
Originally from Scotland, Dug Cubie graduated with an LL.B (Hons) in Scottish and International Law from the University of Dundee in 1998, and with a First Class LL.M (International) from the University of Cambridge in 2000. Dug subsequently worked in refugee and humanitarian protection for over 10 years, including with the Irish Refugee Council, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Nepal and the Republic of Congo, and with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Dublin. Prior to returning to academia, Dug worked for the Irish Red Cross, in particular covering the Indian Ocean Tsunami Relief and Recovery Programme. Since obtaining his PhD on the right to humanitarian assistance in natural and human-made disasters from UCC in 2013, Dug worked as a lecturer in the School of Law, Queen's University Belfast, and returned to UCC in January 2016.

Research Interests

Dug’s main research interests are in the areas of humanitarian action, disaster law, climate justice and refugee protection. He is a PI of the UCC Disaster Research Cluster, as well as one of the founding editors of the Yearbook of International Disaster Law (Brill).

His monograph 'The International Legal Protection of Persons in Humanitarian Crises: Exploring the Acquis Humanitaire' (Hart) argued for an integrated and holistic approach to the protection of persons in international law, and expanded on his PhD research which analysed the right to humanitarian assistance following natural and human-made disasters. (For details of Dug's PhD thesis, see:

Research Grants

  Project Funding
Start Date End Date Award
Defining the Discipline: A Systemic Analysis of the Sources of International Disaster Law . Enterprise Irl 05-JUN-23 04-JUN-25 €11,611.00
Subaccount #1 UNIC Engaged Seed Funding Scheme 2023 PROCOMMS. Horizon 2020 01-JUN-23 30-SEP-25 €3,450.00
Implementing the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty for the Traveller Community in Ireland Other: Not Listed 01-JUL-21 31-DEC-22 €5,058.00
Enhancing the Integration of Disaster Risk & Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning Environmental Protection Agency 01-MAR-20 31-DEC-21 €82,324.35
DILAW4E: Disseminating Disaster Law for Europe ERASMUS 01-SEP-19 01-SEP-21 €5,000.00
CAROLINE Fellowship Tammaso Natoli Irish Research Council 01-JUN-19 31-JUL-21 €163,398.00
CAROLINE Fellowship Irish Research Council 01-JUN-18 31-MAY-21 €236,257.00
Advancing International Networks for Understanding, Researching and Implementing International Diaster Laws. Irish Research Council 01-JAN-17 31-MAR-18 €23,472.00
Beyond McMahon: The Future of Asylum Reception in Ireland Other: Not Listed 01-JAN-17 31-AUG-17 €4,725.00
Climate Justice, Human Rights and Natural Disasters - Tracing the links. Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET) 01-NOV-12 31-MAY-13 €4,000.00


