
Research Interests

Chemistry and biochemistry of muscle-based foods Physicochemical aspects of processed meat and fish products Functional properties of muscle proteins Functionality of added ingredients in meat products Chemistry of cereal and cereal products Physicochemical properties of cereal proteins in relation to processability and product quality Use of enzymes and microorganisms to modify the functionality and processing behaviour of wheat flour dough

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(1998) 'Functional properties of muscle proteins in processed poultry products'
Smyth, A.B., O¿Neill, E.E. and Smith, D.M. ; (1998) 'Functional properties of muscle proteins in processed poultry products' In: Poultry Meat Science. Oxon, UK: CABI Publishing. [Details]
(1998) 'Exploiting the functional properties of meat'
O Neill, E.E. and Buckley, D.J. ; (1998) 'Exploiting the functional properties of meat' In: The Functionality of Meat Compounds. Buckley. Utrecht. The Netherlands: ECCEMAST. [Details]
(1987) 'Functional properties of muscle proteins'
Morrissey, P.A., Mulvihill, D.M. and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1987) 'Functional properties of muscle proteins' In: Developments in Food Proteins ¿ 5. London: Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2010) 'The effect of sodium lactate, potassium lactate, carrageenan, whey protein concentrate, yeast extract and fungal proteinases on the cook yield and tenderness of bovine chuck muscles'
Walsh, H, Martins, S. O’ Neill, E.E. Kerry, J.P., Kenny, T. and Ward, P. (2010) 'The effect of sodium lactate, potassium lactate, carrageenan, whey protein concentrate, yeast extract and fungal proteinases on the cook yield and tenderness of bovine chuck muscles'. Meat Science, 85 :230-234 [Details]
(2010) 'The effects of different cooking regimes on the cook yield and tenderness of non-injected and injection enhanced forequarter beef muscles'
Walsh, H., Martins, S., O' Neill, E.E., Kerry, J.P., Kenny, T. and Ward, P. (2010) 'The effects of different cooking regimes on the cook yield and tenderness of non-injected and injection enhanced forequarter beef muscles'. Meat Science, 84 :444-448 [Details]
(2010) 'Investigation of the effects of commercial carcass suspension (24 and 48 hours) on meat quality in modified atmosphere packed beef steaks during chill storage'
Zakrys-Walliwander, P. I., O'Sullivan, M. G., Allen, P., O¿Neill, E.E and Kerry, J. P.; (2010) 'Investigation of the effects of commercial carcass suspension (24 and 48 hours) on meat quality in modified atmosphere packed beef steaks during chill storage'. Food Research International, 43 :277-284 [Details]
(2011) 'Review:Antioxidant and antimicrobial peptidic hydrolysates from muscle protein sources and by-products'
Di Bernardini, R., Harnedy, P. Bolton, D., Kerry, J., O’Neill, E. , Mullen, A.M. and Hayes, M. (2011) 'Review:Antioxidant and antimicrobial peptidic hydrolysates from muscle protein sources and by-products'. Food Chemistry, 124 :1296-1309 [Details]
(2011) 'Isolation, purification and characterization of antioxidant peptidic fractions from a bovine liver sarcoplasmic protein thermolysin hydrolyzate'
Di Bernardini, R, Rai, D.K., Bolton, D., Kerry, J., O’Neill, E., Mullen, A., Harnedy, P., Hayes, M (2011) 'Isolation, purification and characterization of antioxidant peptidic fractions from a bovine liver sarcoplasmic protein thermolysin hydrolyzate'. Peptides, 32 :388-400 [Details]
(2002) 'Characterisation of proteolysis during ripening of semi-dry fermented sausages'
Hughes, M.C., Kerry, J.P. Arendt, E.K., Kenneally, P.H., McSweeney, P.L.H. and O'Neill, E.E.; (2002) 'Characterisation of proteolysis during ripening of semi-dry fermented sausages'. Meat Science, 62 (*):205-216 [Details]
(2000) 'Proteolytic specificity of cathepsin D on bovine F-actin'
Hughes, M.C., Healy, A., McSweeney, P.L.H. and O'Neill, E.E.; (2000) 'Proteolytic specificity of cathepsin D on bovine F-actin'. Meat Science, 56 (*):165-172 [Details]
(1998) 'Disulphide bonds influence the heat-induced gelation properties of chicken myosin'
Smyth, A.B. Smith, D.M. and O Neill, E.E.; (1998) 'Disulphide bonds influence the heat-induced gelation properties of chicken myosin'. Journal of Food Science, 63 (*):584-588 [Details]
(1998) 'Effect of non-meat proteins on the heat-induced gelation properties of salt soluble muscle proteins'
