
Lawrence Dooley (M. Comm., Ph.D., MA (T&L)) is a Senior Lecturer in Enterprise and Innovation and Vice Dean of Internationalisation and External Engagement at Cork University Business School, University College Cork (UCC).  He joined UCC in 2004 and prior to this was based at the Centre for Enterprise Management in the University of Dundee, Scotland (2000-2004) and National University of Ireland, Galway (1997-2000). He undertook his doctoral thesis entitled 'Systems Innovation Management' at the National University of Ireland, Galway. His core research interests focus on organisational innovation and issues related to inter-enterprise collaboration, knowledge exchange and ecosystem value creation. He has published widely across his career, actively liaising with industry and funding agencies through applied research projects, consultancy and research master classes.  Since 2013, he has held the position of Associate Editor for the ABS 3* ranked R&D Management and is an active journal reviewer for other journals in the innovation field.

Research Interests

My research lies within the three interrelated areas.

1) Management of organisational innovation: 
The focus of this research is on the processes and structures that organisations utilise to achieve innovations and question how effective management can enhance their ability to innovate successfully.  The research examines both the explorative and exploitative phases of the innovation process.

2) University-Industry collaboration: 
The focus of this research centres on interaction between university and industrial entities as part of the Entrepreneurial University paradigm. Research strives to identifying exemplars of university-industry collaboration at the discovery science stage of the innovation process and examining why and how the stakeholders achieve co-operation and mutual benefit.

3) SME development networks: 
The focus of this research examines what are the innovation routines underpinning SME competitive advantage and how collaborative interaction and knowledge exchange can be leveraged by the sector to counteract their resource constraints. A key aspect of this research questions why specific networks develop within regions and how they can best be sustained.

A list of my academic outputs is available on

Research Grants

  Project Funding
Start Date End Date Award
PhD Scholarship (CUBS)- Open call Industry Sponsor 01-JAN-25 01-JAN-29 €125,000.00
MSc Studentship funding- MaREI Other: Not Listed 01-SEP-24 31-DEC-26 €31,500.00
GrowthNet THRIVE (conditional on Year 1 Pilot) Industry Sponsor 01-MAY-24 30-JUN-27 €246,000.00
Entrepreneurial Value Streams: Strengthening producer capacity for short food supply chains (SFSC’s) to enhance sustainability and scaling of the Irish agri-food sector. Teagasc 01-SEP-23 31-AUG-27 €124,000.00
Irish Research Council 01-SEP-23 31-AUG-26 €84,000.00
MSc student funding- MaREI Other: Not Listed 01-JAN-20 31-DEC-20 €24,500.00
InterTradeIreland AIIP Industry Sponsor 01-JAN-18 01-JUN-21 €195,900.00
ProAtlantic Supplemental extension INTERREG 01-JAN-22 31-DEC-22 €67,500.00
ProAtlantic INTERREG 01-JAN-18 31-DEC-21 €330,000.00
INSPIRE SME Horizon 2020 01-JAN-16 31-DEC-18 €.00
Placing professional childminders in the home of a parent Enterprise Irl 26-FEB-18 04-MAR-21 €6,500.00
InterTradeIreland AIIP 2016 Industry Sponsor 01-JAN-16 31-DEC-16 €51,765.00
InterTradeIreland AIIP 2015 Industry Sponsor 01-JAN-15 31-DEC-15 €54,750.00
All Island Innovation Programme 2012-2014 Industry Sponsor 02-JAN-12 31-DEC-14 €251,250.00
UCC Strategic Innovation Fund UCC Strategic Research Fund 07-JAN-15 22-DEC-15 €4,000.00
Business Model Intelligent Design Evaluation Application (Co-Researcher) Enterprise Ireland 01-APR-13 31-MAR-15 €215,584.00
Gate2Growth Network mobility funding (EU) European Framework Programme Seven (FP7) 08-JAN-05 22-DEC-05 €5,800.00

