
Tony is a Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics and holds a joint position in the School of Mathematical Sciences and the School of Public Health. He has extensive publications.

Citation Index:  31,414 (9,730 since 2019)
h-index:  62  (39 since 2019)
i10: 108  (83 since 2019)
source Google Scholar (September 2024)

He has served as co-PI/Work Package lead on recent studies including the EPICC study of chronic disease morbidity, the MAMMI-SIM study looking at 
health problems of women during pregnancy and after childbirth, and the ISWAB study looking at student wellbeing and the impact of Covid-19.

Previosly he was  a co-PI on the Eldermet study exploring associations between bacterial profiles and health, dietary and lifestyle factors and Work Package lead on the SIREN study looking at the Impact of Reconfiguration on Emergency and Urgent Care Networks. This study led to recommendations for diet and food ingredients, to the benefit of Irish consumers and the Irish food industry. Additional research includes a study of Lifestyle Transitions and Trajectories through the Life course and a national study examining national patterns in suicide and self-harm.

Working with colleagues throughout Europe he helped develop the Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE)   model. SCORE is based on the largest body of cohort study data (n=205,788) of European populations. The SCORE risk management system has been selected as the new standard in European CVD risk prediction by the Third Joint European Societies Task Force on CVD Prevention in Clinical Practice. The original SCORE paper  has been cited more the 7,000 times (source: Google Scholar).   He has delivered invited lectures to national societies in Greece, Poland and Canada and contributed (as invited expert) to the recommendations of the 3rd and 4th Joint Task Force on CVD Prevention.

The ESC HeartScore study was established to develop national risk prediction systems that would reflect national mortality and risk factor distributions. Tony was appointed to the Steering Committee and have worked as Senior Statistician on HeartSCORE since its inception and have collaborated with researcher from the Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Greece, Poland, Canada, and Norway. He has produced ESC approved national risk charts for Sweden, Germany, Greece, Canada and Poland. 

Tony is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of ACRIBiS study that aims to develop personalized risk assessment tools for cardiovascular disease by combining traditional clinical measures with high-resolution biosignal analysis and an invited expert on the Pol2Senior study looking at competing risks adjusted CVD morbidity in the those over 70.

His is currently suppervising 3 PhDs and has supervised 6 graduated PhDs. 


Research Grants

  Project Funding
Start Date End Date Award
Development and validation of a risk stratification tool for assessment of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality using data from the National Maternal and Newborn Clinical Management System Health Research Board 01-APR-20 30-SEP-23 €301,445.00
SCaRLeT: Sex differences in Cardiovascular Risk across Life course Transitions Health Research Board 01-AUG-19 15-JAN-25 €723,068.71
Evidence for Policies to Prevent Chronic Conditions (EPICC) Health Research Board 01-JUN-20 31-OCT-23 €249,910.75
Building research capacity in the Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland study: Second baby follow-up, Intervention development and testing, and Measurement of costs (MAMMI-SIM) Health Research Board 09-DEC-16 31-JUL-21 €910,147.00
Appropriate care in the appropriate setting - The impact of the Health Service Executive Transformation Programme on Utilisation, Patient experience, Safety and Outcome in Urgent and Emergency Care. Health Research Board 01-APR-13 31-MAR-17 €1,035,250.00
Lifestyle transitions through the Lifecourse Health Research Board 01-OCT-12 30-SEP-16 €567,394.00
Inter-Relationships between Vitamin D Requirements for the UK Population and Calcium Intake - Does Low Dietary Calcium Increase Vitamin D Requirement? Other: Not Listed 01-JUL-12 30-JUN-14 €353,352.00
Vitamin D status and associated health outcomes: Towards an evidence basis for defining vitamin D status sufficient to reduce risk of chronic disease. Other: Not Listed 01-JAN-08 31-DEC-11 €97,391.00
DAFF 'Main Study: Gut Microbiota as an Indicator & Agent of Nutritional Health in Elderly Irish Subjects Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF) 30-DEC-07 30-DEC-13 €1,979,517.00
Towards a national diabetes register for Ireland: theory, practice and policy Health Research Board 01-OCT-07 01-OCT-11 €932,000.00