  Year Publication
(2017) The International Legal Protection of Persons in Humanitarian Crises: Exploring the Acquis Humanitaire.
Dug Cubie (2017) The International Legal Protection of Persons in Humanitarian Crises: Exploring the Acquis Humanitaire. Oxford: Hart Publishing. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2011) After the Wave: A Pictorial History of the Irish Red Cross Society Tsunami Relief & Recovery Programme 2005 – 2011.
Dug Cubie (2011) After the Wave: A Pictorial History of the Irish Red Cross Society Tsunami Relief & Recovery Programme 2005 – 2011. Dublin: Irish Red Cross Society. [Details]
(2004) Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Law in Ireland: Cases and Materials.
Dug Cubie & Fergus Ryan (2004) Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Law in Ireland: Cases and Materials. Dublin: Roundhall/ Thomson. [Details]
(2000) Practitioner Commentaries on the EU Acquis on Asylum.
J. van der Klaauw, W. Buchhorn, S. Anagnost, D. Cubie & C. Pragnell (2000) Practitioner Commentaries on the EU Acquis on Asylum. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission. [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2017) Climate change, migration and human rights: Law and policy perspectives
Manou D.;Baldwin A.;Cubie D.;Mihr A.;Thorp T (Ed.). (2017) Climate change, migration and human rights: Law and policy perspectives London: Routledge. [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Identifying Principles of International Disaster Law'
Dug Cubie (2024) 'Identifying Principles of International Disaster Law' In: Marie Aronsson-Storrier, Susan Breau (eds). Research Handbook on Disasters and International Law. UK: Edward Elgar. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2022) 'Complementarity Between Human Security and Legal Frameworks for Humanitarian Action'
Dug Cubie (2022) 'Complementarity Between Human Security and Legal Frameworks for Humanitarian Action' In: Gerd Oberleitner (eds). Research Handbook on International Law and Human Security. UK: Edward Elgar. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2022) 'Natural Disasters'
Dug Cubie & Marlies Hesselman (2022) 'Natural Disasters' In: Christina Binder, Manfred Nowak, Jane A. Hofbauer & Philipp Janig (eds). Encyclopedia of Human Rights. UK: Edward Elgar. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2021) 'Coherence, Alignment and Integration: Understanding the Legal Relationship between Sustainable Development, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction'
Dug Cubie & Tommaso Natoli (2021) 'Coherence, Alignment and Integration: Understanding the Legal Relationship between Sustainable Development, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction' In: Stephen Flood, Martin Le Tissier, Yairen Jerez Columbié & Barry O’Dwyer (eds). Creating Resilient Futures: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change Adaptation Agendas. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning'
Peter Medway, Stephen Flood, Dug Cubie & Martin Le Tissier (2021) 'Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning' In: Stephen Flood, Martin Le Tissier, Yairen Jerez Columbié & Barry O’Dwyer (eds). Creating Resilient Futures: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change Adaptation Agendas. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Embracing Regionalism: Lessons from the UN Regional Seas Programme for UNISDR and the Sendai Framework'
Dug Cubie (2018) 'Embracing Regionalism: Lessons from the UN Regional Seas Programme for UNISDR and the Sendai Framework' In: Katja Samuel, Marie Aronsson-Storrier and Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller (eds). The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details]
(2018) 'Human rights, environmental displacement and migration'
Cubie, D (2018) 'Human rights, environmental displacement and migration' In: Robert McLeman and Francois Gemenne (eds). ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL DISPLACEMENT AND MIGRATION. ABINGDON: ROUTLEDGE. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2017) 'In-situ adaptation Non-migration as a coping strategy for vulnerable persons'
Cubie, D (2017) 'In-situ adaptation Non-migration as a coping strategy for vulnerable persons' In: Manou D.;Baldwin A.;Cubie D.;Mihr A.;Thorp T (eds). CLIMATE CHANGE, MIGRATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS: LAW AND POLICY PERSPECTIVES. ABINGDON: ROUTLEDGE. [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Clarifying the Acquis Humanitaire: A Transnational Legal Perspective on the Internalization of Humanitarian Norms'
Cubie, D (2014) 'Clarifying the Acquis Humanitaire: A Transnational Legal Perspective on the Internalization of Humanitarian Norms' In: Caron, DD,Kelly, MJ,Telesetsky, A (eds). The International Law of Disaster Relief. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Sources of International Disaster Law: Focus on General Principles of Law'
Dug Cubie (2024) 'Sources of International Disaster Law: Focus on General Principles of Law'. Yearbook of International Disaster Law, 5 :493-501 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2024) 'Sea-Level Rise and Human Mobility: The Legal Implications for Ireland’s Foreign and Domestic Policies'
Dug Cubie (2024) 'Sea-Level Rise and Human Mobility: The Legal Implications for Ireland’s Foreign and Domestic Policies'. Irish Studies In International Affairs, 35 (1):1-25 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Sources of International Disaster Law: Focus on Case Law'
Dug Cubie (2023) 'Sources of International Disaster Law: Focus on Case Law'. Yearbook of International Disaster Law, 4 :640-647 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2023) 'YIDL Dialogues with Practitioners: Ms Adelina Kamal – Former Executive Director of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre)'
Tommaso Natoli and Dug Cubie (2023) 'YIDL Dialogues with Practitioners: Ms Adelina Kamal – Former Executive Director of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre)'. Yearbook of International Disaster Law, 4 :3-12 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2022) 'Sources of International Disaster Law: The New IFRC Disaster Law Database'