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Open Social Innovation: Addressing grand challenges of society'
Barrett, G. and Dooley, L. (2024) 'Open Social Innovation: Addressing grand challenges of society'. R&D Management, [Details]
(2023) 'Science‐based innovation via university spin‐offs: the influence of intangible assets'
Park, A., Maine, E., Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Di Minin, A., Dooley, L., Mortara, L., Lubik, S. and Zhou, Y (2023) 'Science‐based innovation via university spin‐offs: the influence of intangible assets'. R&D Management, 54 (1):178-198 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'The effects of entrepreneurial ecosystems, knowledge management capabilities, and knowledge spillovers on international open innovation'
Ferreira, JJ; Fernandes, CI; Veiga, PM; Dooley, L (2023) 'The effects of entrepreneurial ecosystems, knowledge management capabilities, and knowledge spillovers on international open innovation'. R&D Management, 53 (2):322-338 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'The role of entrepreneurial ecosystems in technological and social challenges'
Ferreira, J.J., Grigoroudis, E., Carayannis, E.G. and Dooley, L. (2023) 'The role of entrepreneurial ecosystems in technological and social challenges'. R&D Management, 53 (4):563-583 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'SME open innovation: differences within the similar across the R&D intensity spectrum'
Dooley, L., Barrett, G. and O’Sullivan, D (2022) 'SME open innovation: differences within the similar across the R&D intensity spectrum'. International Journal of Innovation Management, 26 (8) [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'R&D management at a time of crisis (Editorial)'
Letizia Mortara; Raffaella Manzini; Lawrence Dooley; Valentina Lazzarotti; Alberto Di Minin; Andrea Mario Cuore Piccaluga; (2022) 'R&D management at a time of crisis (Editorial)'. R&D Management, 52 (2):157-164 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Delineating the tacit knowledge-seeking phase of knowledge sharing: The influence of relational social capital components'
Gubbins, C;Dooley, L (2021) 'Delineating the tacit knowledge-seeking phase of knowledge sharing: The influence of relational social capital components'. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 32 (3):319-348 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'R&D Management at a time of crisis: what are we learning from the initial response to the COVID19 pandemic?'
Di Minin, A; Dooley, L; Lazzarotti, V; Manzini, R; Mortara, L; Piccaluga, A (2021) 'R&D Management at a time of crisis: what are we learning from the initial response to the COVID19 pandemic?'. R&D Management, 51 :165-168 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Open innovation within high-tech SMEs: A study of the entrepreneurial founder?s influence on open innovation practices'
Barrett, G; Dooley, L; Bogue, J (2021) 'Open innovation within high-tech SMEs: A study of the entrepreneurial founder?s influence on open innovation practices'. Technovation, 103 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Value capture mechanisms in publicly funded research'
O'Kane C.; Zhang J.A.; Cunningham J.A.; Dooley L. (2020) 'Value capture mechanisms in publicly funded research'. Industrial Marketing Management, 90 :400-416 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Inter-organisational knowledge networks: synthesising dialectic tensions of university-industry knowledge discovery'
Dooley L.; Gubbins C. (2019) 'Inter-organisational knowledge networks: synthesising dialectic tensions of university-industry knowledge discovery'. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23 (10):2113-2134 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Innovation capability development: case studies of small enterprises in the LMT manufacturing sector'
Dooley, L; Kenny, B; O'Sullivan, D (2017) 'Innovation capability development: case studies of small enterprises in the LMT manufacturing sector'. Small Enterprise Research, 24 (3):233-256 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Interorganizational innovation across geographic and cognitive boundaries: does firm size matter?'
Dooley L, Kenny B, Cronin, M (2016) 'Interorganizational innovation across geographic and cognitive boundaries: does firm size matter?'. R&D Management, 46 (S1):227-243 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Research collaboration and commercialization The PhD candidate perspective'
Dooley, L; Kenny, B (2015) 'Research collaboration and commercialization The PhD candidate perspective'. Industry and Higher Education, 29 (2):93-110 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Exploring Social Network Dynamics Driving Knowledge Management for Innovation'
Gubbins, C; Dooley, L (2014) 'Exploring Social Network Dynamics Driving Knowledge Management for Innovation'. Journal Of Management Inquiry, 23 (2):162-185 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) ''Information communication technology' innovation in a non-high technology sector: achieving competitive advantage in the shipping industry'