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2024) Infection 2023: BSAC Winter Conference
Fiona Barry, Maura Smiddy, Anthony P Fitzgerald, Eilis J O’Reilly, Olive Murphy (2024) Antimicrobial stewardship in Ireland 2009–22: a scoping review Infection 2023: BSAC Winter Conference [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2023) 16th European Public Health Conference 2023 Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth: A Sustainable Future for Humanity - Dublin
D Stamenic, A Fitzgerald, K Gajewska, K O'Neill, M Bermingham, J Cronin, S McHugh, C Buckley, P Kearney, L O'Keeffe (2023) Health care use and costs attributable to cardiovascular disease in Ireland: a cross-sectional study 16th European Public Health Conference 2023 Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth: A Sustainable Future for Humanity - Dublin [Details]
Li, X;Kearney, PM;Fitzgerald, AP (2018) Accelerometer-Based Physical Activity Patterns and Correlates of Depressive Symptoms HEALTH INFORMATION SCIENCE (HIS 2018) , pp.37-47 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) Society for Social Medicine 58th Annual Scientific Meeting
Tracey M, Mc Hugh S, Buckley C, Fitzgerald A, Kearney (2014) The prevalence of type 2 diabetes and related complications in a nationally representative sample of adults aged 50 and over in Ireland . In: Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health eds. Society for Social Medicine 58th Annual Scientific Meeting University of Oxford Keble College, Oxford, , 10-SEP-14 - 12-SEP-14 , pp.A39-A39 [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Details]
(2013) European Congress on Obesity
Harrington JM, Dahly DL, Fitzgerald AP, Gilthorpe MS, Perry IJ (2013) Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: A latent class analysis of an aging Irish cohort European Congress on Obesity Liverpool, [Details]
(2013) International Society for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity
Harrington JM, Dahly DL, Fitzgerald AP, Gilthorpe MS, Perry IJ (2013) Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: A latent class analysis of an aging Irish cohort International Society for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity Ghent, Belgium, [Details]
(2013) Society for Social Medicine 57th Annual Scientific Meeting
Perry, IJ,Harrington, JM,Kabir, Z,Browne, G,Fitzgerald, AP,Kearney, PM (2013) PP16 The Contribution of Changes in Diet and other Risk Factors to recent Favourable Trends in Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Irish Adults Society for Social Medicine 57th Annual Scientific Meeting [Details]
(2013) 13th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, University College Cork
McCarthy, L., Savage, E., Farrell, D., Cunningham, C., Horgan, A., NiChronin, M., Perry, I., Fitzgerald, T., Duff, A. & Riekert, K. (2013) The association of depression and anxiety with physical health outcomes and quality of life in patients with cystic fibrosis 13th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, University College Cork [Details]
(2013) IPH Open Conference
Burgoyne L, Fitzgerald T, Connolly M, Dowling L, Browne J, Perry IJ (2013) An evaluation of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind assistance dogs programme for families of children with autism IPH Open Conference [Details]
Clifford, EL and Collins, MM and Buckley, C and Fitzgerald, AP and Perry, I (2012) Unhealty Days and Quality of Life in Irish Patients with Diabetes IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE , pp.110-110 [Details]
(2012) Cochrane Collaboration Ireland Conference
Savage, E., Beirne, P., Ni Chronin M., Duff, A., Fitzgerald, T. and Farrell, D. (2012) Self-management education for cystic fibrosis Cochrane Collaboration Ireland Conference Dublin, Ireland, [Details]
(2012) Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting
Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Mc Carthy VJC, Kearney PM, Browne G, Dolan E, Perry IJ (2012) Diet quality and blood pressure in middle aged Irish men and women Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting [Details]
(2012) Food Choice, Health and Change Conference, University College Cork
Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Mc Carthy VJC, Kearney PM, Browne G, Dolan E, Perry IJ (2012) Diet quality and blood pressure in middle aged Irish men and women Food Choice, Health and Change Conference, University College Cork [Details]
(2012) EuroPRevent
Kearney PM, Mc Carthy VJC, Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Dolan E, O'Brien E, Perry IJ (2012) Blood pressure variability EuroPRevent [Details]
(2012) EuroPRevent
Kearney PM, Harrington J, Mc Carthy VJC, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ (2012) Ideal cardiovascular health EuroPRevent [Details]
(2011) ESC Congress 2011
McGorrian, CM,Fitzgerald, AP,Cooney, MT,Dudina, A,Whincup, P,Vartiainen, E,Jousilahti, P,Conroy, RM,Pyorala, K,Graham, IM (2011) Estimation of ten-year risk of combined fatal and non fatal cardiovascular events: the SCOREplus study ESC Congress 2011 [Details]
(2011) IEA World Congress of Epidemiology
O'Donovan, DO,Byrne, S,Loughrey, M,Browne, G,Fitzgerald, T,Perry, I,Sahm, L (2011) Variation In Estimated Ten-Year Cardiovascular Risk Across Four Risk Scoring Tools In Both a General Population Sample and an Occupational Setting IEA World Congress of Epidemiology , pp.145-145 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) Joint Irish Section and American Society for Nutrition Meeting
Seamans KM, Fitzgerald AP, Kiely M, Cashman KD. (2011) Estimating dietary requirements for vitamin D: a systematic review of intake-status relationship to inform European recommendations Joint Irish Section and American Society for Nutrition Meeting [Details]
(2010) Society for Social Medicine
Perry, IJ; Corcoran, P; Fitzgerald, AP; Keeley, HS; Reulbach, U; Arensman, E; (2010) The incidence and repetition of hospital-treated deliberate self-harm in Ireland Society for Social Medicine J Epidemiol Community Health 2010;64:A10, [Details]
(2010) American Society of Clinical Oncology
Byrne, L. H.,Janku, F.,Bird, B. R.,O'Keeffe, J.,O'Murchu, E.,O'Callaghan, L.,Fitzgerald, A.P.; (2010) The correlation between the number of lymph nodes identified and treatment outcomes in colorectal cancer patients: Single-institution experience American Society of Clinical Oncology Journal of Clinical Oncology, [Details]
(2010) Society for Social Medicine 54th Annual Scientific Meeting
Browne, G; Loughrey, M; Harrington, J; Lutomski, J; Fitzgerald, AP; Perry, I; (2010) Dietary salt intake in Irish adults Society for Social Medicine 54th Annual Scientific Meeting Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 64:A50, [Details]
(2010) Journal of Clinical Oncology
Byrne, LH,Janku, F,Bird, BR,O' Keeffe, J,O' Murchu, E,O' Callaghan, L,Fitzgerald, T (2010) The correlation between the number of lymph nodes identified and treatment outcomes in colorectal cancer patients: single-institution experience Journal of Clinical Oncology [Details]
(2010) European Society of Cardiology
McGorrian, CM,Fitzgerald, AP,Cooney, MT,Dudina, A,Whincup, P,Vartiainen, E,Jousilahti, P,Conroy, RM,Pyorala, K,Graham, IM (2010) Estimation of ten-year risk of combined fatal and non fatal cardiovascular events: the SCOREplus study European Society of Cardiology , pp.805-805 [Details]
(2010) European Society of Cardiology
Mc Gorrian CM, Fitzgerald AP, Cooney MT, Dudina A, Whincup P, Vartiainen E, Jousilahti P, Conroy RM, Pyorala K, Graham IM.; (2010) Validation of the SCOREplus model European Society of Cardiology [Details]
(2010) Microbes and Health Sackler Colloquium
Claesson, MJ; Cusack, S; O'Sullivan, O; Greene-Diniz, R; de Weerd, H; Flannery, E; Marchesi, JR; Falush, D; Dinan, T; Fitzgerald, G; Stanton, C; van Sinderen, D; O'Connor, M; Harnedy, N; O'Connor, K; Henry, C; O'Mahony, D; Fitzgerald, AP; Shanahan, F; Twomey, C;Hill, C; Ross, RP; O'Toole, PW; (2010) Composition, variability, and temporal stability of the intestinal microbiota of the elderly Microbes and Health Sackler Colloquium [DOI] [Details]
(2009) Psychology, Health and Medicine
Harrington J, Perry IJ, Lutomski J, Fitzgerald AP,Sheily F, McGee H, Barry MM, Van Lente E3, Morgan K, Shelley E ; (2009) LIVING LONGER AND FEELING BETTER: Healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland Psychology, Health and Medicine Trinity College, Dublin, , 01-JUN-09 - 01-JUN-09 [Details]
(2009) European Congress on Obesity
Lutomski, J, Harrington, J, Shiely, F, Fitzgerald, A1 Perry IJ; (2009) Characteristics and dietary patterns of under- and over-reporters of energy intake, findings from the 2007 Irish Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN) European Congress on Obesity Amsterdam, , 06-MAY-09 - 09-MAY-09 [Details]
(2009) European Congress on Obesity
Harrington J, Perry IJ, Lutomski J, Fitzgerald AP,Shiely F, McGee H, Barry MM, Van Lente E, Morgan K, Shelley E (2009) ). Living Longer And Feeling Better: Healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland. [Oral presentation] European Congress on Obesity European Congress on Obesity, , 01-MAY-09 [Details]
(2009) American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Conference
Duggan, EM., Sturley, J. ,Fitzgerald, A.P.,Perry, I. J., Hourihane, J.O'B. (2009) Examining Longitudinal Trends in the Prevalence of Allergic Diseases in Ireland 2002-2007, Using the ISAAC Methodology . In: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology eds. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Conference Washington D.C. USA, [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2009) European Association of Asthma and Allergy Conference
Duggan, EM,. J. Lutomski, ,AP Fitzgerald, ,I Perry, ,JO’B Hourihane (2009) The Impact of Exclusive Breast Feeding on Asthma In Irish School Children Aged 6-9 Years. Published Abstract No. 32 . In: Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Wiley & Sons eds. European Association of Asthma and Allergy Conference Venice, Italy, , pp.17-17 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2009) European Respiratory Society Conference
Duggan, EM., Sturley, J., Fitzgerald, AP., Perry, I.J., Hourihane, J.O'B (2009) Irish prevalence of childhood asthma, 2002-2007. Is there a sex equalisation in the prevalence of asthma? European Respiratory Society Conference Vienna, Austria, , 09-SEP-14 - 11-JAN-14 [Details]
(2008) The UK Society for Social Medicine 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting at the University of Southampton
E Arensman, T Fitzgerald, T Bjerke, J Cooper, P Corcoran, D De Leo, O Grad, K Hawton, H Hjelmeland, N Kapur, IJ Perry, E Salander-Renberg, K van Heeringen; (2008) Deliberate self harm and suicide: Gender specific trends in eight European regions The UK Society for Social Medicine 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting at the University of Southampton Southampton, , 17-SEP-08 - 19-SEP-08 [Details]
(2007) Deliberate self harm (DSH) and suicide: gender specific trends in eight European regions
E Arensman, AP Fitzgerald, T Bjerke, J Cooper, P Corcoran, D De Leo, O Grad, K Hawton, H Hjelmeland, N Kapur, IJ Perry, E Salander-Renberg, K van Heeringen; (2007) Deliberate self harm (DSH) and suicide: gender specific trends in eight European regions Deliberate self harm (DSH) and suicide: gender specific trends in eight European regions XXIV Congress of the Interna¬tional Association for Suicide Prevention, Killarney, , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07 [Details]
(2007) The UK Society for Social Medicine 51st Annual Scientific Meeting at University College Cork
V McCarthy, E Bairead, AP Fitzgerald, F Shanahan, IJ Perry; (2007) Appendectomy, smoking and inflammatory bowel disease: a case control study The UK Society for Social Medicine 51st Annual Scientific Meeting at University College Cork Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, [Details]
(2007) Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting
Mc Carthy V., Bairead E., Fitzgerald, A.P., Shanahan, F., Perry, I.P.; (2007) Appendectomy, Smoking and Inflammatory Bowel Disease; A Case Control Study . In: * eds. Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting University College Cork, , 12-SEP-07 - 14-SEP-07 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2007) The Joint Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine & the International Epidemiological Association (European Federation)
Mc Carthy, Vera; Bairead, E.; Fitzgerald, A.P.; Shanahan, F.; Perry, Ivan J. ; (2007) Appendectomy, smoking and inflammatory bowel disease; a case control study The Joint Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine & the International Epidemiological Association (European Federation) University College Cork, , 12-SEP-07 - 14-SEP-07 [Details]
(2006) Baseline characteristics and comparative treatment satisfaction of deliberate self-harm patients recruited in a randomised controlled trial of group interpersonal problem-solving skills training compared with standard care
McAuliffe C, McLeavey BC, Corcoran P, Carroll B, O'Keeffe B, O'Regan M, Fitzgerald E, Ryan L, Hickey P, Arensman E, Fitzgerald AP; (2006) Baseline characteristics and comparative treatment satisfaction of deliberate self-harm patients recruited in a randomised controlled trial of group interpersonal problem-solving skills training compared with standard care Baseline characteristics and comparative treatment satisfaction of deliberate self-harm patients recruited in a randomised controlled trial of group interpersonal problem-solving skills training compared with standard care [Details]
(2006) Ten year risk of CVD mortality in Ireland: A Recalibration of the SCORE Risk Chart
Fitzgerald AP, Perry I; (2006) Ten year risk of CVD mortality in Ireland Ten year risk of CVD mortality in Ireland: A Recalibration of the SCORE Risk Chart Annual Medical Faculty Research Day, UCC, Cork, , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06 [Details]