Dug Cubie (2022) 'Sources of International Disaster Law: The New IFRC Disaster Law Database'. Yearbook of International Disaster Law, 3 :637-641 [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2019'
Dug Cubie (2021) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2019'. Irish Yearbook of International Law, 14 :109-136 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2021) 'Humanitarian Assistance and International Law 2019'
Dug Cubie (2021) 'Humanitarian Assistance and International Law 2019'. Yearbook of International Disaster Law, 2 :483-491 [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2020) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2018'
Dug Cubie (2020) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2018'. Irish Yearbook of International Law, 13 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2019) 'Humanitarian Assistance and International Law 2018'
Dug Cubie (2019) 'Humanitarian Assistance and International Law 2018'. Yearbook of International Disaster Law, 1 :409-418 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2018) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2016 & 2017'
Dug Cubie (2018) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2016 & 2017'. Irish Yearbook of International Law, 11 :219-241 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2017) 'Bringing the Battlefield into the Classroom: Using Video Games to Teach and Assess International Humanitarian Law'
Luke Moffett, Dug Cubie and Andrew Godden (2017) 'Bringing the Battlefield into the Classroom: Using Video Games to Teach and Assess International Humanitarian Law'. The Law Teacher, 51 (4):499-514 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2017) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2015'
Dug Cubie (2017) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2015'. Irish Yearbook of International Law, 10 :241-264 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2017) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2014'
Dug Cubie (2017) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2014'. Irish Yearbook of International Law, [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2015) 'Accountability for the Human Rights Implications of Natural Disasters: A Proposal for Systemic International Oversight'
Dug Cubie and Marlies Hesselman (2015) 'Accountability for the Human Rights Implications of Natural Disasters: A Proposal for Systemic International Oversight'. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 33 (1):9-41 [Details]
(2015) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2013'
Dug Cubie (2015) 'Correspondent Report: Ireland and International Law 2013'. Irish Yearbook of International Law, 8 :97-120 [Details]
(2014) 'Promoting Dignity for All: Human Rights Approaches in the Post-2015 Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development Frameworks'
Dug Cubie (2014) 'Promoting Dignity for All: Human Rights Approaches in the Post-2015 Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development Frameworks'. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 8 (1):36-51 [Details]
(2013) 'Condemned to repeat: Can Europe avert tragedies at sea for refugees and migrants? (Letter to the Editor)'
Dug Cubie (2013) 'Condemned to repeat: Can Europe avert tragedies at sea for refugees and migrants? (Letter to the Editor)'. Cork Online Law Review, [Full Text] [Details]
(2012) 'An Enchanted Tool? Humanitarian Assistance and the ILC Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters'
Dug Cubie (2012) 'An Enchanted Tool? Humanitarian Assistance and the ILC Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters'. Irish Yearbook of International Law, IV-V (2009-2010):119-151 [Details]
(2011) 'An Analysis of Soft Law Applicable to Humanitarian Assistance: Relative Normativity in Action?'
Cubie D. (2011) 'An Analysis of Soft Law Applicable to Humanitarian Assistance: Relative Normativity in Action?'. JIHLS, 2 (2):177-215 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Law Reform Update'
John Lombard and Dug Cubie (2010) 'Law Reform Update'. Judicial Studies Institute Journal, 10 (2) [Details]
(2001) 'The Refugee Definition – a Full and Inclusive Application of the Geneva Convention'
Dug Cubie (2001) 'The Refugee Definition – a Full and Inclusive Application of the Geneva Convention'. Journal of Practice and Procedure, 3 (2):16-20 [Details]
(2001) 'Refugee Protection - The Pressure of Time'
Dug Cubie (2001) 'Refugee Protection - The Pressure of Time'. Journal of Practice and Procedure, 3 (1):6-9 [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2022) Implementing the Public Sector Equality & Human Rights Duty for the Traveller Community in Ireland.
Denise Baker, Dug Cubie & Bec Fahy (2022) Implementing the Public Sector Equality & Human Rights Duty for the Traveller Community in Ireland. Travellers of North Cork, Cork. [Full Text] [Details]
(2022) Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning.
Peter Medway, Dug Cubie & Martin Le Tissier (2022) Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning. Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin. [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2020) Literature Review on Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation in Irish Emergency Planning.
Shannon Greene, Peter Medway, Dug Cubie & Martin Le Tissier (2020) Literature Review on Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation in Irish Emergency Planning. Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin, Ireland. [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2007) Building Systemic Solutions to Educational Challenges Faced by Refugee Children and Youth: Report on the ISS-Burnaby School Board Multi-Year Project for Afghan Refugee Children and Youth (2004-2007).
Dug Cubie (2007) Building Systemic Solutions to Educational Challenges Faced by Refugee Children and Youth: Report on the ISS-Burnaby School Board Multi-Year Project for Afghan Refugee Children and Youth (2004-2007). Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. [Details]
(2006) New Beginnings: Insights of Government-Assisted Refugees in British Columbia into their Settlement Outcomes.
Dug Cubie (2006) New Beginnings: Insights of Government-Assisted Refugees in British Columbia into their Settlement Outcomes. Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. [Details]