Poulis, E; Poulis, K; Dooley, L (2013) ''Information communication technology' innovation in a non-high technology sector: achieving competitive advantage in the shipping industry'. The Service Industries Journal, 33 (6):594-608 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Nurturing life-science knowledge discovery: managing multi-organisation networks'
Dooley, L, Kirk, D, Philpott, K (2013) 'Nurturing life-science knowledge discovery: managing multi-organisation networks'. Production Planning & Control, 24 (2/3):195-207 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'The entrepreneurial university: Examining the underlying academic tensions'
Philpott, K; Dooley, L; O'Reilly, C; Lupton, G (2011) 'The entrepreneurial university: Examining the underlying academic tensions'. Technovation, 31 (4):161-170 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Collaborative innovation for the management of information'
O'Sullivan D.; Dooley L. (2010) 'Collaborative innovation for the management of information'. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (IJHCITP), 1 (1):16-30 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'University-industry collaboration: Grafting the entrepreneurial paradigm onto academic structures'
Dooley L.; Kirk D. (2007) 'University-industry collaboration: Grafting the entrepreneurial paradigm onto academic structures'. European Journal of Innovation Management, 10 (3):316-332 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Knowledge sharing in a collaborative networked environment'
Cormican K.; Dooley L. (2007) 'Knowledge sharing in a collaborative networked environment'. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 6 (2):105-114 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Collaborative Information System for University based Research Institutes'
Mulligan, D., O'Sullivan D., Dooley L.; (2007) 'Collaborative Information System for University based Research Institutes'. International Journal of Innovation & Learning, 4 (3):308-322 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Managing within distributed innovation networks'
Dooley L., O'Sullivan D.; (2007) 'Managing within distributed innovation networks'. International Journal of Innovation Management, 11 (3):397-416 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Networked creativity: a structured management framework for stimulating innovation'
Brennan, A; Dooley, L (2005) 'Networked creativity: a structured management framework for stimulating innovation'. Technovation, 25 (12):1388-1399 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Multiple project management: A competitive necessity for modern organisations'
Dooley L., Lupton G., O'Sullivan D.; (2005) 'Multiple project management: A competitive necessity for modern organisations'. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 16 (5):446-482 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Virtual team environment for collaborative research projects'
Precup L., O'Sullivan D., Cormican K., Dooley L. ; (2005) 'Virtual team environment for collaborative research projects'. International Journal of Innovation & Learning, 3 (1):77-94 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Enterprise Systems Development Model'
Yu M., O'Sullivan D., Cormican, K., Dooley L. ; (2003) 'Enterprise Systems Development Model'. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology & Management, 5 (1/2):177-195 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Developing a software infrastructure to support systemic innovation through effective management'
Dooley L., O'Sullivan D.; (2003) 'Developing a software infrastructure to support systemic innovation through effective management'. Technovation, 23 (8):689-704 [DOI] [Details]
(2003) 'Idea generation within the context of organisational development'
Dooley L., Flynn M., O'Sullivan D.; (2003) 'Idea generation within the context of organisational development'. International Journal of Innovation Management, 7 (4):417-442 [DOI] [Details]
(2001) 'Structuring systems innovation: A conceptual model and implementation methodology'
Dooley L., O'Sullivan D.; (2001) 'Structuring systems innovation: A conceptual model and implementation methodology'. Journal of Enterprise & Innovation Management Studies, 2 (3):177-194 [DOI] [Details]
(2000) 'Systems innovation management'
Dooley L., O'Sullivan D.; (2000) 'Systems innovation management'. International Journal of Production Planning & Control, 11 (4):369-376 [DOI] [Details]
(2000) 'Systems innovation; Managing manufacturing systems redesign'
Dooley L., O'Sullivan D.; (2000) 'Systems innovation; Managing manufacturing systems redesign'. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 13 (5):410-421 [DOI] [Details]
(2000) 'Supporting systems innovation'
Dooley L., Cormican K., OSullivan D., Wreath S. ; (2000) 'Supporting systems innovation'. International Journal of Innovation Management, 4 (3):277-299 [DOI] [Details]
(1999) 'Decision support system for the management of systems change'
Dooley L., O'Sullivan D.; (1999) 'Decision support system for the management of systems change'. Technovation, 19 (8):483-493 [DOI] [Details]