(2006) Appendectomy, smoking and inflammatory bowel disease; a case control study
Mc Carthy, V., Bairead, E., Fitzgerald, A.P., Shanahan, F., and Perry, I.P. ; (2006) 14th Annual Medical Faculty Research Day Appendectomy, smoking and inflammatory bowel disease; a case control study Cork, [Details]
(2006) 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference UCC, 2006
Mc Carthy, V., Bairead, E., Fitzgerald, A.P., Shanahan, F., and Perry, I.P.; (2006) Appendectomy, smoking and inflammatory bowel disease; a case control study 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference UCC, 2006 University College Cork, , 17-NOV-06 - 17-NOV-06 [Details]
(2006) Self reported diabetes predicts risk of cardiovascular death differently in men and women in high risk European countries: the score project
McGorrian, C; Fitzgerald, AP; Leong, T; Hand, EB; Graham, IM; (2006) Self reported diabetes predicts risk of cardiovascular death differently in men and women in high risk European countries: the score project , pp.S29-* [Details]
(2006) 14th Annual Medical Faculty Research Day, 2006
Mc Carthy, V., Bairead, E., Fitzgerald, A.P., Shanahan, F., and Perry, I.P. ; (2006) Appendectomy, smoking and inflammatory bowel disease; a case control study 14th Annual Medical Faculty Research Day, 2006 Cork, , 02-JAN-06 - 03-JAN-06 [Details]
Ryan A, Rowley S, Fitzgerald AP, Reynolds JV, de Moura EGH, Sakai P, Ishioka S, Nasi A, de Moraes JPP, Chinzon D; (2004) Blackwell Synergy ORAL PRESENTATIONS OTHERS [Details]
(2004) 13th Working Group for Epidemiology & Prevention, European Society of Cardiology 2004
Leong T, Rahman Y, Fitzgerald AP, Storey S, Taylor L, Gaffney P, Boran G, Maher V, Nolan J, Graham IM; (2004) A comparison of risk estimation systems and simple physical measurements in predicting the metabolic syndrome 13th Working Group for Epidemiology & Prevention, European Society of Cardiology 2004 [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Barry F, Smiddy MP, FAntimicrobial Stewardship in Ireland-2009-2021: a scoping review study protocol'
Barry F, Smiddy MP, Fitzgerald AP, O'Reilly, Olive Murphy (2024) 'Barry F, Smiddy MP, FAntimicrobial Stewardship in Ireland-2009-2021: a scoping review study protocol'. HRB Open Research, [Details]
(2024) 'Health care utilization and the associated costs attributable to cardiovascular disease in Ireland: a cross-sectional study'
Stamenic D;Fitzgerald AP;Gajewska KA;O'Neill KN;Bermingham M;Cronin J;Lynch BM;O'Brien SM;McHugh SM;Buckley CM;Kavanagh PM;Kearney PM;O'Keeffe LM; (2024) 'Health care utilization and the associated costs attributable to cardiovascular disease in Ireland: a cross-sectional study'. European Heart Journal. Quality Of Care & Clinical Outcomes, [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'A qualitative study exploring experiences, attitudes, and wellbeing of university students of a period of restricted movement and self-testing during COVID-19 “Incoming Student Wellbeing and Benefits of Serial COVID-19 testing (ISWAB)” study2023, 6:2 ('
McGovern M, Burton E, Fanning L, Gerard Killeen, Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Anthony P. Fitzgerald, Michael Byrne, Patricia M. Kearney (2023) 'A qualitative study exploring experiences, attitudes, and wellbeing of university students of a period of restricted movement and self-testing during COVID-19 “Incoming Student Wellbeing and Benefits of Serial COVID-19 testing (ISWAB)” study2023, 6:2 ('. HRB Open Research, [Details]
(2023) 'Learning needs in healthy and active aging according to key stakeholders: a multinational survey'
Wiggin DA;Setti A;Mali J;Ströckl DE;Sourtzi P;Nevala E;Penic B;Zymbal V;Cardadeiro G;Carnide F;Baptista F;Fitzgerald T;Timmons S; (2023) 'Learning needs in healthy and active aging according to key stakeholders: a multinational survey'. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Reducing Crowding in Emergency Departments With Early Prediction of Hospital Admission of Adult Patients Using Biomarkers Collected at Triage: Retrospective Cohort Study'
Monahan AC;Feldman SS;Fitzgerald TP; (2022) 'Reducing Crowding in Emergency Departments With Early Prediction of Hospital Admission of Adult Patients Using Biomarkers Collected at Triage: Retrospective Cohort Study'. Jmir Bioinformatics And Biotechnology, 3 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Impact of female obesity and assisted reproduction on uncomplicated pregnancies and healthy births: a study of 428 336 births in Flanders'
Wuytack, F;Devlieger, R;Ameye, L;Corcoran, P;Fitzgerald, AP;Ombelet, W;Bogaerts, A (2022) 'Impact of female obesity and assisted reproduction on uncomplicated pregnancies and healthy births: a study of 428 336 births in Flanders'. Human Reproduction, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Impact of population distribution shifts in sugar-sweetened beverage consumption on type II diabetes incidence in Ireland'
O'Neill K.;Fitzgerald A.;Kearney P. (2020) 'Impact of population distribution shifts in sugar-sweetened beverage consumption on type II diabetes incidence in Ireland'. Annals Of Epidemiology, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Educational intervention to optimise serum immunoglobulin test use in Irish primary care: an interrupted time series with segmented regression analysis'
Cadogan S.;Browne J.;Bradley C.;Fitzgerald A.;Cahill M. (2020) 'Educational intervention to optimise serum immunoglobulin test use in Irish primary care: an interrupted time series with segmented regression analysis'. British Journal of General Practice, 70 (691):e146-e154 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'A prospective study of placental growth factor in twin pregnancy and development of a dichorionic twin pregnancy specific reference range'
Hayes-Ryan, D;Meaney, S;Fitzgerald, AP;O'Mahony, E;Normile, C;Kenny, LC;O'Donoghue, K (2020) 'A prospective study of placental growth factor in twin pregnancy and development of a dichorionic twin pregnancy specific reference range'. An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Trends in national pharmaceutical expenditure on diabetes in Ireland 2011-2015: A repeated cross-sectional study'
O'Neill, KN; Bennett, KE; McHugh, SM; Fitzgerald, AP; Kearney, PM (2020) 'Trends in national pharmaceutical expenditure on diabetes in Ireland 2011-2015: A repeated cross-sectional study'. Bmj Open, 10 (10):1-7 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Impact of improved observed hand hygiene on bloodstream infection rates in Ireland. A prospective segmented regression analysis, 2009-2016'
Smiddy M.P.;Murphy O.M.;Savage E.;Fitzgerald A.P.;Fitzgerald S.;Browne J. (2020) 'Impact of improved observed hand hygiene on bloodstream infection rates in Ireland. A prospective segmented regression analysis, 2009-2016'. Epidemiology And Infection, [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'An interrupted time-series analysis of the impact of emergency department reconfiguration on regional emergency department trolley numbers in Ireland from 2005 to 2015'
Lynch B.;Browne J.;Buckley C.;Healy O.;Corcoran P.;Fitzgerald A. (2019) 'An interrupted time-series analysis of the impact of emergency department reconfiguration on regional emergency department trolley numbers in Ireland from 2005 to 2015'. Bmj Open, 9 (9) [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Efficacy of observational hand hygiene audit with targeted feedback on doctors’ hand hygiene compliance: A retrospective time series analysis'
Smiddy M.;Murphy O.;Savage E.;Fitzgerald A.;O’ Sullivan B.;Murphy C.;Bernard M.;Browne J. (2019) 'Efficacy of observational hand hygiene audit with targeted feedback on doctors’ hand hygiene compliance: A retrospective time series analysis'. Journal Of Infection Prevention, [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Long-Term Follow-up of Patients Treated at a Single Institution Using a Passively Scattered Proton Beam; Observations Around the Occurrence of Second Malignancies'
Vernimmen, FJ;Fredericks, S;Wallace, ND;Fitzgerald, AP (2019) 'Long-Term Follow-up of Patients Treated at a Single Institution Using a Passively Scattered Proton Beam; Observations Around the Occurrence of Second Malignancies'. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 103 :680-685 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Group-based trajectory modelling for BMI trajectories in childhood: A systematic review'
Mattsson, M;Maher, GM;Boland, F;Fitzgerald, AP;Murray, DM;Biesma, R (2019) 'Group-based trajectory modelling for BMI trajectories in childhood: A systematic review'. Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 20 :998-1015 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Preeclampsia and risk of end stage kidney disease: A Swedish nationwide cohort study'
Khashan, AS;Evans, M;Kublickas, M;McCarthy, FP;Kenny, LC;Stenvinkel, P;Fitzgerald, T;Kublickiene, K (2019) 'Preeclampsia and risk of end stage kidney disease: A Swedish nationwide cohort study'. Plos Medicine, 16 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Guidelines combined with educational messages to improve the use of immunoglobulin tests in primary care: an interrupted time series with segmented regression analysis'
Cadogan, S; Browne, JP; Bradley, C; Fitzgerald, AP; Cahill, M (2019) 'Guidelines combined with educational messages to improve the use of immunoglobulin tests in primary care: an interrupted time series with segmented regression analysis'. The British Journal of General Practice, bjgp19X706085 [Details]
(2019) 'Health-Related Quality of Life in Adolescents and Adults With Cystic Fibrosis: Physical and Mental Health Predictors'
Cronly, JA;Duff, AJ;Riekert, KA;Fitzgerald, AP;Perry, IJ;Lehane, EA;Horgan, A;Howe, BA;Chroinin, MN;Savage, E (2019) 'Health-Related Quality of Life in Adolescents and Adults With Cystic Fibrosis: Physical and Mental Health Predictors'. Respiratory Care, 64 :406-415 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Anxiety and Depression in Parent Caregivers of Children with Cystic Fibrosis'
Cronly, J;Horgan, AM;Lehane, E;Howe, B;Duff, AJ;Riekert, KA;Perry, IJ;Fitzgerald, AP;Chroinin, MN;Savage, E (2019) 'Anxiety and Depression in Parent Caregivers of Children with Cystic Fibrosis'. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28 :1304-1312 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Online versus paper-based screening for depression and anxiety in adults with cystic fibrosis in Ireland: a cross-sectional exploratory study'
Cronly, J;Duff, AJ;Riekert, KA;Perry, IJ;Fitzgerald, AP;Horgan, A;Lehane, E;Howe, B;Chroinin, MN;Savage, E (2018) 'Online versus paper-based screening for depression and anxiety in adults with cystic fibrosis in Ireland: a cross-sectional exploratory study'. Bmj Open, 8 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Health service utilization and related costs attributable to diabetes'
O'Neill, KN;McHugh, SM;Tracey, ML;Fitzgerald, AP;Kearney, PM (2018) 'Health service utilization and related costs attributable to diabetes'. Diabetic Medicine, 35 :1727-1734 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Drivers of potentially avoidable emergency admissions in Ireland: an ecological analysis'
Lynch B;Fitzgerald AP;Corcoran P;Buckley C;Healy O;Browne J; (2018) 'Drivers of potentially avoidable emergency admissions in Ireland: an ecological analysis'. BMJ Quality & Safety, [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Case fatality ratios for serious emergency conditions in the Republic of Ireland: a longitudinal investigation of trends over the period 2002-2014 using joinpoint analysis'
Lynch, B;Fitzgerald, AP;Corcoran, P;Healy, O;Buckley, C;Foley, C;Browne, J (2018) 'Case fatality ratios for serious emergency conditions in the Republic of Ireland: a longitudinal investigation of trends over the period 2002-2014 using joinpoint analysis'. BMC Health Services Research, 18 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018) 'Morning surge in blood pressure using a random-effects multiple-component cosinor model'
Madden, JM;Browne, LD;Li, X;Kearney, PM;Fitzgerald, AP (2018) 'Morning surge in blood pressure using a random-effects multiple-component cosinor model'. Statistics In Medicine, 37 :1682-1695 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Predicted 10-year risk of cardiovascular mortality in the 40 to 69 year old general population without cardiovascular diseases in Germany'
Diederichs, C;Neuhauser, H;Rucker, V;Busch, MA;Keil, U;Fitzgerald, AP;Heuschmann, PU (2018) 'Predicted 10-year risk of cardiovascular mortality in the 40 to 69 year old general population without cardiovascular diseases in Germany'. Plos One, 13 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Unmet need for bariatric surgery'
O'Neill, KN;Finucane, FM;le Roux, CW;Fitzgerald, AP;Kearney, PM (2017) 'Unmet need for bariatric surgery'. Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases : Official Journal Of The American Society For Bariatric Surgery, 13 :1052-1056 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Physician and practice characteristics associated with immunoglobulin test ordering'
Cadogan SL;Browne JP;Bradley CP;Fitzgerald AP;Cahill MR; (2017) 'Physician and practice characteristics associated with immunoglobulin test ordering'. Family Practice, [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Levels and sociodemographic correlates of accelerometer-based physical activity in Irish children: a cross-sectional study'
Li, X;Kearney, PM;Keane, E;Harrington, JM;Fitzgerald, AP (2017) 'Levels and sociodemographic correlates of accelerometer-based physical activity in Irish children: a cross-sectional study'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 71 :521-527 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Exploring diurnal variation using piecewise linear splines: an example using blood pressure'