Policy Contribution

  Year Publication
(2023) Forecasting for Change.
Migrations in Our Common Home Roundtable (2023) Forecasting for Change. Dublin: Policy Contribution [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2022) Planning for Change – Climate Change and Migration.
Migrations in Our Common Home Roundtable (2022) Planning for Change – Climate Change and Migration. Dublin: Policy Contribution [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2022) Responding with Care – Ireland’s Response to the Ukrainian Crisis.
Migrations in Our Common Home Roundtable (2022) Responding with Care – Ireland’s Response to the Ukrainian Crisis. Dublin: Policy Contribution [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2011) 'Can Legal Frameworks for Disaster Response be Improved?'
Dug Cubie (2011) 'Can Legal Frameworks for Disaster Response be Improved?' The Boolean, 2 :36-40. [Full Text] [Details]

Electronic Article

  Year Publication
(2024) Disasters, International Law, and the Rights of Older Persons: New Developments.
Dug Cubie (2024) Disasters, International Law, and the Rights of Older Persons: New Developments. Washington DC: Electronic Article [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2012) International Legal and Policy Frameworks post-2015: Strengthening Interlinkages between Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Actions.
Dug Cubie (2012) International Legal and Policy Frameworks post-2015: Strengthening Interlinkages between Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Actions. Canadian Council of International Law: Electronic Article [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2012) Is the Wilful Denial of Humanitarian Assistance in Natural or Human-Made Disasters a Crime Against Humanity?.
Dug Cubie (2012) Is the Wilful Denial of Humanitarian Assistance in Natural or Human-Made Disasters a Crime Against Humanity?. USA: Electronic Article [ Publisher's Version] [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2024 Visiting Erskine Fellowship University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2021 Research Ally Prize Irish Research Council
2017 Routledge / ALT Teaching Law with Technology Prize Routledge / Association of Law Teachers
2017 New Foundations Award Irish Research Council
2013 Visiting Scholar, Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law University of Strathclyde, UK
2012 New Foundations Award Irish Research Council
2011 IRC Government of Ireland Scholar Irish Research Council
2011 Visiting Scholar, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law University of Cambridge, UK
2011 Aidan Synnott Travel Bursary Faculty of Law, University College Cork
2010 Comyn Kelleher Tobin Graduate Bursary Faculty of Law, University College Cork
2010 PhD Scholarship UCC Faculty of Law

