
Research Interests

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2009) 'Secondary Assessment Data within Serious Games'
Sliney, Aidan and Murphy, David and O'Mullane, John; (2009) 'Secondary Assessment Data within Serious Games' In: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Otto Petrovic and Dr. Anthony Brand (eds). Serious Games on the Move. Vienna: Springer. [DOI] [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2013) 'Clinical Unity and Community Empowerment: The Use of Smartphone Technology to Empower Community Management of Chronic Venous Ulcers through the Support of a Tertiary Unit'
Edel Marie Quinn, Mark A Corrigan, John O'Mullane, David Murphy, Elaine A Lehane, Patricia Leahy-Warren, Alice Coffey, Patricia McCluskey, Henry Paul Redmond, Greg J Fulton (2013) 'Clinical Unity and Community Empowerment: The Use of Smartphone Technology to Empower Community Management of Chronic Venous Ulcers through the Support of a Tertiary Unit'. Plos One, [Details]
(2012) 'Who's talking about breast cancer? Analysis of daily breast cancer posts on the internet'
Quinn, EM and Corrigan, MA and McHugh, SM and Murphy, D and O'Mullane, J and Hill, AD and Redmond, HP (2012) 'Who's talking about breast cancer? Analysis of daily breast cancer posts on the internet'. Breast, [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Breast cancer information on the internet: Analysis of accessibility and accuracy'
Quinn, EM and Corrigan, MA and McHugh, SM and Murphy, D and O'Mullane, J and Hill, AD and Redmond, HP (2012) 'Breast cancer information on the internet: Analysis of accessibility and accuracy'. Breast, [DOI] [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2014) 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
John O’Mullane and Kathleen O’Sullivan and David O’Sullivan and Liam Fanning (2014) A FEEDBACK SYSTEM TO SUPPORT SELF-REGULATED LEARNING . In: INTED eds. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Barcelona, Spain, , 06-JUL-14 - 09-JUL-14 , pp.3500-3509 [Details]
(2014) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland
Maguire, A., O’Sullivan, K. and O’Mullane, J. (2014) Examining the Factor Structure in the Academic Behavioural Confidence Scale of Taught Postgraduate Students in an Irish University Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland Belfast, Northern Ireland, , 14-MAY-14 - 16-MAY-14 , pp.45-46 [Details]
(2013) CASI 2013
Kathleen O’Sullivan, Liam J. Fanning, John O’Mullane, ST4050 Students, and Linda Daly (2013) An Analysis of Lower Limits of Detection of Hepatitis C Virus CASI 2013 [Details]
(2013) CASI 2013
Emily Brick, Kathleen O'Sullivan and John O'Mullane (2013) Validating the Academic Confidence Subscales CASI 2013 [Details]
(2013) CASI 2013
Kathleen O’Sullivan, Andrew Grannell, John O’Mullane and ST4050 Students (2013) Predicting Magazine Subscriber Churn CASI 2013 [Details]
(2013) CASI 2013
John O'Mullane, Kathleen O'Sullivan, Amanda Wall and Philip O'Mahoney (2013) Perceptions of Academic Confidence CASI 2013 [Details]
(2012) European Conference on Games Based Learning
O'Mullane, John; O'Sullivan, Kathleen (2012) Integrating PBL Games Into a Graduate-Level Statistics Module European Conference on Games Based Learning Cork, Ireland, [Details]
(2011) 5th European Conference on Games Based Learning
Aidan Sliney, David Murphy, John O'Mullane; (2011) Adaptive Serious Games : Move Over Maladaptive Assessment 5th European Conference on Games Based Learning [Details]
(2011) CASI 2011
Elaine Corkery, Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane; (2011) Examining the Use of the Academic Confidence Scale in a Student Population CASI 2011 [Details]
(2011) YSI (Young Statisticians Meeting) Satellite Meeting of 2011 ISI World Statistics Congress
Carroll, M., O’Sullivan, K., O’Mullane, J., Madden, J., Sarah Murphy, S., O’Sullivan, L. (2011) Are There Clusters of Undergraduate Experiences? YSI (Young Statisticians Meeting) Satellite Meeting of 2011 ISI World Statistics Congress Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, , 19-AUG-11 - 21-AUG-11 [Details]
