
Rhona is a adjuct lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery.  Rhona was co-ordinator of postgraduate midwifery programmes, a chairperson of the Midwives Section of the INMO; delegate to both the Central European Region of the International Confederation of Midwives and European Midwives Association.  She has been a member of the Midwives Committee of the NMBI, the Midwifery Committee of the Department of Health; and founder member of the Midwives Association of Ireland.  Her research area of expertise is specific to midwives’ ways of working and on Maternal and Child Health from preconceptual to postnatal care for women, infants and families. Her research commitments include the supervision of PhD, DN and MSc Research students to successful completion. She has received research funding from national agencies including the HRB, HSE, DOH and the NMBI.  She is an Associate Editor for BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth and is a peer reviewer for a number of nursing and midwifery journals.  Rhona has published widely on nursing and midwifery education and practice issues. For many years Rhona has promoted the role of the midwife and its potential for greater contribution to maternity care for women in Ireland.  

Research Interests

My research interests centre on midwifery practice, neonatology and maternity care.  I am instrumental in developing a midwifery research agenda within the School which involves ongoing collaboration with the maternity services.  I am involved in the Midwifery Research Forum in the Cork University Maternity Hospital which has the remit of stimulating a research agenda.  

My research interests focus on midwifery practice, the development of women centred care, midwifery led services, normal birth, models of midwifery care, home birth and exploring the experiences and needs of childbearing women. 

I am also interested in supporting research among neonatal nurses; my research interests in this area include exploring the needs of parents and developmental care issues for newborn babies. 
I completed my PhD with the University of Central Lancashire which involved investigating midwives’ perception and experience of birth in Ireland. 

Research Grants

  Project Funding
Start Date End Date Award
HRB "SSS/2014/805 Kiera Fisher - Dr Rhona O'Connell" - "Use of early warning scores in a maternity hospital in Ireland" Health Research Board 09-JUN-14 01-AUG-14 €2,000.00