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2023) Expert Meeting on the Future of the ILC's Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters,
Dug Cubie (2023) Articles 7-8, 10-13: The Role of the Affected State and Assisting Actors. [Invited Oral Presentation], Expert Meeting on the Future of the ILC's Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters, Geneva, Switzerland , 31-MAY-23 - 31-MAY-23. [Details]
(2023) 11th International Students Symposium on Law and Global Issues: The Legal Aftermath of Natural Disasters,
Dug Cubie (2023) The Future of the ILC Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters. [Keynote Speaker], 11th International Students Symposium on Law and Global Issues: The Legal Aftermath of Natural Disasters, Koç University Law School, Türkiye (online) , 19-MAY-23 - 19-MAY-23. [Details]
(2023) The Role of Disaster Law in Mitigating Disasters & Strengthening Resilience,
Dug Cubie (2023) The Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters and the Asia Pacific Region. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Role of Disaster Law in Mitigating Disasters & Strengthening Resilience, Bangkok, Thailand (online) , 30-NOV-23 - 30-NOV-23. [Details]
(2023) International Disaster Law Training Course,
Dug Cubie (2023) IDL in Asia: The Role of ASEAN and SAARC. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], International Disaster Law Training Course, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy , 28-SEP-23 - 29-SEP-23. [Details]
(2023) International Disaster Law Training Course,
Dug Cubie (2023) The Role of Armed Forces in Disaster Settings. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], International Disaster Law Training Course, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy , 28-SEP-23 - 29-SEP-23. [Details]
(2022) 'Disaster Research and Innovation at a Time of Global Uncertainty: UK Alliance for Disaster Research',
Dug Cubie (2022) Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk & Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 'Disaster Research and Innovation at a Time of Global Uncertainty: UK Alliance for Disaster Research', University of Edinburgh, UK , 07-DEC-22 - 08-DEC-22. [Details]
(2022) 'Next Generation Disaster Prevention and Recovery' Dealing with Disasters Conference 2022,
Dug Cubie (2022) The Expanding Role of Law in Disasters: Clarifying Obligations or Confusing Recovery?. [Plenary Lecture], 'Next Generation Disaster Prevention and Recovery' Dealing with Disasters Conference 2022, Northumbria University, UK , 09-JUN-22 - 10-JUN-22. [Details]
(2022) 'Environmental Rights: From Discourse to Legal Action', Law & the Environment Annual Conference,
Dug Cubie (2022) Enhancing Integration of Disaster Risk & Climate Change Adaptation into Irish Emergency Planning. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], 'Environmental Rights: From Discourse to Legal Action', Law & the Environment Annual Conference, University College Cork , 05-MAY-22 - 05-MAY-22. [Details]
(2021) SMA Summer School 'Migrations in our Common Home: Causes, Effects & Responses',
Dug Cubie (2021) Forced Displacement in a Global Context. [Keynote Speaker], SMA Summer School 'Migrations in our Common Home: Causes, Effects & Responses', Online , 03-JUL-21 - 04-JUL-21. [Details]
(2018) Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) Annual Conference,
Dug Cubie (2018) Coordination, Coherence and Accountability: The Need for a UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and Disasters. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh , 06-SEP-18 - 08-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018) Refugee Protection in Restrictive Times: Challenges and Ways Forward,
Dug Cubie (2018) Climate Change, Displacement and the Protection Agenda. [Keynote Speaker], Refugee Protection in Restrictive Times: Challenges and Ways Forward, Queens University Belfast , 31-MAY-18 - 31-MAY-18. [Details]
(2018) 3rd Northern European conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS3),
Dug Cubie & Marlies Hesselman (2018) Coordination, Coherence and Accountability: The Need for a UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and Disasters. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], 3rd Northern European conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS3), Amsterdam, The Netherlands , 21-MAR-18 - 23-MAR-18. [Details]
(2017) Jornadas Internacionales Sobre Riesgos Naturales,
Dug Cubie (2017) Sharing the Blame: Liability and Contributory Negligence for Flood Damage. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Jornadas Internacionales Sobre Riesgos Naturales, Granada, Spain , 14-DEC-17 - 15-DEC-17. [Details]
(2017) Celebrating 10 years of the Masters of Disaster Management,
Dug Cubie (2017) The State of Disaster Law and Future Challenges. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Celebrating 10 years of the Masters of Disaster Management, Copenhagen, Denmark , 07-DEC-17 - 08-DEC-17. [Details]
(2017) Fairness in Law-Making,
Dug Cubie (2017) Equity and Fairness in Climate Change Discourse. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Fairness in Law-Making, Queen's University Belfast , 19-MAY-17 - 19-MAY-17. [Details]
(2016) AHRI Human Rights Research Conference, ‘50 Years of the Two UN Human Rights Covenants: Legacies and Prospects’,
Dug Cubie (2016) A Rights-Based Approach to Humanitarian Action: Balancing Humanitarian and Human Rights Protection in Crises. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], AHRI Human Rights Research Conference, ‘50 Years of the Two UN Human Rights Covenants: Legacies and Prospects’, Utrecht, The Netherlands , 02-SEP-16 - 03-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016) International Disaster Law Project, 'The Protection of Persons in Times of Disasters: International & European Perspectives',
Dug Cubie (2016) Disaster-induced Displacement: Is there a Need for a Special Category of Protection?. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Disaster Law Project, 'The Protection of Persons in Times of Disasters: International & European Perspectives', Rome, Italy , 03-MAR-16 - 04-MAR-16. [Details]
(2015) Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference,
Dug Cubie (2015) Strengthening the Foundations of an Emerging Global Architecture: Identifying Customary Law for International Disaster Risk Reduction and Response. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, University of York, UK , 03-SEP-15 - 04-SEP-15. [Details]
(2015) EU COST Action Climate Change and Migration, 'Human Migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention' Final Conference,
Dug Cubie (2015) In-Situ Adaptation: Non-Migration as a Coping Strategy for Vulnerable Persons. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], EU COST Action Climate Change and Migration, 'Human Migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention' Final Conference, University of Durham, UK , 28-JUN-15 - 01-JUL-15. [Details]
(2015) Expert Meeting on the ILC’s Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters,