(2011) YSI (Young Statisticians Meeting) Satellite Meeting of 2011 ISI World Statistics Congress
Corkery, E., O'Sullivan, K., O'Mullane, J. (2011) Undergraduate Student Perspectives Of Dimensions Of Teaching And Learning YSI (Young Statisticians Meeting) Satellite Meeting of 2011 ISI World Statistics Congress Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, , 19-AUG-11 - 21-AUG-11 [Details]
(2011) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland
Corkery, E., O'Sullivan, K., O'Mullane, J., Murphy, M., O'Sullivan, D. (2011) Examining the Use of the Academic Confidence Scale in a Student Population Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland Galway, Ireland, , 18-MAY-11 - 20-MAY-11 [Details]
(2011) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland
O'Sullivan, L., O'Sullivan, K., O'Mullane, J., Madden, J., Murphy, S., Carroll, M. (2011) Revealing Undergraduate Student Groups Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland Galway, Ireland, , 18-MAY-11 - 20-MAY-11 [Details]
(2011) CASI 2011
Laura O¿Sullivan, Kathleen O¿Sullivan, John O¿Mullane, Jamie Madden, Sarah Murphy, Michael Carroll; (2011) Revealing Undergraduate Student Groups CASI 2011 [Details]
(2011) YSI 2011
Elaine Corkery, Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane; (2011) Undergraduate Perspectives of Dimensions of Teaching and Learning YSI 2011 [Details]
(2011) YSI 2011
Michael Carroll, Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Jamie Madden, Sarah Murphy, Laura O'Sullivan; (2011) Are There Clusters of Undergraduate Experiences? YSI 2011 [Details]
(2010) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland
Murphy, E., O’Sullivan, K., O'Mullane, J., O’Sullivan, L. (2010) Identification of Subgroups of Homeless People Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland Portrush, Northern Ireland, , 16-MAY-10 - 18-MAY-10 [Details]
(2010) INTED 2010 Proceedings ISBN: 978-84-613-5538-9
Kathleen O'Sullivan and John O'Mullane; (2010) POSTGRADUATE LED ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCING UNDERGRADATE STUDNETS TO AUTHENTIC APPLIED STATISTICAL RESEARCH . In: L. G\'omez Chova and D. Mart\'\i Belenguer and I. Candel Torres eds. INTED 2010 Proceedings ISBN: 978-84-613-5538-9 , pp.1366--1376 [Details]
(2010) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland
Dool, R., O’Sullivan, K., O’Mullane, J. (2010) Factor Analysis of a Teaching Instrument in an Irish Context Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland Portrush, Northern Ireland, , 16-MAY-10 - 18-MAY-10 [Details]
(2010) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland
Doherty, C., O’Sullivan, K., O’Mullane, J., McCarthy, C., Fanning, L.J. (2010) Identification of Subgroups of Chronic Hepatitis C Individuals Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland Portrush, Northern Ireland, , 16-MAY-10 - 18-MAY-10 [Details]
(2010) Proceedings of INTED (International Technology, Education and Development) 2010
O’Sullivan, K., O’Mullane, J. (2010) POSTGRADUATE LED ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS TO AUTHENTIC APPLIED STATISTICAL RESEARCH . In: Gomez Chova, L., Marti Belenguer, D., Candel Torres, I eds. Proceedings of INTED (International Technology, Education and Development) 2010 Valencia, Spain, , 08-MAR-10 - 10-MAR-10 [Details]
(2009) INTED2009 Proceedings ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6
John O'Mullane and Kathleen O'Sullivan; (2009) A Blended Learning Environment For Undergraduate Statistics Tutorials INTED2009 Proceedings ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6 [Details]
(2009) Proceedings of INTED (International Technology, Education and Development) 2009
O’Mullane, J., O’Sullivan, K. (2009) A Blended Learning Environment for Undergraduate Statistics Tutorials Proceedings of INTED (International Technology, Education and Development) 2009 Valencia, Spain, , 09-MAR-09 - 11-MAR-09 [Details]
(2009) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland
Kathleen O’Sullivan, John O’Mullane, Jacquie Kirrane (2009) A Blended Engaging Environment for Teaching Statistics Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland Mullingar, Ireland, , 13-MAY-09 - 15-MAY-09 [Details]