McCord, A., Smyth, A.B. AND O Neill, E.E.; (1998) 'Effect of non-meat proteins on the heat-induced gelation properties of salt soluble muscle proteins'. Journal of Food Science, 63 (*):580-583 [Details]
(2006) 'Manipulation of the pre-rigor glycotic behaviour of bovine M. longissimus dorsi in order to identify causes of inconsistencies in tenderness'
White, A., O¿ Sullivan, A., Troy, D.J. O¿ Neill, E.E.; (2006) 'Manipulation of the pre-rigor glycotic behaviour of bovine M. longissimus dorsi in order to identify causes of inconsistencies in tenderness'. Meat Science, 73 :151-156 [Details]
(2006) 'Effects of electrical stimulation, chilling temperature and hot boning on the tenderness of bovine muscles'
White, A., O¿ Sullivan, A., Troy, D.J. O¿ Neill, E.E. ; (2006) 'Effects of electrical stimulation, chilling temperature and hot boning on the tenderness of bovine muscles'. Meat Science, 73 :196-203 [Details]
(2006) 'Effects of enhancement procedures on whole and reformed beef forequarter muscles'
Lennon, A.M., Moon, S.S., Ward, P., O Neill, E.E. and Kenny,T. ; (2006) 'Effects of enhancement procedures on whole and reformed beef forequarter muscles'. Meat Science, 72 :513-517 [Details]
(2006) 'Manipulation of the pre-rigor phase to investigate the significance of proteolysis and sarcomere length in determining the tenderness of bovine M. longissimus dorsi'
White, A., O¿ Sullivan, A., O¿ Neill, E.E., and Troy, D.J. ; (2006) 'Manipulation of the pre-rigor phase to investigate the significance of proteolysis and sarcomere length in determining the tenderness of bovine M. longissimus dorsi'. Meat Science, 73 :204-208 [Details]
(2001) 'Characterisation of peptides released from rabbit skeletal muscle troponin-T by ц-calpain under conditions of low temperature and high ionic strength'
Hughes, M.C., Geary, S., Dransfield, E., McSweeney, P.L.H. and O¿ Neill, E.E; (2001) 'Characterisation of peptides released from rabbit skeletal muscle troponin-T by ц-calpain under conditions of low temperature and high ionic strength'. Meat Science, 59 :61-69 [Details]
(1999) 'Proteolysis of bovine F-actin by cathepsin B'
Hughes, M.C., O¿ Neill, E.E., Mc Sweeney, P.L.H. and Healy, A. ; (1999) 'Proteolysis of bovine F-actin by cathepsin B'. Food Chemistry, 64 :525-530 [Details]
(1999) 'Effects of environmental conditions on microbial proteolysis in a pork myofibril model system'
Kenneally, P.M. Fransen, N.G., Grau, H. O¿ Neill, E.E. and Ardent, E.K.; (1999) 'Effects of environmental conditions on microbial proteolysis in a pork myofibril model system'. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 87 :794-808 [Details]
(1998) 'The surface-properties of myosin and its proteolytic subfragments'
O¿ Neill, E., Mulvihill, D.M. ; (1998) 'The surface-properties of myosin and its proteolytic subfragments'. Meat Science, 26 :131-140 [Details]
(1998) 'Effect of non-meat proteins on the heat-induced gelation properties of salt-soluble muscle proteins'
McCord, A., Smyth, A.B. and O¿Neill, E.E. ; (1998) 'Effect of non-meat proteins on the heat-induced gelation properties of salt-soluble muscle proteins'. Journal of Food Science, 63 :580-583 [Details]
(1998) 'Disulphide bonds influence the heat-induced gel properties of chicken myosin'
Smyth, A.B., Smith, D.M. and O¿Neill, E.E; (1998) 'Disulphide bonds influence the heat-induced gel properties of chicken myosin'. Journal of Food Science, 63 :584-588 [Details]
(1997) 'Heat-induced gelation properties of chicken breast muscle salt-soluble proteins when mixed with β-lactoglobulin or an α-lactalbumin-enriched protein fraction'
Smyth, A.B., McCord, A. and O¿Neill, E. ; (1997) 'Heat-induced gelation properties of chicken breast muscle salt-soluble proteins when mixed with β-lactoglobulin or an α-lactalbumin-enriched protein fraction'. Meat Science, 48 :135-147 [Details]
(1997) 'Sensory characterisation of cooked hams using free-choice profiling'
Delahunty, C.M., McCord, A., O¿ Neill, E.E. and Morrissey, P.A. ; (1997) 'Sensory characterisation of cooked hams using free-choice profiling'. Food Quality and Preference, 8 :381-388 [Details]
(1996) 'Thermal denaturation and aggregation of chicken breast muscle myosin and subfragments'
Smyth, A.B., Smith, D.M., Vega-Vargas, V. and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1996) 'Thermal denaturation and aggregation of chicken breast muscle myosin and subfragments'. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 44 :1005-1010 [Details]