  Year Publication
(2008) Applying innovation.
O'Sullivan D.; Dooley L. (2008) Applying innovation. USA: Sage. [DOI] [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2021) Managing Collaborative R&D Projects: Leveraging Open Innovation Knowledge-Flows for Co-Creation
Gabriela Fernandes; Lawrence Dooley; David O'Sullivan; Asbjorn Rolstadas; (Ed.). (2021) Managing Collaborative R&D Projects: Leveraging Open Innovation Knowledge-Flows for Co-Creation Switzerland: Springer. [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2027) 'Under review- Critical Success Factors for Open Innovation strategies in SMEs: Who or How?'
Tsekouras, G., Christian, J., Patel, P., Vanhaverbeke, W. and Dooley, L. (2027) 'Under review- Critical Success Factors for Open Innovation strategies in SMEs: Who or How?' In: Aranitou, V., Manioudis, M. and Angelakis, A (eds). The Economic Impact of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Analytical Approaches to Growth and Innovation Challenges Amid Crises in Europe. UK: Palgrave Macmillan. [Details]
(2024) 'Are entrepreneurial ecosystems measurable? What the literature says about moving forward- In Press'
Fernandes, A.J.C, Ferreira, J.J. and Dooley, L. (2024) 'Are entrepreneurial ecosystems measurable? What the literature says about moving forward- In Press' In: Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. [Details]
(2021) 'Open innovation strategy of an early-stage SME'
Barrett,Gillian; Dooley, Lawrence (2021) 'Open innovation strategy of an early-stage SME' In: Fernandes, G., Dooley, L., O'Sullivan, D., Rolstadås, A; Springer (eds). Managing Collaborative R&D Projects: Contributions To Management Science. Cham. (Switzerland): Springer. [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021) 'Managing Collaborative R&D Projects'
Fernandes, G., Dooley, L., O’Sullivan, D. and Rolstadås, A. (2021) 'Managing Collaborative R&D Projects' In: Fernandes, G., Dooley, L., O’Sullivan, D., Rolstadås, A (eds). Managing Collaborative R&D Projects. Contributions to Management Science. Cham. (Switzerland): Springer. [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Open innovation within the low-technology SME sector'
Dooley L.; O'Sullivan D. (2018) 'Open innovation within the low-technology SME sector' In: Researching Open Innovation In SMEs. Cham. (Switzerland): Springer. [Details]
(2017) 'The entrepreneurial university: Academic attitudes of adoption within a full service university setting'
Dooley L.;Philpott K. (2017) 'The entrepreneurial university: Academic attitudes of adoption within a full service university setting' In: The World Scientific Reference on Entrepreneurship. [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Social Network Analysis as a tool as a tool for knowledge management for innovation'
Gubbins, C., Dooley, L. ; (2011) 'Social Network Analysis as a tool as a tool for knowledge management for innovation' In: Emma O'Brien, Seamus Clifford, Mark Southern (eds). Knowledge Management for Process, Organizational and Marketing Innovation: Tools and Methods. UK: Gower IGI Global. [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Project based Learning in Applied Innovation'
O'Sullivan, D; Dooley, L; (2010) 'Project based Learning in Applied Innovation' In: Ceisie' 2009: Educate Adaptive Talents for It Applications in Enterprises and Interoperability. France: Iste/Hermes Science Publisher. [Details]
(2009) 'The future of innovation is collaborative'
Dooley L.; (2009) 'The future of innovation is collaborative' In: B. von Stamm and A. Trifilova (Editors) (eds). The Future of Innovation. UK: Gower Publishing. [Details]
(2007) 'Succession at CityLife'
Hall A., Dooley L.; (2007) 'Succession at CityLife' In: Family Business Casebook Annual 2007. USA: Kennesaw, GA/Cox Family Enterprise Center. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2024) British Academy of Management Conference. Nottingham Trent University, 2-6 September. Nottingham, United Kingdom
Silva, A.M., Barrett, G., McDonnell, A. and Dooley, L. (2024) Managing innovation in a hybrid work context’ British Academy of Management Conference. Nottingham Trent University, 2-6 September. Nottingham, United Kingdom [Details]
(2024) 15th International Sustainability Transitions Conference
Rogan, F., Barrett, G. and Dooley, L. (2024) An examination of the Irish gas network’s innovation system: how an incumbent utility is managing the transition to zero carbon energy 15th International Sustainability Transitions Conference [Details]
(2024) Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference. Munster Technological University, 27-29 August. Cork, Ireland
Silva, A.M., Dooley, L., Barrett, G. and McDonnell, A. (2024) Optimising work for innovation in a hybrid work context: Towards a future research agenda Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference. Munster Technological University, 27-29 August. Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2024) Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference. Munster Technological University, 27-29 August. Cork, Ireland
Kenneally, T., Dooley, L., Shinnick, E., Doran, J. (2024) University-Industry Collaboration: The PI as promotor Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference. Munster Technological University, 27-29 August. Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2023) Irish Academy of Management (Galway), Ireland
Silva, A.M., McDonnell, A., Dooley, L. and Barrett, G. (2023) The impact of hybrid work arrangements on innovation practices: A developing research agenda Irish Academy of Management (Galway), Ireland [Details]
(2023) R&D Management Conference. Seville, Spain
Silva, A.M., Barrett, G., Dooley, L. and McDonnell, A. (2023) The relationship between innovation and hybrid working: Towards a future research agenda R&D Management Conference. Seville, Spain [Details]
(2023) Irish Academy of Management, Galway, Ireland
Kenneally, T., Dooley, L., Shinnick, E., Doran, J. (2023) Investigating the Impact of University Industry Collaboration (UIC) on Firm-Level Innovation: An Empirical Analysis Irish Academy of Management, Galway, Ireland [Details]
(2023) R&D Management 2023, Seville, Spain