(2009) INMED (Irish Network of Medical Educators) Second Annual Scientific Meeting
Kathleen O’Sullivan, John O’Mullane, Jacquie Kirrane (2009) Teaching Statistics to Medical Students using Direct Manipulation INMED (Irish Network of Medical Educators) Second Annual Scientific Meeting UCC, Ireland, , 05-FEB-09 - 06-FEB-09 [Details]
(2009) CASI 2009
Kathleen O¿Sullivan, John O¿Mullane, Jacquie Kirrane; (2009) A Blended Engaging Environment for Teaching Statistics CASI 2009 [Details]
(2008) International Conference on Engineering Education
John O'Mullane and Kathleen O'Sullivan; (2008) The Effect of Interface Style on Teaching Statistics International Conference on Engineering Education [Details]
(2008) IBC 2008
John O¿Mullane, Kathleen O¿Sullivan; (2008) Direct Manipulation Interfaces For Learning Applied To Statistics IBC 2008 [Details]
(2007) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland
K. O’Sullivan; S. O’Neill; J. O’Mullane; J. Huang; M. Rea; D. Cadogan (2007) Central Composite Design Applied to Drug Production Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland Tipperary, Ireland, , 16-MAY-07 - 18-MAY-07 [Details]
(2007) CASI 2007
Kathleen O¿Sullivan, Sinead O¿Neill, John O¿Mullane, Jian Huang, Martin Rea, David Cadogan; (2007) Central Composite Design Applied to Drug Production CASI 2007 [Details]
(2007) NAIRTL 2007
John O'Mullane (2007) Looking and Seeing: TfU in Digital Video NAIRTL 2007 [Details]
(2007) Eurographics Ireland Workshop
Aidan Sliney and David Murphy and John O'Mullane; (2007) The Use of Personal Simulators as Medical Decision Support Systems Training Resources Eurographics Ireland Workshop UCD, , pp.75-81 [Details]
(2006) Conference of European Network of Business and Industry Statistics 6
K. O'Sullivan; S. O'Neill; J. O'Mullane; J. Huang; M. Rea; D. Cadogan (2006) Central Composite Design Applied to Drug Production Conference of European Network of Business and Industry Statistics 6 Wroclaw, Poland, [Details]
(2006) ENBIS 2006
Kathleen O¿Sullivan, Sinead O¿Neill, John O¿Mullane, Jian Huang , Martin Rea, David Cadogan; (2006) Optimisation of a Tinzaparin Outcome Variable using Response Surface Methodology ENBIS 2006 [Details]
(2006) Conference of European Network of Business and Industry Statistics 6
K. O'Sullivan; S. O'Neill; J. O'Mullane; J. Huang; M. Rea; D. Cadogan (2006) Optimisation of a Tinzaparin Outcome Variable using Response Surface Methodology Conference of European Network of Business and Industry Statistics 6 Wroclaw, Poland, , 18-SEP-06 - 20-SEP-06 [Details]
(2006) 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
K. O'Sullivan; S. O'Neill; J. O'Mullane; J. Huang; M. Rea; D. Cadogan (2006) Response Surface Methodology Applied to Pharmaceutical Drug Production 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference UCC, Cork, Ireland, [Details]
(2005) Integrating Health Research-Sharing Visions Conference
David Murphy, Mark Corrigan, John O'Mullane, H. Paul Redmond; (2005) 3D Projection System for Group Evaluation Of Surgical Radiological Images Integrating Health Research-Sharing Visions Conference [Details]
(2005) ISSEC2005
David Murphy, John O’Mullane, and Mathias Neugebauer; (2005) Medical Image Segmentation using a Novel Split-and-Merge Algorithm . In: Dr. Bill Wright, Dr. Koen W.A. van Dongen eds. ISSEC2005 UCC, Cork, , 20-MAY-05 - 21-MAY-05 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2000) Proceedings of PDPTA 2000
John J. O'Mullane; (2000) A Multi-Granular Parallel Processing Framework Proceedings of PDPTA 2000 [Details]
(1997) Proceedings of the 9th European Simulation Symposium
John O'Mullane and Patrick O'Regan and James Doherty; (1997) The PANIC Power System Simulation Framework Proceedings of the 9th European Simulation Symposium , pp.39-43 [Details]
(1996) Proceedings of the 31st Universities Power Engineering Conference
John O'Mullane and Patrick O'Regan and James G. Doherty; (1996) Power System Studies using PANIC Proceedings of the 31st Universities Power Engineering Conference [Details]