(1994) 'Molecular forces involved in the formation and stabilization of heat-induced actomyosin gels'
O¿ Neill, E., Mulvihill, D.M. and Morrissey, P.A.; (1994) 'Molecular forces involved in the formation and stabilization of heat-induced actomyosin gels'. Meat Science, 36 :407-421 [Details]
(1993) 'Heat-induced gelation of actomyosin'
O¿ Neill, E., Morrissey, P.A. and Mulvihill, D.M. ; (1993) 'Heat-induced gelation of actomyosin'. Meat Science, 33 :61-74 [Details]
(1993) 'Lipid oxidation in rabbit meat under different storage conditions'
Fernandez-Espla, M.D. and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1993) 'Lipid oxidation in rabbit meat under different storage conditions'. Journal of Food Science, 58 :1262-1264 [Details]
(1990) 'The surface-active properties of muscle proteins'
O¿ Neill, E., Morrissey, P.A. and Mulvihill, D.M.; (1990) 'The surface-active properties of muscle proteins'. Food Chemistry, 35 :1-12 [Details]
(1989) 'Surface properties of muscle protein extracts'
O¿ Neill, E., Mulvihill, D.M. and Morrissey, P.A.; (1989) 'Surface properties of muscle protein extracts'. Meat Science, 25 :1-10 [Details]
(1988) 'Functionality of proteins in foods'
Fox, P.F., O¿ Neill, E. and Mulvihill, D.M. ; (1988) 'Functionality of proteins in foods'. Irish Chemical News, 34 (42) [Details]
(1988) 'The effects of pH and heating on the surface activity of muscle proteins'
O¿ Neill, E., Mulvihill, D.M. and Morrissey, P.A; (1988) 'The effects of pH and heating on the surface activity of muscle proteins'. Food Chemistry, 34 :295-307 [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(1993) 'Low fat meat products: Functional ingredients in low fat meat products'
O’ Neill, E. (1993) 'Low fat meat products: Functional ingredients in low fat meat products' Meat Focus International, 2 (1) :29-32. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2006) The 52nd International Conference of Meat Science and Technology
Walsh, H., Martins, S., O¿ Neill, E.E. Kerry, J.P. Kenny T. and Ward. P. ; (2006) Evaluation of the effect of different cooking treatments on the tenderness and cook loss of injected bovine forequarter muscles The 52nd International Conference of Meat Science and Technology Dublin, , pp.503-504 [Details]
(1998) The 44th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
Hughes, M.C., O¿ Neill, E.E. McSweeney, P.L.H. and Healy, A. ; (1998) Proteolysis of bovine F-actin . In: Cathepsin B eds. The 44th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Barcelona, Spain, , pp.732-733 [Details]
(1997) The 43rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
Considine, B.M., O¿ Neill, E. and McSweeney, P.L.H. ; (1997) Isolation and characterisation of low molecular weight nitrogen fraction of beef The 43rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Aukland, New Zealand, , pp.552-554 [Details]
(1996) The 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, , 54-55
Smyth, A.B., Smith, D.M., and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1996) The role of disulphide bonds in the gelation of chicken breast muscle myosin The 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, , 54-55 Lillehammer, Norway, , pp.54-55 [Details]
(1996) The 48th Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference
Smyth, A.B., Smith, D.M., and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1996) Thermal denaturation and aggregation of chicken breast muscle myosin The 48th Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference Texas, USA, [Details]
(1996) The 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
Kerry, J.F., Berney, N., O¿ Neill, E. and Buckley, D.J. ; (1996) Effects of non-meat protein/polysaccharide blends on the gelation of exudates from reformed meats The 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Lillehammer, Norway, , pp.379-380 [Details]
(1995) The XII European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat
Smyth, A.B., Smith, D.M., Vega-Vargas, V. and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1995) Thermal denaturation and aggregation of chicken breast muscle myosin and subfragments The XII European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat Zaragoza, Spain, , pp.409-413 [Details]
(1995) The 41st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
Smyth, A.B., O¿ Neill, E. and Buckley, D.J; (1995) Heat-induced gelation of chicken surimi The 41st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology San Antonio, Texas, USA, , pp.489-490 [Details]