Kenneally, T., Dooley, L., Shinnick, E., Doran, J. (2023) Understanding the role of Universities in the dynamics of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (EE): An Irish case R&D Management 2023, Seville, Spain [Details]
(2022) Research and Development Management Association
J. Giannoumis, L. Dooley, V. Cummins (2022) Blue Growth Clusters: The Nurturing of Innovation in Marine Sectors Research and Development Management Association [Details]
(2022) Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables 2022
J. Giannoumis, L. Dooley, V. Cummins (2022) Unlocking blue growth: Balancing environmental protection and economic development Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables 2022 [Details]
(2021) Irish Academy of Management Conference
J. Giannoumis, L. Dooley, V. Cummins (2021) Nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship in blue growth clusters Irish Academy of Management Conference [Details]
(2021) Environ 2021
J. Giannoumis, L. Dooley, V. Cummins (2021) A qualitative case study on the mechanisms that influence the sustainable development of marine sectors in coastal regions Environ 2021 [Details]
(2021) OCEANS Conference San Diego
J. Giannoumis, L. Dooley, V. Cummins (2021) A time and place for the sustainable blue economy: the dilemma of blue growth balancing commercial opportunities and environmental forces OCEANS Conference San Diego [Details]
(2020) Mare Conference People & the Sea
J. Giannoumis, L. Dooley, V. Cummins (2020) Nurturing blue growth: A qualitative study on understanding the antecedent factors that enable the sustainable development in marine spaces Mare Conference People & the Sea [Details]
(2020) Irish Academy of Management Conference
J. Giannoumis, L. Dooley, V. Cummins. (2020) Innovation ecosystems: Exploring how Blue Growth can nurture marine entrepreneurship in innovation ecosystems Irish Academy of Management Conference [Details]
(2020) R&D Management Conference 2020 (Trento)
Dooley, L., O'Kane, C. and Cunningham, J.A. (2020) Principal investigator: Shock absorber for University-Industry collaboration R&D Management Conference 2020 (Trento) [Details]
(2020) R&D Management Symposium- Vancouver, CA
Dooley, L. (2020) Driving academic entrepreneurship: Impact of PI research decisions R&D Management Symposium- Vancouver, CA [Details]
(2018) EURAM
Barrett G., Dooley L., Bogue J (2018) Open Innovation adoption in global high-tech SMEs: an exploration of the underlying particulars EURAM Reykjavik University, [Details]
(2017) BAM
Barrett, G., Dooley, L. & Bogue, J. (2017) Open Innovation adoption, ambidextrous practices and the role of the organisational life cycle on global high-tech SME firms BAM Warwick University, [Details]
(2016) R&D Management
Dooley, L. Barrett, G. & O' Sullivan, D. (2016) SME innovation practices across low and high-technology industries: is open innovation being adopted? R&D Management [Details]
(2015) British Academy of Management Conference
Barrett, G, Dooley, L. and Bogue, J (2015) Are the open innovation practices of born global SMEs leveraging their explorative and exploitative potential? British Academy of Management Conference University of Portsmouth, , 08-SEP-15 - 10-SEP-15 [Details]
(2015) R & D Management Conference (Piza)
Barrett, G., Dooley, L. and Bogue, J. (2015) Understanding open innovation in the born global firm: the influencing factors R & D Management Conference (Piza) Pisa, Italy, , 23-JUN-15 - 26-JUN-15 [Details]
(2014) ISPIM Conference (Dublin)
Barrett, G. & Dooley, L. (2014) Open innovation as a start-up strategy: the case of two Irish born global firms ISPIM Conference (Dublin) [Details]
(2014) 59th Annual Conference ICSB World conference on Entrepreneurship
Barrett, G., Dooley, L. & Kenny, B. (2014) The evolving characteristics underpinning the development path of two born global firms 59th Annual Conference ICSB World conference on Entrepreneurship [Details]
(2014) R&D Management Conference Proceedings. Stuttgart
Barrett, G. & Dooley, L. (2014) Contextual factors impacting on the adoption of Open Innovation: the case of three Irish-born global firms R&D Management Conference Proceedings. Stuttgart [Details]
(2014) 3E conference (ECSB Entrepreneurship Education conference), Turku (Finland)
Kenny, B & Dooley, L (2014) Supporting Entrepreneurship and Commercialization of Research among the PhD Community 3E conference (ECSB Entrepreneurship Education conference), Turku (Finland) [Details]
(2013) R&D Management
Dooley, L., Kenny, B., Barrett, G. & Lupton, G. (2013) Organisational Innovation Practice: Assessing the impact of the global financial crisis R&D Management [Details]
(2013) Conference for Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities; Washington, USA
Gubbins, C., Kelly, G. and Dooley, L (2013) Determinants of relationship operationalization for tacit knowledge seeking and sharing Conference for Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities; Washington, USA [Details]
(2013) R&D Management Conference (Manchester)
Dooley, L. and Kenny, B. (2013) Disruptive risk: Emerging changes within organisational innovation practice R&D Management Conference (Manchester) [Details]
(2013) The Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland Chapter) 40th Annual Conference, Aston Business School
Kenny, B & Dooley, L (2013) International Collaboration on Innovation: A Research Agenda The Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland Chapter) 40th Annual Conference, Aston Business School [Details]
(2013) EUROMA (Dublin)
Dooley, L. and Gubbins, C (2013) Systemic Process Innovation: Leveraging tacit knowledge from the shop-floor EUROMA (Dublin) [Details]
(2013) RENT XXVII Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Competitiveness
Kenny, B., L Dooley and G Barrett (2013) Stimulating Innovation While Dealing With Constraints: The Case of Ireland against the Backdrop of the Global Financial Crisis RENT XXVII Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Competitiveness [Details]
(2012) POMS-EurOMA 2012, Amsterdam, NL
Dooley, L., Hargaden, V. and Lupton, G. (2012) Outsourcing strategy within the biopharmaceutical manufacturing sector POMS-EurOMA 2012, Amsterdam, NL [Details]
(2012) R&D Management Conference Proceedings 2012; Grenoble, France
