
Dr Moore is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemistry and heads a research group at University College Cork focused on chemical and bio-sensing and separation. He is an Academic member within the Life Science Interface group at Tyndall National Institute and a Principal Affiliate at the Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork. He has extensive linkages with the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, biomedical device, environment and food/beverage sectors. He has championed postgraduate education, especially at the MSc level and is dedicated to providing high calibre industry ready graduates. He is currently the Vice Dean for Graduate Affairs in the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science.

Dr Moore’s main research interests are in the integration of multi-parameter sensors (micro and/or nano scale), development of “lab-on-chip” devices that are module in nature, can be easily tailored and adapted for multiple applications. He leads a multi-disciplinary team of researchers whose principal research activities are focused on developing integrated bio/sensor platforms, separation techniques, surface attached chemistry, electrochemical analysis and micro-fluidics. Key research topics include;
  • Smart Biopsy technology for real-time detection of benign tissue.
  • Portable Capillary Electrophoresis system for point of concern chemical testing.
  • Multi-parameter sensing devices for Process Analytical Technology monitoring.
  • Development of Biosensors with a particular focus on Immunosenors.
Dr Moore is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemistry and heads a research group at University College Cork focused on chemical and bio-sensing and separation. He is an Academic member within the Life Science Interface group at Tyndall National Institute and a Principal Affiliate at the Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork. He has extensive linkages with the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, biomedical device, environment and food/beverage sectors. He has championed postgraduate education, especially at the MSc level and is dedicated to providing high calibre industry ready graduates. He is currently the Vice Dean for Graduate Affairs in the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science.

Dr Moore’s main research interests are in the integration of multi-parameter sensors (micro and/or nano scale), development of “lab-on-chip” devices that are module in nature, can be easily tailored and adapted for multiple applications. He leads a multi-disciplinary team of researchers whose principal research activities are focused on developing integrated bio/sensor platforms, separation techniques, surface attached chemistry, electrochemical analysis and micro-fluidics. Key research topics include;
  • Smart Biopsy technology for real-time detection of benign tissue.
  • Portable Capillary Electrophoresis system for point of concern chemical testing.
  • Multi-parameter sensing devices for Process Analytical Technology monitoring.
  • Development of Biosensors with a particular focus on Immunosenors.
Dr Moore is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemistry and heads a research group at University College Cork focused on chemical and bio-sensing and separation. He is an Academic member within the Life Science Interface group at Tyndall National Institute and a Principal Affiliate at the Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork. He has extensive linkages with the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, biomedical device, environment and food/beverage sectors. He has championed postgraduate education, especially at the MSc level and is dedicated to providing high calibre industry ready graduates. He is currently the Vice Dean for Graduate Affairs in the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science.

Dr Moore’s main research interests are in the integration of multi-parameter sensors (micro and/or nano scale), development of “lab-on-chip” devices that are module in nature, can be easily tailored and adapted for multiple applications. He leads a multi-disciplinary team of researchers whose principal research activities are focused on developing integrated bio/sensor platforms, separation techniques, surface attached chemistry, electrochemical analysis and micro-fluidics. Key research topics include;
  • Smart Biopsy technology for real-time detection of benign tissue.
  • Portable Capillary Electrophoresis system for point of concern chemical testing.
  • Multi-parameter sensing devices for Process Analytical Technology monitoring.
  • Development of Biosensors with a particular focus on Immunosenors.

Research Interests

Executive Summary:
Dr Eric Moore heads the Sensing and Separation research group in the School of Chemistry at University College Cork focused on bioanalytical and chemical sensors. The group currently comprises of 6 PhD and 2 Postdoctoral Fellows. Since 2006, Dr Moore has been awarded approx. €8.6M as Principal Investigator on over 50 projects funded from EU, Irish and US Government and Industrial sources. 

Research Activities:
Dr Moore's research group at University College Cork is focused on chemical and bio-sensing and separation. He is an Academic member within the Life Science Interface group at Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork. The groups main research interests focus on integration of multi-parameter sensors (micro and/or nano scale) and the development of lab on chip platform systems with high sensitivity and specificity, are modular in nature, can be easily tailored and adapted for multiple applications. He heads a muliti-disciplinary team of researchers whose principle research activities are focused on developing integrated bio/sensor platforms, separation techniques, surface attachment chemistry, electrochemical analysis and micro-fluidics. He has been successful with research funding awards from a range of funding sources, and his students have received international awards in recognition of their research since 2010. His research is very applied and has significant engagement and collaboration with industry, which is a critical part of his research strategy.

He has extensive linkages with the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, biomedical device, environment and food/beverage sectors. He has championed postgraduate education, especially at the MSc level and is dedicated to providing high calibre industry ready graduates.  Since 2008, 144 MSc students have graduated from his research team, the majority of which have found employment in industry or have continued their academic career to PhD. He has supervised 18 PhD students and 12 research assistants (RAs) (all of which are now employed in industry).  He is currently supervising 3 Postdoctorate Research Fellows and hasmentored 10 in total. 

Research Group:
Current: 5 PhD's, 3 Postdoctoral Reseachers and 2 MSc (Research)
Completed: 18 PhDs, 144 MSc, 2 PGDip, 12 RAs and 7 Postdoctoral Researchers
Supervised > 70 Undergraduates including 25 Erasmus students

Destination of the Moore Team: 
18 PhD Graduates (12 in industry, 2 lecturing, 3 Postdoctoral Researcher and 1 other)
144 MSc Graduates (117 in industry, 12 PhDs, 15 other)

Dr Moore has published 74 peer reviewed papers and has >180 presentations at various conferences, workshops and seminars. The table below summarises his current citation and h-index values. 

Citation indices:        Total          Since 2019
Citations                       1273                680
h-index                             21                  15
i10-index                          33                  22

Dr Moore has participated in a number of R&D projects supported by the E.U. and National funding. He successfully coordinated an FP6 project call Toxichip (  This project aimed to develop and promote alternative testing methods for the monitoring of toxic chemicals, thus alleviating the current demand for animal sacrifice. He was a member of the Executive Manager Board for the EU FP6 funded Network of Excellence, Nano2Life ( and was also a WP leader for this project. 
He was the Scientific co-ordinator for the recently completed FP7 Security project GIFT. This project was focused on the development of an integrated forensic toolbox that can be deployed in case of forensic investigation at CBRN incident scenes. 
He was also successful with a H2020 ICT proposal entitled SMARTER-Si in which he is participating as a partner. The objective of this project is to provide industry with a lower threshold access to advanced manufacturing capabilities enabling cross-cutting key enabling smart system technologies to be integrated across the full value chain and exploited commercially in existing and new markets. At the Tyndall technology 2014 event a press release was issued on this project, highlighting the Irish industry engagement with Environmental Laboratory Services ( 
Dr Moore has also been very successful Nationally securing funding from a broad range of funding bodies including SFI (Research Frontiers Program and 3 TIDA awards), EPA and EI funding. He has also been funded twice by the US Army on contract research relating to his expertise and technology developed from the EU FP6 Toxichip project.Since 2008 Dr Moore has been successful in securing the following grant income.

Funding Body                Amount       
EU                                   €2,351k
SFI                                     €609k
NAP (SFI)*                          €376k
EI                                    €1,195k
HEA                                €1,281k
IRC                                    €384k
EPA                                    €278k
US Army                            $147k 
Industry                             €388k
Conference Support          €100k
Other                               €1,514k  (PhD Scholarship) 

* The National Access Programme (NAP) allows researchers from other Irish Universities to access facilities at Tyndall and establish collaborative project. 

Dr Moore has managed over 50 research and industry projects and secured > €8.6M in grant funding. He has also helped to bring Irish SME industry (e.g. Environmental Laboratory Services, Glantreo and AnalyzeIQ) into European projects and has liaised closely with Enterprise Ireland to promote this activity and increase Irish industry participation in European Framework Programmes. 

Presentations & Awards:
Dr Moore has presented 46 conference papers since 2010 with 21 of these being invited. In 2013 he was awarded an ISCA award by SFI to travel to China and promote UCC, SEFS, Tyndall, Chemistry Department and his own research topics. Dr Moore has been awarded several other SFI Awards, including a recent TIDA which is due to commence in January 2018. He was honoured with his 3rd Cork Conference Ambassador award in 2017 for his role in attracting another international conference to Cork, Ireland (SSI2017). His research group has also been awarded a total of 29 prizes and awards at International and National conferences ( 