(1995) Proceedings of the 2nd EuroPVM Users Group Meeting
John O'Mullane; (1995) PVM Task Management Proceedings of the 2nd EuroPVM Users Group Meeting , pp.149--154 [Details]
(1995) Proceedings of the 7th European Simulation Symposium
Patrick O'Regan and John O'Mullane and James Doherty; (1995) Parallel Object-Oriented Simulation of Transients in Electrical Circuits Proceedings of the 7th European Simulation Symposium , pp.437-441 [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Arts, Celtics Studies and Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Experience 2013.
Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Mike Murphy, David O'Sullivan; (2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Arts, Celtics Studies and Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Experience 2013. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Undergraduate Student Experience 2013.
Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Mike Murphy, David O'Sullivan; (2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Undergraduate Student Experience 2013. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Science, Engineering & Food Science Undergraduate Student Experience 2011.
Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Elaine Corkery, Mike Murphy, David O'Sullivan; (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Science, Engineering & Food Science Undergraduate Student Experience 2011. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Arts, Celtics Studies and Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Experience 2011.
Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Elaine Corkery, Mike Murphy, David O'Sullivan; (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Arts, Celtics Studies and Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Experience 2011. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Taught Postgraduate Student Experience Survey 2011.
O'Sullivan, K; O'Mullane, J; Corkery, E; Murphy, M; O'Sullivan, D (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Taught Postgraduate Student Experience Survey 2011. Office of Vice-President for the Student Experience, Cork. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2011.
O'Sullivan, K; O'Mullane, J; Corkery, E; Murphy, M; O'Sullivan, D (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2011. Office of Vice-President for the Student Experience, Cork. [Details]
(2011) UCC Student Experience 2011 Survey Undergraduates' experience: In their own words.
David O'Sullivan, Mike Murphy, Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane; (2011) UCC Student Experience 2011 Survey Undergraduates' experience: In their own words. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Medicine and Health Undergraduate Student Experience 2011.
Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Elaine Corkery, Mike Murphy, David O'Sullivan; (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Medicine and Health Undergraduate Student Experience 2011. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Undergraduate Student Experience 2011.
Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Elaine Corkery, Mike Murphy, David O'Sullivan; (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Undergraduate Student Experience 2011. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Business and Law Undergraduate Student Experience 2011.
Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Elaine Corkery, Mike Murphy, David O'Sullivan; (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Business and Law Undergraduate Student Experience 2011. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Research Postgraduate Student Experience Survey 2011.
O'Sullivan, K; O'Mullane, J; Corkery, E; Murphy, M; O'Sullivan, D (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Research Postgraduate Student Experience Survey 2011. Office of Vice-President for the Student Experience, Cork. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science Undergraduate Student Experience 2011.
Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Elaine Corkery, Mike Murphy, David O'Sullivan; (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science Undergraduate Student Experience 2011. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Experience 2011.
Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Elaine Corkery, Mike Murphy David O'Sullivan; (2011) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Experience 2011. UCC, UCC. [Details]
(2010) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Student Survey 2009.
O'Sullivan, K; O'Mullane, J; Corkery, E; Grannell, A; Murphy, M; O'Sullivan, D; (2010) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Student Survey 2009. Office of Vice-President for the Student Experience, Cork. [Details]
(2010) Students in their own words: A focus group study.
Murphy, M; O'Sullivan, D; Griffin, M; Hempenstall, L; O'Sullivan, K; O'Mullane, J; (2010) Students in their own words: A focus group study. Office of the Vice-President for the Student Experience, Cork. [Details]
(2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013.
O'Sullivan, K, O'Mullane, J, O'Sullivan, D, Murphy, M (2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013. UCC, Cork. [Details]
(2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013.
O'Sullivan, K, O'Mullane, J, O'Sullivan, D, Murphy, M (2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013. UCC, Cork. [Details]
(2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013.
O'Sullivan, K, O'Mullane, J, O'Sullivan, D, Murphy, M (2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013. UCC, Cork. [Details]
(2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Business and Law Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013.
O'Sullivan, K, O'Mullane, J, O'Sullivan, D, Murphy, M (2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Business and Law Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013. UCC, Cork. [Details]
(2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Taught Postgraduate Student Experience Survey 2013.
O'Sullivan, K, O'Mullane, J, O'Sullivan, D, Murphy, M (2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Taught Postgraduate Student Experience Survey 2013. Cork, UCC. [Details]
(2013) UCC Student Experience 2013 Survey. Undergraduates' experience: In their own words.
David O'Sullivan, Mike Murphy, John O'Mullane & Kathleen O'Sullivan (2013) UCC Student Experience 2013 Survey. Undergraduates' experience: In their own words. UCC Student Experience Office, UCC Student Experience Office. [Details]
(2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Medicine and Health Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013.
O'Sullivan, K, O'Mullane, J, O'Sullivan, D, Murphy, M (2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the College of Medicine and Health Undergraduate Student Experience Survey 2013. UCC, Cork. [Details]
(2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Research Postgraduate Student Experience Survey 2013.
O'Sullivan, K, O'Mullane, J, O'Sullivan, D, Murphy, M, O'Sullivan, D (2013) Report on the Quantitative Aspects of the UCC Research Postgraduate Student Experience Survey 2013. UCC, Cork. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2012) Harnessing Mobile Technology to Support the Community Care Of Chronic Ulcers Under the Direction of a Tertiary Unit.
Quinn, EM,Corrigan, M,O'Mullane, J,Murphy, D,Lehane, E,Leahy-Warren, P,Coffey, A,McCluskey, P,Redmond, HP,Fulton, G (2012) Harnessing Mobile Technology to Support the Community Care Of Chronic Ulcers Under the Direction of a Tertiary Unit. Abstract [Details]
(2011) Who's talking about breast cancer? An analysis of daily breast cancer posts on the internet.
Quinn, EM,Corrigan, MA,McHugh, SM,Murphy, D,O'Mullane, J,Hill, ADK,Redmond, HP (2011) Who's talking about breast cancer? An analysis of daily breast cancer posts on the internet. Abstract [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2013 President's Award for Innovative Forms of Teaching University College Cork
2008 President's Award for Innovative Forms of Teaching University College Cork