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2021) 'Enacting Distributed Leadership in Midwifery Practice'
O'Connell R (2021) 'Enacting Distributed Leadership in Midwifery Practice' In: Curtis, E., Beirne M., Corrigan S., Cullen J., Northway R (eds). Distributed Leadership on Nursing and Healthcare: Theory, Evidence and Development. Milton Keynes: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education. [Details]
(2020) 'History of Fear in Childbirth'
O'Connell M., O'Connell R. (2020) 'History of Fear in Childbirth' In: Katherine Guttridge (eds). Understanding Fear, Worry and Anxiety in Childbearing: A resource for midwives and clinicians. Switzerland: Springer Nature. [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Leadership in Healthcare: An Overview of Theory, Research & Practice'
Cullen J., O'Connell R. (2017) 'Leadership in Healthcare: An Overview of Theory, Research & Practice' In: Leadership and Change for the Health Professional. Maidenhead UK: Open University Press. [Details]
(2013) 'Sampling from Vulnerable Populations'
Curtis, Elizabeth and O'Connell, Rhona (2013) 'Sampling from Vulnerable Populations' In: Issues and Methods for Quantitative Health Research: Theory and Application. Berkshire, England: Open Univerity Press. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Instruments measuring practitioner performance of the complete examination and screening of neonates: A systematic review'
Greene LM;Hegarty J;O'Connell R;Connaughton B;Coveney K;Hardie P;Horton S;Szafranska M;Murphy M; (2023) 'Instruments measuring practitioner performance of the complete examination and screening of neonates: A systematic review'. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 59 (4) [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'A review of the current management of postpartum haemorrhage in the Republic of Ireland, using a case study approach'
Fitzgerald, Imelda; O’Connell, Rhona; Hughes, Paul; Lyons, Priscella; McKernan, Joye; Greene, Richard; Corcoran, Paul (2022) 'A review of the current management of postpartum haemorrhage in the Republic of Ireland, using a case study approach'. Midirs Midwifery Digest, 34 (2):505-511 [Details]
(2022) ''It will dictate how many children I will have- Women's decision-making in pregnancy following a previous caesarean birth (CB)'
Monis, Malitha;O'Connell, Rhona;Andrews, Tom (2022) ''It will dictate how many children I will have- Women's decision-making in pregnancy following a previous caesarean birth (CB)'. Midwifery, 116 :103533 - 1-7 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021) 'Factors influencing women's perceptions of choice and control during pregnancy and birth: a cross-sectional study'
Leahy-Warren, Patricia; Mulcahy, Helen; Corcoran, Paul; Bradley, Róisín; O'Connor Mary; O'Connell, Rhona (2021) 'Factors influencing women's perceptions of choice and control during pregnancy and birth: a cross-sectional study'. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 21 (1):1-12 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021) 'Baby’s First Hug: Establishing skin-to-skin contact as a routine practice during caesarean birth using Participatory Action Research'
Campbell, A, O'Connell R (2021) 'Baby’s First Hug: Establishing skin-to-skin contact as a routine practice during caesarean birth using Participatory Action Research'. The Practising Midwife, 24 (8):17-22 [Details]
(2020) 'Transfers of Care between Healthcare Professionals in Obstetric Units of Different Sizes across Spain and in a Hospital in Ireland: The MidconBirth Study'
Martín-Arribas A;Vila-Candel R;O'Connell R;Dillon M;Vila-Bellido I;Beneyto MÁ;De Molina-Fernández I;Rodríguez-Conesa N;González-Blázquez C;Escuriet R; (2020) 'Transfers of Care between Healthcare Professionals in Obstetric Units of Different Sizes across Spain and in a Hospital in Ireland: The MidconBirth Study'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (22) [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'A systematic review of tools available to measure clinician performance of the complete physical examination and screening of the neonate: a protocol'
Greene, E., O Connell, R., Murphy, MM., Connaughton, B., Coveney, K., Hardie, P., Horton, S., Szafranska, M., Hegarty, J. (2019) 'A systematic review of tools available to measure clinician performance of the complete physical examination and screening of the neonate: a protocol'. Prospero International Prospective Register Of Systematic Reviews, [Details]
(2019) 'Developing a new health-related policy analysis tool: An action research cooperative inquiry approach'
Casey M.;Rohde D.;Brady A.;Fealy G.;Hegarty J.;Kennedy C.;McNamara M.;Nicholson E.;O'Connell R.;O'Connor L.;O'Leary D.;O'Reilly P.;Stokes D. (2019) 'Developing a new health-related policy analysis tool: An action research cooperative inquiry approach'. Journal of Nursing Management, [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Failure or progress?: The current state of the professionalisation of midwifery in Europe'
Vermeulen, Joeri; Luyben, Ans; O'Connell, Rhona; Gillen, Patricia; Escuriet, Ramon; Fleming, Valerie (2019) 'Failure or progress?: The current state of the professionalisation of midwifery in Europe'. European Journal Of Midwifery, 3 (22):1-9 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019) 'Integrative review; identifying the evidence base for policymaking and analysis in health care'
Kennedy C.;O’Reilly P.;O’Connell R.;O’Leary D.;Fealy G.;Hegarty J.;Brady A.;Nicholson E.;McNamara M.;Casey M. (2019) 'Integrative review; identifying the evidence base for policymaking and analysis in health care'. Journal of Advanced Nursing, [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Perceived importance and performance of clinical leadership in practice: A cross-sectional study of nurses and midwives of all grades'