Conferences & Impacting Research Strategy:
Dr Moore chaired the 1st joint MNBS and EPoSS event that was hosted at Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland in September 2013 ( He is a member of the MNBS cluster ( This is an EU strategic cluster that meet on an annual basis where EU project officers gain feedback and input into future ICT calls in the area of MNBS. Dr. Moore is also a member of EPoSS, which is an industry driven policy initiative that defines R&D and innovation needs as well as policy requirements related to Smart Systems Integration and integrated Micro-and Nanosystems. He is currently the Co-Chair of the Working Group for Applied MNBS and in 2016 Dr Moore was elected to the EPoSS Board of Directors. EPoSS is contributing to EUROPE 2020, the EU's growth strategy for the coming decade, to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. ( addition Dr Moore has also contributed to the following conferences:
  • MNBS 2017, 12th - 13th December 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (speaker and chair of one session)
  • EPoSS General Assembly and Annual Forum 2017, Graz, Austria 19th - 20th October 2017 (speaker and session chair)
  • George Guilbault Symposium 2017, Tyndall National Institute, UCC, 9th - 11th October 2017 (chair of the conference) 
  • Smart Systems Integration Conference, 8th - 9th March 2017, Cork, Ireland (Conference host and Co-chair)
  • EPoSS General Assembly and Annual Forum 2016, Lecce, Italy 13th - 14th October 2016 (speaker and session chair)
  • George Guilbault Symposium 2016, Tyndall National Institute, UCC from 13th - 14th September 2016 (chair of the conference) 
  • CBRN Forensic Awareness Workshop, Tyndall National Institute, UCC from 8th September  2016 (workshop host and co-organiser with NFI) 
  • CASi 2016, hosted by DCU from 14th - 15th April 2016 (member of organising committee and chair of one session)
  • MNBS & EPoSS Annual Forum 2015, 12th - 15th October, imec, Leuven, Belgium (member of organising committee and chair of one session)
  • George Guilbault Symposium 2015,Tyndall National Institute, UCC from 8th - 9th September 2015 (chair of the conference) 
  • MNBS 2014, 21st - 22nd October 2014, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France (member of organising committee and chair of one session)
  • EPoSS General Assembly and Annual Forum 2014, Turin, Italy, 24th - 26th September 2014 (speaker and session chair)
  • George Guilbault Symposium 2014, Tyndall National Institute, UCC from 11th - 12th September 2014 (chair of the conference) 
  • CASi 2013, hosted by UCC from 1st - 2nd July 2013 (member of organising committee and chair of one session)
  • Nanobio Europe 2011, hosted by Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork from 21st - 23rd June 2011 (member of organising committee and chair of one session)
  • INSPIRE BioNano Postgraduate Research Workshop, 20th - 21st October 2010, Conway Institute, UCD (chair of one session)
  • Nano2Life Scientific Conference 2006, hosted by Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork 5th - 7th September 2006 (member of organising committee and chair of one session)
  • 5th Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 8th - 12 September, Blarney, Cork, 2001 (member of local organising team)
Research Focus:
The focus of his research is to develop novel multi-parameter lab on chip systems that are integrated with both sample separation and sensor capabilities. These smart miniaturised systems can be used in a diverse range of applications such as the environment, pharmaceutical, biomedical, health, forensic, food and beverage industries. He has several research activities that are currently on going and are linked closely to his research strategy. These include: 
  • Development of impedance based nanostructured sensors for monitoring of cell health.
  • Development of amperometric microstructured immunosensors.
  • Development of microfluidic Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) devices integrated with interchangeable columns for separation and amperometric sensors for detection.
  • Development of modular multi-sensing devices integrated with microfluidics and sample pretreatment capabilities.
  • Development of smart needles integrated with impedance sensors for clinical applications.
Research Topics of Interest:
  • Biosensors
  • Chemical Sensors
  • Immunosensors
  • Lab on Chip
  • Smart System Integration
  • Bioconjugation Chemistry
  • Surface Attachment Chemistry
  • Biomedical Deivces
  • Bioanalytical Techniques and Method Development
  • Process Analytical Technology
  • Cytotoxicity Screening of Drugs and Chemicals
  • Forensic Science
  • Microfluidic Devices
  • Microsystems
  • Nanotechnology
Professional Development:
Dr Moore has participated in the following training courses.
  • Certificate in CPD Digital Education 2023
  • Completed Aspiring Leaders Programme at UCC in June 2021
  • Completed Current Leaders Level 1 at UCC in April 2021
  • MA in Teaching and Learning at UCC 2018
  • PGDip in Teaching and Learning at UCC  2015/16
  • Certificate in Teaching and Learning at UCC  2014/15.
  • Completed Lean Yellow Belt
  • NAIRTL training and support for research supervisors.
  • Completed several research project management courses in UCC.
  • Completed communication and interpersonal skills courses in UCC.
  • Completed a course on how to manage and coordinator FP7 projects.
  • Completed courses on how to write a competitive proposal in FP6 & FP7.
  • Completed EC exploitation course.
  • Completed Media Training Programme in UCC.
  • Completed IST coordinators day course on project management in FP6.
Research Network:Dr Moore has an extensive network (+1,000) of both industry and academic contacts. 

Key Achievements (Research and Impact) 
1.       Smart needle/probe research. The advancement of the smart needle research is having a major impact on the clinical/academic partnership between Cork University Hospital and Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork. The success of the research to date is attracting more clinicians to the technology and influencing on how academics and clinicians engage to do research. It is also impacting on the ABC (Academic/Business/Clinical) world were companies are very interested in partnering with us. The smart probe research is currently at the stage of in-human trials at the BreastCheck Clinic at Cork University Hospital. Through the ex-vivo testing being performed to detect malignant and non-malignant breast masses we are impacting on the existing breast cancer diagnostic pathway and convincing clinicians of the value of the technology. This research will have a major impact on the patients undergoing breast cancer detection and the response to date from patients that have consented to having their biopsy samples tested has been immense. 

2.       Development of a miniaturized CE system for detection of nerve agents in CBRN applications. We have recently demonstrated in a chemical exercise (in conjunction with the Belgium Defense Forces, Police and Civil Protection) in Brussels the successful detection of nerve agents stimulants with our portable prototype CE system. This demonstration was part of a FP7 project (GIFT). It will have significant impact on the way in which forensic testing is done in the field for CBRN incidents, especially in warm zone deployment. We will be presenting this technology to the Commission and a number of invited stakeholders on 16th � 18th October in Brussels at our final project workshop. 

3.       Development of multi-sensing devices for use in online monitoring (PAT applications). The successful development of sensors for an industry partner (PepsiCO) has impacted on their strategy for online analytical testing during production. Through our research we have been able to pilot and demonstrate the value of online sensing and its benefits to the industry. We are confident that we have introduced a disruptive technology that will significantly influence and impact on how the Food/Beverage screen and test liquid samples during the production process. That is all I can say on this matter due to the confidential nature of the research. 

4.        Amperometric microstructured immunosensors for bioanalytical applications. As part of the H2020 project SMARTER-Si my team has been successful in realising a portable point of concern chemical analyzer based on immunosensor technology for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water samples. These devices have been developed for an Irish SME to test the market and advance the technology to a commercial product. The portability and ease of use of these devices is a significant advancement for real time water screening of compounds that pose serious health risks to humans due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic nature. It is expected that this technology will influence local authority water screening testing.  
5.       Establishment of an industry-led teaching agenda. This achievement has had a dramatic impact on the delivery of the taught postgraduate courses in Analytical Chemistry at University College Cork. What is significant is that there is now a serious interest from the various companies spread across a number of sectors (18 of which participate on an industry advisory board) in assisting on delivering industry relevant content to the courses, placement of students for six month research projects and industry led workshops. As a result there is now a very high success in the transition of these MSc students to employment in industry. The popularity of courses has doubled over the past two years and the income generated has tripled since I took charge of the programmes in 2012. This is helping to stimulate the economy and increase the caliber of postgraduate students graduating from our MSc degrees.

Research Grants

  Project Funding
Start Date End Date Award
EI "FP-2009-462" Travel Support Enterprise Irl 02-JUL-09 31-DEC-15 €800.00
EI FP/2010/780 Enterprise Irl 20-SEP-10 20-DEC-10 €900.00
Travel Support Enterprise Irl 01-MAY-11 30-SEP-14 €1,000.00
Co-ordination Support. Enterprise Irl 01-SEP-11 31-DEC-11 €12,000.00
Co-ordination Support Enterprise Irl 01-SEP-11 31-JAN-12 €38,119.00
IRCSET EMBARK PG Anna Dorotea Paschero Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET) 01-OCT-09 31-DEC-15 €72,009.00
Co-ordination Support. Enterprise Irl 24-AUG-12 23-MAR-13 €56,412.00
Health-Multi-sensing platform systems integrated with reliable in Vitro toxicity testing for human safety assessment. Enterprise Irl 01-DEC-09 01-MAR-10 €17,108.00
EI FP/2010/604 Travel Support Enterprise Irl 14-FEB-10 17-MAR-10 €1,200.00
EI FP/2010/709 Travel Support Enterprise Irl 12-JUL-10 12-SEP-10 €1,000.00
EU "Development of a toxin screening multi-parameter on-line biochip system (ToxiChip)" European Union 01-FEB-06 28-FEB-10 €903,194.00
Development of a needle integrated with an impedance sensor to determine nerve proximity. Science Foundation of Ireland 01-JAN-12 31-DEC-12 €101,490.00
Nanostructured-based Biosensor Devices for Screening of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Environment Science Foundation of Ireland 01-AUG-06 31-DEC-08 €3,300.00
EI "CS/2009/0186" Proposal Preparation Support for Co-ordinators Enterprise Irl 01-AUG-09 26-OCT-09 €17,950.00
Cytotoxicity screening of water using Toxichip Prokaryote and Eukaryote cell based biosensor platforms. Miscellaneous Non Exchequer 01-DEC-09 30-NOV-10 €41,761.00
SFI 10/RFP/CAP2854 ; Multi-sensing nano-structured sensor arrays for toxicity monitoring of cells relevant to human health Science Foundation of Ireland 02-AUG-10 01-AUG-14 €155,400.00
Health Travel Support Enterprise Irl 01-MAY-11 30-JUN-11 €1,000.00
Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems Workshiop and European Platform on Smart Systems Integration General Assembly and Annua Forum 2013 Joint Event. Science Foundation of Ireland 01-SEP-13 28-FEB-14 €2,500.00
Microfluidic Platform for Enzymatic Biofuel Cells Environment Protection Agency (EPA) 01-AUG-09 01-JUN-13 €278,776.00
Development of a SMART needle. Irish Research Council 01-OCT-13 30-DEC-17 €96,000.00
Development of multi-parameter sensing systems. Irish Research Council 01-OCT-13 30-DEC-18 €96,000.00
SFI ISCA China Travel Grants Science Foundation Ireland 01-SEP-13 31-MAR-14 €5,270.00
SFI 14/TIDA/2486 - Development of minimally invasive smart impedance probe for detection of malignant and non-malignant breast masses Science Foundation of Ireland 01-JAN-15 30-JUN-16 €117,040.00