Dug Cubie (2015) Analysis of Article 16. [Invited Oral Presentation], Expert Meeting on the ILC’s Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters, Roma Tre University, Italy , 08-JUN-15 - 09-JUN-15. [Details]
(2014) International Law Association British Branch Spring Conference,
Dug Cubie (2014) The Wilful Denial of Humanitarian Assistance: Conceptualising the Protection of Persons in Humanitarian Crises. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Law Association British Branch Spring Conference, Kings College London, UK , 23-MAY-14 - 24-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014) EU Cost Action Programme IS1101 Climate Change and Migration, Working Group III (Law and Policy),
Dug Cubie (2014) Climate Justice, Human Rights, Migration and Adaptation Strategies. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], EU Cost Action Programme IS1101 Climate Change and Migration, Working Group III (Law and Policy), University College Cork , 01-JUN-14 - 01-JUN-14. [Details]
(2013) EU COST Action IS1101: Climate Change and Migration,
Dug Cubie (2013) Climate Change Adaptation: Applying Human Rights-Based Approaches to Climate Induced Migration and Other Adaptation Strategies. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], EU COST Action IS1101: Climate Change and Migration, Thessaloniki, Greece , 18-OCT-13 - 18-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013) Human Rights and Climate Change,
Dug Cubie (2013) Respondent to Dr Margaretha Wewerinke's paper “Linkages between Human Rights and Climate Change: State of Play, Challenges, Opportunities”. [Invited Oral Presentation], Human Rights and Climate Change, Utrecht, The Netherlands , 10-OCT-13 - 10-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013) Research Presentations to Staff and Students at the Faculty of Law, University of Groningen,
Dug Cubie (2013) Climate Justice, Human Rights and Natural Disasters: Tracing the Links. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Research Presentations to Staff and Students at the Faculty of Law, University of Groningen, University of Groningen , 21-MAY-13 - 22-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013) International Humanitarian Assistance and International Law: A Legal Approach to Practical Problems,
Dug Cubie (2013) Monitoring and Enforcement of Human Rights in Disasters: Proposals for International Oversight. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], International Humanitarian Assistance and International Law: A Legal Approach to Practical Problems, Leiden, The Netherlands , 24-JAN-13 - 25-JAN-13. [Details]
(2012) International Law and Disasters: 4th Four Societies Conference,
Dug Cubie (2012) A Transnational Approach to Disasters: Interactions Between National, Regional and International Frameworks for Humanitarian Action. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], International Law and Disasters: 4th Four Societies Conference, UC Berkeley, California, USA , 27-SEP-12 - 29-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012) International Law in Times of Crisis and Emergencies, 41st Annual Conference, Canadian Council on International Law,
Dug Cubie (2012) International Legal and Policy Frameworks post-2015: Strengthening Interlinkages Between Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Actions. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], International Law in Times of Crisis and Emergencies, 41st Annual Conference, Canadian Council on International Law, Ottawa, Canada , 08-NOV-12 - 10-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012) Humanitarian Principles beyond 2013: Ireland's role in safeguarding the EU Consensus on Humanitarian Aid,
Dug Cubie (2012) Panel member discussing humanitarian principles and the EU Consensus on Humanitarian Aid. [Invited Oral Presentation], Humanitarian Principles beyond 2013: Ireland's role in safeguarding the EU Consensus on Humanitarian Aid, Dublin, Ireland , 19-APR-12 - 19-APR-12. [Details]
(2012) EU COST Action IS1101: Climate Change and Migration,
Dug Cubie (2012) Climate Change Induced Catastrophes: Legal Frameworks for Reducing Vulnerability and Improving Response. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], EU COST Action IS1101: Climate Change and Migration, Utrecht, The Netherlands , 06-SEP-12 - 07-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012) Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights 6th Annual Postgraduate Conference,
Dug Cubie (2012) Is the Wilful Denial of Humanitarian Assistance in Natural or Human-Made Disasters a Crime Against Humanity?. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights 6th Annual Postgraduate Conference, University College Cork, Ireland , 26-APR-12 - 26-APR-12. [Details]
(2012) Irish Red Cross Society Roundtable Discussions on IHL,
Dug Cubie (2012) The Denial of Humanitarian Assistance Through the Lens of IHL. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Irish Red Cross Society Roundtable Discussions on IHL, Dublin, Ireland , 15-FEB-12 - 15-FEB-12. [Details]
(2012) Irish Society of Comparative Law Annual Conference,
Dug Cubie (2012) How Prepared is Ireland to Respond to Disasters at Home and Abroad?. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Irish Society of Comparative Law Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland , 02-MAR-12 - 03-MAR-12. [Details]
(2012) Development Studies Association of Ireland (DSAI) Postgraduate Workshop,
Dug Cubie (2012) Lead Organiser And Facilitator. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Development Studies Association of Ireland (DSAI) Postgraduate Workshop, University College Cork , 01-JUN-12 - 01-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012) Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights (CCJHR) Annual Postgraduate Conference,
Dug Cubie (2012) Member of Organising Committee. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights (CCJHR) Annual Postgraduate Conference, University College Cork , 01-APR-12 - 01-APR-12. [Details]
(2011) Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference,
Dug Cubie (2011) The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement: what is the appropriate international legal framework for humanitarian responses to natural and human-made disasters?. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Cambridge, UK , 07-SEP-11 - 08-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011) Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights 5th Annual Postgraduate Conference,
Dug Cubie (2011) Protection of Human Rights in Disasters: the limits of State sovereignty. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights 5th Annual Postgraduate Conference, Cork, Ireland , 28-APR-11 - 28-APR-11. [Details]
(2011) Scottish Young Legal Researchers Colloquium,
Dug Cubie (2011) Protection of Human Rights in Disasters: the limits of State sovereignty. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Scottish Young Legal Researchers Colloquium, Dundee, Scotland , 22-APR-11 - 22-APR-11. [Details]