Mc Carthy V.;Murphy A.;Savage E.;Hegarty J.;Coffey A.;Leahy-Warren P.;Horgan A.;O'Connell R.;Marsh L.;Drennan J. (2019) 'Perceived importance and performance of clinical leadership in practice: A cross-sectional study of nurses and midwives of all grades'. Journal of Nursing Management, 27 (8):1738-1746 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Perceived importance and performance of clinical leadership in practice: A cross‐sectional study of nurses and midwives of all grades'
Vera JC Mc Carthy, Ashling Murphy, Eileen Savage, Josephine Hegarty, Alice Coffey, Patricia Leahy‐Warren, Aine Horgan, Rhona O'Connell, Lynne Marsh, Jonathan Drennan (2019) 'Perceived importance and performance of clinical leadership in practice: A cross‐sectional study of nurses and midwives of all grades'. Journal of Nursing Management, [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Development and psychometric testing of the clinical leadership needs analysis (CLeeNA) instrument for nurses and midwives'
McCarthy, V., Murphy, A., Savage, E., Hegarty, J., Coffey, A., Leahy-Warren, P., Horgan, A., O'Connell, R., Marsh, L., Drennan, J. (2018) 'Development and psychometric testing of the clinical leadership needs analysis (CLeeNA) instrument for nurses and midwives'. Journal of Nursing Management, [Details]
(2010) 'A systematic review evaluating the impact of post-registration nursing and midwifery education on practice'
Gijbels H.;O'Connell R.;Dalton-O'Connor C.;O'Donovan M. (2010) 'A systematic review evaluating the impact of post-registration nursing and midwifery education on practice'. Nurse Education In Practice, 10 (2):64-69 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Obstetric surgery for perioperative staff and midwives'
O'Connell R. (2009) 'Obstetric surgery for perioperative staff and midwives'. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 19 (6):188-191 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Establishing a Europe-wide foundation for high quality midwifery education: The role of the European Midwives Association (EMA)'
Vermeulen, Joeri; Luyben, Ans; Jokinen, Mervi; Matintupa, Eva; O'Connell, Rhona; Bick, Debra (2018) 'Establishing a Europe-wide foundation for high quality midwifery education: The role of the European Midwives Association (EMA)'. Midwifery, 64 :128-131 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018) 'Discursive constructions of professional identity in policy and regulatory discourse'
Fealy, G;Hegarty, JM;McNamara, M;Casey, M;O'Leary, D;Kennedy, C;O'Reilly, P;O'Connell, R;Brady, AM;Nicholson, E (2018) 'Discursive constructions of professional identity in policy and regulatory discourse'. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74 :2157-2166 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Conceptualising a model to guide nursing and midwifery in the community guided by an evidence review'
Leahy-Warren, P;Mulcahy, H;Benefield, L;Bradley, C;Coffey, A;Donohoe, A;Fitzgerald, S;Frawley, T;Healy, E;Healy, M;Kelly, M;McCarthy, B;McLoughlin, K;Meagher, C;O'Connell, R;O'Mahony, A;Paul, G;Phelan, A;Stokes, D;Walsh, J;Savage, E (2017) 'Conceptualising a model to guide nursing and midwifery in the community guided by an evidence review'. BMC Nursing, 16 (35) [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017) 'Consent for routine neonatal procedures: A study of practices in Irish neonatal units. How do we compare with the gold standard BAPM guidelines?'
Ryan, M A, Ryan, C A, Dempsey E, O’Connell R. (2017) 'Consent for routine neonatal procedures: A study of practices in Irish neonatal units. How do we compare with the gold standard BAPM guidelines?'. Irish Medical Journal, 110 (6) [Full Text] [Details]
(2017) 'Exploring global recognition of quality midwifery education: Vision or fiction?'
Luyben, A;Barger, M;Avery, M;Bharj, KK;O'Connell, R;Fleming, V;Thompson, J;Della Sherratt, (2017) 'Exploring global recognition of quality midwifery education: Vision or fiction?'. Women and Birth, 30 :184-192 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Systematically searching and reviewing grey literature'
Stokes, D., Phelan, A., Mulcahy, H., Benefield, L., Healy, M., Meagher, C., O Connell, R., Walsh, J., Leahy-Warren, P. (2016) 'Systematically searching and reviewing grey literature'. Reference Services Review, [Details]
(2016) 'Midwifery education in Ireland - The quest for modernity'
O'Connell, R;Bradshaw, C (2016) 'Midwifery education in Ireland - The quest for modernity'. Midwifery, 33 :34-36 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'A systematic qualitative literature review of healthcare workers’ compliance with hand hygiene guidelines'
Smiddy MP, O Connell R, Creedon SA. (2015) 'A systematic qualitative literature review of healthcare workers’ compliance with hand hygiene guidelines'. American Journal of Infection Control, 43 (3):269-274 [Details]
(2016) 'An agenda for midwifery education: Advancing the state of the world's midwifery'
Bharj, KK,Luyben, A,Avery, MD,Johnson, PG,O'Connell, R,Barger, MK,Bick, D (2016) 'An agenda for midwifery education: Advancing the state of the world's midwifery'. Midwifery, 33 :3-6 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Nurses', midwives' and key stakeholders' experiences and perceptions on requirements to demonstrate the maintenance of professional competence'
Casey M;Cooney A;O' Connell R;Hegarty J;Brady AM;O'Reilly P;Kennedy C;Heffernan E;Fealy G;Mcnamara M;O' Connor L; (2016) 'Nurses', midwives' and key stakeholders' experiences and perceptions on requirements to demonstrate the maintenance of professional competence'. Journal of Advanced Nursing, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2015) '‘Puts the magic back into life': Fathers' experience of planned home birth'
Sweeney, S, O’Connell R (2015) '‘Puts the magic back into life': Fathers' experience of planned home birth'. Women and Birth, 28 (2):148-153 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'A descriptive survey of the educational preparation and practices of antenatal educators in Ireland'
O’Sullivan, C., O’Connell R., Devane D. (2014) 'A descriptive survey of the educational preparation and practices of antenatal educators in Ireland'. The Journal of perinatal education, 23 (1):33-40 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'A contextual clinical assessment for student midwives in Ireland'