Invited Review Articles

  Year Publication
(1993) Meat Focus International.
O¿ Neill, E. ; (1993) Meat Focus International. Invited Review Articles [Details]
(1988) Irish Chemical News.
Fox, P.F., O¿ Neill, E. and Mulvihill, D.M. ; (1988) Irish Chemical News. Invited Review Articles [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2000 1st Prize for meat research at the 48th Annual Recipricol Meat Conference in Texas

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2008) Hydrolysis of bovine heart sarcoplasmic proteins by lactic acid bacteria,
Byrnes, H. J. O¿ Neill, E.E. and Kerry, JP ; (2008) Presented at the 33rd Annual Food Science and Technology Conference. [Oral Presentation], Hydrolysis of bovine heart sarcoplasmic proteins by lactic acid bacteria, University College Cork , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details]
(2008) Effect of sodium lactate injection on shelf life and processing characteristics of beef M. Supraspinatus (SP),
Walsh, H. Martins, .S.L.F O¿Neill, E Kerry, J.P Kenny, T. Ward P. and Cheng, Q. ; (2008) Presented at the 38th Annual Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences Conference. [Oral Presentation], Effect of sodium lactate injection on shelf life and processing characteristics of beef M. Supraspinatus (SP), University College Cork , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details]
(2007) The potential of functional ingredients to improve the processing characteristics and tenderness of forequarter beef M. Triceps brachii caput longum,
Martins, S., Walsh, H., O¿ Neill, E.E., Kerry, J.P., Kenny, T., Ward, P. and Cheng, Q; (2007) Presented at the 37th Annual Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences Conference. [Oral Presentation], The potential of functional ingredients to improve the processing characteristics and tenderness of forequarter beef M. Triceps brachii caput longum, University College Cork , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(1997) Influence of non-meat proteins on the heat-induced gelation properties of muscle proteins,
McCord, A. and O¿ Neill, E. E. ; (1997) Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 36, 283. [Oral Presentation], Influence of non-meat proteins on the heat-induced gelation properties of muscle proteins, , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1997) Isolation and characterisation of low molecular weight nitrogen fraction of beef,
Considine, B.M., O¿ Neill, E. and McSweeney, P.L.H; (1997) Proceedings of the 43rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, p552-554. [Oral Presentation], Isolation and characterisation of low molecular weight nitrogen fraction of beef, Aukland, New Zealand , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1997) Mixed protein gels,
Smyth, A.B., and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1997) The 10th Annual Brunner Symposium. [Oral Presentation], Mixed protein gels, Michigan, USA , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1997) Rheological and water holding properties of mixed protein systems containing salt-soluble muscle proteins and whey proteins,
Smyth, A.B., and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1997) Proceedings of the 50th Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, p176. [Oral Presentation], Rheological and water holding properties of mixed protein systems containing salt-soluble muscle proteins and whey proteins, Iowa, USA , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1997) Heat-induced gelation properties of chicken breast muscle salt-soluble proteins when mixed with β-lactoglobulin or an α-lactalbumin enriched fraction,
Smyth, A.B., and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1997) p 10. [Oral Presentation], Heat-induced gelation properties of chicken breast muscle salt-soluble proteins when mixed with β-lactoglobulin or an α-lactalbumin enriched fraction, IFT, Florida, USA , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1997) Effect of heat treatments on titin in fresh beef,