  Employer Position From / To
University College Cork Senior Lecturer 01-SEP-23 /
University College Cork Lecturer in Law (Above the Bar) 01-JAN-16 / 31-AUG-23
Queen's University Belfast Lecturer in Law 01-SEP-14 / 31-DEC-15
University College Cork Lecturer in Law 01-SEP-12 /
University College Cork Tutor in Law/ Exam Marking/ Exam Invigilator/ Editorial Assistance 01-OCT-10 / 31-OCT-11
Irish Red Cross Society, Dublin, Ireland Asia-Pacific & Middle East Desk Officer 01-MAR-09 / 31-AUG-10
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Ireland Senior Programme Co-ordinator 01-JUN-07 / 01-MAR-09
Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia (ISSBC), Vancouver, Canada Assistant Manager, Resettlement Assistance Program & Research Consultant 01-FEB-06 / 31-MAY-07
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Ireland Information/ Outreach Co-ordinator 01-JAN-05 / 31-OCT-05
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Republic of Congo Protection Officer 01-MAR-04 / 31-OCT-04
UN High Comissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Nepal Protection Officer 01-FEB-03 / 01-JAN-04
Irish Refugee Council, Dublin, Ireland Legal Officer 01-JUL-00 / 01-OCT-02


  Committee Function From / To
Examination Appeals Committee Member 2021 /
University of Sanctuary Working Group Chair 2020 / 2023
COBL Internationalisation Committee Chair 2018 / 2019
COBL Internationalisation Committee Member 2016 / 2020
School of Law Executive Committee Member 2016 / 2019
School of Law Teaching & Learning Committee Member 2016 / 2018
School of Law International Committee Chair 2016 / 2020