Phelan, A., O Connell, R., Murphy, M., McLoughlin, G., Long, O. (2014) 'A contextual clinical assessment for student midwives in Ireland'. Nurse Education Today, 34 (3):292-294 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff'
Curtis, E and O'Connell, R.; (2011) 'Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff'. Nursing management (Harrow, London, England : 1994), 18 (5):32-35 [Details]
(2011) 'Secondary prevention and learning needs post percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): perspectives of both patients and nurses'
Kilonzo, B,O'Connell, R; (2011) 'Secondary prevention and learning needs post percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): perspectives of both patients and nurses'. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20 :1160-1167 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Health Literacy and coronary heart disease: Implications for nurses'
Kilonzo, B., Hughes, M., O'Connell, R.; (2011) 'Health Literacy and coronary heart disease: Implications for nurses'. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 6 (1):29-34 [Details]
(2010) 'A systematic review evaluating the impact of post-registration nursing and midwifery education on practice. Nurse Education in Practice'
Gijbels, Harry; O'Connell, Rhona; Dalton-O'Connor, Caroline; O'Donovan, Moira; (2010) 'A systematic review evaluating the impact of post-registration nursing and midwifery education on practice. Nurse Education in Practice'. Nurse Education In Practice, 10 (2):64-69 [Details]
(2009) 'Obstetric surgery for perioperative staff and midwives. Journal of Perioperative Practice'
O'Connell, R; (2009) 'Obstetric surgery for perioperative staff and midwives. Journal of Perioperative Practice'. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 19 (6):188-191 [Full Text] [Details]
(2009) 'A metasynthesis of midwives' experience of hospital practice in publicly funded settings: compliance, resistance and authenticity'
O'Connell, R;Downe, S (2009) 'A metasynthesis of midwives' experience of hospital practice in publicly funded settings: compliance, resistance and authenticity'. Health, 13 :589-609 [DOI] [Details]
(2002) 'Home Birth in Ireland 1993 - 1997 A review of Community Midwifery Practice'
O’Connell, R., Cronin M.; (2002) 'Home Birth in Ireland 1993 - 1997 A review of Community Midwifery Practice'. All Ireland Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2 ((2)):41-46 [Full Text] [Details]
(2002) 'Midwives and Maternity Care in Ireland: Opportunities to move ahead? '
O’Connell, R; (2002) 'Midwives and Maternity Care in Ireland: Opportunities to move ahead? '. Midwifery Matters, 92 (*):9-10 [Details]
(1999) 'Neonatal Surgery, are operating theatres always necessary?'
O’Connell, R., Bradfield, L.; (1999) 'Neonatal Surgery, are operating theatres always necessary?'. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 5 ((2)):8-12 [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2019) 'Midwifery 1918-2018: Coming full circle'
O'Connell, Rhona (2019) 'Midwifery 1918-2018: Coming full circle' Win Journal, 26 (10) :21-23. [Full Text] [Details]
(2011) 'Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff'
Curtis E.;O'Connell R. (2011) 'Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff' Nursing Management, 18 (5) :32-35. [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Strategic approach to antenatal education'
O'Sullivan C., O'Connell R (2016) 'Strategic approach to antenatal education' Win Journal, 24 (3) :26-27. [Details]
(2015) 'Childbirth: Myths of Medicalization'
O'Connell R and Phelan A (2015) 'Childbirth: Myths of Medicalization' Entre Nous, :18-19. [Details]
(2014) 'The Challenges of FGM'
O'Connell R. (2014) 'The Challenges of FGM' World of Irish Nursing and Midwifery, 22 (6) . [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Midwifery Matters - Domestic abuse in pregnancy'
Aher, A., O'Connell R. (2012) 'Midwifery Matters - Domestic abuse in pregnancy' World of Irish Nursing and Midwifery, 20 (7) . [Details]
(2010) 'Teaching teachers'
O'Sullivan, C; O'Connell, R; (2010) 'Teaching teachers' World of Irish Nursing, 18 (6) :46-47. [Details]
(2010) 'Tackling health illiteracy'
O'Connell, R; Hughes M; Kilonzo B; (2010) 'Tackling health illiteracy' World of Irish Nursing, 18 (2) :40-41. [Details]
(2007) 'Natural Benefits: Making Breastfeeding Easier'
O'Donnell, C., O'Connell, R.; (2007) 'Natural Benefits: Making Breastfeeding Easier' World of Irish Nursing, 15 (7) :18-19. [Details]
(2002) 'Midwives and maternity care in Ireland: opportunities to move ahead?'
O'Connell, R; (2002) 'Midwives and maternity care in Ireland: opportunities to move ahead?' Midwifery Matters, 92 :9-10. [Details]
(1999) 'Midwifery in Ireland: Recent Trends'
O'Connell, R .; (1999) 'Midwifery in Ireland: Recent Trends' Midwifery Matters, 80 (1) . [Details]
(1999) 'Midwifery in Ireland: Recent Trends. Midwifery Matters'
O'Connell, Rhona ; (1999) 'Midwifery in Ireland: Recent Trends. Midwifery Matters' Midwifery Matters, 80 (1) . [Details]
(1999) 'International Confederation of Midwives Report'
O'Connell, R .; (1999) 'International Confederation of Midwives Report' MAI Newsletter, 3 (2) . [Details]
(1999) 'For the Millennium A Scope of Practice for Midwives'
O'Connell, R .; (1999) 'For the Millennium A Scope of Practice for Midwives' MAI Newsletter, 3 (1) . [Details]
(1998) 'Report on the Commission of Nursing'
O'Connell, R .; (1998) 'Report on the Commission of Nursing' MAI Newsletter, 2 (2) . [Details]
(1998) 'Keeping Birth Normal Midwifery Today Conference Report'
O'Connell, R .; (1998) 'Keeping Birth Normal Midwifery Today Conference Report' MAI Newsletter, 2 (2) . [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2022) STTI (Sigma) 6th Biennial European Conference
Leahy-Warren, P., Lehane, E., O Driscoll, M., Murphy, MM., O Connell, R., Buckley, C., O Connor, S., O Sullivan, M., O Connor, M., Cogan, L., Mulcahy, H. (2022) Practice enhancement for exclusive breastfeeding (PEEB) – an implementation science approach STTI (Sigma) 6th Biennial European Conference [DOI] [Details]