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2006) 'Biodiversity: An Archive of Opportunity For Nanodevices'
Galvin, P, Dempsey, DA, O'Riordan, A, Redmond, G, Moore, E, Dillmore, WS, Gheorghe, M; (2006) 'Biodiversity: An Archive of Opportunity For Nanodevices' In: V. Renugopalakrishnan, R.V. Lewis, and P.K. Dhar (eds). Bionanotechnology: Proteins to Nanodevices. Netherlands: Springer. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2013) From Doughnuts to Energy: Miniature Enzyme driven Biofuel Cells.
Gregoire Herzog and Eric Moore Monika Żygowska, Vladimir Ogurtsov (2013) From Doughnuts to Energy: Miniature Enzyme driven Biofuel Cells. Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2011) 'Integration of amperometric sensors for microchip capillary electrophoresis application'
Dicorato, F and Moore, E and Glennon, J (2011) 'Integration of amperometric sensors for microchip capillary electrophoresis application' Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 307 (1) . [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2014) 'A sensitive nonenzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor using cadmium oxide nanoparticles/multiwall carbon nanotube modified glassy carbon electrode'
Nutthaya Butwong, Lin Zhou, Wittaya Ng-eontae, Rodjana Burakham, Eric Moore, Supalax Srijaranai, John HT Luong, Jeremy D Glennon (2014) 'A sensitive nonenzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor using cadmium oxide nanoparticles/multiwall carbon nanotube modified glassy carbon electrode'. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 717-718 :41-46 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2014) 'Nanomaterials in carbohydrate biosensors'
Yangzhong Wang, Ke Qu, Longhua Tang, Zhaolong Li, Eric Moore, Xiangqun Zeng, Yang Liu, Jinghong Li (2014) 'Nanomaterials in carbohydrate biosensors'. Trac-Trends In Analytical Chemistry, 58 :54-70 [Details]
(2014) 'Comparison of electrochemical property between multiwalled carbon nanotubes and porous graphitized carbon monolith modified glassy carbon electrode for the simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid and uric acid'
Siriboon Mukdasai, Eric Moore, Jeremy D Glennon, Xiaoyun He, Ekaterina P Nesterenko, Pavel N Nesterenko, Brett Paull, Mila Pravda, Supalax Srijaranai (2014) 'Comparison of electrochemical property between multiwalled carbon nanotubes and porous graphitized carbon monolith modified glassy carbon electrode for the simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid and uric acid'. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 731 :53-59 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2014) 'Fabrication of gold nanopillars on gold interdigitated impedance electrodes for biological applications'
Walter Messina1; Michelle Fitzgerald, Una Crowley, Eric Moore (2014) 'Fabrication of gold nanopillars on gold interdigitated impedance electrodes for biological applications'. International Journal of Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, :163-169 [Details]
(2014) 'Review Article: Nerve localization techniques for peripheral nerve block and possible future directions'
Lisa Helen, Brian O'Donnell and Eric Moore (2014) 'Review Article: Nerve localization techniques for peripheral nerve block and possible future directions'. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, [Details]
(2014) 'A Highly Sensitive Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor based on Hemoglobin Immobilized on Cadmium Sulfide Quantum Dots/Chitosan Composite modified Glassy Carbon Electrode'
Nutthaya Butwong, Lin Zhou, Eric Moore, Supalax Srijaranai, John H.T. Luong and Jeremy D. Glennon (2014) 'A Highly Sensitive Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor based on Hemoglobin Immobilized on Cadmium Sulfide Quantum Dots/Chitosan Composite modified Glassy Carbon Electrode'. Electroanalysis, [Details]
(2014) 'In vitro fibroblast and pre-osteoblastic cellular responses on laser surface modified Ti-6Al-4V'
Chikarakara, Evans; Fitzpatrick, Patricia; Moore, Eric; Levingstone, Tanya; Grehan, Laura; Higginbotham, Clement; Vazquez, Mercedes; Bagga, Komal; Naher, Sumsun; Brabazon, Dermot (2014) 'In vitro fibroblast and pre-osteoblastic cellular responses on laser surface modified Ti-6Al-4V'. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 10 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Investigation of tissue bioimpedance using a macro-needle with a potential application in determination of needle-to-nerve proximit'
Lisa Helen, Brian O’Donnell, Walter Messina and Eric Moore (2014) 'Investigation of tissue bioimpedance using a macro-needle with a potential application in determination of needle-to-nerve proximit'. International Journal of Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 7 (3):376-380 [Details]
(2014) 'Electrochemical property of screen printed electrode modified with gold nanoparticles for the simultaneous determination of Dopamine and Uric acid'
Una B. Crowley, Walter Messina, Miloslav Pravda, Jeremy D. Glennon and Eric Moore (2014) 'Electrochemical property of screen printed electrode modified with gold nanoparticles for the simultaneous determination of Dopamine and Uric acid'. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, [Details]
(2012) 'Electrochemical immunosensor modified with self-assembled monolayer of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid on gold electrodes for detection of benzo[a]pyrene in water'
Ahmad, A,Moore, E (2012) 'Electrochemical immunosensor modified with self-assembled monolayer of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid on gold electrodes for detection of benzo[a]pyrene in water'. Analyst, 137 :5839-5844 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Microchip capillary electrophoresis system with amperometric detection: a review of the theory, recent developments and future evolutions'
Una Crowley, Francesco Dicorato, Jeremy Glennon, Eric Moore (2012) 'Microchip capillary electrophoresis system with amperometric detection: a review of the theory, recent developments and future evolutions'. Trac-Trends In Analytical Chemistry, 9 :77-86 [Details]
(2011) 'Integration of amperometric sensors for microchip capillary electrophoresis application'
F Dicorato, E Moore, J Glennon (2011) 'Integration of amperometric sensors for microchip capillary electrophoresis application'. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 307 (1):1-8 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Amperometric Immunosensors for screening of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in water'
A Ahmad, A Paschero, E Moore (2011) 'Amperometric Immunosensors for screening of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in water'. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 307 (1):1-5 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Multi-parameter on-line cell health monitoring system'
E Moore, A Paschero, W Messina, E McLoughlin (2011) 'Multi-parameter on-line cell health monitoring system'. IEEE Sensors Journal, :320-322 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Integration of a 3D hydrogel matrix within a hollow core photonic crystal fibre for DNA probe immobilization'
Rutowska, MS,Gunning, FCG,Kivlehan, F,Moore, E,Brennan, D,Galvin, P,Ellis, AD; (2010) 'Integration of a 3D hydrogel matrix within a hollow core photonic crystal fibre for DNA probe immobilization'. Measurement Science &Technology, 21 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Comparison of cell-based biosensors with traditional analytical techniques for cytotoxicity monitoring and screening of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the environment'
Azrilawani Ahmad, Eric J Moore (2009) 'Comparison of cell-based biosensors with traditional analytical techniques for cytotoxicity monitoring and screening of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the environment'. Analytical Letters, 42 (1):1-28 [Details]
(2009) 'Monitoring of cell growth in vitro using biochips packaged with indium tin oxide sensors'
Moore, E,Rawley, O,Wood, T,Galvin, P (2009) 'Monitoring of cell growth in vitro using biochips packaged with indium tin oxide sensors'. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 139 :187-193 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Sensor system for on-line monitoring of cell cultures'
Carmen Moldovan, Rodica Iosub, Radu Cornel, Eric Moore, Anna Paschero, Walter Messina, Danilo Demarchi, Cecilia Codreanu, Daniel Necula, Nita Codreanu, Adrian Dinescu, Bogdan Firtat (2009) 'Sensor system for on-line monitoring of cell cultures'. :263-266 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'A rapid polymerisation process realizing 3D biocompatible structures in a microfluidic channel suitable for genetic analysis'
Brennan, D,Dillmore, S,Moore, E,Galvin, P (2009) 'A rapid polymerisation process realizing 3D biocompatible structures in a microfluidic channel suitable for genetic analysis'. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 142 :383-388 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'An integrated optofluidic platform for DNA hybridization and detection'
Des Brennan, Paul Lambkin, Eric J Moore, Paul Galvin (2008) 'An integrated optofluidic platform for DNA hybridization and detection'. IEEE Sensors Journal, 8 (5):536-542 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Selective release of DNA from the surface of indium-tin oxide thin electrode films using thiol-disulfide exchange chemistry'
Eric J Moore, Maeve Curtin, Justin Ionita, Anita R Maguire, Giacomo Ceccone, Paul Galvin (2007) 'Selective release of DNA from the surface of indium-tin oxide thin electrode films using thiol-disulfide exchange chemistry'. Analytical Chemistry, 79 (5):2050-2057 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Development of An Integrated Microsystem For Injection, Transport and Manipulation of Encoded Microbeads'
Hoffmann, D, Curtin, M, Moore, E, Loughran, M; (2007) 'Development of An Integrated Microsystem For Injection, Transport and Manipulation of Encoded Microbeads'. Lab On A Chip, 7 (3):392-395 [DOI] [Details]
(2006) 'Determination of haloanisols in white wine by immunosorbent solid-phase extraction followed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay'
Nuria Sanvicens, Eric J Moore, George G Guilbault, M-Pilar Marco (2006) 'Determination of haloanisols in white wine by immunosorbent solid-phase extraction followed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay'. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54 (24):9176-9183 [DOI] [Details]
(2004) 'Development of a rapid single-drop analysis biosensor for screening of phenanthrene in water samples'
Moore E.J., Kreuzer M.P., Pravda M., Guilbault G. G.; (2004) 'Development of a rapid single-drop analysis biosensor for screening of phenanthrene in water samples'. Electroanalysis, 16 (*):1653-1659 [Details]
(2003) 'Comparative study of 4-aminophenyl phosphate and ascorbic acid 2-phosphate, as substrates for alkaline phosphatase based amperometric immunosensor'
E. J. Moore, M. Pravda, M. P. Kreuzer and G. G. Guilbault; (2003) 'Comparative study of 4-aminophenyl phosphate and ascorbic acid 2-phosphate, as substrates for alkaline phosphatase based amperometric immunosensor'. Analytical Letters, 36 (*):301-313 [Details]
(2003) 'Practical study into enhancing IgG immobilisation on screen-printed electrodes for environmental applications'
Moore, E,Sanvicens, N,Pravda, M,Guilbault, GG (2003) 'Practical study into enhancing IgG immobilisation on screen-printed electrodes for environmental applications'. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 83 :545-553 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Development of polyclonal antibodies against domoic acid for their use in electrochemical immunosensors'
M. Kania, M. P. Kreuzer, E. J. Moore, M. Pravda, B. Hock, G. G. Guilbault; (2003) 'Development of polyclonal antibodies against domoic acid for their use in electrochemical immunosensors'. Analytical Letters, 36 (*):1851-1865 [Details]
(2003) 'Development of a biosensor for the quantitative detection of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole using screen printed electrodes'
E. J. Moore, M. Pravda and G. G. Guilbault; (2003) 'Development of a biosensor for the quantitative detection of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole using screen printed electrodes'. Analytica Chimica Acta, 484 (*):15-24 [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2012) An investigation on the effect of surface characteristics on adhesion between polymer melts and replication tools
Kevin Delaney, Jonathan David Kennedy, Eric Bissacco, Eric Moore (2012) Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC . In: Society of Plastics Engineers Incorporated (SPE) eds. An investigation on the effect of surface characteristics on adhesion between polymer melts and replication tools , pp.1847-1852 [Details]
(2011) Continuous non-destructive monitoring of cell health using impedance based interdigitated electrode structured sensors
Anna Paschero, Eve McLoughlin, Eric J Moore (2011) 5th BioNanoTox and Applications International Research Conference Continuous non-destructive monitoring of cell health using impedance based interdigitated electrode structured sensors , pp.100-105 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) Development of a toxin screening multi-parameter on-line biochip system ‘Toxichip’
E Moore (2010) Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Development of a toxin screening multi-parameter on-line biochip system ‘Toxichip’ , pp.302-304 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) DNA probe immobilisation using 3D hydrogel matrix in a hollow core Photonic Crystal Fibre
Rutowska, M. and Kivlehan, F. and Moore, E. and Brennan, D. and Galvin, P. and Gunning, F.C.G. (2009) 20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors DNA probe immobilisation using 3D hydrogel matrix in a hollow core Photonic Crystal Fibre [Details]