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Centre for Criminal Justice & Human Rights (CCJHR - UCC) Director 01-SEP-21 / 01-SEP-23
IDEAL Net (International Disaster, Emergency & Law Network) Steering Committee member 01-APR-21 /
Centre for Criminal Justice & Human Rights (CCJHR - UCC) Deputy Director 01-JUL-16 / 01-SEP-21
American Society of International Law Advisory Committee: Disaster Law Interest Group 01-MAR-15 /
International Humanitarian Studies Association Member 01-JAN-13 /
UCC Centre for Global Development Postgraduate representative 01-NOV-11 / 30-SEP-13
Development Studies Association of Ireland National postgraduate representative 08-SEP-11 / 05-SEP-12


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2013 University College Cork PhD The Right to Humanitarian Assistance Following Natural and Human-Made Disasters
2022 University College Cork PG Diploma in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education Teaching & Learning
2000 University of Cambridge LLM International Law
1998 University of Dundee LLB Scottish and International Law


  Language Reading Writing Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Functional Functional Functional

Outreach Activities


Travellers of North Cork: Board Member (March 2020 - March 2023)

Karti, Board Member (June 2019 - April 2022)

Irish Red Cross Society, Member of International Advisory Group (March 2019 - present)

Department of Foreign Affairs Committee on Human Rights: UCC representative (July 2018 - present)

April 2018: Student Instructor, Viking18 civil-military training exercise, Custume Barracks, Ireland

Disaster Response Team Ireland (DRTI), Board Member (July 2014 - Dec 2015)

April 2014: Student Instructor and UNOCHA CMCoord, Viking14 civil-military training exercise, The Curragh Military Camp, Ireland

Nasc - The Migrant & Refugee Rights Centre, Board Member (Nov 2012 - Nov 2017)

Journal Activities

  Journal Role To / From
Yearbook Of International Disaster Law Editor 01-SEP-18 -
Irish Yearbook Of International Law Member of Editorial Board 01-JUN-16 - 31-DEC-20
Journal Of International Humanitarian Legal Studies Member of Editorial Board 01-APR-13 -
Judicial Studies Institute Journal Guest Editor 01-DEC-11 -

Other Activities


September 2011 - September 2012: National Postgraduate Representative, Development Studies Association Ireland (DSAI) (

November 2011 - December 2013: Executive Management Committee, Postgraduate Representative, Centre for Global Development (CGD), University College Cork (

Teaching Interests

  • Law of Evidence I (LW2006)
  • Humanitarianism and the Law (LW2216)
  • International Human Rights Law (LW6606)
  • Refugee & Forced Displacement Law (LW6634)
  • International Criminal Law (LW6550)

Recent Postgraduates

  Graduation Year Student Name Institution Degree Type Thesis Title
2022 Ramat Tobi Abudu University College Cork PHD Towards The Protection of All People at Sea: Exploring Human Security as A Conceptual and Operational Framework to Enhancing Maritime Security And International Law
2016 Yahya Hambali Queen's University Belfast PHD Treatment of Victims of Crime in the Nigerian and English Criminal Justice Systems: a Comparative Study of what Nigeria can learn from British Experience

Current Postgraduate Students

  Student Degree Type
Guiry Niamh Doctoral Degree
Sheehan Rosalyn Margaret Mary Masters Degree by Research
Fisher David Andrew Doctoral Degree