
Miranda Corcoran is a lecturer in twenty-first-century literature at University College Cork. Her research interests include genre fiction, popular fiction, comics/graphic novels, sci-fi, horror, the gothic, witchcraft and Satanism in pop culture.

 Her first monograph, Witchcraft and Adolescence in American Popular Culture: Teen Witches, was published in 2022 by the University of Wales Press. Her second (short) monograph, The Craft, was published in 2023 by Auteur/Liverpool University Press. 

She is also the co-editor (with Steve Gronert Ellerhoff) of Exploring the Horror of Supernatural Fiction: Ray Bradbury's Elliott Family (Routledge, 2020).She is currently co-editing a collection entitled Satanism and Feminism in Popular Culture: Not Today Satan

She has also published articles on horror and science fiction in The Comics Grid, Aeternum: The Journal of Contemporary Gothic Studies, The New Ray Bradbury Review and Supernatural Studies.

She is a regular contributor to the popular online magazine Diabolique.


  Year Publication
(2023) The Craft.
Miranda Corcoran (2023) The Craft. Liverpool: Auteur/ Liverpool University Press. [Details]
(2022) Witchcraft and Adolescence in American Popular Culture: Teen Witches.
Miranda Corcoran (2022) Witchcraft and Adolescence in American Popular Culture: Teen Witches. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2020) Exploring the Horror of Supernatural Fiction: Ray Bradbury’s Elliott Family
Miranda Corcoran and Steve Gronert Ellerhoff (Ed.). (2020) Exploring the Horror of Supernatural Fiction: Ray Bradbury’s Elliott Family London: Rouledge. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2023) '‘Leave Something Witchy’: Evolving Representations of Cults and New Religious Movements in Folk Horror'
Miranda Corcoran (2023) '‘Leave Something Witchy’: Evolving Representations of Cults and New Religious Movements in Folk Horror' In: The Routledge Companion to Folk Horror. London: Rouledge. [Details]
(2022) '“Mysticism & Mesmerism: The Occult in the Age of Enlightenment.”'
Miranda Corcoran (2022) '“Mysticism & Mesmerism: The Occult in the Age of Enlightenment.”' In: Palgrave Handbook of the Gothic: Origins. UK: Palgrave. [Details]
(2022) '“The Monstrous Girl: Teen Witches, the Fourth Wave and Corporeal Feminism.”'
Miranda Corcoran (2022) '“The Monstrous Girl: Teen Witches, the Fourth Wave and Corporeal Feminism.”' In: Women and the Abuse of Power: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 9781800433342: Emerald. [Details]
(2021) '“‘The Devils Territories’: Nature, the Sublime, and Witchcraft in the Puritan Imagination”'
Miranda Corcoran and Andrea Di Carlo (2021) '“‘The Devils Territories’: Nature, the Sublime, and Witchcraft in the Puritan Imagination”' In: Fictional Worlds and the Moral Imagination. UK: Palgrave. [Details]
(2021) '“‘She had wept so long and so much onto the stumps’: Amputation and Embodiment in ‘The Maiden Without Hands’.”'
Miranda Corcoran (2021) '“‘She had wept so long and so much onto the stumps’: Amputation and Embodiment in ‘The Maiden Without Hands’.”' In: Amputation in Literature and Film: Phantom Limbs, Prosthetic Relations, and the Semiotics of Loss. UK: Palgrave. [Details]
(2021) '“Science and the Supernatural: Spiritualism, Psychical Research, and Pseudo-Science in Nineteenth Century Gothic'
Miranda Corcoran (2021) '“Science and the Supernatural: Spiritualism, Psychical Research, and Pseudo-Science in Nineteenth Century Gothic' In: Palgrave Handbook of the Gothic: Steam Age. UK: Palgrave. [Details]
(2017) '“Negative Space and Narrative Elision in Twentieth Century Soviet and American Fiction: Towards a Transnational Aesthetic of Paranoid Representation.”'
Miranda Corcoran (2017) '“Negative Space and Narrative Elision in Twentieth Century Soviet and American Fiction: Towards a Transnational Aesthetic of Paranoid Representation.”' In: Mark Leone and Lee M. Jenkins (eds). Atlantic Crossings: Archaeology, Literature, and Spatial Culture. Leiden: Brill. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2021) '“You either ate the world or the world ate you”: Gender Performance and Violence in Stephen King's Campus Shooting Trilogy'
Miranda Corcoran and Anne Mahler (2021) '“You either ate the world or the world ate you”: Gender Performance and Violence in Stephen King's Campus Shooting Trilogy' . [Details]
(2019) 'Gotta Light?: Intersections of Science and the Supernatural in Twin Peaks'
Miranda Corcoran (2019) 'Gotta Light?: Intersections of Science and the Supernatural in Twin Peaks' . [Details]
(2019) '“I’ll be in every living thing in the world tonight”: Adolescent Femininity and the Gothic Uncanny in Bradbury’s “The April Witch”'
Miranda Corcoran (2019) '“I’ll be in every living thing in the world tonight”: Adolescent Femininity and the Gothic Uncanny in Bradbury’s “The April Witch”' . [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2020) 'Bleeding Panels, Leaking Forms: Reading the Abject in Emily Carroll's Through the Woods (2014)'
Corcoran, M (2020) 'Bleeding Panels, Leaking Forms: Reading the Abject in Emily Carroll's Through the Woods (2014)'. Comics Grid-Journal Of Comics Scholarship, 10 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) '“A is for Atom’: Utopian Discourses in Atomic Age Educational Films”. Americana: The E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary'
Miranda Corcoran (2015) '“A is for Atom’: Utopian Discourses in Atomic Age Educational Films”. Americana: The E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary'. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2020) Folk Horror in the 21st Century (September 5-6, 2019) Conference Report.
Miranda Corcoran (2020) Folk Horror in the 21st Century (September 5-6, 2019) Conference Report. Fantastika Journal, UK. [Details]
(2020) “Theorizing Zombiism”: Conference Report.
Miranda Corcoran (2020) “Theorizing Zombiism”: Conference Report. The Irish Journal of Gothic Studies, Ireland. [Details]