Jamie M Madden, Xia Li, Patricia M Kearney, Kate Tilling, Anthony P Fitzgerald (2017) 'Exploring diurnal variation using piecewise linear splines: an example using blood pressure'. Emerging Themes In Epidemiology, 12 (1) [Details]
(2016) 'Trends in blindness due to diabetic retinopathy among adults aged 18-69 years over a decade in Ireland'
Tracey, ML;McHugh, SM;Fitzgerald, AP;Buckley, CM;Canavan, RJ;Kearney, PM (2016) 'Trends in blindness due to diabetic retinopathy among adults aged 18-69 years over a decade in Ireland'. Diabetes Research And Clinical Practice, 121 :1-8 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'A study protocol of a randomised controlled trial to measure the effects of an augmented prescribed exercise programme (APEP) for frail older medical patients in the acute setting'
McCullagh, R.,O'Connell, E.,O'Meara, S.,Perry, I.,Fitzgerald, A.,O'Connor, K.,Horgan, N. F.,Timmons, S. (2016) 'A study protocol of a randomised controlled trial to measure the effects of an augmented prescribed exercise programme (APEP) for frail older medical patients in the acute setting'. BMC Geriatr, 16 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2016) 'Correlation between Short-Term Blood Pressure Variability and Left Ventricular Mass Index: A Meta-Analysis'
Madden JM, O'Flynn AM, Fitzgerald, AP, Kearney PM. (2016) 'Correlation between Short-Term Blood Pressure Variability and Left Ventricular Mass Index: A Meta-Analysis'. Hypertension Research, [Details]
(2016) 'The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes and related complications in a nationally representative sample of adults aged 50 and over in the Republic of Ireland'
Tracey, ML,McHugh, SM,Buckley, CM,Canavan, RJ,Fitzgerald, AP,Kearney, PM (2016) 'The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes and related complications in a nationally representative sample of adults aged 50 and over in the Republic of Ireland'. Diabetic Medicine, 33 :441-445 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Number of Days Required to Estimate Habitual Activity Using Wrist-Worn GENEActiv Accelerometer: A Cross-Sectional Study'
Dillon, CB,Fitzgerald, AP,Kearney, PM,Perry, IJ,Rennie, KL,Kozarski, R,Phillips, CM (2016) 'Number of Days Required to Estimate Habitual Activity Using Wrist-Worn GENEActiv Accelerometer: A Cross-Sectional Study'. Plos One, 11 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Predicting 10-Year Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Disease in Germany: An Update Based on the SCORE-Deutschland Risk Charts'
Rucker, V,Keil, U,Fitzgerald, AP,Malzahn, U,Prugger, C,Ertl, G,Heuschmann, PU,Neuhauser, H (2016) 'Predicting 10-Year Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Disease in Germany: An Update Based on the SCORE-Deutschland Risk Charts'. Plos One, 11 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Risk Factors for Macro- and Microvascular Complications among Older Adults with Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: Findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing'
Tracey, M. L.,McHugh, S. M.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Buckley, C. M.,Canavan, R. J.,Kearney, P. M. (2016) 'Risk Factors for Macro- and Microvascular Complications among Older Adults with Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: Findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing'. J Diabetes Res, 2016 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2016) 'Weight concerns among adolescent boys'
Kelly, C.,Fitzgerald, A.,Sentenac, M.,Gakewski, J.,Molcho, M.,Gabhainn, S. N. (2016) 'Weight concerns among adolescent boys'. Public Health Nutr, 19 (33):456-62 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2016) 'The effect of complex workplace dietary interventions on employees' dietary intakes, nutrition knowledge and health status: a cluster controlled trial'
Geaney, Fiona; Kelly, Clare; Scotto Di Marrazzo, Jessica; Harrington, Janas M.; Fitzgerald, Anthony P.; Greiner, Birgit A.; Perry, Ivan J. (2016) 'The effect of complex workplace dietary interventions on employees' dietary intakes, nutrition knowledge and health status: a cluster controlled trial'. Preventive Medicine, 89 :76-83 [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016) 'Epidemiology of diabetes and complications among adults in the Republic of Ireland 1998-2015: a systematic review and meta-analysis'
Tracey ML, Gilmartin M;O'Neill K;Fitzgerald AP;McHugh SM;Buckley CM;Canavan RJ;Kearney PM (2016) 'Epidemiology of diabetes and complications among adults in the Republic of Ireland 1998-2015: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. BMC Public Health, 16 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Psychosocial complexity in multimorbidity: the legacy of adverse childhood experiences'
Sinnott, C;Mc Hugh, S;Fitzgerald, AP;Bradley, CP;Kearney, PM (2015) 'Psychosocial complexity in multimorbidity: the legacy of adverse childhood experiences'. Family Practice, 32 :269-275 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Short-term blood pressure variability over 24 h and target organ damage in middle-aged men and women'
Madden, J. M.,O'Flynn, A. M.,Dolan, E.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Kearney, P. M. (2015) 'Short-term blood pressure variability over 24 h and target organ damage in middle-aged men and women'. J Hum Hypertens, 29 (1212):719-25 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2015) 'The use of a dietary quality score as a predictor of childhood overweight and obesity'
Perry, CP,Keane, E,Layte, R,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ,Harrington, JM (2015) 'The use of a dietary quality score as a predictor of childhood overweight and obesity'. BMC Public Health, 15 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Validation of diet and urinary excretion derived estimates of sodium excretion against 24-h urine excretion in a worksite sample'
Kelly, C.,Geaney, F.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Browne, G. M.,Perry, I. J. (2015) 'Validation of diet and urinary excretion derived estimates of sodium excretion against 24-h urine excretion in a worksite sample'. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 25 (88):771-9 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2015) 'The use of a dietary quality score as a predictor of childhood overweight and obesity'
Perry CP, Keane E, Layte R, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ, Harrington JM (2015) 'The use of a dietary quality score as a predictor of childhood overweight and obesity'. BMC Public Health, 15 (581) [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Impact of the economic recession and subsequent austerity on suicide and self-harm in Ireland: An interrupted time series analysis'
Corcoran P, Griffin E, Arensman E, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ (2015) 'Impact of the economic recession and subsequent austerity on suicide and self-harm in Ireland: An interrupted time series analysis'. International Journal of Epidemiology, 44 (3):969-977 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2015) 'Needle size for vaccination procedures in children and adolescents'
Beirne PV, Hennessy S, Cadogan SL, Shiely F, Fitzgerald T, MacLeod F (2015) 'Needle size for vaccination procedures in children and adolescents'. Cochrane Library, 18 (6) [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Correlation between short-term blood pressure variability and left-ventricular mass index: a meta-analysis'
Madden JM, O'Flynn AM, Fitzgerald AP, Kearney PM. (2015) 'Correlation between short-term blood pressure variability and left-ventricular mass index: a meta-analysis'. Hypertension Research, [Details]
(2015) 'Validation of the HellenicSCORE (a Calibration of the ESC SCORE Project) Regarding 10-Year Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Disease in Greece'
Panagiotakos, D. B.,Georgousopoulou, E. N.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Pitsavos, C.,Stefanadis, C. (2015) 'Validation of the HellenicSCORE (a Calibration of the ESC SCORE Project) Regarding 10-Year Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Disease in Greece'. Hellenic J Cardiol, 56 (44):302-8 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2015) 'Validation of the HellenicSCORE (a Calibration of the ESC SCORE Project) Regarding 10-Year Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Disease in Greece'
Panagiotakos, DB,Georgousopoulou, EN,Fitzgerald, AP,Pitsavos, C,Stefanadis, C (2015) 'Validation of the HellenicSCORE (a Calibration of the ESC SCORE Project) Regarding 10-Year Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Disease in Greece'. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, 56 :302-308 [Details]
(2015) 'Validation of diet and urinary excretion derived estimates of sodium excretion against 24-h urine excretion in a worksite sample'
Kelly, C;Geaney, F;Fitzgerald, AP;Browne, GM;Perry, IJ (2015) 'Validation of diet and urinary excretion derived estimates of sodium excretion against 24-h urine excretion in a worksite sample'. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 25 :771-779 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'A person-centred analysis of the time-use, daily activities and health-related quality of life of Irish school-going late adolescents'
Hunt, E., McKay, E. A., Dahly, D.L., Fitzgerald, A. P., & Perry, I. J. (2015) 'A person-centred analysis of the time-use, daily activities and health-related quality of life of Irish school-going late adolescents'. Quality of Life Research, 24 :1303-1315 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Self-Management Education for Cystic Fibrosis'
Savage E., Beirne PV., Ni Chroinin, M., Duff, A., Fitzgerald A., Farrell D. (2014) 'Self-Management Education for Cystic Fibrosis'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (9. Art No. CD007641) [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2014) 'A person-centred analysis of the time use, daily activities, and health-related quality of life of Irish school-going late adolescents'
Hunt, E., McKay, E. A., Dahly, D., Fitzgerald, A. P., & Perry, I. J. (2014) 'A person-centred analysis of the time use, daily activities, and health-related quality of life of Irish school-going late adolescents'. Quality of Life Research, [Details]
(2014) 'Interventions for raising breast cancer awareness in women (Protocol)'
O’Mahony M, Comber H, Fitzgerald T, Corrigan M, Fitzgerald E, Grunfeld EA, Flynn MG, Hegarty J. (2014) 'Interventions for raising breast cancer awareness in women (Protocol)'. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews, (12) [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Time use and daily activities of late adolescents in contemporary Ireland'
Hunt, E., McKay, E. A., Fitzgerald, A. P., & Perry, I. J. (2014) 'Time use and daily activities of late adolescents in contemporary Ireland'. Journal of Occupational Science, 21 (1):42-64 [Details]
(2014) 'Group problem-solving skills training for self-harm: randomised controlled trial'
McAuliffe, C,McLeavey, BC,Fitzgerald, T,Corcoran, P,Carroll, B,Ryan, L,O'Keeffe, B,Fitzgerald, E,Hickey, P,O'Regan, M,Mulqueen, J,Arensman, E (2014) 'Group problem-solving skills training for self-harm: randomised controlled trial'. British Journal of Psychiatry, 204 :383-390 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2014) 'Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: a latent class analysis of an ageing Irish cohort'
Harrington, J. M.,Dahly, D. L.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Gilthorpe, M. S.,Perry, I. J. (2014) 'Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: a latent class analysis of an ageing Irish cohort'. Public Health Nutrition, :1-13 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2014) 'Parents' perspectives on the value of assistance dogs for children with autism spectrum disorder: a cross-sectional study'
Burgoyne, L,Dowling, L,Fitzgerald, A,Connolly, M,Browne, JP,Perry, IJ (2014) 'Parents' perspectives on the value of assistance dogs for children with autism spectrum disorder: a cross-sectional study'. Bmj Open, 4 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Outcomes of a patient recall following early failure of hip hemiarthroplasty'
Nugent, M;Galbraith, JG;Fitzgerald, AP;Gul, R;Healy, NO (2014) 'Outcomes of a patient recall following early failure of hip hemiarthroplasty'. Irish Journal of Medicine, 183 :521-524 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Chronic disease burden associated with overweight and obesity in Ireland: the effects of a small BMI reduction at population level'
Kearns, K,Dee, A,Fitzgerald, AP,Doherty, E,Perry, IJ (2014) 'Chronic disease burden associated with overweight and obesity in Ireland: the effects of a small BMI reduction at population level'. BMC Public Health, 14 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Needle size for vaccination procedures in children and adolescents'
Beirne, Paul V,Shiely, Frances,Hennessy, Sarah,Fitzgerald, Tony,MacLeod, Fiona (2013) 'Needle size for vaccination procedures in children and adolescents'. The Cochrane Library, [Details]
(2013) 'Haematinic deficiency and macrocytosis in middle-aged and older adults'
McNamee, T.,Hyland, T.,Harrington, J.,Cadogan, S.,Honari, B.,Perera, K.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Perry, I. J.,Cahill, M. R. (2013) 'Haematinic deficiency and macrocytosis in middle-aged and older adults'. Plos One, 8 (1111) [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2013) 'Outcomes of a patient recall following early failure of hip hemiarthroplasty'
Nugent, M.,Galbraith, J. G.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Gul, R.,Healy, N. O. (2013) 'Outcomes of a patient recall following early failure of hip hemiarthroplasty'. Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2013) 'Unhealthy Days and Quality of Life in Irish Patients with Diabetes'