Moloney, L. and O¿Neill, E. E. ; (1997) Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 36, 275-276. [Oral Presentation], Effect of heat treatments on titin in fresh beef, , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1997) Non-sensory techniques to monitor the quality of cod during frozen storage,
Clarke, G., O¿ Connor, T.P. and O¿Neill, E.E. ; (1997) COPERNICUS Programme: Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods. [Oral Presentation], Non-sensory techniques to monitor the quality of cod during frozen storage, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1997) Proteolysis of bovine F-actin by cathepsin B,
Hughes, M.C., O¿ Neill, E.E. and McSweeney, P.L.H. ; (1997) Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 36, 275-276. [Oral Presentation], Proteolysis of bovine F-actin by cathepsin B, , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1996) Thermal denaturation and aggregation of chicken breast muscle myosin,
Smyth, A.B., Smith, D.M., and O¿ Neill, E.; (1996) Proceedings of the 48th Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, p133. [Oral Presentation], Thermal denaturation and aggregation of chicken breast muscle myosin, Texas, USA , 01-JAN-96 - 01-JAN-96. [Details]
(1996) The role of disulphide bonds in the gelation of chicken breast muscle myosin,
Smyth, A.B., Smith, D.M., and O¿ Neill, E. ; (1996) Proceedings of the 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 54-55. [Oral Presentation], The role of disulphide bonds in the gelation of chicken breast muscle myosin, Lillehammer, Norway , 01-JAN-96 - 01-JAN-96. [Details]
(1996) Sensory characterisation of hams,
Delahunty, C.M., McCord, A., O¿ Neill, E.E. and Morrissey, P.A. ; (1996) The 3rd Sensometric Meeting. [Oral Presentation], Sensory characterisation of hams, Nantes, France , 01-JAN-96 - 01-JAN-96. [Details]
(1996) Isolation of the water-soluble nitrogen containing fraction of beef,
Considine, B., McSweeney, P.L.H. and O¿ Neill, E.E. ; (1996) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 35, (2), 216. [Oral Presentation], Isolation of the water-soluble nitrogen containing fraction of beef, , 01-JAN-96 - 01-JAN-96. [Details]
(1996) Rheological properties and freeze-thaw stability of sauces containing modified starches,
Dennehy, T., O¿ Neill, E.E. and O¿ Connor, T.P.; (1996) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 35, (2), 215. [Oral Presentation], Rheological properties and freeze-thaw stability of sauces containing modified starches, , 01-JAN-96 - 01-JAN-96. [Details]
(1996) Sensory characterisation of green hams in relation to acceptability and composition,
McCord, A., Delahunty, C.M., O¿ Neill, E.E. and Morrissey, P.A. ; (1996) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 35, (2), 214. [Oral Presentation], Sensory characterisation of green hams in relation to acceptability and composition, , 01-JAN-96 - 01-JAN-96. [Details]
(1996) Effects of non-meat protein/polysaccharide blends on the gelation of exudates from reformed meats,
Kerry, J.F., Berney, N., O¿ Neill, E. and Buckley, D.J.; (1996) Proceedings of the 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, pp379-380. [Oral Presentation], Effects of non-meat protein/polysaccharide blends on the gelation of exudates from reformed meats, Lillehammer, Norway , 01-JAN-96 - 01-JAN-96. [Details]
(1995) Assessment of the variation in quality indices in frozen cod,
Southey, A., O¿ Neill, E. and O¿ Connor, T.P; (1995) COPERNICUS Programme on Process Optimisation and Minimal Processing of Foods,. [Oral Presentation], Assessment of the variation in quality indices in frozen cod, Porto, Portugal , 01-JAN-95 - 01-JAN-95. [Details]
(1995) Thermal denaturation and aggregation of chicken breast muscle myosin and subfragments,
Smyth, A.B., Smith, D.M., Vega-Vargas, V. and O¿ Neill, E; (1995) Proceedings of the XII European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, Zaragoza, Spain. pp 409-413. [Oral Presentation], Thermal denaturation and aggregation of chicken breast muscle myosin and subfragments, , 01-JAN-95 - 01-JAN-95. [Details]
(1995) Heat-induced gelation of chicken surimi,