Dooley, L., Reedy, E. and Kenny, B. (2012) The Innovation Process: Is collaboration happening? R&D Management Conference Proceedings 2012; Grenoble, France [Details]
(2012) R&D Management Conference Proceedings 2012; Grenoble, France
Dooley, L. and Kenny, B. (2012) Entrepreneurial capability within the doctoral research community: Building the future Entrepreneurial University R&D Management Conference Proceedings 2012; Grenoble, France [Details]
(2012) ISBE Conference (Dublin)
Dooley, L. and Kenny, B. (2012) Entrepreneurial capability and attitudes within the doctoral research community ISBE Conference (Dublin) [Details]
(2012) InterTradeIreland Conference 2012; Galway
Dooley, L., Reedy, E. and Kenny, B. (2012) Collaborative Innovation in Ireland: Have we embraced the fifth generation model? InterTradeIreland Conference 2012; Galway [Details]
(2011) 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference
O'Reilly, S., Dooley, L.; (2011) The role of continuous improvement beyond operational excellence 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference [Details]
Gubbins, C;Kelly, G;Dooley, L;Emery, C;Murphy, E (2011) Individual Level Influencers on Tacit Knowledge Sharing Processes PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, VOLS 1 AND 2 , pp.372-380 [Details]
(2011) Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM
Gubbins C.;Kelly G.;Dooley L.;Emery C.;Murphy E. (2011) Individual level influencers on tacit knowledge sharing processes Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM , pp.372-380 [Details]
(2010) R&D Management Conference
Dooley, L; Kirk, RD; (2010) Managing collaboration in knowledge discovery networks R&D Management Conference Manchester, UK, [Details]
(2010) Internaltional Conference on Knolwedge Management & Information Sharing (KMIS 2010)
Gubbins, C., Dooley, L. ; (2010) Understanding Innovation and Knowledge Management in Dynamic Networks Internaltional Conference on Knolwedge Management & Information Sharing (KMIS 2010) [Details]
(2010) European Operations Managemen Association Conference (EUROMA 2010)
Hargaden, V; Dooley, L.; Lupton, G; (2010) Analysis of supply chain structure and order winning criteria in Irish medical technology sector European Operations Managemen Association Conference (EUROMA 2010) [Details]
(2009) International Conference on Education Issues in Enterprise IT and Interoperability
O'Sullivan D., Dooley L.; (2009) Project based Learning in Applied Innovation International Conference on Education Issues in Enterprise IT and Interoperability [Details]
(2009) International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe (HRD 2009)
Gubbins, C., Dooley, L., Kelleher, C.; (2009) Understanding Innovation and Knowledge Management in Dynamic Networks International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe (HRD 2009) [Details]
(2008) R&D Management Conference
Philpott, K., Dooley, L., O¿Reilly, C. ; (2008) The Entrepreneurial University Paradigm; A paradigm for academic disharmony R&D Management Conference Ottowa, , 01-JUN-08 - 01-JUN-08 [Details]
(2007) Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (ISBE 2007)
Kirk, R.D., Dooley, L.; (2007) Structuring Successful R&D Collaborations Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (ISBE 2007) [Details]
(2006) Irish Academy of Management Conference, Cork (IAM 2006)
Dooley L., Kirk R.D.; (2006) Grafting the entrepreneurial paradigm on to academic structures Irish Academy of Management Conference, Cork (IAM 2006) [Details]
(2006) Irish Academy of Management Conference, Cork (IAM 2006)
Philpott, K., Dooley, L.; (2006) Concepts of the Entrepreneurial University Irish Academy of Management Conference, Cork (IAM 2006) [Details]
(2005) Irish Academy of Management Conference, Galway (IAM 2005)
Dooley L., Kirk R.D.; (2005) Biotechnology innovation: Managing university-industry collaboration for effective knowledge exchange and innovation Irish Academy of Management Conference, Galway (IAM 2005) [Details]
(2005) EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research
Buckley, J., Buckley, N., Dooley, L, Murphy, L. ; (2005) Developing Family Business in the Irish Context EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research Jonkoping, Sweden, , 09-JUN-05 - 11-JUN-05 [Details]
(2003) International Manufacturing Conference on Knowledge Driven Manufacturing
Lupton G., Dooley L.; (2003) Product life cycle performance indicators International Manufacturing Conference on Knowledge Driven Manufacturing Cork, [Details]
(2003) International AEC Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Construction
Melia K., Dooley L.; (2003) Performance metrics to encourage change in the construction industry International AEC Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Construction Loughborough University, [Details]
(2000) International Conference on Information Technology in Business Management (ITBM 2000)
Browne J., Cormican K., Dooley L., Yu Ming, O¿Sullivan D.; (2000) Innovation management for product and process development International Conference on Information Technology in Business Management (ITBM 2000) Beijing, [Details]
(1999) International Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 1999)
Cormican K., Dooley L., O¿Sullivan D., Wreath S., Yu M.; (1999) Systems innovation International Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 1999) [Details]
(1999) International Foundation for Production Research (ICPR-15)
Cormican K., Dooley L., O¿Sullivan D.; (1999) Systems innovation management: Supporting innovation in a manufacturing environment International Foundation for Production Research (ICPR-15) Limerick, [Details]
(1998) PDK Conference
Cormican K., Dooley L., O¿Sullivan D., Yu M., Wreath S.; (1998) Systems innovation management PDK Conference Berlin, [Details]
(1998) International Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 1998)
Dooley L., O¿Sullivan D.; (1998) Decision support system for the management of organisational change International Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 1998) Luasanne, Switzerland, [Details]
(1997) Tempus-Phare Conference
Dooley L., Fahy M., O¿Sullivan D.; (1997) Business process reengineering: An introduction to the core concepts Tempus-Phare Conference Poznan, Poland, [Details]