Clifford, EL,Collins, MM,Buckley, CM,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ (2013) 'Unhealthy Days and Quality of Life in Irish Patients with Diabetes'. Plos One, 8 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Modelling the impact of old and new mechanisms of entry and selection to medical school in Ireland: who gets in?'
O'Flynn, S,Fitzgerald, T,Mills, A (2013) 'Modelling the impact of old and new mechanisms of entry and selection to medical school in Ireland: who gets in?'. Irish journal of medical science, 182 :421-427 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'DASH Diet Score and Distribution of Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'
Harrington JM, Fitzgerald AP, Kearney PM, McCarthy VJ, Madden J, Browne G, Dolan E, Perry IJ (2013) 'DASH Diet Score and Distribution of Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'. American Journal of Hypertension, [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Alterations in intestinal microbiota of elderly Irish subjects post-antibiotic therapy'
O'Sullivan, O,Coakley, M,Lakshminarayanan, B,Conde, S,Claesson, MJ,Cusack, S,Fitzgerald, AP,O'Toole, PW,Stanton, C,Ross, RP (2013) 'Alterations in intestinal microbiota of elderly Irish subjects post-antibiotic therapy'. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 68 :214-221 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'The food choice at work study: effectiveness of complex workplace dietary interventions on dietary behaviours and diet-related disease risk - study protocol for a clustered controlled trial'
Geaney, F.,Scotto Di Marrazzo, J.,Kelly, C.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Harrington, J. M.,Kirby, A.,McKenzie, K.,Greiner, B.,Perry, I. J. (2013) 'The food choice at work study: effectiveness of complex workplace dietary interventions on dietary behaviours and diet-related disease risk - study protocol for a clustered controlled trial'. Clinical Trials, 14 (11) [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2013) 'Comparison of Diabetes Risk Score Estimates and Cardiometabolic Risk Profiles in a Middle-Aged Irish Population'
Phillips CM, Kearney PM, Mc Carthy VJC, Harrington JM, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ (2013) 'Comparison of Diabetes Risk Score Estimates and Cardiometabolic Risk Profiles in a Middle-Aged Irish Population'. Plos One, [Details]
(2013) 'Cohort profile: the cork and kerry diabetes and heart disease study'
Kearney, P. M.,Harrington, J. M.,Mc Carthy, V. J.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Perry, I. J. (2013) 'Cohort profile: the cork and kerry diabetes and heart disease study'. Int J Epidemiol, 42 (55):1253-621253 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2013) 'Vitamin D status of Irish adults: findings from the National Adult Nutrition Survey'
Cashman, Kevin D.; Muldowney, Siobhan; McNulty, Breige A.; Nugent, Anne; FitzGerald, Anthony P.; Kiely, Mairead; Walton, Janette; Gibney, Michael J.; Flynn, Albert (2013) 'Vitamin D status of Irish adults: findings from the National Adult Nutrition Survey'. British Journal of Nutrition, 109 (77):1248-1256 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2013) 'Entry to medical school - the gender question. What has happened?'
O'Flynn S, Mills A, Fitzgerald, AP (2013) 'Entry to medical school - the gender question. What has happened?'. Irish Medical Journal, [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2013) 'Haematinic Deficiency and Macrocytosis in Middle-Aged and Older Adults'
McNamee, T,Hyland, T,Harrington, J,Cadogan, S,Honari, B,Perera, K,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ,Cahill, MR (2013) 'Haematinic Deficiency and Macrocytosis in Middle-Aged and Older Adults'. Plos One, 8 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Defining Metabolically Healthy Obesity: Role of Dietary and Lifestyle Factors'
Phillips, CM;Dillon, C;Harrington, JM;McCarthy, VJC;Kearney, PM;Fitzgerald, AP;Perry, IJ (2013) 'Defining Metabolically Healthy Obesity: Role of Dietary and Lifestyle Factors'. Plos One, 8 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Child Mortality as Predicted by Nutritional Status and Recent Weight Velocity in Children under Two in Rural Africa'
O'Neill, S.M. and Fitzgerald, A. and Briend, A. and Van den Broeck, J. (2012) 'Child Mortality as Predicted by Nutritional Status and Recent Weight Velocity in Children under Two in Rural Africa'. The Journal of nutrition, [Details]
(2012) 'The Incidence and Repetition of Hospital-Treated Deliberate Self Harm.; findings from the World's First National Registery'
Perry, IJ; Corcoran, P; Fitzgerald, AP;Keeley, HS; Ruelbach, U;Arensman, E. (2012) 'The Incidence and Repetition of Hospital-Treated Deliberate Self Harm.; findings from the World's First National Registery'. Plos One, 7 (2) [Full Text] [Details]
(2012) 'The 2002-2007 trends of prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in Irish schoolchildren'
Duggan, EM., Sturley, J., Fitzgerald, A.P., Perry, I.J., Hourihane, J.O'B (2012) 'The 2002-2007 trends of prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in Irish schoolchildren'. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 23 (55):464-71464 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2012) 'Gut microbiota composition correlates with diet and health in the elderly'
Claesson MJ, Jeffery IB, Conde S, Power SE, O'Connor EM, Cusack S, Harris HM, Coakley M, Lakshminarayanan B, O'Sullivan O, Fitzgerald GF, Deane J, O'Connor M, Harnedy N, O'Connor K, O'Mahony D, van Sinderen D, Wallace M, Brennan L, Stanton C, Marchesi JR, Fitzgerald AP, Shanahan F, Hill C, Ross RP, O'Toole PW (2012) 'Gut microbiota composition correlates with diet and health in the elderly'. Nature, 488 (7410):178-184 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Diet Quality and Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'
Harrington, J,Fitzgerald, AP,Kearney, PM,McCarthy, VJC,Browne, G,Perry, IJ (2012) 'Diet Quality and Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 66 :11-11 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Associations between polypharmacy, functional ability and nutritional status in elderly Irish subjects in long term care (the ELDERMET project)'
Egan, PE and O’Connor, EM and Conde, S and Fitzgerald, AP and O’Toole, PW (2012) 'Associations between polypharmacy, functional ability and nutritional status in elderly Irish subjects in long term care (the ELDERMET project)'. European Geriatric Medicine, 3 [Details]
(2012) 'The Incidence and Repetition of Hospital-Treated Deliberate Self Harm: Findings from the World's First National Registry'
Perry, IJ,Corcoran, P,Fitzgerald, AP,Keeley, HS,Reulbach, U,Arensman, E (2012) 'The Incidence and Repetition of Hospital-Treated Deliberate Self Harm: Findings from the World's First National Registry'. Plos One, 7 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Prevalence of diminished kidney function in a representative sample of middle and older age adults in the Irish population'
Browne, G. M.,Eustace, J. A.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Lutomski, J. E.,Perry, I. J. (2012) 'Prevalence of diminished kidney function in a representative sample of middle and older age adults in the Irish population'. Bmc Nephrology, 13 (11) [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2012) 'The 2002-2007 trends of prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in Irish schoolchildren'
Duggan, EM,Sturley, J,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ,Hourihane, JO (2012) 'The 2002-2007 trends of prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in Irish schoolchildren'. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 23 :464-471 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Gut microbiota composition correlates with diet and health in the elderly'
Claesson, Marcus J.; Jeffery, Ian B.; Conde, Susana; Power, Susan E.; O’Connor, Eibhlís M.; Cusack, Siobhán; Harris, Hugh M. B.; Coakley, Mairead; Lakshminarayanan, Bhuvaneswari; O’Sullivan, Orla; Fitzgerald, Gerald F.; Deane, Jennifer; O’Connor, Michael; Harnedy, Norma; O’Connor, Kieran; O’Mahony, Denis; van Sinderen, Douwe; Wallace, Martina; Brennan, Lorraine; Stanton, Catherine; Marchesi, Julian R.; Fitzgerald, Anthony P.; Shanahan, Fergus; Hill, Colin; Ross, R. Paul; O’Toole, Paul W. (2012) 'Gut microbiota composition correlates with diet and health in the elderly'. Nature, 488 :178-184 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2012) 'Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting for prostate cancer'
Hegarty J, Beirne PV, Walsh E, Comber H, Fitzgerald T, Wallace Kazer M. (2012) 'Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting for prostate cancer'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (2):1-65 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Testing haptic sensations for spinal anesthesia'
Kulcs�r ZM, L�vquist E, Fitzgerald AP, Aboulafia A, Shorten GD; (2011) 'Testing haptic sensations for spinal anesthesia'. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 36 (1):12-16 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Variation in estimated ten-year Cardiovascular Risk across four risk scoring tools in both a general population sample and an occupational setting'
O'Donovan D. Og., Byrne S., Loughrey M., Browne G., Fitzgerald T., Perry I. Sahm L. (2011) 'Variation in estimated ten-year Cardiovascular Risk across four risk scoring tools in both a general population sample and an occupational setting'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, [Details]
(2011) 'Composition, variability, and temporal stability of the intestinal microbiota of the elderly'
Claesson, M. J.,Cusack, S.,O'Sullivan, O.,Greene-Diniz, R.,de Weerd, H.,Flannery, E.,Marchesi, J. R.,Falush, D.,Dinan, A.P.,Fitzgerald, G.,Stanton, C.,van Sinderen, D.,O'Connor, M.,Harnedy, N.,O'Connor, K.,Henry, C.,O'Mahony, D.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Shanahan, F.,Twomey, C.,Hill, C.,Ross, R. P.,O'Toole, P. W.; (2011) 'Composition, variability, and temporal stability of the intestinal microbiota of the elderly'. Proceedings of The National Acadamy of Sciences, 108 Suppl 1 :4586-914586 [Details]
(2011) 'Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in healthy adolescent white girls'
Cashman KD, Fitzgerald AP, Viljakainen HT, Jakobsen J, Michaelsen KF, Lamberg-Allardt C, Mølgaard C; (2011) 'Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in healthy adolescent white girls'. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 93 (3):549-555 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'A systematic review and meta-regression analysis of the vitamin D intake-serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D relationship to inform European recommendations'
Cashman, KD,Fitzgerald, AP,Kiely, M,Seamans, KM (2011) 'A systematic review and meta-regression analysis of the vitamin D intake-serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D relationship to inform European recommendations'. British Journal of Nutrition, 106 :1638-1648 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Self-management education for cystic fibrosis'
Savage E, Beirne PV, Ni Chroinin M, Duff A, Fitzgerald T, Farrell D; (2011) 'Self-management education for cystic fibrosis'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7) [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2011) 'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'
Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Layte R, Lutomski J, Molcho M, Perry IJ (2011) 'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'. Public Health Nutrition, :1-10 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Composition, variability, and temporal stability of the intestinal microbiota of the elderly'
Claesson, MJ;Cusack, S;O'Sullivan, O;Greene-Diniz, R;de Weerd, H;Flannery, E;Marchesi, JR;Falush, D;Dinan, T;Fitzgerald, G;Stanton, C;van Sinderen, D;O'Connor, M;Harnedy, N;O'Connor, K;Henry, C;O'Mahony, D;Fitzgerald, AP;Shanahan, F;Twomey, C;Hill, C;Ross, RP;O'Toole, PW (2011) 'Composition, variability, and temporal stability of the intestinal microbiota of the elderly'. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 108 :4586-4591 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'
Harrington, J,Fitzgerald, AP,Layte, R,Lutomski, J,Molcho, M,Perry, IJ (2011) 'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'. Public Health Nutrition, 14 :2166-2175 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Relationships between body mass index, cardiovascular mortality, and risk factors: a report from the SCORE investigators'
Dudina, A.,Cooney, M. T.,De Bacquer, D.,De Backer, G.,Ducimetiere, P.,Jousilahti, P.,Keil, U.,Menotti, A.,Njolstad, I.,Oganov, R.,Sans, S.,Thomsen, T.,Tverdal, A.,Wedel, H.,Whincup, P.,Wilhelmsen, L.,Conroy, R.,Fitzgerald, A.,Graham, I.; (2011) 'Relationships between body mass index, cardiovascular mortality, and risk factors: a report from the SCORE investigators'. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, [Details]
(2011) 'Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in healthy adolescent white girls'
Cashman, KD,FitzGerald, AP,Viljakainen, HT,Jakobsen, J,Michaelsen, KF,Lamberg-Allardt, C,Molgaard, C; (2011) 'Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in healthy adolescent white girls'. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 93 :549-555 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'
Geaney, F,Harrington, J,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ (2011) 'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'. Public Health Nutrition, 14 :1345-1349 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Testing Haptic Sensations for Spinal Anesthesia'
Kulcsar, ZM;Lovquist, E;Fitzgerald, AP;Aboulafia, A;Shorten, GD (2011) 'Testing Haptic Sensations for Spinal Anesthesia'. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 36 :12-16 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'