(2011) School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference
O'Connell, R., Downe S, Dykes, F (2011) The size paradox enabling authentic midwifery to emerge School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference [Details]
(2011) International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress
Phelan, A., O'Connell, R. Leahy-Warren, P, Mulcahy H, ; (2011) Women's decisions and choices about breastfeeding in Ireland: What about WHO Recommendations? International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress [Details]
(2010) School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD, 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education
Phelan, A Leahy-Warren P, Mulcahy H, O'Connell, R ; (2010) Breastfeeding, decisions, choices, dilemmas School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD, 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, , 04-NOV-10 - 05-NOV-10 [Details]
(2010) School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education
Phelan, A Leahy-Warren P, Mulcahy H, O¿Connell R ; (2010) Breastfeeding, decisions, choices, dilemmas School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education Dublin, [Details]
(2010) School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD, 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education
O'Connell, R., Downe, S., Dykes, F. ; (2010) Street level bureaucracy and labour ward midwives' construction of childbirth in a technocratic environment School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD, 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, , 04-NOV-10 - 05-NOV-10 [Details]
(2009) Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Challenging Assumptions. Proceedings of the National Academy 2nd Annual Conference Cork: NAIRTL
Gijbels, H,Dalton-O'Connor, C, O'Connell, R, O'Donovan, M , Murphy, J, Higgs, B ; (2009) A systematic review of the impact of post registration nursing and midwifery education on practice Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Challenging Assumptions. Proceedings of the National Academy 2nd Annual Conference Cork: NAIRTL [Details]
(2008) The 2nd International Nurse Education Conference: Research and Innovation in International Nurse Education
Gijbels*, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R. & O'Donovan, M. (2008) Evaluating the impact of post registration and post graduate nursing and midwifery education: an international literature review using Barr’s et al (1996) evaluative framework for training and education The 2nd International Nurse Education Conference: Research and Innovation in International Nurse Education Dublin, Ireland, [Details]
(2008) Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education & Technology 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Proceedings
O'Sullivan, Brid,O'Connell, R; (2008) Secondary Prevention in Heart Disease: Learning Needs of Angioplasty Patients Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education & Technology 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Proceedings School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin, [Details]
(2008) International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress
O'Connell, R., Downe, S. ; (2008) Midwives' Construction of Midwifery and Childbirth in a Technocratic Hospital Environment A Metasynthesis International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress Glasgow, [Details]
(2002) International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress
O'Connell, R., Cronin M. ; (2002) Home Birth in Ireland: A review International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress Vienna, [Details]
(1999) ICM Triennial Conference
O’Connell, R., Cronin M.; (1999) Home Birth in Ireland: A review . In: * eds. ICM Triennial Conference Vienna, , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99 , pp.*-* [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2016) An Evidence Review on Current Models of Registered Nursing & Midwifery Practice in the Community to Inform Policy Development.
Leahy Warren P., Mulcahy H., McLoughlin K., Kelly M., Phelan A., Savage E., Benefield L., Phelan A., Coffey A., Donohue A., Fitzgerald S., Frawley T., Healy M., McCarthy B., Meagher C., O Connell R., O Mahony A., Paul G., Stokes D., Walsh J., Healy E. (2016) An Evidence Review on Current Models of Registered Nursing & Midwifery Practice in the Community to Inform Policy Development. Department of Health, Dublin. [Details]
(2014) An evaluation of the HSE guiding framework for the implementation of nurse prescribing of medical ionising radiation (X-Ray) in Ireland.
Drennan J, Naughton C, Griffins M, Butler ML, Grehan J, Moughty A, Kavanagh E, Hyde A, Butler M, Sheridan A, Coughlan B, Hegarty J, Savage E, Coffey A, O Connell R, Creedon R (2014) An evaluation of the HSE guiding framework for the implementation of nurse prescribing of medical ionising radiation (X-Ray) in Ireland. Health Service Executive, Ireland. [Details]
(2007) A Literature Review of Post Registration Nursing and Midwifery Education.
Gijbels, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R. & O'Donovan, M.; (2007) A Literature Review of Post Registration Nursing and Midwifery Education. Health Service Executive, Dublin. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2008) Evaluating the impact of post registration and post graduate nursing and midwifery education: an international literature review using Barr's et al (1996) evaluative framework for training and education.
Gijbels, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R. & O'Donovan, M. ; (2008) Evaluating the impact of post registration and post graduate nursing and midwifery education: an international literature review using Barr's et al (1996) evaluative framework for training and education. Dublin, Ireland: Abstract [Details]
(2001) A review of community midwifery practice.
O'Connell, R., Cronin, M. ; (2001) A review of community midwifery practice. Abstract [Details]