Smyth, A.B., O¿ Neill, E. and Buckley, D.J. ; (1995) Proceedings of the 41st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, pp 489-490. [Oral Presentation], Heat-induced gelation of chicken surimi, San Antonio, Texas, USA , 01-JAN-95 - 01-JAN-95. [Details]
(1994) Assessment and development of non-sensory techniques to monitor the quality of frozen Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua),
Clarke, G.T.E., O¿ Neill, E.E. and O¿ Connor, T.P; (1994) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 33, 212. [Oral Presentation], Assessment and development of non-sensory techniques to monitor the quality of frozen Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), , 01-JAN-94 - 01-JAN-94. [Details]
(1994) Improving the functional properties of mechanically recovered poultry meat by using surimi technology,
Smyth, A.B. and O¿ Neill, E.E; (1994) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 33, 208. [Oral Presentation], Improving the functional properties of mechanically recovered poultry meat by using surimi technology, , 01-JAN-94 - 01-JAN-94. [Details]
(1992) The replacement of animal fat with vegetable fat in salami,
McDonagh, T.J. O¿ Neill, E.E. and Buckley, D.J.; (1992) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 31, 212. [Oral Presentation], The replacement of animal fat with vegetable fat in salami, , 01-JAN-92 - 01-JAN-92. [Details]
(1991) The effect of whey protein concentrate on the heat-induced gelation of actomyosin,
Mc Sweeney, M., O¿ Neill, E.E. and Mulvihill, D.M; (1991) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 15, 77. [Oral Presentation], The effect of whey protein concentrate on the heat-induced gelation of actomyosin, , 01-JAN-91 - 01-JAN-91. [Details]
(1991) The effect of frozen storage on chemical indices of quality of the flesh of plaice-Pleuronectes platessa,
Southey, A., O¿ Connor, T.P. and O¿ Neill, E.E. ; (1991) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 15, 77. [Oral Presentation], The effect of frozen storage on chemical indices of quality of the flesh of plaice-Pleuronectes platessa, , 01-JAN-91 - 01-JAN-91. [Details]
(1986) The heat-induced gelation of actomyosin,
O¿ Neill, E.E., Morrissey, P.A. and Mulvihill, D.M. ; (1986) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 10, 168. [Oral Presentation], The heat-induced gelation of actomyosin, , 01-JAN-86 - 01-JAN-86. [Details]
(1985) The interfacial behaviour of G-actin and F-actin,
O¿ Neill, E.E., Morrissey, P.A. and Mulvihill, D.M. ; (1985) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 9, 72. [Oral Presentation], The interfacial behaviour of G-actin and F-actin, , 01-JAN-85 - 01-JAN-85. [Details]
(1985) The application of the drop-volume technique to measure the interfacial behaviour of proteins,
O¿ Neill, E.E., Morrissey, P.A. and Mulvihill, D.M. ; (1985) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 9, 71. [Oral Presentation], The application of the drop-volume technique to measure the interfacial behaviour of proteins, , 01-JAN-85 - 01-JAN-85. [Details]
(1984) Functional properties of meat proteins,
O¿ Neill, E.E., Morrissey, P.A. and Mulvihill, D.M. ; (1984) Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 8, 146. [Oral Presentation], Functional properties of meat proteins, , 01-JAN-84 - 01-JAN-84. [Details]


  Employer Position From / To
Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences University Lecturer /
University College Cork University Lecturer /
University College Cork College Lecturer /


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
1983 University College Cork BSc Dairy Science
1990 Univeristy College Cork PHD Food Chemistry

Other Activities


Visits Abroad

Escola Superior de Biotechiologia Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Oporto - Portugal Guest Lecturer - Protein Chemistry August 1990/1991

Queen's University Belfast - Guest Lecturer - Meat Chemistry February - February 1992, 1994

Wisconsin University - Visiting Research - August 1994

Meat Research Centre, INRA, Clermont Ferrend, France - Visiting Researcher - Sept 1995- Dec 1995