Harrington, J.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Layte, R.,Lutomski, J.,Molcho, M.,Perry, I. J.; (2011) 'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'. Public Health Nutrition, 14 (12):2166-2175 [Full Text] [Details]
(2011) 'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'
Geaney, F; Harrington, J; Fitzgerald, AP; Perry, I; (2011) 'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'. Public Health Nutrition, :1-5 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2010) 'Living longer and feeling better: healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland'
Harrington J, Perry IJ, Lutomski J, Fitzgerald AP, Shiely F, McGee H, Barry MM, Van Lente E, Morgan K, Shelley E; (2010) 'Living longer and feeling better: healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland'. European Journal of Public Health, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2010) 'Living longer and feeling better: healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland'
Harrington, J,Perry, IJ,Lutomski, J,Fitzgerald, AP,Shiely, F,McGee, H,Barry, MM,Van Lente, E,Morgan, K,Shelley, E (2010) 'Living longer and feeling better: healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland'. European Journal of Public Health, 20 :91-95 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting for prostate cancer'
Hegarty J, Beirne PV, Walsh E, Comber H, Fitzgerald AP, Wallace Kazer M; (2010) 'Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting for prostate cancer'. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 11 (CD006590 Review) [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'How Much Does Hdl Cholesterol Add to Risk Estimation? A Report From The Score Investigators'
Cooney, MT, Dudina, A, De Bacquer, D, Fitzgerald, A, Conroy, R, Sans, S, Menotti, A, De Backer, G, Jousilahti, P, Keil, U, Thomsen, T, Whincup, P, Graham, I, SCORE Investigators; (2009) 'How Much Does Hdl Cholesterol Add to Risk Estimation? A Report From The Score Investigators'. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 16 (3):304-314 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Examining Longitudinal Trends In The Prevalence of Allergic Diseases In Ireland 2002-2007, Using The Isaac Methodology'
Duggan, EM, Sturley, J, Fitzgerald, AP, Perry, IJ, Hourihane, JOB; (2009) 'Examining Longitudinal Trends In The Prevalence of Allergic Diseases In Ireland 2002-2007, Using The Isaac Methodology'. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 123 (2):114-114 [Details]
(2009) 'Homocysteine Increases The Risk Associated With Hyperlipidaemia'
Daly, C, Fitzgerald, AR, O'Callaghan, P, Collins, P, Cooney, MT, Graham, IM, COMAC Grp; (2009) 'Homocysteine Increases The Risk Associated With Hyperlipidaemia'. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 16 (2):150-155 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in free-living adults >= 64 y of age'
Cashman, KD;Wallace, JMW;Horigan, G;Hill, TR;Barnes, MS;Lucey, AJ;Bonham, MP;Taylor, N;Duffy, EM;Seamans, K;Muldowney, S;FitzGerald, AP;Flynn, A;Strain, JJ;Kiely, M (2009) 'Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in free-living adults >= 64 y of age'. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89 :1366-1374 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Recalibration and validation of the SCORE risk chart in the Australian population: the AusSCORE chart'
Chen, L,Tonkin, AM,Moon, L,Mitchell, P,Dobson, A,Giles, G,Hobbs, M,Phillips, PJ,Shaw, JE,Simmons, D,Simons, LA,Fitzgerald, AP,De Backer, G,De Bacquer, D; (2009) 'Recalibration and validation of the SCORE risk chart in the Australian population: the AusSCORE chart'. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 16 :562-570 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Self-management education for cystic fibrosis (Protocol)'
Savage E, Beirne PV, Ni Chroinin M, Duff A, Fitzgerald T. (2009) 'Self-management education for cystic fibrosis (Protocol)'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Interobserver agreement in neonatal seizure identification'
Malone, A.,Ryan, C. A.,Fitzgerald, A.,Burgoyne, L.,Connolly, S.,Boylan, G. B.; (2009) 'Interobserver agreement in neonatal seizure identification'. Epilepsia, 50 (9):2097-101 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2009) 'Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in free-living adults >=64 y of age'
Cashman KD, Wallace JM, Horigan G, Hill TR, Barnes MS, Lucey AJ, Bonham MP, Taylor N, Duffy EM, Seamans K, Muldowney S, Fitzgerald AP, Flynn A, Strain JJ, Kiely M; (2009) 'Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in free-living adults >=64 y of age'. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 89 (5):1366-1374 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'Incidence of Visits By Badgers to Farmyards In Ireland In Winter'
Sleeman, DP, Davenport, J, Fitzgerald, A; (2008) 'Incidence of Visits By Badgers to Farmyards In Ireland In Winter'. The Veterinary Record, 163 (24):724-724 [Details]
(2008) 'Spectral entropy as a monitor of depth of propofol induced sedation'
Mahon P, Kowalski RG, Fitzgerald AP, Lynch EM, Boylan GB, McNamara B, Shorten GD; (2008) 'Spectral entropy as a monitor of depth of propofol induced sedation'. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 22 (2):87-93 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'Estimation of The Dietary Requirement For Vitamin D In Healthy Adults'
Cashman, KD, Hill, TR, Lucey, AJ, Taylor, N, Seamans, KM, Muldowney, S, FitzGerald, AP, Flynn, A, Barnes, MS, Horigan, G, Bonham, MP, Duffy, EM, Strain, JJ, Wallace, JMW, Kiely, M; (2008) 'Estimation of The Dietary Requirement For Vitamin D In Healthy Adults'. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 88 (6):1535-1542 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'Long term benefits of exercising on quality of life and fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients with mild disability'
McCullagh R, Fitzgerald AP, Murphy R, Cooke G. (2008) 'Long term benefits of exercising on quality of life and fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients with mild disability'. Clinical Rehabilitation, [Details]
(2008) 'Crohn's disease: factors associated with exposure to high levels of diagnostic radiation'
Desmond, AN,O'Regan, K,Curran, C,McWilliams, S,Fitzgerald, T,Maher, MM,Shanahan, F (2008) 'Crohn's disease: factors associated with exposure to high levels of diagnostic radiation'. Gut, 57 :1524-1529 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'Persistent lactic acidosis in neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy correlates with EEG grade and electrographic seizure burden'
Murray DM, Boylan GB, Fitzgerald AP, Ryan CA, Murphy BP, Connolly S (2008) 'Persistent lactic acidosis in neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy correlates with EEG grade and electrographic seizure burden'. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal Neonatel Ed, 93 (3):1-6 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'Persistent lactic acidosis in neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy correlates with EEG grade and electrographic seizure burden'
Murray DM, Boylan GB, Fitzgerald AP, Ryan CA, Murphy BP, Connolly S; (2008) 'Persistent lactic acidosis in neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy correlates with EEG grade and electrographic seizure burden'. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed, 93 (3):F183-186 [Details]
(2007) 'Motives and suicide intent underlying hospital treated deliberate self-harm and their association with repetition'
McAuliffe, C,Arensman, E,Keeley, HS,Corcoran, P,Fitzgerald, AP (2007) 'Motives and suicide intent underlying hospital treated deliberate self-harm and their association with repetition'. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 37 :397-408 [Details]
(2007) 'Motives and suicide intent underlying hospital treated deliberate self-harm and their association with repetition'
McAuliffe C, Arensman E, Keeley HS, Corcoran P, Fitzgerald AP (2007) 'Motives and suicide intent underlying hospital treated deliberate self-harm and their association with repetition'. Suicide & life-threatening behavior, 37 (4):397-408 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Calibrating the SCORE cardiovascular risk chart for use in Spain'
Sans, S;Fitzgerald, AP;Royo, D;Conroy, R;Graham, I (2007) 'Calibrating the SCORE cardiovascular risk chart for use in Spain'. Revista Espanola De Cardiologia, 60 :476-485 [Details]
(2007) 'Efficient Hybrid EM For Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models With Censored Response'
Vaida, F, Fitzgerald, AP, DeGruttola, V; (2007) 'Efficient Hybrid EM For Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models With Censored Response'. Computational Statistics &Amp; Data Analysis, 51 (12):5718-5730 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Superiority of anti-reflux stent compared with conventional stents in the palliative management of patients with cancer of the lower esophagus and esophago-gastric junction: results of a randomized clinical trial'
Power C, Byrne PJ, Lim K, Ravi N, Moore J, Fitzgerald AP, Keeling PW, Reynolds JV; (2007) 'Superiority of anti-reflux stent compared with conventional stents in the palliative management of patients with cancer of the lower esophagus and esophago-gastric junction: results of a randomized clinical trial'. Dis Esophagus, 20 :466-470 [Details]
(2007) 'Modelling of 10-year fatal cardiovascular disease risk in Greece: the HellenicSCORE (a calibration of the ESC SCORE project)'
Panagiotakos DB, Fitzgerald AP, Pitsavos C, Pipilis A, Graham I, Stefanadis C; (2007) 'Modelling of 10-year fatal cardiovascular disease risk in Greece: the HellenicSCORE (a calibration of the ESC SCORE project)'. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, 48 :55-63 [Details]
(2007) 'Motives and suicide intent underlying hospital treated deliberate self-harm and their association with repetition'
McAuliffe C, Arensman E, Keeley HS, Corcoran P, Fitzgerald AP; (2007) 'Motives and suicide intent underlying hospital treated deliberate self-harm and their association with repetition'. Suicide Life Threat Behaviour, 37 :397-408 [Details]
(2007) 'Calibrating The Score Cardiovascular Risk Chart For Use In Spain'
Sans, S, Fitzgerald, AP, Royo, D, Conroy, R, Graham, I; (2007) 'Calibrating The Score Cardiovascular Risk Chart For Use In Spain'. Revista Espanola De Cardiologia, 60 (5):476-485 [Details]
(2006) 'Prediction of seizures in asphyxiated neonates: Correlation with continuous video-electroencephalographic monitoring'
Murray, DM,Ryan, CA,Boylan, GB,Fitzgerald, AP,Connolly, S; (2006) 'Prediction of seizures in asphyxiated neonates: Correlation with continuous video-electroencephalographic monitoring'. Pediatrics, 118 :41-46 [DOI] [Details]
(2006) 'The Diagnosis of The Metabolic Syndrome May Be Simplified Using Triglycerides and Waist Circumference or BMI In Healthy Subjects'
Leong, TSF, Rahman, Y, Fitzgerald, AP, Mcgorrian, C, Boran, G, Nolan, J, Graham, IM; (2006) 'The Diagnosis of The Metabolic Syndrome May Be Simplified Using Triglycerides and Waist Circumference or BMI In Healthy Subjects'. European Heart Journal, (NA):934-934 [Details]
(2006) 'CD38 expression level and pattern of expression remains a reliable and robust marker of progressive disease in chronic lymphocytic leukemia'
Hayat A, O'Brien D, O'Rourke P, McGuckin S, Fitzgerald AP, Conneally E, Browne, PV, McCann SR, Lawler MP, Vandenberghe E; (2006) 'CD38 expression level and pattern of expression remains a reliable and robust marker of progressive disease in chronic lymphocytic leukemia'. Leukemia & lymphoma, 47 (11):2371-2379 [Details]
(2006) 'The impact of genetic variation in the region of the GPIIIa gene, on Pl expression bias and GPIIb/IIIa receptor density in platelets'
O'Halloran, A. M., Curtin, R., O'Connor, F., Dooley, M., Fitzgerald, AP., O'Brien, J. K., Fitzgerald, D. J., Shields, D. C.; (2006) 'The impact of genetic variation in the region of the GPIIIa gene, on Pl expression bias and GPIIb/IIIa receptor density in platelets'. British Journal of Haematology, 132 (4):*-* [Details]
(2006) 'Haplotypes in the CTLA4 region are associated with coeliac disease in the Irish population'
Brophy K, Ryan AW, Thornton JM, Abuzakouk M, Fitzgerald AP, McLoughlin RM, O’ Morain C, Kennedy NP, Stevens FM, Feighery C, Kelleher D, McManus R.; (2006) 'Haplotypes in the CTLA4 region are associated with coeliac disease in the Irish population'. Genes and Immunity, 7 (1):19-26 [Details]
(2006) 'Prehospital care pathway delays: gender and myocardial infarction'
O'Donnell, S., Condell, S., Begley, C., Fitzgerald, AP.; (2006) 'Prehospital care pathway delays: gender and myocardial infarction'. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53 (3):*-* [Details]
(2006) 'Prediction of seizures in asphyxiated neonates: correlation with continuous video-electroencephalographic monitoring'
Murray DM, Ryan CA, Boylan GB, Fitzgerald AP, Connolly S (2006) 'Prediction of seizures in asphyxiated neonates: correlation with continuous video-electroencephalographic monitoring'. Pediatrics, 118 (1):41-46 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Gait abnormalities in older people-comparison of inter-professional assessment'
Griffen E, Martin M, Fitzgerald AP, O’Neill D.; (2005) 'Gait abnormalities in older people-comparison of inter-professional assessment'. Irish Medical Journal, 98 (6):*-* [Details]
(2005) 'Overdispersion of allele frequency differences between populations: implications for meta-analyses of genotypic disease associations. '
Molony CM, Fitzgerald AP, Shields DC; (2005) 'Overdispersion of allele frequency differences between populations: implications for meta-analyses of genotypic disease associations. '. European Journal of Human Genetics, * (*):*-* [Details]