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
IEEE Member 01-JAN-03 /
ACM Member 24-NOV-03 /

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2014) New Horizons Conference,
John O'Mullane and Brendan Palmer and Zoya Dimitrova and Pavel Skums and Orla Crosbie and Elizabeth Kenny-Walsh and Kathleen O’Sullivan and Liam J Fanning (2014) School of Medicine Horizons Conference. [Oral Presentation], New Horizons Conference, University College Cork , 11-DEC-14 - 11-DEC-14. [Details]
(2013) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland,
O'Sullivan K., Grannell A., O'Mullane J., ST4050 Students (2013) Predicting Magazine Subscriber Churn. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland , 15-MAY-13 - 17-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland,
O'Sullivan K., Fanning L., O'Mullane J., ST4050 Students (2013) Analysis of Lower Limits of Detection of Hepatitis C Virus. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland , 15-MAY-13 - 17-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland,
Brick E., O'Sullivan K., O'Mullane J. (2013) Validating the Academic Confidence Subscales. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland , 15-MAY-13 - 17-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland,
O'Mullane J., O'Sullivan K., Wall A., O'Mahoney P (2013) Perceptions of Academic Confidence. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland , 15-MAY-13 - 17-MAY-13. [Details]
(2011) YSI (Young Statisticians Meeting) Satellite Meeting of 2011 ISI World Statistics Congress,
Corkery, E., O'Sullivan, K., O'Mullane, J. (2011) Undergraduate Student Perspectives Of Dimensions Of Teaching And Learning. [Poster Presentation], YSI (Young Statisticians Meeting) Satellite Meeting of 2011 ISI World Statistics Congress, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland , 19-AUG-11 - 21-AUG-11. [Details]
(2011) YSI (Young Statisticians Meeting) Satellite Meeting of 2011 ISI World Statistics Congress,
Carroll, M., O’Sullivan, K., O’Mullane, J., Madden, J., Sarah Murphy, S., O’Sullivan, L. (2011) Are There Clusters of Undergraduate Experiences?. [Poster Presentation], YSI (Young Statisticians Meeting) Satellite Meeting of 2011 ISI World Statistics Congress, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland , 19-AUG-11 - 21-AUG-11. [Details]
(2011) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland,
O'Sullivan, L., O'Sullivan, K., O'Mullane, J., Madden, J., Murphy, S., Carroll, M. (2011) Revealing Undergraduate Student Groups. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Galway, Ireland , 18-MAY-11 - 20-MAY-11. [Details]
(2011) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland,
Corkery, E., O'Sullivan, K., O'Mullane, J., Murphy, M., O'Sullivan, D. (2011) Examining the Use of the Academic Confidence Scale in a Student Population. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Galway, Ireland , 18-MAY-11 - 20-MAY-11. [Details]
(2010) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland,
Doherty, C., O’Sullivan, K., O’Mullane, J., McCarthy, C., Fanning, L.J. (2010) Identification of Subgroups of Chronic Hepatitis C Individuals. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Portrush, Northern Ireland , 16-MAY-10 - 18-MAY-10. [Details]
(2010) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland,
Dool, R., O’Sullivan, K., O’Mullane, J. (2010) Factor Analysis of a Teaching Instrument in an Irish Context. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Portrush, Northern Ireland , 16-MAY-10 - 18-MAY-10. [Details]
(2010) INTED (International Technology, Education and Development) 2010,
O’Sullivan, K., O’Mullane, J. (2010) POSTGRADUATE LED ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS TO AUTHENTIC APPLIED STATISTICAL RESEARCH. [Oral Presentation], INTED (International Technology, Education and Development) 2010, Valencia, Spain , 08-MAR-10 - 10-FEB-10. [Details]
(2010) Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland,
Murphy, E., O’Sullivan, K., O'Mullane, J., O’Sullivan, L. (2010) Identification of Subgroups of Homeless People. [Poster Presentation], Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Portrush, Northern Ireland , 16-MAY-10 - 18-MAY-10. [Details]
(2009) INTED (International Technology, Education and Development) 2009,
O’Mullane, J., O’Sullivan, K. (2009) A Blended Learning Environment for Undergraduate Statistics Tutorials. [Oral Presentation], INTED (International Technology, Education and Development) 2009, Valencia, Spain , 09-MAR-09 - 11-MAR-09. [Details]
(2008) ICEE 2008,
O'Mullane, J. and O'Sullivan K (2008) The Effect of Interface Style on Teaching Statistics. [Oral Presentation], ICEE 2008, Pecs Hungary , 28-JUL-08 - 31-JUL-08. [Details]
(2008) IBC 2008,
Mullane, J.; (2008) Direct Manipulation Interfaces For Learning Applied To Statistics. [Oral Presentation], IBC 2008, Dublin Ireland , 13-JUL-08 - 18-JUL-08. [Details]
(2007) NAIRTL International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,
O'Mullane, J.; (2007) Looking and Seeing: TfU in Digital Video. [Oral Presentation], NAIRTL International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Cork Ireland , 09-NOV-07 - 10-NOV-07. [Details]


  Committee Function From / To
Biological Safety Committee Member 2014 /


  Employer Position From / To
Computer Science, UCC College Lecturer 01-JUN-05 / 11-JUN-10


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
1989 University College Cork BSC ''
1993 University College Cork MSc ''
2006 University College Cork PhD ''
2008 University College Cork Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education ''

Other Activities


Member of the local organising committee for CASI 2015

Member of the Technical Working Group for the Student Experience Survey under the direction of the Head of the Student Experience UCC.

Teaching Interests

Recent Postgraduates

  Graduation Year Student Name Institution Degree Type Thesis Title
2014 Hayer Adbula University College Cork Development of a Learning Management System fro the Delivery of Online Homework

Current Postgraduate Students

  Student Degree Type
Bickley David Ian Doctoral Degree (Structured)