  Year Publication
(2014) Nanomaterials in carbohydrate biosensors.
Wang, YZ,Qu, K,Tang, LH,Li, ZL,Moore, E,Zeng, XQ,Liu, Y,Li, JH (2014) Nanomaterials in carbohydrate biosensors. Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2014 TIDA Award Science Foundation Ireland
2014 PhD Student Prize ICST
2014 MSc Student Award University College Cork
2014 PhD Student Prize SSI
2014 PhD Student Prize Academy of Medical Laboratory Sciences
2014 PhD Student Prize PACCON
2013 International Strategic Cooperation Award SFI
2013 EPoSS Award EPoSS
2012 PhD Student Prize NanoBio Europe
2012 TIDA Award SFI
2011 PhD Student Prize NanoBio Europe
2010 PhD Student Prize INSPIRE
2010 PhD Student Prize UMIES
2010 PhD Student Prize NanoBioTox
2010 RFP Award SFI

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Royal Society of Chemistry MRSC 01-NOV-94 /
EPoSS Academic Member 01-JUL-12 /
Irish Separation Science Cluster Board Member 01-SEP-12 /
Institute of Physics Affiliate Member 01-SEP-06 / 30-AUG-10
MNBS Academic Member 01-FEB-06 /
American Chemical Society Academic Member 01-SEP-08 / 30-AUG-11


  Patent Number Title Granted


  Committee Function From / To
Tyndall Research and Graduate Studies Committee Committee Member 2014 /
RSC Analytical Committee Ireland Board Member & Treasurer 2011 /
Tyndall Sports and Social Committee Treasurer 2006 /
Non-EU Postgraduate Scholarship Committee Committee Member 2013 /
Industry Advisory Board Chair 2013 /
Teaching and Examinations Committee Committee Member 2013 /
Research and Graduate Studies Committee Committee Member 2013 /