Book Reviews

  Year Publication
(2000) Medical Teaching Resuscitation News.
O'Connell, R .; (2000) Medical Teaching Resuscitation News. Book Reviews [Details]


  Year Publication
(2001) Preceptorship in Nursing and Midwifery Education.
O'Connell, R.; (2001) Preceptorship in Nursing and Midwifery Education. Other [Details]


  Year Publication
(2014) The Use of Irish Maternity Early Warning Scores in a Maternity Hospital in Ireland.
Fischer, K, O'Connell, R., Phelan A., Long O., De Foubert, P. (2014) The Use of Irish Maternity Early Warning Scores in a Maternity Hospital in Ireland. Presentation [Details]

Unpublished Reports

  Year Publication
(2007) A literature review on post registration nursing and midwifery education: a report for the Post Registration Nursing and Midwifery Education Review Group.
Gijbels, H., Dalton, C., O'Connell, R and O'Donovan, M ; (2007) A literature review on post registration nursing and midwifery education: a report for the Post Registration Nursing and Midwifery Education Review Group. Dublin, Ireland: Unpublished Reports [Details]

Technical Publication

  Year Publication
(2008) Literature Review Summary (9 pages) in Office of Nursing Services Director Report of the Post Registration Nursing and Midwifery Education Review Group.
Gijbels, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R. & O'Donovan, M.; (2008) Literature Review Summary (9 pages) in Office of Nursing Services Director Report of the Post Registration Nursing and Midwifery Education Review Group. Dublin: Technical Publication [Details]
(2007) A Review of post registration nursing and midwifery education: a report for the Post Registration Nursing and Midwifery Education Review Group.
Gijbels, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R. & O'Donovan, M. (2007) A Review of post registration nursing and midwifery education: a report for the Post Registration Nursing and Midwifery Education Review Group. Technical Publication [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2008 Best Poster, Bourke, S. O'Connell, R. Irish Midwives: Needs when Providing Perinatal Bereavement Support for Parents Experiencing Perinatal Death School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Midwives Section, Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation Member /
Midwives Association of Ireland (MAI) Chairperson /

Journal Activities

  Journal Role To / From
Bmc Pregnancy And Childbirth Member of Editorial Board -
Birth-Issues In Perinatal Care Referee -
Midwifery Referee -
Nurse Education In Practice Referee -
Journal Of Advanced Nursing Referee -