(2005) 'New and old cardiovascular risk factors: C-reactive protein, homocysteine, cysteine and von Willebrand factor increase risk, especially in smokers'
O’Callaghan P, Fitzgerald AP, Fogarty J, Gaffney P, Hanbidge M, Boran G, Enright H, Graham IM.; (2005) 'New and old cardiovascular risk factors: C-reactive protein, homocysteine, cysteine and von Willebrand factor increase risk, especially in smokers'. European Journal of Cardio Prevention & Rehabilitation, 12 (6):542-547 [Details]
(2005) 'In-hospital care pathway delays: gender and myocardial infarction'
O'Donnell S, Condell S, Begley C, Fitzgerald AP; (2005) 'In-hospital care pathway delays: gender and myocardial infarction'. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 52 :14-21 [Details]
(2004) 'Patients' recall of clinical information following laparoscopy for acute abdominal pain'
Murphy SM, Donnelly M, Fitzgerald AP, Tanner WA, Keane FB, Tierney S. Br J Surg; (2004) 'Patients' recall of clinical information following laparoscopy for acute abdominal pain'. British Journal of Surgery, 91 (4):485-488 [Details]
(2004) 'Homocysteine levels are raised in the metabolic syndrome'
Leong T, Fitzgerald AP, Graham IM and the European COMAC Group.; (2004) 'Homocysteine levels are raised in the metabolic syndrome'. Circulation, 110 (17):*-* [Details]
(2004) 'The Swedish SCORE chart for cardiovascular risk. Better possibilities for prevention of cardiovascular diseases'
Wilhelmsen L, Wedel H, Conroy R, Fitzgerald AP; (2004) 'The Swedish SCORE chart for cardiovascular risk. Better possibilities for prevention of cardiovascular diseases'. Lakartidningen, 101 :1798-1801 [Details]
(2004) 'Elevated white cell count in acute coronary syndromes: relationship to variants in inflammatory and thrombotic genes'
Byrne CE, Fitzgerald AP, Cannon CP, Fitzgerald DJ, Shields DC ; (2004) 'Elevated white cell count in acute coronary syndromes: relationship to variants in inflammatory and thrombotic genes'. British Medical Journal, 5 (13) [Details]
(2003) 'Estimation of ten-year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease in Europe: the SCORE project'
Conroy RM, Pyorala K, Fitzgerald AP, Sans S, Menotti A, De Backer G, DeBacquer D, Ducimetiere P, Jousilahti P, Keil U, Njolstad I, Oganov RG, ThomsenT, Tunstall-Pedoe H, Tverdal A, Wedel H, Whincup P, Wilhelmsen L, Graham IM;SCORE project group.; (2003) 'Estimation of ten-year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease in Europe: the SCORE project'. European Heart Journal, 24 (11):*-* [Details]
(2003) 'Association of IL-10 polymorphism with severity of illness in community acquired pneumonia'
Gallagher PM, Lowe G, Fitzgerald AP, Bella A, Greene CM, McElvaney NG, O'Neill SJ.; (2003) 'Association of IL-10 polymorphism with severity of illness in community acquired pneumonia'. Journal of Thorax, 58 (2):*-* [Details]
(2002) 'Smoking and plasma homocysteine'
O'Callaghan P, Meleady R, Fitzgerald AP, Graham I; European COMAC group.; (2002) 'Smoking and plasma homocysteine'. European Heart Journal, 23 (20):1580-1586 [Details]
(2002) 'Genetic variability in the extracellular matrix as a determinant of cardiovascular risk: association of type III collagen COL3A1 polymorphisms with coronary artery disease'
Muckian, C.,Fitzgerald, A.,O'Neill, A.,O'Byrne, A.,Fitzgerald, D. J.,Shields, D. C.; (2002) 'Genetic variability in the extracellular matrix as a determinant of cardiovascular risk: association of type III collagen COL3A1 polymorphisms with coronary artery disease'. Blood, 100 (4):1220-3 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2002) 'Modelling HIV viral rebound using non-linear mixed effects models'
Fitzgerald AP, DeGruttola VG, Vaida F.; (2002) 'Modelling HIV viral rebound using non-linear mixed effects models'. Statistics In Medicine, 21 (14):*-* [Details]
(2002) 'The contribution of genetic factors to thrombotic and bleeding outcomes in coronary patients randomised to IIb/IIIa antagonists'
Shields DC, Fitzgerald AP, O'Neill PA, Muckian C, Kenny D, Moran B, Cannon CP, Byrne CE, Fitzgerald DJ.; (2002) 'The contribution of genetic factors to thrombotic and bleeding outcomes in coronary patients randomised to IIb/IIIa antagonists'. Pharmacogenomics, Pharmagenomics J; 2 (3):182-190 [Details]
(2001) 'Assessment of Crohn's disease activity by Doppler sonography of the superior mesenteric artery, clinical evaluation and the Crohn's disease activity index: a prospective study'
Byrne, M. F.,Farrell, M. A.,Abass, S.,Fitzgerald, A.,Varghese, J. C.,Thornton, F.,Murray, F. E.,Lee, M. J.; (2001) 'Assessment of Crohn's disease activity by Doppler sonography of the superior mesenteric artery, clinical evaluation and the Crohn's disease activity index: a prospective study'. Clin Radiol, 56 (12):973-8 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2001) 'Genetic variation in glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa) as a determinant of the responses to an oral GPIIb/IIIa antagonist in patients with unstable coronary syndromes'
O'Connor, F. F.,Shields, D. C.,Fitzgerald, A.,Cannon, C. P.,Braunwald, E.,Fitzgerald, D. J.; (2001) 'Genetic variation in glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa) as a determinant of the responses to an oral GPIIb/IIIa antagonist in patients with unstable coronary syndromes'. Blood, 98 (12):3256-60 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1998) 'Microalbuminuria and coronary heart disease in NIDDM: an incidence study'
Mattock, M. B.,Barnes, D. J.,Viberti, G.,Keen, H.,Burt, D.,Hughes, J. M.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Sandhu, B.,Jackson, P. G.; (1998) 'Microalbuminuria and coronary heart disease in NIDDM: an incidence study'. Diabetes, 47 (11):1786-92 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1996) 'Epilepsy monitoring and advice recorded: general practitioners' views, current practice and patients' preferences'
Ridsdale, L.,Robins, D.,Fitzgerald, A.,Jeffery, S.,McGee, L.; (1996) 'Epilepsy monitoring and advice recorded: general practitioners' views, current practice and patients' preferences'. Br J Gen Pract, 46 (402):11-4 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1996) 'Epilepsy in general practice: patients' psychological symptoms and their perception of stigma'
Ridsdale, L.,Robins, D.,Fitzgerald, A.,Jeffery, S.,McGee, L.; (1996) 'Epilepsy in general practice: patients' psychological symptoms and their perception of stigma'. Br J Gen Pract, 46 (407):365-6 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1996) 'Prevalence of microalbuminuria, lipoprotein (a) and coronary artery disease in the lipid clinic'
Cummings, M. H.,Watts, G. F.,Tavakolian, A.,Fitzgerald, A.; (1996) 'Prevalence of microalbuminuria, lipoprotein (a) and coronary artery disease in the lipid clinic'. J Clin Pathol, 49 (1):19-23 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1995) 'Serum sialic acid concentration and coronary heart disease in NIDDM'
Pickup, J. C.,Mattock, M. B.,Crook, M. A.,Chusney, G. D.,Burt, D.,Fitzgerald, A. P.; (1995) 'Serum sialic acid concentration and coronary heart disease in NIDDM'. Diabetes Care, 18 (8):1100-3 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1994) 'Heaven can wait'
Holland, W. W.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Hildrey, S. J.,Phillips, S. J.; (1994) 'Heaven can wait'. J Public Health Med, 16 (3):321-30 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1994) 'Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, glucose intolerance, blood pressure, hypertension, and antihypertensive drugs'
Jarrett, R. J.,Fitzgerald, A. P.; (1994) 'Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, glucose intolerance, blood pressure, hypertension, and antihypertensive drugs'. Diabet Med, 11 (7):646-9 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1992) 'Prospective study of microalbuminuria as predictor of mortality in NIDDM'
Mattock, M. B.,Morrish, N. J.,Viberti, G.,Keen, H.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Jackson, G.; (1992) 'Prospective study of microalbuminuria as predictor of mortality in NIDDM'. Diabetes, 41 (6):736-41 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1992) 'Body weight and coronary heart disease mortality: an analysis in relation to age and smoking habit. 15 years follow-up data from the Whitehall Study'
Fitzgerald, A. P.,Jarrett, R. J.; (1992) 'Body weight and coronary heart disease mortality: an analysis in relation to age and smoking habit. 15 years follow-up data from the Whitehall Study'. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 16 (2):119-23 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1992) 'Height and glucose tolerance'
Jarrett, R. J.,Fitzgerald, A. P.; (1992) 'Height and glucose tolerance'. Diabetologia, 35 (2):191-2 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(1991) 'Are conventional risk factors for mortality relevant in type 2 diabetes?'
Fitzgerald, A. P.,Jarrett, R. J.; (1991) 'Are conventional risk factors for mortality relevant in type 2 diabetes?'. Diabet Med, 8 (5):475-80 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2011) 'Deliberate Self-Harm: Extent of the Problem and Prediction of Repetition'
Arensman, E;Corcoran, P;Fitzgerald, AP (2011) 'Deliberate Self-Harm: Extent of the Problem and Prediction of Repetition' In: INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF SUICIDE PREVENTION: RESEARCH, POLICY AND PRACTICE. OXFORD: BLACKWELL SCIENCE PUBL. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2022) Evidence for Policies to Prevent Chronic Conditions (EPICC) research team.
Kearney PM, Buckley CM, Fitzgerald AP, Gajewska KA, McHugh SM (2022) Evidence for Policies to Prevent Chronic Conditions (EPICC) research team. Lenus (Irish Health Repository), Lenus (Irish Health Repository). [Details]
(2012) Interim report -National research group evaluating revised entry mechanisms to medicine.
O Flynn, S; Mills, A; Fitzgerald, T (2012) Interim report -National research group evaluating revised entry mechanisms to medicine. HEA, HEA. [Details]
(2010) Dietary salt intake and related risk factors in the Irish population.
Perry IJ, Browne G, Loughrey M, Harrington J, Lutomski J & Fitzgerald AP ; (2010) Dietary salt intake and related risk factors in the Irish population. Safefood, Dublin. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2019) P46 Trends in national pharmaceutical expenditure on diabetes 2011–2015; the rising cost of blood glucose-lowering medications.
O'Neill, Kate N. Bennett, Kathleen E. McHugh, S. Fitzgerald, AP, Kearney, PM (2019) P46 Trends in national pharmaceutical expenditure on diabetes 2011–2015; the rising cost of blood glucose-lowering medications. Abstract [Details]
(2019) Strong Association between Pre-Eclampsia and Increased Risk of End Stage Kidney Disease: A Swedish Nationwide Cohort Study.
Khashan, AS;Evans, M;Kublickas, M;McCarthy, FP;Kenny, LC;Stenvinkel, P;Fitzgerald, T;Kublickiene, K (2019) Strong Association between Pre-Eclampsia and Increased Risk of End Stage Kidney Disease: A Swedish Nationwide Cohort Study. THOUSAND OAKS: Abstract [Details]
(2019) Release of 13 reasons why and hospital-presenting self-harm in ireland.
Corcoran, P;Griffin, E;Dillon, CB;McTernan, N;Fitzgerald, AP;Arensman, E (2019) Release of 13 reasons why and hospital-presenting self-harm in ireland. LONDON: Abstract [DOI] [Details]
(2019) P47 National estimates of the economic burden of diabetes.
O'Neill, KN; McHugh, SM; Tracey, ML; Fitzgerald, AP; Kearney, PM (2019) P47 National estimates of the economic burden of diabetes. Abstract [Details]
O'Neill, KN;McHugh, SM;Fitzgerald, AP;Kearney, PM (2019) NATIONAL ESTIMATES OF THE ECONOMIC BURDEN OF DIABETES. LONDON: Abstract [DOI] [Details]
(2018) Avoidable emergency admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions in the Republic of Ireland: analysis of regional determinants.
Lynch, BM;Fitzgerald, T;Corcoran, P;Buckley, C;Healy, O;Browne, J (2018) Avoidable emergency admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions in the Republic of Ireland: analysis of regional determinants. LONDON: Abstract [DOI] [Details]
(2017) Impact of sugar sweetened beverages on incidence of type 2 diabetes in Ireland.
O'Neill, KN;Fitzgerald, AP;Kearney, PM (2017) Impact of sugar sweetened beverages on incidence of type 2 diabetes in Ireland. NEW YORK: Abstract [Details]
(2015) Open Management of Complications Arising Following Endovascular Repair of Aorto-Iliac Aneurysms: Single Centre Experience.
Flynn, S;Creedon, S;Fitzgerald, T;Bourke, MG;Sparrow, P;Brady, A;MacEneaney, P;O'Brien, G;McGreal, G (2015) Open Management of Complications Arising Following Endovascular Repair of Aorto-Iliac Aneurysms: Single Centre Experience. LONDON: Abstract [Details]
(2014) The prevalence of diabetes and related complications in a nationally representative sample of adults aged 50 and over in Ireland.
Tracey, ML;McHugh, SM;Buckley, CM;Fitzgerald, AP;Canavan, RJ;Kearney, PM (2014) The prevalence of diabetes and related complications in a nationally representative sample of adults aged 50 and over in Ireland. LONDON: Abstract [Details]
(2006) The diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome may be simplified using triglycerides and waist circumference or BMI in healthy subjects.
Leong, TSF,Rahman, Y,Fitzgerald, AP,Mcgorrian, C,Boran, G,Nolan, J,Graham, IM (2006) The diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome may be simplified using triglycerides and waist circumference or BMI in healthy subjects. Abstract [Details]
(2006) Cardiovascular risk assessment can be improved using components of the metabolic syndrome and other risk markers: The European concerted action project.
Leong, T,Fitzgerald, AP,McGorrian, C,Graham, IM,European COMAC Grp (2006) Cardiovascular risk assessment can be improved using components of the metabolic syndrome and other risk markers: The European concerted action project. Abstract [Details]