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2014) Smart Systems Integration (SSI) Conference,
Niall T.P. Savage; Brian D. O’Donnell; Martin J. O’Sullivan; Eric J. Moore (2014) Micro-structured Impedance Electrodes for the Detection of Breast Cancer and Ductal Carcinoma in situ. [Poster Presentation], Smart Systems Integration (SSI) Conference, Vienna, Austria , 26-MAR-14 - 27-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014) PACCON 2014, Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference,
Una Crowley, Jeremy D. Glennon and Eric Moore (2014) Detection of analytes using toner-based microchips, electrodes fabricated onto acetate and enhanced capabilities of screen printed electrodes. [Poster Presentation], PACCON 2014, Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference, Knon Kaen, Thailand , 08-JAN-14 - 10-JAN-14. [Details]
(2014) SSI Smart System Integration, International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems,
Walter Messina, Eric Moore (2014) Fabrication of gold nanopillars on gold interdigitated impedance electrodes for biomedical applications. [Poster Presentation], SSI Smart System Integration, International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, Vienna, Austria , 26-MAR-14 - 27-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014) PACCON 2014, Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference,
Eric Moore (2014) Sensor Devices for Health Applications Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystem Technology. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], PACCON 2014, Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference, Knon Kaen, Thailand , 09-JAN-14 - 09-JAN-14. [Details]
(2014) 8th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2014),
Walter Messina, Una Crowley, Michelle Fitzgerald, Eric Moore (2014) Fabrication of gold nanopillars on gold interdigitated impedance electrodes for biological and electrochemical applications. [Oral Presentation], 8th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2014), Liverpool, UK , 02-SEP-14 - 04-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014) International Conference and Exhibition Nanotech MEET,
Walter Messina, Una Crowley, Michelle Fitzgerald, Eric Moore (2014) Fabrication of gold nanopillars on gold interdigitated impedance electrodes for biological and electrochemical applications. [Oral Presentation], International Conference and Exhibition Nanotech MEET, Tunisia , 24-APR-14 - 24-APR-14. [Details]
(2014) Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) Annual Scientific Meeting,
Niall T.P. Savage; Brian D. O’Donnell; Martin J. O’Sullivan; Eric J. Moore (2014) Micro-structured Electrodes for the in vitro detection of Impedance in cancer cell lines. [Oral Presentation], Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) Annual Scientific Meeting, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland , 12-MAR-14 - 12-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014) Tyndall National Institute Internal Conference,
Niall Savage; Michael Bennett; Martin O’Sullivan; Brian O’Donnell; Eric Moore (2014) Impedance Sensors for Biomedical & Bioassay Applications. [Other], Tyndall National Institute Internal Conference, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 07-MAY-14 - 08-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014) Tyndall National Institute-Teagasc MOU Signing Event,
Niall Savage; Walter Messina; Michelle Fitzgerald; Lisa Helen; Geaorge Shorten; Michael Bennett; Martin O’Sullivan; Brian O’Donnell; Eric Moore (2014) Impedance Sensors for Biomedical & Bioassay Applications. [Other], Tyndall National Institute-Teagasc MOU Signing Event, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 03-SEP-14 - 03-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014) 8th Annual Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems, MNBS 2014,
Eric Moore (2014) MNBS Projects-Innovation Session and user involvement. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], 8th Annual Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems, MNBS 2014, LAAS-CNRS,Toulouse, France , 21-OCT-14 - 22-OCT-14. [Details]
(2014) 8th Annual Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems, MNBS 2014,
Walter Messina, Michelle Fitzgerald, Lisa Helen, Niall Savage, George Shorten, Bill Bennett, Martin J. O'Sullivan, Brian O'Donnell and Eric Moore (2014) Impedance Sensors for Biomedical & Bioassay Applications. [Poster Presentation], 8th Annual Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems, MNBS 2014, LAAS-CNRS,Toulouse, France , 21-OCT-14 - 22-OCT-14. [Details]
(2014) Smart Systems Integration, International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems,
Lisa Helen, Walter Messina, Brian O’Donnell and Eric Moore (2014) Development of a 'smart' needle integrated with an impedance sensor to determine nerve proximity for nerve blocking (anaesthetic) procedures. [Poster Presentation], Smart Systems Integration, International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, Vienna, Austria , 26-MAR-14 - 27-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014) Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium,
Lisa Helen, Walter Messina, Niall Savage, Brian O’Donnell, Martin O’Sullivan and Eric Moore (2014) Impedance sensors for biomedical and bioassay applications. [Poster Presentation], Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium, National University of Ireland Galway , 19-JUN-14 - 20-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014) Biomedica,
Lisa Helen, Brian O'Donnell and Eric Moore (2014) Investigation of Tissue Bioimpedance using a Macro-needle for Biomedical Applications. [Oral Presentation], Biomedica, RDS Dublin , 29-APR-14 - 30-APR-14. [Details]
(2014) International Conference on Sensing Technology,
Lisa Helen, Brian O'Donnell and Eric Moore (2014) Investigation of tissue bioimpedance using a macro-needle with a potential application in determination of needle-to-nerve proximity. [Oral Presentation], International Conference on Sensing Technology, Liverpool, UK , 02-SEP-14 - 04-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014) Tyndall Internal Conference,
Lisa Helen, Walter Messina, Niall Savage, Brian O’Donnell, Martin O’Sullivan and Eric Moore (2014) Impedance sensors for biomedical and bioassay applications. [Poster Presentation], Tyndall Internal Conference, Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland . [Details]
(2014) Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium 2014,
Walter Messina, Lisa Helen, Niall Savage, Brian O’Donnell, Martin O’Sullivan and Eric Moore (2014) Impedance sensors for biomedical and bioassay applications. [Poster Presentation], Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium 2014, NUIG, Galway , 19-JUN-14 - 20-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014) EPoSS Annual Forum 2014,
Eric Moore (2014) Sensor Devices for Health Applications Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystem Technology. [Oral Presentation], EPoSS Annual Forum 2014, Turin, Italy , 24-SEP-14 - 26-SEP-14. [Details]
(2013) Postgraduate Research Day, Department of Chemistry, UCC,
Una Crowley, Jeremy D. Glennon and Eric Moore (2013) Detection of analytes using toner-based microchips, electrodes fabricated onto acetate and enhanced capabilities of screen printed electrodes. [Oral Presentation], Postgraduate Research Day, Department of Chemistry, UCC, University College Cork, Ireland , 14-AUG-13 - 14-AUG-13. [Details]
(2013) Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Annual Meeting,
Walter Messina, Eric Moore (2013) Development of miniaturized biomedical sensor devices. [Poster Presentation], Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Annual Meeting, University College Cork, Ireland , 20-JUN-13 - 20-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013) Seminar at Peking University,
Eric Moore (2013) Sensor Devices Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystems. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Seminar at Peking University, Peking University, Beijing, China , 02-DEC-13 - 02-DEC-13. [Details]
(2013) Seminar at Hunan University,
Eric Moore (2013) Sensor Devices Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystems. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Seminar at Hunan University, Hunan University, Hunan, China , 28-NOV-13 - 28-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013) Tyndall Industry Health Day,
Gerard Duffy, Gerard McGlacken and Eric Moore (2013) Development of Multi-parameter Sensing Devices with applications in the Food and Health Industries. [Poster Presentation], Tyndall Industry Health Day, Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland , 17-SEP-13 - 19-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) MNBS 2013 and EPoSS General Assembly & Annual Forum 2013,
Gerard Duffy, Gerard McGlacken and Eric Moore (2013) Development of Electrochemical Sensors for the Detection of Toxins and Chemical Contaminants in Food. [Poster Presentation], MNBS 2013 and EPoSS General Assembly & Annual Forum 2013, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 24-SEP-13 - 26-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) Recent Advances in Food Analysis,
Gerard Duffy, Gerard McGlacken and Eric Moore (2013) Development of Electrochemical Sensors for the Detection of Toxins and Chemical Contaminants in Food. [Poster Presentation], Recent Advances in Food Analysis, Prague, Czech Republic , 05-NOV-13 - 08-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013) Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (RAMI) Conference,
Savage N.T.P; O’Donnell B.D; O’Sullivan M; Moore E.J (2013) Breast cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ identification using a dual-electrode system. [Poster Presentation], Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (RAMI) Conference, University College Cork, Ireland , 20-JUN-13 - 20-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013) Conference on Analytical Science, Ireland (CASi) Conference,
Savage N.T.P; O’Donnell B.D; O’Sullivan M; Moore E.J (2013) Novel detection of breast cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Analytical Science, Ireland (CASi) Conference, University College Cork, Ireland , 01-JUL-13 - 02-JUL-13. [Details]
(2013) Conference of Analytical Science in Ireland, CASi 2013,
Una Crowley, Jeremy D. Glennon and Eric Moore (2013) Detection of analytes using toner-based microchips, electrodes fabricated onto acetate and enhanced capabilities of screen printed electrodes. [Oral Presentation], Conference of Analytical Science in Ireland, CASi 2013, University College Cork, Ireland , 01-JUL-13 - 02-JUL-13. [Details]
(2013) Conference of Analytical Science in Ireland, CASi 2013,
Walter Messina, Eric Moore (2013) Fabrication of gold nanopillars on gold interdigitated impedance electrodes for biological applications. [Oral Presentation], Conference of Analytical Science in Ireland, CASi 2013, University College Cork, Ireland , 01-JUL-13 - 01-JUL-13. [Details]
(2013) NanoBio Europe Conference 2013,
Walter Messina, Brian O’Donnell, George Shorten, Eric Moore (2013) Development of a needle integrated with an impedance sensor to determine nerve proximity. [Oral Presentation], NanoBio Europe Conference 2013, Varese, Italy , 18-JUL-13 - 20-JUL-13. [Details]
(2013) MNBS 2013 and EPoSS General Assembly & Annual Forum 2013,
Walter Messina, Eric Moore (2013) Fabrication of gold nanopillars on gold interdigitated electrodes for impedance and electrochemical measurements on biological samples. [Poster Presentation], MNBS 2013 and EPoSS General Assembly & Annual Forum 2013, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 24-SEP-13 - 26-SEP-14. [Details]
(2013) College of Medicine and Health (CoMH) Conference,
Savage N.T.P; O’Donnell B.D; O’Sullivan M; Moore E.J (2013) Breast cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ identification in cell culture models and ex vivo human tissue samples. [Poster Presentation], College of Medicine and Health (CoMH) Conference, University College Cork, Ireland , 13-JUN-13 - 13-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013) Seminar at Tsinghua University,
Eric Moore (2013) Sensor Devices Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystems. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Seminar at Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China , 26-NOV-13 - 26-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013) Tyndall Industrial Days,
Walter Messina, Eric Moore (2013) Nano-structured sensor arrays for toxicity monitoring of cells relevant to human health. [Poster Presentation], Tyndall Industrial Days, Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland , 17-SEP-13 - 17-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) Conference in Analytical Sciences Ireland (CASi),
Gerard Duffy, Gerard McGlacken and Eric Moore (2013) Development and Characterisation of Miniaturised Electrochemical Arrays for use as Immuno and Chemical sensors in the Food and Health Industries. [Poster Presentation], Conference in Analytical Sciences Ireland (CASi), University College Cork, Ireland , 01-JUL-13 - 01-JUL-13. [Details]
(2013) Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) Annual Scientific Meeting,
Savage N.T.P; O’Donnell B.D; O’Sullivan M; Moore E.J (2013) Development of a smart needle integrated with nanostructured impedance sensor for detection of breast cancer. [Poster Presentation], Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) Annual Scientific Meeting, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland , 14-MAR-13 - 14-MAR-13. [Details]
(2013) Tyndall National Institute Internal Conference,
Savage N.T.P; O’Donnell B.D; O’Sullivan M; Moore E.J (2013) Impedance Detection of breast cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ. [Poster Presentation], Tyndall National Institute Internal Conference, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 25-APR-13 - 25-APR-13. [Details]
(2013) Tyndall National Institute ICT For Health Conference,
Niall T.P. Savage; Brian D. O’Donnell; Martin J. O’Sullivan; Eric J. Moore (2013) Impedance detection of breast cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ. [Poster Presentation], Tyndall National Institute ICT For Health Conference, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 16-SEP-13 - 16-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) Micro-Nano-Bio Systems/European Platform on Smart Systems (MNBS/EPoSS) Conference,
Niall T.P. Savage; Brian D. O’Donnell; Martin J. O’Sullivan; Eric J. Moore (2013) Micro-structured Impedance Electrodes for the Detection of Breast Cancer and Ductal Carcinoma in situ. [Poster Presentation], Micro-Nano-Bio Systems/European Platform on Smart Systems (MNBS/EPoSS) Conference, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 23-SEP-13 - 25-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) 7th Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems,
Lisa Helen, Walter Messina and Eric Moore (2013) Development of a 'SMART' needle integrated with an impedance sensor to determine nerve proximity for nerve blocking (anaesthetic) procedures. [Poster Presentation], 7th Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems, Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland , 24-SEP-13 - 26-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) Tyndall Health Day,
Lisa Helen, Walter Messina and Eric Moore (2013) Development of a 'SMART' needle integrated with an impedance sensor to determine nerve proximity for nerve blocking (anaesthetic) procedures. [Poster Presentation], Tyndall Health Day, Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland , 17-SEP-13 - 17-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Annual Meeting,
Eric Moore (2013) Sensor Devices for Health Applications Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystem Technology. [Oral Presentation], Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Annual Meeting, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, University College Cork, Ireland , 20-JUN-13 - 20-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013) Tyndall National Institute Seminar Series 2013,
Eric Moore (2013) The Evolution of Biosensors: Aliens v Predators. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Tyndall National Institute Seminar Series 2013, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 03-MAY-13 - 03-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013) Tyndall Inaugural Annual Internal Conference,
Eric Moore (2013) Sensor Devices Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystems. [Oral Presentation], Tyndall Inaugural Annual Internal Conference, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 24-APR-13 - 24-MAR-14. [Details]
(2013) Seminar at Shanghai Jiaotong University,
Eric Moore (2013) Sensor Devices Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystems. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Seminar at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China , 29-NOV-13 - 29-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013) Tyndall National Institute Internal Conference,
Una Crowley, Jeremy D. Glennon and Eric Moore (2013) Novel acetate electrode and increased sensitivity of screen printed electrodes. [Poster Presentation], Tyndall National Institute Internal Conference, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 25-MAY-13 - 25-MAY-13. [Details]
(2012) ISSC Annual Meeting 2012,
Una Crowley, Jeremy D. Glennon and Eric Moore (2012) Toner-based microchips coupled with luminol chemiluminescence detection and in-channel amperometric detection. [Oral Presentation], ISSC Annual Meeting 2012, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland , 26-JUN-12 - 27-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012) Conference of Analytical Science in Ireland, CASi 2011,
Una Crowley, Mila Pravda, Eric Moore and Jeremy D. Glennon (2012) Method of development for toner-based microchips. [Poster Presentation], Conference of Analytical Science in Ireland, CASi 2011, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland , 21-FEB-12 - 22-FEB-12. [Details]
(2012) 29th International Symposium on Chromatography,
Una Crowley, Jeremy D. Glennon and Eric Moore (2012) Separation of Biomarkers by Micro-Electrophoresis with Chemiluminescence Detection in Toner-Based Microchips. [Poster Presentation], 29th International Symposium on Chromatography, Torun, Poland , 09-SEP-12 - 13-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012) 22nd Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium (ENVIRON 2012),
A Ahmad and E.J. Moore (2012) Development of electrochemical immunosensors for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water. [Poster Presentation], 22nd Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium (ENVIRON 2012), University College Dublin, Ireland , 08-MAR-12 - 09-MAR-12. [Details]
(2012) Institute of Chemistry of Ireland Congress 2012,
Una Crowley, Jeremy D. Glennon and Eric Moore (2012) Separation of Biomarkers by Micro-Electrophoresis with Chemiluminescence Detection in Toner-Based Microchips. [Poster Presentation], Institute of Chemistry of Ireland Congress 2012, University College Cork, Ireland , 26-NOV-12 - 26-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012) NanoBio Europe,
Una Crowley, Mila Pravda, Eric Moore and Jeremy D. Glennon (2012) Toner-based microchips coupled with luminol chemiluminescence detection and in-channel amperometric detection. [Oral Presentation], NanoBio Europe, Varese, Italy , 18-JUL-12 - 20-JUL-12. [Details]
(2012) NanoWeek 2012 Conference,
Walter Messina, Eric Moore (2012) Nano-structured sensor arrays for toxicity monitoring of cells relevant to human health. [Poster Presentation], NanoWeek 2012 Conference, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland , 17-SEP-12 - 18-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012) Invited Seminar at APC, UCC,
Eric Moore (2012) Sensor Devices Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystems. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Invited Seminar at APC, UCC, Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre Biosciences Institute University College Cork Ireland , 20-APR-12 - 20-APR-12. [Details]
(2012) EPoSS General Assembly, Annual Forum and Engagement Day 2012,
