliani (2019) Maps of belonging: cartographies in Italian postcolonial literature. [Oral Presentation], Studies Theory and Practice: An ECR Workshop, University College Cork . [Details] |
(2019) | Cities in Conflict: Urban Space and Violence,
Chiara Giuliani (2019) ‘“This time the Chinese looked different to me […] They were in Milan. No longer in China”: via Paolo Sarpi and the Claims to the City’. [Oral Presentation], Cities in Conflict: Urban Space and Violence, University College Cork . [Details] |
(2019) | Society for Italian Studies, Biennial Conference,
Chiara Giuliani (2019) Liu Bolin: the invisible man haunting Italy. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Society for Italian Studies, Biennial Conference, University of Edinburgh . [Details] |
(2018) | XXIII Convegno Internazionale AIPI,
Chiara Giuliani (2018) Chinamen d’Italia: la nascita della comunità italo-cinese in due graphic novels. [Oral Presentation], XXIII Convegno Internazionale AIPI, Università per Stranieri di Siena . [Details] |
(2018) | All things considered: material culture and memory,
Chiara Giuliani (2018) Rhinos and earrings: objects of absence and absent objects in Ali Farah’s 'Madre piccola' and Scego’s 'La mia casa è dove sono’. [Oral Presentation], All things considered: material culture and memory, University College Cork . [Details] |
(2018) | Conference on Resistance in Italian Culture: Literature, Politics and Film,
Chiara Giuliani (2018) El borg di scigulatt and Chinatown: dynamics of exclusion, belonging and resistance. [Oral Presentation], Conference on Resistance in Italian Culture: Literature, Politics and Film, University of Sussex, Brighton . [Details] |
(2018) | Italy and Asia: Past and Present,
Chiara Giuliani (2018) O icché ttu ci va’ a fare ’n Cina, Nini, ... che i cinesi son tutti qui!’: Italian Expats in China. [Oral Presentation], Italy and Asia: Past and Present, Maydol University, Salaya, Thailand . [Details] |
(2017) | Urban Space and the Body,
Chiara Giuliani (2017) I’m looking for a place, places, where the city will speak for me – speak me, indeed. Utter me’. Domesticating Public Space in Italian Transnational Literature. [Oral Presentation], Urban Space and the Body, University College Cork . [Details] |
(2017) | Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference,
Chiara Giuliani (2017) Italian Expats in China, Chinese Migrants in Italy: Representations, Perceptions and Implications. [Oral Presentation], Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, University of Hull . [Details] |
(2016) | Italy and China, Europe and East Asia: Centuries of Dialogue,
Chiara Giuliani (2016) The ‘Chinese-Italian Threat’ to Italian National Identity. [Oral Presentation], Italy and China, Europe and East Asia: Centuries of Dialogue, University of Toronto . [Details] |
(2016) | Transnational Italies: Mobility, Subjectivities and Modern Italian Cultures,
Chiara Giuliani (2016) Italiani made in China: notions of ‘Italianness’ in second generation Chinese-Italians. [Oral Presentation], Transnational Italies: Mobility, Subjectivities and Modern Italian Cultures, British School at Rome . [Details] |
(2014) | Postgraduate Network of Italian Studies in Scotland 2014 Symposium,
Chiara Giuliani (2014) Negotiating Home Spaces: Spatial Practices in Italian Postcolonial Literature. [Oral Presentation], Postgraduate Network of Italian Studies in Scotland 2014 Symposium, University of Glasgow . [Details] |
(2014) | City Margins, City Memories,
Chiara Giuliani (2014) ‘Là dove c’era … ora c’è…’ the threat of kebab shops to Italian culture. [Oral Presentation], City Margins, City Memories, Bangor University . [Details] |
(2014) | Invisible Empires. Italy and Economies of Exchange,
Chiara Giuliani (2014) ‘È come se mi trovassi nel centro di Pechino’. The Chinese Community in Italy and Italians in China: A Growing Discrepancy. [Oral Presentation], Invisible Empires. Italy and Economies of Exchange, University of St Andrews . [Details] |
(2013) | Across Borders: Translation and Migration,
Chiara Giuliani (2013) You ‘write’ it phone centre, you ‘call’ it home: the phone centre in Italian postcolonial dynamics. [Oral Presentation], Across Borders: Translation and Migration, Cardiff University . [Details] |
(2013) | Postgraduate Network of Italian Studies in Scotland Inaugural Event,
Chiara Giuliani (2013) Il mio palazzo e la mia panchina e il mio bar’. Via Padova: practices of belonging. [Oral Presentation], Postgraduate Network of Italian Studies in Scotland Inaugural Event, University of St Andrews . [Details] |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
Society for Italian Studies | Employability/professionalisation portfolio; Italian in Ireland | 2022 / 2025 |
Outreach Activities
Description | |
Co-curator of Photographic Exhibition by Mario Badagliacca (Cork City Library) |
Co-organiser of the event: Cork Migration Stories, Collection day in collaboration with the Europeana Foundation and Cork City Library as part of Ireland National Heritage |
Invited speaker to the launch of the exhibition Hostile Terrain ‘94, as part of UCC Equality Week 2020. |
Co-organiser of the first (2022) and second (2023) Cork Italian Film Festival (Gate Cinema, Cork) |
Invited speaker to the Dante Alighieri Society in Cork with a paper entitled: ‘New Italians? The establishment of the Chinese community in Italy’. (Nov 2021) |
Participation in the RTE Culture Files Radio Programme on an episode on Global Borders and National Boundaries (Cork, February 2018). |
Teaching Interests
Modules taught:
- IT1001 - Made in Italy: Tourism, Food, Design and Fashion in Italy
- IT2102 - The Language of the Italian Media
- IT2310 - Issues in Contemporary Italian Society through Film and Documentaries
- IT2311- New Italians: Race, Identity and Memory in Contemporary Literature
- IT3317 - Cinematic Representations of the anni di piombo
- LL3102 - European Cultural Capitals
- LL5005 - Negotiating Knowledges in the Networked Society
- LL6008 - Mobility, Plurilingualism and Intercultural Communication in a Globalized World
- LL6031 - Extended Translation Project
- LL6037 - Migration and Culture
- LL6038 - Metropolis, Mobilities and Minorities
- LL2108 - Crossing Borders: Cultures and Societies
- IT1201 - Post-Unification Italian Culture and Society
- IT1101 - Introduction to Written and Spoken Italian
Modules coordinated:
- IT1001 - Made in Italy: Tourism, Food, Design and Fashion in Italy
- IT2310 - Issues in Contemporary Italian Society through Film and Documentaries
- IT2311- New Italians: Race, Identity and Memory in Contemporary Literature
- IT3317 - Cinematic Representations of the anni di piombo
- LL6038 - Metropolis, Mobilities and Minorities
Current postgraduates:
- Jacopo Turini
- Noreen Kane