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2017) 31st ICM Triennial Congress,
O'Connell R, Downe, S. Dykes F. (2017) Counterstories and the Meaning of Midwifery Narratives. [Oral Presentation], 31st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada , 18-JUN-17 - 22-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017) 31st ICM Triennial Congress,
Lyons K., O'Connell R (2017) Women's Emotional Experience of Childbirth. [Poster Presentation], 31st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada , 18-JUN-17 - 22-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017) 31st ICM Triennial Congress,
Bharj, K. K., Luyben, A., Avery, M., Johnson, P., O’Connell, R., Barger M. Bick D. (2017) Creating an Agenda for Midwifery Education: Advancing the State of World’s Midwifery. [Oral Presentation], 31st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada , 18-JUN-17 - 22-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017) 31st ICM Triennial Congress,
Phelan. A., O'Connell R., Murphy. M., McLoughlin G. (2017) Evaluation of annual contextual assessment of student midwives. [Poster Presentation], 31st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada , 18-JUN-17 - 22-JUN-17. [Details]
(2014) International Confederation of Midwives Trieneal Congress,
O'Connell R., Downe S., Dykes F. (2014) The Size Paradox: a vector for authentic midwifery to emerge. [Oral Presentation], International Confederation of Midwives Trieneal Congress, Prague , 02-JUN-14 - 05-JUN-14. [Details]
(2013) 8th Interantional Normal Labour and Birth Conference,
Sweeney, S., O'Connell R (2013) ‘Puts back the magic into life’ Fathers’ Experience of Planned Home Birth in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 8th Interantional Normal Labour and Birth Conference, Grange over Sands , 05-JUN-13 - 07-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013) Federation of Infection Societies Conference,
Smiddy, MP, O' Connell, R., Creedon, SA. (2013) Healthcare workers' compliance with hand hygiene guidelines: A metasynthesis. [Poster Presentation], Federation of Infection Societies Conference, Bermingham, England , 11-NOV-13 - 13-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013) 8th International Normal Labour and Birth Conference,
O'Connell, R., Downe, S., Dykes F (2013) The Size paradox: A vector for authentic midwifery to emerge. [Oral Presentation], 8th International Normal Labour and Birth Conference, Grange over Sands , 05-JUN-13 - 07-JUN-13. [Details]
(2012) The Essence of Midwifery Care in Labour: Essence of Midwifery Care Conference: Responding to the Challenges of Today,
O'Connell, R; Downe, S; Dykes, F (2012) The Challenges for Irish Midwives working in an Urban Delivery Suite. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], The Essence of Midwifery Care in Labour: Essence of Midwifery Care Conference: Responding to the Challenges of Today, Coombe Women's and Infants Univerity Hospital , 03-MAY-12 - 03-MAY-11. [Details]
(2012) Grand Rounds,
O'Connell R., Downe S., Dykes F (2012) The challenges for labour ward midwives. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Grand Rounds, Cork University Maternity Hospital , 21-SEP-12 - 21-SEP-12. [Details]
(2011) School of Nursing and Midwifery, Annual Research Conference,
O’Connell, R., Downe S, Dykes, F (2011) The size paradox enabling authentic midwifery to emerge. [Oral Presentation], School of Nursing and Midwifery, Annual Research Conference, University College Cork , 04-NOV-11 - 04-NOV-11. [Details]
(2011) 12th Annual Conference. Transforming Health Care through Education and Reseaarch,
O'Connell, R; Downe, S, Dykes, F (2011) The Size Paradox Enabling Authentic Midwifery to Emerge. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], 12th Annual Conference. Transforming Health Care through Education and Reseaarch, School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin , 09-NOV-11 - 10-NOV-11. [Details]
(2010) 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education,
O¿Connell, R., Downe S, Dykes, F ; (2010) Street level bureaucracy and labour ward midwives' construction of childbirth in a technocratic environment. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin , 04-NOV-10 - 05-NOV-10. [Details]
(2010) 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education,
Phelan, A Leahy-Warren P, Mulcahy H, O'Connell, R ; (2010) Breastfeeding, decisions, choices, dilemmas. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin , 04-NOV-10 - 05-NOV-10. [Details]
(2010) Midwifery Seminar International Midwives' Day Cork University Maternity Hospital,
O'Connell, R; (2010) Midwives' construction of childbirth in a technocratic environment. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Midwifery Seminar International Midwives' Day Cork University Maternity Hospital, Cork , 05-MAY-10 - 05-MAY-10. [Details]
(2009) Challenging Assumptions: 2nd Annual Conference of the National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning (NAIRTL),
Gijbels*, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R. & O'Donovan, M. (2009) Impact of Post-registration Nursing and Midwifery Education. [Poster Presentation], Challenging Assumptions: 2nd Annual Conference of the National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning (NAIRTL), Waterford Institute of Technology . [Details]
(2008) Challenging Assumptions: 2nd Annual Conference of the National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning (NAIRTL),
Gijbels, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R. & O'Donovan, M. ; (2008) Impact of Post-registration Nursing and Midwifery Education. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Challenging Assumptions: 2nd Annual Conference of the National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning (NAIRTL), Waterford Institute of Technology , 13-NOV-08 - 14-NOV-08. [Details]
(2008) Czech Confederation of Midwives National Midwifery Conference,
O’Connell, R.,; (2008) Midwives’ Experience of Childbirth in a Hospital Environment. [Oral Presentation], Czech Confederation of Midwives National Midwifery Conference, * , 11-APR-08 - 11-APR-08. [Details]
(2008) International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress,
O’Connell, R., Downe, S.; (2008) Midwives, what they say about hospital midwifery. A Metasynthesis. [Oral Presentation], International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress, Glasgow , 02-JUN-08 - 05-JUN-08. [Details]
(2008) School of Nursing and Midwifery 8th Research Conference,
O’Connell, R., Downe, S.; (2008) Metasynthesis on Midwives of Hospital Midwifery. [Oral Presentation], School of Nursing and Midwifery 8th Research Conference, University College Cork , 10-OCT-08 - 10-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008) Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork Eighth Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference,
Harry Gijbels, Caroline Dalton-O'Connor, Rhona O'Connell, Moira O'Donovan; (2008) Impact of Post-registration Nursing and Midwifery Education. [Poster Presentation], Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork Eighth Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Cork , 10-OCT-08 - 10-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008) School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Research Conference,
Harry Gijbels, Caroline Dalton-O'Connor, Rhona O'Connell, Moira O'Donovan Catherine McAuley ; (2008) A systematic review of the impact of post-registration nursing and midwifery education on practice. [Poster Presentation], School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Research Conference, Cork , 10-OCT-08 - 10-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008) International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress,
O'Connell, R.; (2008) -. [Conference Organising Committee Member], International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress, Glasgow, Scotland , 01-JUN-08 - 05-JUN-08. [Details]
(2008) School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference,
Gijbels, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R., O'Donovan M.; (2008) A Systematic Review of the Impact of Post-registration Nursing and Midwifery Education on Practice. [Poster Presentation], School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Cork , 01-OCT-08 - 01-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008) School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference,
Bourke, S. O'Connell, R. ; (2008) Irish Midwives: Needs when Providing Perinatal Bereavement Support for Parents Experiencing Perinatal Death. [Poster Presentation], School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Cork , 01-OCT-08 - 01-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008) Czech Confederation of Midwives National Midwifery Conference,