Eric Moore, Walter Messina, Una Crowley and Gerard Duffy (2012) Sensor Devices Based on Smart Miniaturised Microsystems. [Poster Presentation], EPoSS General Assembly, Annual Forum and Engagement Day 2012, Paris, France , 26-SEP-12 - 28-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012) SFI Technology Innovation Development Awards,
Eric Moore and Brian O'Donnell (2012) Development of a smart needle integrated with an impedance sensor to determine nerve proximity. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], SFI Technology Innovation Development Awards, Minerva Suite, Royal Dublin Society (RDS), Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland , 23-FEB-12 - 23-FEB-12. [Details]
(2012) ENVIRON 2012 Colloquium,
Monika Zygowska, Eric Moore, Vladimir Ogurtsov (2012) Microfluidic devices for Enzymatic Biofuel Cell applications. Fabrication, characterisation and modelling studies. [Poster Presentation], ENVIRON 2012 Colloquium, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland , 07-MAR-12 - 09-MAR-12. [Details]
(2012) Tyndall & School of Medicine Workshop,
Eric Moore (2012) Development of a needle integrated with an impedance sensor to determine nerve proximity. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Tyndall & School of Medicine Workshop, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 26-JUN-12 - 26-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012) FoodMicroSystems workshop on Dairy Processing,
Eric Moore (2012) Microsystems - Life Science Interface. [Oral Presentation], FoodMicroSystems workshop on Dairy Processing, ACTIA, Paris , 25-SEP-12 - 25-SEP-12. [Details]
(2011) CASi Conference,
Una Crowley, Mila Pravda, Eric Moore and Jeremy D. Glennon (2011) Method of development for toner-based microchips. [Poster Presentation], CASi Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland , 21-FEB-11 - 22-FEB-11. [Details]
(2011) 2nd Annual SmartOcean Workshop,
Eric Moore (2011) Tyndall Environmental Research Overview. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 2nd Annual SmartOcean Workshop, Marine Institute, Oranmore, Galway, Ireland , 05-JUL-11 - 06-JUL-11. [Details]
(2011) 21st Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium (ENVIRON 2011),
A. Ahmad, A.D. Paschero and E.J. Moore (2011) Screening of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Water Using Amperometric Immunosensors. [Poster Presentation], 21st Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium (ENVIRON 2011), University College Cork, Ireland , 06-APR-11 - 08-APR-11. [Details]
(2011) Priority Substances Monitoring & Occurrences in the Environment: The Future Challenges for PBTs in surface & groundwater (Workshop),
A Ahmad, A.D. Paschero and E.J. Moore (2011) Amperometric immunosensors for screening aromatic hydrocarbons in water. [Poster Presentation], Priority Substances Monitoring & Occurrences in the Environment: The Future Challenges for PBTs in surface & groundwater (Workshop), Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland , 22-SEP-11 - 22-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011) Nanobiotechnology Workshop,
Eric Moore (2011) A multi-parameter cell based biochip system for cytotoxicity monitoring. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Nanobiotechnology Workshop, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy , 29-NOV-11 - 01-DEC-11. [Details]
(2011) ENVIRON 2011 Colloquium,
Eric Moore (2011) Development of a toxin screening biochip system. [Oral Presentation], ENVIRON 2011 Colloquium, University College Cork, Ireland , 06-APR-11 - 08-APR-11. [Details]
(2011) CASi Conference,
Eric Moore, Walter Messina, Anna Paschero (2011) Development of a toxin screening multi-parameter on-line biochip system. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], CASi Conference, The Helix, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland , 21-FEB-11 - 21-FEB-11. [Details]
(2011) Invited Seminar at MSSI, UL,
Eric Moore (2011) Toxichip, a multiparameter cell based biosensor system. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Invited Seminar at MSSI, UL, Materials and Surface Science Institute, UL, Limerick, Ireland . [Details]
(2011) FP7 info days on Environment Calls 2011,
Eric Moore (2011) Overview Tyndall Environmental Research Activities. [Oral Presentation], FP7 info days on Environment Calls 2011, Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Brussels, Belgium , 12-JUL-10 - 13-JUL-10. [Details]
(2011) NanoBio Europe,
Eric Moore (2011) Conference chair for session. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], NanoBio Europe, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland , 21-JUN-11 - 23-JUN-11. [Details]
(2011) 11th Asia Pacific Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis (APCE 2011),
Una Crowley, Mark Nussbaum, Jeremy D. Glennon and Eric Moore (2011) Separation of Biomarkers by Micro-Electrophoresis with Chemiluminescence Detection in Toner-Based Microchips. [Oral Presentation], 11th Asia Pacific Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis (APCE 2011), Hobart, Tasmania , 27-NOV-11 - 30-NOV-11. [Details]
(2011) International Symposium on High Performance liquid Separations and related techniques,
Una Crowley, Mila Pravda, Eric Moore and Jeremy D. Glennon (2011) Method of development for toner-based microchips. [Poster Presentation], International Symposium on High Performance liquid Separations and related techniques, Budapest, Hungary , 19-JUN-11 - 23-JUN-11. [Details]
(2011) Postgraduate Research Day, Department of Chemistry, UCC,
A Ahmad and E.J. Moore (2011) Development of electrochemical immunosensors for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in environmental monitoring of water with comparative studies using chromatographic techniques. [Oral Presentation], Postgraduate Research Day, Department of Chemistry, UCC, University College Cork, Ireland , 25-AUG-11 - 25-AUG-11. [Details]
(2011) Sensors & their Applications,
A Ahmad, A.D. Paschero and E.J. Moore (2011) Amperometric immunosensors for screening aromatic hydrocarbons in water. [Oral Presentation], Sensors & their Applications, Cork, Ireland , 12-SEP-11 - 14-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011) NanoBio-Europe, 7th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology,
A Ahmad and E.J. Moore (2011) Development of enzyme-label electrochemical immunoassay for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with controlled surface modification. [Poster Presentation], NanoBio-Europe, 7th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology, University College Cork, Ireland , 21-JUN-11 - 21-JUN-11. [Details]
(2011) NanoBio-Europe, 7th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology,
A. Paschero: E. McLoughlin: E. Moore (2011) Transparent conductive impedance based interdigitated electrodes to monitor cell behaviour. [Poster Presentation], NanoBio-Europe, 7th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology, Cork, Ireland , 21-JUN-11 - 23-JUN-11. [Details]
(2011) Sensors & their Applications,
Eric Moore and Azrilawani Ahmad (2011) Screening of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Water Using Amperometric Immunosensors. [Oral Presentation], Sensors & their Applications, Cork, Ireland , 12-OCT-11 - 14-OCT-11. [Details]
(2011) Conference of Analytical Science in Ireland, CASi 2011,
A. Ahmad, A.D. Paschero, F. Dicorato and E.J. Moore (2011) Enzyme-label based on amperometric detection for monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water. [Poster Presentation], Conference of Analytical Science in Ireland, CASi 2011, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland , 21-FEB-11 - 23-FEB-11. [Details]
(2010) INSPIRE BioNano Postgraduate Research Workshop,
A. Ahmad, A.D. Paschero, F. Dicorato, W. Messina and E.J. Moore (2010) Screening of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Water Using Amperometric Immunosensors. [Poster Presentation], INSPIRE BioNano Postgraduate Research Workshop, University College Dublin, Ireland , 20-OCT-10 - 21-OCT-10. [Details]
(2010) ISSC Annual Meeting 2010,
Una Crowley, Mila Pravda, Eric Moore and Jeremy D. Glennon (2010) Method of development for toner-based microchips. [Poster Presentation], ISSC Annual Meeting 2010, Clarion Hotel, Cork, Ireland , 06-DEC-10 - 07-DEC-10. [Details]
(2010) UK-Malaysia-Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2010,
A Ahmad and E.J. Moore (2010) Cytotoxicity monitoring of benzo[a]pyrene using impedance cell based biosensors. [Poster Presentation], UK-Malaysia-Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2010, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland , 23-JUN-10 - 25-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010) ISSC Annual Meeting,
Eric Moore (2010) Development of integrated microsystems. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], ISSC Annual Meeting, Clarion Hotel, Cork, Ireland , 07-DEC-10 - 07-DEC-10. [Details]
(2010) Ireland-Taiwan Biotechnology Workshop,
Eric Moore (2010) Tyndall Health Research Activities. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Ireland-Taiwan Biotechnology Workshop, The Helix, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland , 23-NOV-10 - 23-OCT-10. [Details]
(2010) 4th Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems,
Eric Moore (2010) Toxichip. [Oral Presentation], 4th Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems, Neuchatel, Switzerland , 15-FEB-10 - 15-FEB-10. [Details]
(2010) NanoBio-Europe, 6th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology6th,
A Ahmad and E.J. Moore (2010) Development of an amperometric immunosensor biochip for screening of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water. [Oral Presentation], NanoBio-Europe, 6th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology6th, Munster, Germany , 15-JUN-10 - 17-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010) NanoBio-Europe, 6th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology6th,
A. Paschero: E. McLoughlin: J. Luong: E. Moore (2010) Screening of potential anti-cancer drugs using an integrated cell based biosensor platform system. [Poster Presentation], NanoBio-Europe, 6th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology6th, Munster, Germany , 15-JUN-10 - 17-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010) NanoBioTox conference,
Eric Moore, Walter Messina, Anna Paschero (2010) Development of a multi-parameter on-line biochip system. [Oral Presentation], NanoBioTox conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, US , 04-NOV-10 - 05-NOV-10. [Details]
(2010) International Collaborators Workshop in Maternal and Child Health,
Eric Moore (2010) Tyndall LSI Activities. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], International Collaborators Workshop in Maternal and Child Health, Celtic Cross Hotel, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork, Ireland , 16-SEP-10 - 17-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010) 32nd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
Eric Moore, Walter Messina, Anna Paschero (2010) Development of a toxin screening multi-parameter on-line biochip system. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 32nd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina , 31-AUG-10 - 04-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010) INSPIRE BioNano Postgraduate Research Workshop,
Eric Moore (2010) Conference chair for session. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], INSPIRE BioNano Postgraduate Research Workshop, Conway Institute, University College Dublin . [Details]
(2009) Fourth International Workshop on Biosensors for Food Safety and Environmental Monitoring,
Eric Moore (2009) Cytotoxicity monitoring of cells using a multi-parameter fluidic platform. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Fourth International Workshop on Biosensors for Food Safety and Environmental Monitoring, Tangier, Morocco , 30-SEP-09 - 04-OCT-09. [Details]
(2009) Seminar in NIBEC,
Eric Moore (2009) Cell based impedance sensors for non-destructive monitoring of cell health. [Oral Presentation], Seminar in NIBEC, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Belfast, Northern Ireland , 03-SEP-09 - 03-SEP-09. [Details]
(2009) Royal Society of Chemistry, 42nd IUPAC Congress,
Eric Moore (2009) A multi-parameter fluidic platform for cytotoxicity monitoring of cells. [Oral Presentation], Royal Society of Chemistry, 42nd IUPAC Congress, Glasgow, Scotland , 06-AUG-09 - 09-AUG-09. [Details]
(2009) Nanobio-Europe, 5th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnlogy,
Eric Moore (2009) A toxin screening multi-parameter biochip system for monitoring of cell health. [Oral Presentation], Nanobio-Europe, 5th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnlogy, Grenoble, France , 16-JUN-09 - 18-JUN-09. [Details]
(2009) UMT-MSD Postgraduate Seminar 2009,
A Ahmad and E.J. Moore (2009) Development of cell-based biosensor for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental monitoring of water. [Oral Presentation], UMT-MSD Postgraduate Seminar 2009, University of Leeds, UK , 12-MAY-09 - 13-MAY-09. [Details]
(2009) International Conference on Trends in Bioanalytical Sciences and Biosensors,
Eric Moore (2009) Development of cell based biosensor system. [Oral Presentation], International Conference on Trends in Bioanalytical Sciences and Biosensors, Dublin, Ireland , 25-JAN-09 - 29-JAN-09. [Details]
(2009) INSPIRE 09 conference,
E. Moore, E. McLoughlin, W. Messina, A. Paschero, P. Galvin (2009) Towards nanoparticle toxicity testing using an integrated multi-parameter fluidic platform system that monitors cells relevant to human health. [Poster Presentation], INSPIRE 09 conference, University College Cork, Ireland , 01-DEC-09 - 01-DEC-09. [Details]
(2009) 3rd Concertation WS of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems: Specific topic: Micro-Nano-Bio convergence Systems (MNBS),
Eric Moore (2009) Toxichip. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 3rd Concertation WS of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems: Specific topic: Micro-Nano-Bio convergence Systems (MNBS), Brussels, Belgium , 12-MAR-09 - 13-MAR-09. [Details]
(2008) 2nd Concertation WS of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems: Specific topic: Micro-Nano-Bio convergence Systems (MNBS),
Eric Moore (2008) Toxichip. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 2nd Concertation WS of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems: Specific topic: Micro-Nano-Bio convergence Systems (MNBS), Brussels, Belgium , 03-MAR-08 - 04-MAR-08. [Details]
(2008) Seminar,
Eric Moore (2008) Development of integrated multi-parameter sensor systems. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Seminar, University of California, Riverside US , 19-AUG-08 - 19-AUG-08. [Details]
(2007) NanoBio-Europe, 3rd International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology,
Eric Moore (2007) Development of a toxin screening multi-parameter biochip system for monitoring of cells in-vitro. [Oral Presentation], NanoBio-Europe, 3rd International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology, Munster, Germany , 13-JUN-07 - 15-JUN-07. [Details]
(2007) Nano2Lfe 3rd Scientific Conference,
E. Moore, D. Brennan, M. Curtin, P. Galvin (2007) Integration and characterisation of surface activation chemistry with a standard polymer micro fluidic fabrication process for DNA immobilisation and hybridisation. [Poster Presentation], Nano2Lfe 3rd Scientific Conference, Lund, Sweden , 01-JUN-07. [Details]
(2007) MINOS Scientific and Brokerage Event,
Eric Moore (2007) Development of a toxin screening multi-parameter on-line biochip system. [Oral Presentation], MINOS Scientific and Brokerage Event, Bucharest, Romania , 21-MAY-07 - 25-MAY-07. [Details]
(2007) 1st Concertation WS of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems: Specific topic: Micro-Nano-Bio convergence Systems (MNBS),
Eric Moore (2007) Toxichip. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 1st Concertation WS of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems: Specific topic: Micro-Nano-Bio convergence Systems (MNBS), Brussels, Belgium , 18-JAN-07 - 19-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007) Nanoscale Physics and Technology: the interface with Medical and Biological Sciences,
E. Moore, D. Groeger, T. Wood, J. Alderman, P. Galvin (2007) Development of a toxin screening multi-parameter biochip system for monitoring of cells in-vitro. [Poster Presentation], Nanoscale Physics and Technology: the interface with Medical and Biological Sciences, Southampton, UK , 26-MAR-07 - 27-MAR-07. [Details]
(2006) Analytical Research Forum 2006,
E.J. Moore, M. Curtin, A.R. Maguire, P. Galvin (2006) Selective release and re-immobilisation of DNA from Indium tin oxide thin electrode films modified with thiol-disulphide exchange chemistry. [Oral Presentation], Analytical Research Forum 2006, University College Cork, Ireland , 17-JUL-06 - 19-JUL-06. [Details]
(2006) 14th International Worshop on Invitro Toxicology,
K. O-Donovan, T. Wood, E. Moore, J. Alderman (2006) The use of indium tin oxide as a cell-based biosensor for in vitro analysis. [Poster Presentation], 14th International Worshop on Invitro Toxicology, Ostend, Belgium , 02-OCT-06 - 05-OCT-06. [Details]
(2004) Inagural A.B.C.R.F. Research Day,
Eric Moore and George G. Guilbault (2004) Screening of Environmental Samples for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons using Disposable Electrochemical Biosensors. [Oral Presentation], Inagural A.B.C.R.F. Research Day, University College Cork, Ireland , 22-APR-04 - 22-APR-04. [Details]
(2003) Third workshop of the EU concerted action Evaluation/Validation of Novel Biosensors in Real Environmental and Food samples,
Moore E, Sanvicens N, Kreuzer M, Pravda M, Marco MP, Guilbault GG; (2003) Quantitative Detection of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole in Wine, Water and other Food Industries using Biosensor Technology. [Poster Presentation], Third workshop of the EU concerted action Evaluation/Validation of Novel Biosensors in Real Environmental and Food samples, Mao, Menorca, Spain , 02-NOV-03 - 04-NOV-03. [Details]
(2003) Third workshop of the EU concerted action Evaluation/Validation of Novel Biosensors in Real Environmental and Food samples,
Moore E, Conneely G, Papamichael K, Kreuzer M, Pravda M, Guilbault GG; (2003) Sensors for Multidisciplinary Areas with Adaptation to Clinical, Environmental and Food Sectors. [Poster Presentation], Third workshop of the EU concerted action Evaluation/Validation of Novel Biosensors in Real Environmental and Food samples, Mao, Menorca, Spain , 02-NOV-03 - 04-NOV-03. [Details]
(2003) Third Workshop of the concerted action: Evaluation/Validation of novel biosensors in real environmental and food samples,
Eric Moore and George G. Guilbault (2003) Validation of environmental samples using disposable screen-printed electrodes for PAH detection in water and soil samples. [Oral Presentation], Third Workshop of the concerted action: Evaluation/Validation of novel biosensors in real environmental and food samples, Menorca, Spain , 02-NOV-03 - 04-NOV-03. [Details]
(2003) BioResearch Day,
Pravda, M.; (2003) Development of a 2,4,6-trichloroanisole biodetection system for quality assurance in cork, wine and other food industries. [Oral Presentation], BioResearch Day, UCC , 03-SEP-03 - 03-SEP-03. [Details]
(2002) Advances in Bioanalytics, From Electrochemistry of Biomolecular Analytics,
Eric Moore and George G. Guilbault (2002) Immunosensors: The next generation. [Oral Presentation], Advances in Bioanalytics, From Electrochemistry of Biomolecular Analytics, Potsdam, Germany , 27-SEP-02 - 27-SEP-02. [Details]
(2002) Second Workshop of the concerted action: Evaluation/Validation of novel biosensors in real environmental and food samples,
Eric Moore and George G. Guilbault (2002) Disposable Amperometric Immunosensors for PAH Detection in Environmental Samples. [Oral Presentation], Second Workshop of the concerted action: Evaluation/Validation of novel biosensors in real environmental and food samples, Florence, Italy . [Details]
(2001) INCO Meeting,
Eric Moore and George G. Guilbault (2001) Development of Highly Selective Sensors for rapid measurement of Clinical, Environmental and Food Samples. [Oral Presentation], INCO Meeting, Athens, Greece , 24-MAY-01 - 28-MAY-01. [Details]


