
Kieran Herley was educated at University College Cork and Cornell University. He has been a lecturer at UCC since 1990.

Research Interests

Algorithms and parallel computation.

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2011) 'Network Obliviousness'
K. T. Herley (2011) 'Network Obliviousness' In: David Padua (eds). Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing. Berlin: Springer Verlag. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2008) 'Store-and-Forward Multicast Routing on the Mesh'
Kieran T. Herley and Andrea Pietracaprina and Geppino Pucci; (2008) 'Store-and-Forward Multicast Routing on the Mesh'. Theory of Computing Systems, 42 (4) [Details]
(2005) 'On Stalling in LogP'
G. Bilardi and K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci; (2005) 'On Stalling in LogP'. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 65 :307-312 [Details]
(2002) 'Parallel Deterministic Backtrack Search'
K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci; (2002) 'Parallel Deterministic Backtrack Search'. Theoretical Computer Science, 271 :309-324 [Details]
(2001) 'Implementing Shared Memory on Mesh-Connected Computers and on the Fat-Tree'
K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci; (2001) 'Implementing Shared Memory on Mesh-Connected Computers and on the Fat-Tree'. Information and Computation, 162 (2):123-143 [Details]
(1999) 'BSP vs LogP'
G. Bilardi and K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci and P. Spirakis; (1999) 'BSP vs LogP'. Algorithmica, 24 :405-422 [Details]
(1999) 'Fast Deterministic Parallel Branch and Bound'
K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci; (1999) 'Fast Deterministic Parallel Branch and Bound'. Parallel Processing Letters, 9 (3):325-334 [Details]
(1999) 'Deterministic Branch and Bound on Distributed-Memory Machines'
K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci; (1999) 'Deterministic Branch and Bound on Distributed-Memory Machines'. International Journal on Foundations of Computer Science, 10 (4):391-404 [Details]
(1996) 'Space-Efficient Representations of Shared Data for Parallel Computers'
K. T. Herley; (1996) 'Space-Efficient Representations of Shared Data for Parallel Computers'. Mathematical Systems Theory, 29 :111-156 [Details]
(1998) 'Tight Bounds on Parallel List Marking'
S. N. Bhatt and G. Bilardi and K. T. Herley and G. Pucci and A. G. Ranade; (1998) 'Tight Bounds on Parallel List Marking'. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 51 (2):75-88 [Details]
(1994) 'Deterministic Simulations of PRAMs on Bounded-Degree Networks'
K. T. Herley and G. Bilardi; (1994) 'Deterministic Simulations of PRAMs on Bounded-Degree Networks'. SIAM Journal on Computing, 23 (2):276-292 [Details]
(1991) 'Improved Bounds for the Token Distribution Problem'
K. T. Herley; (1991) 'Improved Bounds for the Token Distribution Problem'. Information Processing Letters, 38 :329-334 [Details]
(1999) 'Fast Deterministic Parallel Branch-and-Bound'
Herley K. T., Pietracaprina A., and Pucci G.; (1999) 'Fast Deterministic Parallel Branch-and-Bound'. Parallel Processing Letters, 9 (3):325-334 [Details]
(1999) 'Deterministic Branch and Bound on Distributed-Memory Machines'
Herley K. T., Pietracaprina A., and Pucci G.; (1999) 'Deterministic Branch and Bound on Distributed-Memory Machines'. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 4 (10):391-404 [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2001) Proceedings of the $13^th$ Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'01)
K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci; (2001) One-to-Many Routing on the Mesh Proceedings of the $13^th$ Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'01) [Details]
(2000) Proceedings of Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models
G. Bilardi and K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci; (2000) On Stalling in LogP Proceedings of Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models , pp.109-115 [Details]
(1996) Proceedings of the $8^th$ Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'96)
G. Bilardi and K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci and P. Spirakis; (1996) BSP vs LogP Proceedings of the $8^th$ Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'96) , pp.25-32 [Details]
(1995) Proceedings of Third Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'95)
K. T. Herley and A. Pietracaprina and G. Pucci; (1995) Implementing Shared Memory on Multi-Dimensional Meshes and on the Fat-Tree Proceedings of Third Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'95) , pp.60-74 [Details]
(1995) Proceedings of First Annual International EURO-PAR Conference on Parallel Processing (Europar'95)
S. N. Bhatt and G. Bilardi and K. T. Herley and G. Pucci and A. G. Ranade; (1995) Tight Bounds on Parallel List Marking Proceedings of First Annual International EURO-PAR Conference on Parallel Processing (Europar'95) , pp.231-242 [Details]
(1999) In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel
Herley K. T., Pietracaprina A., and Pucci G.; (1999) Deterministic Branch and Bound on Distributed-Memory Machines . In: * eds. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel San Juan, Puerto Rico, , 01-APR-99 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.1085-1094 [Details]
(1996) In Proceedings of 23rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'96)
Herley K. T., Pietracaprina A., and Pucci G.; (1996) Fast deterministic backtrack search . In: Springer Verlag (LNCS 1099) eds. In Proceedings of 23rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'96) Paderborn, Germany, , 01-JUL-96 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.598-609 [Details]
(1990) In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'90)
Herley K. T.; (1990) Space-efficient representations of shared data for parallel computers . In: ACM Press eds. In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'90) Crete, Greece, , 01-JUL-90 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.407-416 [Details]
(1989) In Proceedings of the 30th Annual Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'89)
Herley K. T.; (1989) Efficient simulations of small shared memories on bounded degree networks . In: IEEE Computer Society Press eds. In Proceedings of the 30th Annual Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'89) Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, , 01-OCT-89 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.390-395 [Details]
(1988) In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computation
Herley K. T., and Bilardi G.; (1988) Deterministic simulations of PRAMs on bounded-degree networks . In: * eds. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computation *, , 01-JAN-88 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.1084-1093 [Details]

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
ACM Member /
EATCS Member /


  Committee Function From / To
29th Annual IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2015) PC member 2014 / 2014
Euro-par 2014 Parallel Processing 20th International Conference Programme Committee member (Track 12) 2014 / 2014
Euro-par 2012 Parallel Processing 18th International Conference Programme Committee member (Track 12) 2012 / 2012
5th Annual Conference on Computing Frontiers Conference 2008 Programme committee member 2008 / 2008
Europar Conference 2008 Programme committee member /
Europar conference 2005 Programme committee member /
ESA Conference 1998 Programme committee member /
Europar Conference 1998 Programme committee member /


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
1982 University College Cork BSC COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Science and Mathematics
1983 University College Cork MSc Computer Science
1986 Cornell University MS Computer Science
1990 Cornell University PHD Computer Science

Teaching Interests

Modules Taught

  Term (ID)) Title Link Subject
2015 Special Topics in Computing I CS4092Special Topics in Computing I
2015 Introduction to Relational Databases CS1106Introduction to Relational Databases
2015 Programming in Python CS4801Programming in Python
2015 Introductory Programming in Python CS1068Introductory Programming in Python
2015 Principles of Compilation CS4150Principles of Compilation
2015 Algorithms and Linear Data Structures CS2504Algorithms and Linear Data Structures