Patrick O'Callaghan
Research Profile
I teach jurisprudence and tort law at UCC School of Law where I am also principal investigator in the Law and the Inner Self Project (2022–2026), funded by a Research Ireland (Consolidator) Laureate Grant. You can read more about our research here.
I joined UCC in 2014, having previously lectured at Newcastle University, UK (2007–2014). Before that, I was a researcher at the Centre for European Law and Politics (ZERP), Universität Bremen, Germany (2004–2007).
I joined UCC in 2014, having previously lectured at Newcastle University, UK (2007–2014). Before that, I was a researcher at the Centre for European Law and Politics (ZERP), Universität Bremen, Germany (2004–2007).
Research Interests
My background is in the legal protection of personality rights, as that field is conceptualised in the civilian legal tradition. This has led to an interest in theories of selfhood and questions about the role personality rights can play in safeguarding the opacity of the self and creating breathing space for personal development. In this context, I have researched aspects of privacy law, the right to freedom of thought, the relationship between law and memory, including the right to be forgotten, the right to honour and reputation, and the historical development of personality rights. In this research, I draw on the methodologies of the field of law and humanities.
Please get in touch if you are interested in doing PhD or postdoctoral research in this general area.
Recent Publications
O’Callaghan, P. & Shiner, B., ‘Privacy 6.0: Privacy as Mental Integrity’ in M.J. Blitz & J.C. Bublitz (eds) The Law and Ethics of Freedom of Thought, Vol. 2: Cognitive Liberty and Privacy (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2025) [LINK]
O'Callaghan, P. & Shiner, B., (eds) The Cambridge Handbook of the Right to Freedom of Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025) [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P., Cronin, O., Kelly, B., Shiner, B., Walmsley, J., & McCarthy-Jones, S., ‘The Right to Freedom of Thought: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the UN Special Rapporteur’s Report on Freedom of Thought’ (2024) 28(1) International Journal of Human Rights 1–23 [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P., ‘Enlightened Remembering and the Paradox of Forgetting: From Dante to Data Privacy’ (2023) 17(2) Law and Humanities 210–227 [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P. ‘Between Pragmatism and Perfectionism in Legal Translation’ in B. Akkermans & A. Berlee (eds), “Sjef-sache”: Essays in honour of Prof. J.H.M. (Sjef) van Erp (The Hague: Eleven International Publishing: 2021) pp 285–294 [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P. & Shiner, B., ‘The Right to Freedom of Thought in the European Convention on Human Rights’ (2021) 8 (2/3) European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 112–145 [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P., ‘Internal Coherence and the Possibility of Judicial Integrity’ in M. Nicolini et al (eds) Law and Imagination in Troubled Times (London: Routledge, 2020) pp 157–172 [LINK]
Please get in touch if you are interested in doing PhD or postdoctoral research in this general area.
Recent Publications
O’Callaghan, P. & Shiner, B., ‘Privacy 6.0: Privacy as Mental Integrity’ in M.J. Blitz & J.C. Bublitz (eds) The Law and Ethics of Freedom of Thought, Vol. 2: Cognitive Liberty and Privacy (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2025) [LINK]
O'Callaghan, P. & Shiner, B., (eds) The Cambridge Handbook of the Right to Freedom of Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025) [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P., Cronin, O., Kelly, B., Shiner, B., Walmsley, J., & McCarthy-Jones, S., ‘The Right to Freedom of Thought: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the UN Special Rapporteur’s Report on Freedom of Thought’ (2024) 28(1) International Journal of Human Rights 1–23 [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P., ‘Enlightened Remembering and the Paradox of Forgetting: From Dante to Data Privacy’ (2023) 17(2) Law and Humanities 210–227 [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P. ‘Between Pragmatism and Perfectionism in Legal Translation’ in B. Akkermans & A. Berlee (eds), “Sjef-sache”: Essays in honour of Prof. J.H.M. (Sjef) van Erp (The Hague: Eleven International Publishing: 2021) pp 285–294 [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P. & Shiner, B., ‘The Right to Freedom of Thought in the European Convention on Human Rights’ (2021) 8 (2/3) European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 112–145 [LINK]
O’Callaghan, P., ‘Internal Coherence and the Possibility of Judicial Integrity’ in M. Nicolini et al (eds) Law and Imagination in Troubled Times (London: Routledge, 2020) pp 157–172 [LINK]