  Employer Position From / To
University College Cork Lecturer 03-DEC-12 /
Tyndall National Institute Staff Researcher 09-FEB-04 /
Cork County Veterinary Department Laboratory Technician 05-JUN-95 / 07-SEP-95
University College Cork Senior Demonstrator 03-SEP-01 / 06-FEB-04
Cork County Veterinary Department Laboratory Technician 03-JUN-96 / 05-SEP-96
Mobile Oil Laboratory Technician 02-JUN-97 / 04-SEP-97


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2001 University College Cork MSc Analytical Chemistry
2003 University College Cork PhD Analytical Chemistry
1998 University College Cork BSC (HONS) Chemistry


  Language Reading Writing Speaking
Spanish Basic None Basic
Irish Basic Basic Basic
German Basic Basic Basic

Outreach Activities


Support placement of ERASMUS students in research group at Tyndall during Summer months

Support placement of transition year students (secondary schools) in research group in Tyndall on an annual basis.

RSC ChemNet Ambassador

Participate annually at the Postgraduate Open Day in UCC

Annual participation at Discovery Science Exhibition in City Hall Cork

Science Ambassador in the Science Ambassador Program, which was established by Discover Science and Engineering’s (DSE) in Ireland.

Journal Activities

  Journal Role To / From
Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry Referee -
Analytical Biochemistry Referee -
The Analyst Referee -
Thin Solid Films Referee -
Analytical Chemistry Referee -

Other Activities


Registered specialist in MINOS-EURONET

Member of SmartOcean Ireland ICT for the Sea Group

Cork Conference Ambassador

Expert Reviewer in H2020

Teaching Interests

Current PhD Students:
Devansh Vikram Shah 
Edel Whelton
Emma O'Sullivan-Carrol
Janine Boertjes
Simona Troyanner Broomes