O'Connell, R.; (2008) Experience of Childbirth in a Hospital Environment. [Oral Presentation], Czech Confederation of Midwives National Midwifery Conference, Prague , 10-APR-08 - 12-APR-08. [Details]
(2008) International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress,
O'Connell, R., Downe, S. ; (2008) A Metasynthesis: Midwives, what they say about hospital midwifery. [Oral Presentation], International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress, Glasgow , 02-JUN-08 - 05-JUN-08. [Details]
(2008) The 8th Annual Nursing Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery,
Gijbels*, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R. & O'Donovan, M. (2008) Impact of Post-registration Nursing and Midwifery Education. [Poster Presentation], The 8th Annual Nursing Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College, Cork, Ireland . [Details]
(2008) Royal College of Nursing International Nursing Research Conference,
Gijbels, H., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Connell, R. & O'Donovan, M; (2008) A systematic review of international literature of post-registration nursing and midwifery education, using Barr's et al (1999) evaluative framework. [Invited Oral Presentation], Royal College of Nursing International Nursing Research Conference, Liverpool, England , 08-APR-08 - 11-APR-08. [Details]
(2008) Royal College of Nursing Conference,
O'Connell, R., Gijbels, H., Dalton-O¿Connor, C., O¿Donovan M.; (2008) A systematic review of international literature of post-registration nursing and midwifery education using Barr's (1999) evaluative framework. [Oral Presentation], Royal College of Nursing Conference, Dublin , 01-APR-08 - 01-APR-08. [Details]
(2008) Nurse Education Today Conference,
Gijbels, H., O'Connell, R., Dalton-O'Connor, C., O'Donovan M.; (2008) Evaluating the impact of post registration and post graduate nursing and midwifery education: An international systematic literature review using Barr's (1999) evaluative framework for training and education. [Oral Presentation], Nurse Education Today Conference, Dublin , 01-JUN-08 - 01-JUN-08. [Details]
(2007) Women's, Infant and Sexual Health Research Seminar,
O'Connell, R .; (2007) Some progress on the crooked road. [Oral Presentation], Women's, Infant and Sexual Health Research Seminar, UCLAN Preston , 08-MAY-07 - 08-MAY-07. [Details]
(2007) Women's, Infant and Sexual Health Research Seminar,
O'Connell, R .; (2007) Midwives' Construction of Midwifery and Childbirth in a Technocratic Hospital Environment. [Oral Presentation], Women's, Infant and Sexual Health Research Seminar, UCLAN Preston , 06-DEC-07 - 06-DEC-07. [Details]
(2007) PATHS Conference UCC,
O'Connell, R .; (2007) Metasynthesis of Midwives' Experience of Hospital Birth. [Oral Presentation], PATHS Conference UCC, Cork , 11-DEC-07 - 11-DEC-07. [Details]
(2006) Normal Birth Research Conference,
O'Connell, R.; (2006) -. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Normal Birth Research Conference, Grange over Sands, Lancashire , 07-JUN-06 - 09-JUN-06. [Details]
(2006) School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Forum,
O'Connell, R.; (2006) Midwives' Construction of Childbirth in a Technocratic Hospital Environment. [Oral Presentation], School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Forum, - , 01-APR-06 - 01-APR-06. [Details]
(2006) Women and Children¿s Research Forum,
O'Connell, R.; (2006) Midwives' Construction of Childbirth in a Technocratic Hospital Environment. [Oral Presentation], Women and Children¿s Research Forum, College of Medicine and Health , 31-MAR-06 - 31-MAR-06. [Details]
(2006) School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Seminar,
O'Connell, R.; (2006) Metasynthesis of Qualitative Research. [Oral Presentation], School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Seminar, - , 30-MAR-06 - 30-MAR-06. [Details]
(2006) Postgraduate Seminar Programme,
O'Connell, R.; (2006) Midwives' Perspective on Hospital Birth. [Oral Presentation], Postgraduate Seminar Programme, UCLAN Preston , 15-MAY-06 - 15-MAY-06. [Details]
(2006) Postgraduate Seminar Programme,
O'Connell, R.; (2006) Obstetric nurse or midwife? A historical crisis. [Oral Presentation], Postgraduate Seminar Programme, UCLAN Preston , 19-MAY-06 - 19-MAY-06. [Details]
(2006) Midwifery Seminar,
McCarthy, G., O'Connell, R.; (2006) Midwifery Perspectives Vienna. [Oral Presentation], Midwifery Seminar, Cork, College of Midwifery Southern Health Board , 26-JUN-06 - 26-JUN-06. [Details]
(2005) International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress,
O'Connell, R.; (2005) -. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress, Brisbane, Australia , 24-JUL-05 - 28-JUL-05. [Details]
(2005) Midwifery Research Seminar,
O'Connell, R.; (2005) Obstetric nurse or midwife? A historical crisis. [Oral Presentation], Midwifery Research Seminar, Dept of Midwifery Studies UCLAN , 19-MAY-05 - 19-MAY-05. [Details]
(2002) International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress,
O¿Connell, R., Cronin M.; (2002) Home Birth in Ireland: A review. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress, Vienna , 13-APR-02 - 16-APR-02. [Details]
(2002) Health Serviced Research Group,
O¿Connell, R., Cronin, M. ; (2002) Home Birth in Ireland 1993 - 1997. A review of community midwifery practice. [Oral Presentation], Health Serviced Research Group, Cork , 13-MAR-02 - 13-MAR-02. [Details]
(2002) Health Services Research Group,
O’Connell,R.,Cronin, M.; (2002) Home Birth in Ireland 1993 - 1997.A review of community midwifery practice. [Oral Presentation], Health Services Research Group, * , 13-MAR-02 - 13-MAR-02. [Details]
(2002) Midwifery Seminar College of Midwifery Southern Health Board,
O¿Connell, R; (2002) Midwifery Perspectives Vienna. [Oral Presentation], Midwifery Seminar College of Midwifery Southern Health Board, Cork , 26-JUN-02 - 26-JUN-02. [Details]
(2002) Cork/Kerry Nurse and Midwifery Education Seminar,
O'Connell, R.; (2002) Midwifery Perspectives. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Cork/Kerry Nurse and Midwifery Education Seminar, Southern Health Board , 26-JUN-02 - 26-JUN-02. [Details]
(2001) Midwives Association of Ireland AGM,
O'Connell, R.; (2001) Competencies for Midwives an International Perspective. [Oral Presentation], Midwives Association of Ireland AGM, Cork , 12-MAY-01 - 12-MAY-01. [Details]
(2001) Faculty of Health Sciences Research Conference University of Dublin Trinity College,
O¿Connell, R., Cronin, M.; (2001) Home Birth in Ireland 1993 ¿ 1997: A review of community midwifery practice. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Faculty of Health Sciences Research Conference University of Dublin Trinity College, TCD Dublin , 14-NOV-01 - 16-NOV-01. [Details]
(2001) Cork/Kerry Nurse Education Seminar,,
O'Connell, R.; (2001) Challenges to Midwifery Practice. [Oral Presentation], Cork/Kerry Nurse Education Seminar,, Blarney, Co. Cork , 20-FEB-01 - 20-FEB-01. [Details]
(2000) South Eastern Health Board Midwifery Symposium,
O'Connell, R.; (2000) Empowering Midwives: The Challenge to accept the Midwifery Model of Birth. [Oral Presentation], South Eastern Health Board Midwifery Symposium, Kilkenny , 17-JAN-00 - 17-JAN-00. [Details]
(1999) Women and Children's Research Forum College of Medicine and Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Forum,
O’Connell, R.,; (1999) Midwives' Construction of Childbirth in a Technocratic Hospital Environment. [Oral Presentation], Women and Children's Research Forum College of Medicine and Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Forum, * , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1998) Midwives Association of Ireland, AGM,,
O¿Connell, R.; (1998) Authoritative Knowledge in Childbirth. [Oral Presentation], Midwives Association of Ireland, AGM,, Cork , 28-NOV-98 - 28-NOV-98. [Details]
(1998) Cork/Kerry Nurse Education Seminar,
O¿Connell, R., ; (1998) Developments in High Dependency Neonatal Care. [Invited Oral Presentation], Cork/Kerry Nurse Education Seminar, Cork , 20-MAY-98 - 20-MAY-98. [Details]
(1997) National Neonatal Nurses Seminar,
O¿Connell, R., ; (1997) NO and off we go! High Frequency Oscillation and Nitric Oxide. [Oral Presentation], National Neonatal Nurses Seminar, Cork , 11-MAY-97 - 11-MAY-97. [Details]
(1996) Irish Nurse Research Interest Group Conference,
O¿Connell, R.,; (1996) Place of Preceptorship in Irish Nurse Education. [Oral Presentation], Irish Nurse Research Interest Group Conference, Dublin , 12-OCT-96 - 12-OCT-96. [Details]


  Employer Position From / To
School of Nursing and Midwifery College Lecturer (midwifery) 01-JUL-98 /
Erinville Hospital Midwife/neonatal nurse 01-JAN-95 / 01-JAN-97
Erinville Hospital Midwife Tutor 01-JAN-90 / 01-JAN-94
Unified Maternity Services Midwife Teacher 01-JAN-97 / 01-JAN-98


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
1995 TCD MEd -
1990 UCC BA -
2011 University of Central Lancashire PhD Midwifery

Teaching Interests

Research supervision and support