Book Reviews

  Year Publication
(2015) The Business Model Navigator.
Dooley, L (2015) The Business Model Navigator. HOBOKEN: Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2015 University College Cork M.A. in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Third level SOTL
2009 University College Cork Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Education
2008 University College Cork Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Edu Education
2000 NUI Galway PhD
1997 NUI, Galway MSc. (Commerce)
1994 University College Galway Diploma in Quality Assurance Quality Assurance
1993 University College Galway BComm


  Committee Function From / To
Head of Department (Management & Marketing) Head of Department 2024 /
CUBS Internationalisation and External Engagement Committee Vice Dean and Chair of Committee 2023 /
CUBS External Advisory Board (EAB) Board Member 2023 /
CUBS Programme External Advisory Board (PEAB) Chair of PEAB 2023 /
CIRTL Fellowship Committee CIRTL Fellow 2016 / 2023
Internationalisation Committee (College Business & Law) School Representative and Committee member 2023 /
Irish Academy of Management Special Interest Group (Innovation) Founder and co-Chair 2023 /
UCC Academic Council Committee Committee member 2021 /
University External Examiners Committee Committee member 2021 /
Doctoral Colloquium co-chair for R&D Management Conference Committee (Strathclyde University) Doctoral Colloquium co-chair 2019 / 2020
BComm Programme Advisory Board (PAB) BComm Director and Chair of PAB 2017 / 2024
Academic Council Graduate Studies Committee Committee member 2014 / 2018
Faculty of Commerce Graduate Studies Committee Chair of Committee 2012 / 2014
Department Graduate Studies Committee Chair of Committee 2013 / 2017
Faculty of Commerce Student Needs Committee Committee member 2011 / 2012
Department Research Quality Review Committee Chair of Research Review Committee 2010 / 2011
MSc (Innovation, Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship) programme advisory board (PAB) Programme Director and Co-chair of PAB 2010 / 2013
Conference Steering Committees (Ongoing) Committee member 2006 / 2024
Family Business Diploma programme advisory board (PAB) Programme Director and Chair for PAB 2005 / 2007
Family Business External Advisory Board (EAB) Secretary for EAB 2005 / 2007


  Employer Position From / To
CUBS, University College Cork Senior Lecturer 04-JUL-04 /
Centre for Enterprise Mgt., University of Dundee, Scotland College Lecturer 01-APR-01 / 30-JUN-04
Tipperary Institute, Co. Tipperary (now Technological University of the Shannon) Lecturer 01-SEP-00 / 31-MAR-01
CIMRU, NUI, Galway Senior Researcher and Project Manager 01-SEP-96 / 01-SEP-00