Book Reviews

  Year Publication
(2022) Review of Uncanny Bodies, Pippa Goldschmidt, Gill Haddow and Fadhila Mazanderani.
Miranda Corcoran (2022) Review of Uncanny Bodies, Pippa Goldschmidt, Gill Haddow and Fadhila Mazanderani. Book Reviews [Details]
(2020) Review of Mastering Fear: Women, Emotions and Contemporary Horror.
Miranda Corcoran (2020) Review of Mastering Fear: Women, Emotions and Contemporary Horror. Book Reviews [Details]
(2020) Review of Jordan Peele’s Get Out: Political Horror, ed. by Dawn Keetley.
Miranda Corcoran (2020) Review of Jordan Peele’s Get Out: Political Horror, ed. by Dawn Keetley. Book Reviews [Details]


  Year Publication
(2021) Audio Commentary for Vinegar Syndrome's Blu-ray release of Tragedy Girls.
Kat Ellinger, Lindsay Hallam and Miranda Corcoran (2021) Audio Commentary for Vinegar Syndrome's Blu-ray release of Tragedy Girls. DVD [Details]
(2021) DVD Commentary for Second Sight Film's Blu-ray release of Censor.
Kat Ellinger, Lindsay Hallam and Miranda Corcoran (2021) DVD Commentary for Second Sight Film's Blu-ray release of Censor. DVD [Details]

Guest Speaker

  Year Publication
(2021) “‘Bitch Witches’: The Teenage Witch as Pop Culture Phenomenon,” Romancing the Gothic Series.
Miranda Corcoran (2021) “‘Bitch Witches’: The Teenage Witch as Pop Culture Phenomenon,” Romancing the Gothic Series. Guest Speaker [Details]
(2020) “Witchcraft and Feminism,” UCC Feminist Society Talk, Online.
Miranda Corcoran (2020) “Witchcraft and Feminism,” UCC Feminist Society Talk, Online. Guest Speaker [Details]
(2020) “Troubling Boundaries, Leaking Forms: Reading Bechdel’s Fun Home and Carroll’s Through the Woods with Dr Jeanette D'Arcy and Dr Miranda Corcoran,” The Comics Grid Webinar Series - Live Chats on Comics Scholarship.
Miranda Corcoran (2020) “Troubling Boundaries, Leaking Forms: Reading Bechdel’s Fun Home and Carroll’s Through the Woods with Dr Jeanette D'Arcy and Dr Miranda Corcoran,” The Comics Grid Webinar Series - Live Chats on Comics Scholarship. Guest Speaker [Details]
(2019) The Witch is Back: Witches in the Age of #MeToo.
Miranda Corcoran (2019) The Witch is Back: Witches in the Age of #MeToo. Guest Speaker [Details]

Electronic Article

  Year Publication
(2019) A Short History of Teenage Witches.
Miranda Corcoran (2019) A Short History of Teenage Witches. Electronic Article [Details]
(2017) Scream! Just where did our fascination with horror come from?.
Miranda Corcoran (2017) Scream! Just where did our fascination with horror come from?. Dublin: Electronic Article [Details]

Magazine article

  Year Publication
(2019) Atom Bombs and Beauty Queens: Female Sexuality and the Iconography of Destruction.
Miranda Corcoran (2019) Atom Bombs and Beauty Queens: Female Sexuality and the Iconography of Destruction. Magazine article [Details]