Postgraduate Teaching:
Programme Director for the following taught postgraduate courses in Analytical Chemistry, University College Cork.
  • MSc Analytical Chemistry
  • MSc Analysis of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • MSc Environmental Analytical Chemisrty
  • PGDip Analytical Chemistry
  • PGDip Bioanalytical Chemistry (HCI Pillar 1)
Dr Moore has a strong interest to linking graduate programmes with industry in order to realise more industry relevant material and match the requirements for skilled graduates seeking employment in various analytical and chemistry positions. Since February 2013 Dr Moore has established an Industry Advisory Board for the taught postgraduate courses in Analytical Chemistry. The role of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is to provide crucial Industry feedback on both the teaching strategy and practice for the taught postgraduate course in Analytical Chemistry. The board are to provide an independent, expert review and critique of the postgraduate courses in Analytical Chemistry in such a way that improves the quality of teaching and research. The IAB has the following goals:
  • Enable the effective contribution of the Industry partners.
  • Create and foster better working relationships between Industry and Academia.
  • Modernise the postgraduate courses in Analytical Chemistry and align them with current industry needs (Industry-relevant teaching agenda).
Dr Moore lectures and is module coordinator in the following postgraduate modules:
  • CM6008 - Virtual Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratories
  • CM6009 - Advanced Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • CM6011 - Modern Methods in Analytical Chemistry
  • CM6012 - Modern Analytical Techniques, Chemical Data Analysis and GLP
  • CM6013 - Separation Science, Sensors and Process Analytical Technology
  • CM6014 - Materials, Pharmaceutical and Bio-analysis
  • CM6015 - Practice of Analytical Chemistry
  • CM6024 - Industry Led Workshops/Seminars in Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • CM6025 - Instrumental Techniques for Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • CM6026 - Industry Led Workshops
  • CM6027 - Taught Postgraduate Transferable Skills Development
  • CM6028 - Introduction to Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • CM6029 - Introduction to Quality and Regulatory Affairs for BioPharma
  • CM6030 - Practice of Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • CM6031 - Process Analytical Technology in BioPharma
  • CM6032 - Troubleshooting Bioanalytical Chemistry Case Studies
Undergraduate Teaching:
Lecturer in the following undergraduate modules:
  • CM0004 - Introduction to Validation (2nd years)
  • CM0005 - Validation Science (3rd years)
  • CM3024 - Analytical Chemistry
  • CM3108 - Forensic Analysis
  • CM4026 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry Part 1
  • CM4027 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry Part 2
  • CM4100 - Advanced Methods of Forensic Science
  • EV4002 - Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
ACE Teaching:
Module coordinator for:
  • CM2011 - Introduction to Validation
  • CM2012 - Validation Science
At both undergraduate and postgraduate level specialise in the following subjects:
  • Bioanalytical Techniques
  • Biosensors
  • Lab on chip and Microfluidics
  • Sensing and Separation
  • Data Analysis
Postgraduate Research Modules (Vice Dean Graduate Affairs SEFS):
Module coordinator for the following postgraduate research modules:
  • PG6014 - Scientific Outreach and Communication
  • PG6026 - Teaching and Demonstrating Skills for CSEFS graduate students
  • PG7026 - PhD Internship 1 (CSEFS)
  • PG7039 - PhD Internship 2 (CSEFS)
  • PG7048 - PhD Generic and Transferable Skills Portfolio (CSEFS)

Recent Postgraduates

  Graduation Year Student Name Institution Degree Type Thesis Title
2014 Una Crowley PHD Development of low-cost sensing and separation devices based on macro,micro and nano technology for health applications
2014 Xi Cao University College Cork MSc Analysis of Organophosphate Nerve Agents by Capillary Electrophoresis
2014 Colette Kirby University College Cork MSc Development of a Stability Indicating ELISA for the Detection of Potential HSA-IFN Aggregrates in Intron Powder fr Injection
2014 William Murphy University College Cork MSc Bio-Impedimetric and Electrophysiological Analysis to Screen Potential Anti-Cancer Compounds in Colon Cancer Treatment
2014 Eoin Murray University College Cork MSc Nitrate determination in various water matrices through reduction using metal and comparison to a traditional method
2014 Leonard Gardiner University College Cork MSc Analytical Method Transfer of a Viral Neutralization Assay for a New Molecular Entity
2014 Sean Myles University College Cork MSc Development and Validation of RP-UPLC Methods for the Determination of Pharmaceutical Residues on Glass, Stainless Steel and Hastelloy
2014 Elsie Ronan University College Cork MSc The Importance of Validation in the Pharmaceutical Industry with Particular Emphasis on the Parkinson's Disease Drug, Ropinirole Hydrochloride
2014 Tiernan O'Shea University College Cork MSc Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET): Technology, Method Verification and Inventory Control
2014 Aaron Power University College Cork MSc Method Development for the Analysis of MEtal Impurtities in Pharmaceuticals According to USP Chapters 232 and 233
2014 Jennifer Akujobi University College Cork MSc The Effect of Antibiotic-Impregnated Bone Cement for the Treatment of Infection Associated with Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty
2014 Aoife Kennedy University College Cork MSc Decotamination of Process Equipment in the Pharmaceutical Industry
2014 Claire O'Connell University College Cork MSc The Historical Evalutaion of Dual Wavelenght-Size Exclusion-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (DW-SE-HPLC) Methods for Effective Technical Transfer
2014 James Bennett University College Cork MSc Optimisation of a Phase III Ligand Binding Potency Assay
2013 Shauna Scanlon University College Cork MSc Comparing traditional pH glass electrodes to ISFETs for their use in the food and beverage industry
2013 Pushpaveni Kothapalli University College Cork MSc Cell based assays for monitoring the effect of Nicotine on cells relevant to human health
2013 Samia Alsefri University College Cork MSc Development of an Optical Immunoassay for the Detection of Hydrocarbons in the Environment
2013 Ibtihaj Albalawi University College Cork MSc Analysis of Tryptamine, Tryptohan and Indoxyl Sulfate by capillary Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Detection
2013 Shifa Felemban University College Cork MSc Simultaneous determination of multiple analytes using screen printed electrodes modified with carbon Nano-tubes and gold Nano-particles
2013 Chianura Massim University Politehnica MSc Design and development of an electro-mechanical bio-imaging system
2013 Marialaura Perrone University Politehnica MSc Development and characterization of impedance based sensor arrays for bio applications
2012 Azrilawani Ahmad University College Cork PHD Development of Biosensors for the Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Environmental Monitoring of Water
2012 Michael Hawe University College Cork MSc Development of an electrochemical immunosensor array for detection of hydrocarbons in the environment
2012 Bhaskar Venkatesh Ulluri University College Cork MSc Development of a needle integrated with an impedance sensor to determine nerve proximity
2012 Gabriele Davide University Politehnica MSc Development and characterisation of an impedance sensor for cell culture monitoring
2011 Mrudula Golla University College Cork MSc A preliminary investigation on effect of aspirin and heparin on small lung cancer cells
2011 Pietro Lanfranco University Politehnica MSc Development of a Clark oxygen sensor for cell culture monitoring
2010 Conor Kelly University College Cork MSc Use of biosensors to determine food contamination
2010 Patricia Fitzpatrick University College Cork MSc Nanoparticle toxicity tests using cell-based biosensors
2010 Francesco Dicorato University Politehnica MSc Development of a modular integrated system with amperometric detection for capillary electrophoresis
2009 Ismael Rattalino University Politehnica MSc Development of a microfluidic platform for cell based biosensor
2009 Ian Twomey University College Cork MSc Assessment of the efficacy of anti-cancer drugs using cell based impedance spectroscopy
2009 Vicendone Edoardo University Politehnica MSc Integrated biosensors coupled with microfluidics for cytotoxicity monitoring
2008 Walter Messina University Politehnica MSc Characterization of an in-vitro system for cell culture analysis
2008 Anna Paschero University Politehnica MSc Software application and characterization of an in-vitro system for cell culture analysis
2007 Feroze Nazneen UCC MSc Characterisation of surface attachment chemistry, immobilisation of oligonucleotides and subsequent target hybridisation in the development of DNA-based biosensors

Internal Collaborators

  Name Institute Country
Jeremy Glennon Chemistry Department, University College Cork IRELAND
Karen Twomey Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Gerard McGlacken Chemistry Department, University College Cork IRELAND
Martyn Pemble Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Staurt Collins Chemistry Department, University College Cork IRELAND
Mark Rae Physiology Department, University College Cork IRELAND
Dan O'Connell Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Cian O'Mathuna Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Frank Stam Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Finbarr Waldron Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Richard Murphy Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Micheal Scanlon Chemistry Department, University College Cork IRELAND
Brendan O'Flynn Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
George Shorten School of Medicine, University College Cork IRELAND
Brendan McCarthy Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Alan Kelly School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork IRELAND
Paul Galvin Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Nathan Jackson Tyndall National Institute IRELAND
Micheal Scanlon University College Cork IRELAND

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country
Brian O'Donnell Cork University Hospital IRELAND
Martin O'Sullivan Brest Check Clinic, Cork University Hospital IRELAND
Damien Browne PepsiCo Ireland IRELAND
Brad Van Middlesworth Glantreo IRELAND
Sharon Rothwell PepsiCo Ireland IRELAND
Ed van Zalen Netherlands Forensic Institute HOLLAND
Suzanne Floyd Merck, Sharp and Dohme IRELAND
Hilda Mulvihill Stryker IRELAND
Marion Kennefick Merck, Sharp and Dohme IRELAND
Ursula Lecane Nutritional Supplies Ltd IRELAND
Conor McSweeney Pfizers IRELAND
Vince Owens GlaxoSmithKline IRELAND
Declan Moran Ipsen IRELAND
Mark Bowkett T.E. Laboratories IRELAND
John Murrihy GlaxoSmithKline IRELAND
Gerard Rae GlaxoSmithKline IRELAND
John Hanrahan Glantreo IRELAND
Rainer Gunzler Institut für Mikro- und Informationstechnik der Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft GERMANY
David Coleman Biomerin IRELAND
Deirdre Coughlan GlaxoSmithKline IRELAND
Sarah Keane Novartis IRELAND
Breda Moore T.E. Laboratories IRELAND
Niamh Storan Stryker IRELAND
Bremda Canty Janssen Biologics IRELAND
Maeve McCarthy Janssen Biologics IRELAND
Frank Cremin Nutritional Supplies Ltd IRELAND
Richard Crotty Environmental Laboratory Services Ltd IRELAND
Linda McCausland Almac NORTHERN IRELAND
Bridie Moloney Bluepoint Laboratories IRELAND
Brendan Murray Environmental Laboratory Services Ltd IRELAND
Valerie Daly Pfizers IRELAND
Bernard Fontaine Space Applications Ltd BELGIUM
Norma Scully Eli Lilly IRELAND
Robert Doyle Novartis IRELAND
Peter Hetherington Pfizers IRELAND
Michael Madden Analyze IQ IRELAND
Huseyin Avni Oktem Nanobiz TURKEY
Bill Bennett Cork University Hospital IRELAND
Sywert Brongersma IMEC HOLLAND
Brigid Lucey Cork Institute of Technology IRELAND
Petra Weiler EPoSS GERMANY
Eithne Dempsey Institute of Technology Tallagh IRELAND
Yosi Shacham Tel Aviv University ISRAEL
Dermot Brabazon Dublin City University IRELAND
Danilo Demarchi Politecnico di Torino ITALY
Shimshon Belkin Hebrew University of Jerusalem ISRAEL
James McLaughlin University of Ulster NORTHERN IRELAND
Blanaid White Dublin City University IRELAND
Apryll Stalcup Dublin City University IRELAND
Andreas Lymberis European Commission BELGIUM
Patrick Boisseau CEA FRANCE
Greg Herzog Université de Lorraine, Nancy FRANCE
Damien Arrigan Curtin University, Perth AUSTRALIA
Edmond Magner University of Limerick IRELAND