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2023 IAM Best Paper Award- Innovation & Entrepreneurship Irish Academy of Management
2021 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching University College Cork
2014 ECSB Best Paper shortlist ECSB Entrepreneurship Education conference), Turku (Finland)
2009 Moon Best Paper shortlist award HRD Research and Practice across Europe
2009 CEIE Conference Best paper International Conference on Education Issues in Enterprise IT and Interoperability, Bordeaux, France, May 2009

Journal Activities

  Journal Role To / From
R&D Management Member of Editorial Board -
Journal Of Knowledge Management Peer Reviewer -
Science And Public Policy Peer Reviewer -
International Journal Of Project Management Peer Reviewer -
R&D Management Peer Reviewer -
Journal Of Production, Planning And Control Peer Reviewer -
International Journal Of Innovation Management Peer Reviewer -
International Journal Of Technological Innovation And Entrepreneurship Peer Reviewer -
Journal Of Information And Knowledge Management Peer Reviewer -

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
The Gate2Growth Network Member 12-APR-07 /
Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Member 16-JUN-16 / 16-JUN-17
Enterprise Ireland's Biotechnology Ireland Network Member 16-JUN-12 / 16-JUN-14
The Irish Academy of Management Member 16-JUN-07 / 01-SEP-24
Cork Innovates Steering Committee Member 01-JAN-12 / 15-APR-13
International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Member 01-JAN-14 / 31-DEC-14
All Island Innovation Network Community of Researchers Co-ordinator 01-JAN-12 / 31-DEC-14
International Society for Professional Innovation Management Member 16-JUN-99 / 01-SEP-22

Outreach Activities


Since 2012 and co-ordinating efforts of BComm II students, the activities of UNICEF and Cork Penny Dinners are supported.

UCC Innovation Master Classes for Industry

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2015) EuroSoTL 2015: Bridging Boundaries through the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning,
Dooley, L., McCarthy, M., and Kennedy, D. (2015) Exogenous and endogenous factors of student examination success. [Oral Presentation], EuroSoTL 2015: Bridging Boundaries through the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, University College Cork . [Details]

Other Activities


External Examiner- Business School (GMIT)

• Represented UCC as part of Cork Chamber’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy research trip to Brussels (2012).

Supervised 14 industrial based students undertaking minor theses as part of their Masters programme.

Internal PhD Examiner- Anita Kumar, Dept of Food Business and Development, UCC

PhD External Examiner- University of Newcastle

Independent Chair, UCC PhD viva

PhD External Examiner- University of Cambridge

PhD External Examiner- University of Brighton

PhD External Examiner - University of Zepplin, Germany

PhD External Examiner- University of Hasselt, Belgium

UCC-IMI Programme Approval Member for PG in Strategy and Innovation

External Examiner- MSc. Technology Management (DIT)

PhD External Examiner-University of Essex (Southend-on-Sea), UK

Delivered research seminars at University of Essex, NUI, Galway, University College Dublin, Queen's University Belfast, IfM University of Cambridge, University of Zagreb, University of Dundee and Dublin City University.

UCC Innovation Platform member, a committee established to co-ordinate entrepreneurship and commercialisation efforts across the university and create a unity of purpose.

Contributor to University of Zagreb International MBA in Construction Mangement

Technical reviewer for Enterprise Ireland’s Research Commercialisation Fund programme.

Teaching Interests

I co-ordinate and deliver undergraduate and postgraduate modules in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship and enterprise management.

Below is a list of modules delivered

BU2001: Professional Practice (UG Yr 2)- 220 students
MG2007: Enterprise Planning & Processes (UG Yr 2)- 300 students
BU3001/3002: Transferrable Skills module (UG Yr 3)- 210 students
MG3012: Enterprise & Innovation (UG Yr 3)- 40 students
MG4051: Innovation Management & NPD (UG Yr 4)- 30 students
BU4000: Strategy Capstone (UG Yr 4)- 220 students
MBA: Entrepreneurship & Opportunity Recognition (2012-2018)- 22 students

Recent Postgraduates

  Graduation Year Student Name Institution Degree Type Thesis Title
2008 Brian O'Cuinneagain UCC M.Sc. Enhancing Team Member Commitment: An exploratory study of organisational and sporting teams

Internal Collaborators

  Name Institute Country
Dr. Gillian Barrett CUBS IRELAND
Prof E. Shinnick UCC IRELAND

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country
Prof David O'Sullivan University of Galway IRELAND
Prof. João J. Ferreira University of Beira Interior (UBI) PORTUGAL
Dr Breda Kenny Munster Technological University IRELAND
David Kirk University of Dundee UNITED KINGDOM
Dr. Claire Gubbins Dublin City University IRELAND