Review Articles

  Year Publication
(2012) Review of Stephen Schryer’s Fantasies of the New Class: Ideologies of Professionalism in Post-World War II American Fiction.
Miranda Corcoran (2012) Review of Stephen Schryer’s Fantasies of the New Class: Ideologies of Professionalism in Post-World War II American Fiction. Review Articles [Details]


  Year Publication
(2020) Review of The Haunted House on Film: An Historical Analysis, by Paul Meehan.
Miranda Corcoran (2020) Review of The Haunted House on Film: An Historical Analysis, by Paul Meehan. Reviews [Details]
(2018) Review of Superstition (Syfy Channel, 2017).
Miranda Corcoran (2018) Review of Superstition (Syfy Channel, 2017). Reviews [Details]
(2018) Review of The Vonnegut Encyclopedia by Marc Leeds.
Miranda Corcoran (2018) Review of The Vonnegut Encyclopedia by Marc Leeds. Reviews [Details]
(2017) Steve Gronert Ellerhoff, Post-Jungian Psychology and the Short Stories of Ray Bradbury and Kurt Vonnegut.
Miranda Corcoran (2017) Steve Gronert Ellerhoff, Post-Jungian Psychology and the Short Stories of Ray Bradbury and Kurt Vonnegut. Reviews [Details]


  Year Publication
(2021) Invited Guest on BBC 3’s Free Thinking, episode “Toys”.
Miranda Corcoran (2021) Invited Guest on BBC 3’s Free Thinking, episode “Toys”. Interview [Details]

Radio Feature

  Year Publication
(2020) Ray Bradbury, a master of science fiction.
BBC World Service - The Forum (2020) Ray Bradbury, a master of science fiction. Radio Feature [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2020 UCC College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Publication Fund to UCC
2018 College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Research Support Fund UCC
2015 Dr. Wasfia Mhabak Memorial Grant Embodiments Research Group
2014 Irish Association of American Studies Postgraduate Conference Bursary Irish Association of American Studies
2013 European Association of American Studies Travel Grant European Association of American Studies
2013 College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Travel Bursary College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, UCC

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2022) Ghost Scenes / Scènes de spectres,
Miranda Corcoran and Andrea Di Carlo (2022) “Phantasmic Projects: Ghosts and the Technological Sublime in the Eighteenth‐Century Phantasmagoria”. [Oral Presentation], Ghost Scenes / Scènes de spectres, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier . [Details]
(2021) Slasher Studies Summer Camp,
Miranda Corcoran (2021) • “‘There’s a Maniac Loose in the City’: Space, Identity and Boundary Crossing in the Urban Slasher.”. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Slasher Studies Summer Camp, Online . [Details]
(2021) Bugs and Books: Disease, Infection and Contagion in Culture,
Miranda Corcoran (2021) • “‘Sex equals death, okay?’: STDs and Sexual Paranoia in Teen Horror Cinema.”. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Bugs and Books: Disease, Infection and Contagion in Culture, Online . [Details]
(2019) Folk Horror in the 21st Century,
Miranda Corcoran and Andrea Di Carlo (2019) 'The Devil’s Territories’: Nature and the Sublime in Robert Eggers’ The Witch”. [Oral Presentation], Folk Horror in the 21st Century, Falmouth University . [Details]
(2019) American Horror Story Symposium,
Miranda Corcoran (2019) “‘It's going to take more than that ‘thing’ between your legs’: Identity, Violence and Adolescent Embodiment in American Horror Story: Coven.”. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], American Horror Story Symposium, University of East Anglia . [Details]
(2019) Theorizing Zombiism,
Miranda Corcoran (2019) “‘Violence is Italian art’: Art and Adaptation in Lucio Fulci’s ‘Gates of Hell’ Trilogy”. [Oral Presentation], Theorizing Zombiism, University College Dublin . [Details]
(2019) American Literature Association,
Miranda Corcoran (2019) “Bad Chemicals and Toxic Masculinity: The Post-War Crisis of Manhood in Breakfast of Champions”. [Oral Presentation], American Literature Association, Boston, MA . [Details]
(2019) Embodying Fantastika,
Miranda Corcoran (2019) “‘A Pack of Boby-Soxers': Adolescent Embodiment and the Figure of the Teenage Witch in American Popular Culture”. [Oral Presentation], Embodying Fantastika, Lancaster University . [Details]
(2018) Progressive Connexions: Evil Women - Women and Evil,
Miranda Corcoran (2018) The Monstrous Girl: Teen Witches, Abjection and the Horror of Femininity. [Oral Presentation], Progressive Connexions: Evil Women - Women and Evil, Mercure Hotel Vienna . [Details]