Invited papers

  Year Publication
(2020) Challenges and solutions in studying the impact of interventions in the analysis of longitudinal health service data.
Smiddy MP, Fitzgerald AP, Lynch B. (2020) Challenges and solutions in studying the impact of interventions in the analysis of longitudinal health service data. London: Invited papers [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Details]

Review Articles

  Year Publication
(2004) Calculation of the Belgian SCORE charts for 10-year CVD mortality risk. European Society of Cardiology, Prevention Update.
Fitzgerald AP; (2004) Calculation of the Belgian SCORE charts for 10-year CVD mortality risk. European Society of Cardiology, Prevention Update. Review Articles [Details]


  Year Publication
(2017) Interventions for raising breast cancer awareness in women.
O'Mahony, M;Comber, H;Fitzgerald, T;Corrigan, MA;Fitzgerald, E;Grunfeld, EA;Flynn, MG;Hegarty, J (2017) Interventions for raising breast cancer awareness in women. HOBOKEN: Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2016) Epidemiology of diabetes and complications among adults in the Republic of Ireland 1998-2015: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Tracey, ML;Gilmartin, M;O'Neill, K;Fitzgerald, AP;McHugh, SM;Buckley, CM;Canavan, RJ;Kearney, PM (2016) Epidemiology of diabetes and complications among adults in the Republic of Ireland 1998-2015: a systematic review and meta-analysis. LONDON: Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2011) Self-management education for cystic fibrosis.
Savage, E;Beirne, PV;Chroinin, MN;Duff, A;Fitzgerald, T;Farrell, D (2011) Self-management education for cystic fibrosis. MALDEN: Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2010) Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting for prostate cancer.
Hegarty, J;Beirne, PV;Walsh, E;Comber, H;Fitzgerald, T;Kazer, MW (2010) Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting for prostate cancer. MALDEN: Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2024) Conference of Applied Statisticians in Ireland,
Fintan O'Shea, John O'Mullane, Anthony Fitzgerald, Franke Clarke, Kathleen O'Sullivan (2024) Designing a Multiverse Analysis for Agricultural Data. [Poster Presentation], Conference of Applied Statisticians in Ireland, Athlone . [Details]
(2022) European Public Health Conference 2022,
Maeve McGovern, Edel Burton, Liam Fanning, Gerard Killeen, Kathleen O'Sullivan, John O'Mullane, Anthony P. Fitzgerald, Michael Byrne, Patricia M. Kearney (2022) A qualitative study exploring experiences, attitudes, and wellbeing of university students of a period of restricted movement and self-testing during COVID-19 “Incoming Student Wellbeing and Benefits of Serial COVID-19 testing (ISWAB). [Oral Presentation], European Public Health Conference 2022, Berlin (online) , 09-NOV-22 - 12-NOV-22. [Details]
(2019) Conference of Applied Statisticians in Ireland,
Shuai Yang, Anthony Fitzgerald, Kathleen O'Sullivan (2019) Exploring the morning surge in blood pressure by means of piecewise linear mixed-effects model. [Oral Presentation], Conference of Applied Statisticians in Ireland, Dublin . [Details]
(2019) Conference of Applied Statisticians in Ireland,
Richard Weedle, Kathleen O’Sullivan, Tony Fitzgerald (2019) Clustering of Accelerometer Profiles. [Oral Presentation], Conference of Applied Statisticians in Ireland, Dublin . [Details]
(2014) The All Ireland Cochrane Collaboration Conference,
McCarthy, L. Savage, E. Farrell, D. Horgan, A. Ni Chronin, M., Perry, I., Fitzgerald, T., Duff, A., & Riekert, K., (2014) The association of depression and anxiety with physical health outcomes and quality of life in patients with cystic fibrosis. [Poster Presentation], The All Ireland Cochrane Collaboration Conference, Dublin . [Details]
(2014) 10th Annual Cochrane in Ireland Conference,
O'Mahony M, Comber H, Fitzgerald T, Corrigan M, Fitzgerald E, Grunfeld EA, Hegarty J. (2014) Interventions for breast cancer awareness in women :Proposed Cochrane Protocol. [Poster Presentation], 10th Annual Cochrane in Ireland Conference, School of Nursing &Human Sciences, Dublin City University, Dublin . [Details]
(2013) 13th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference,
McCarthy, L., Savage, E., Farrell, D., Cunningham, C., Horgan, A., NiChronin, M., Perry, I., Fitzgerald, T., Duff, A. & Riekert, K (2013) The association of depression and anxiety with physical health outcomes and quality of life in patients with cystic fibrosis. [Poster Presentation], 13th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, University College Cork , 08-NOV-13 - 08-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013) International Society for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity,
JM Harrington, DL Dahly, MS Gilthorpe, AP Fitzgerald, IJ Perry (2013) Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: A latent class analysis of an aging Irish cohort. [Oral Presentation], International Society for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent, Belgium , 23-MAY-13 - 25-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013) UCC/Occupational Science Europe Conference Occupation: Awakening to the Everyday,
Hunt, E., McKay, E. A., Fitzgerald, A. P., & Perry, I. J. (2013) Time use and daily activities of late adolescents in contemporary Ireland. [Oral Presentation], UCC/Occupational Science Europe Conference Occupation: Awakening to the Everyday, Cork, Ireland , 05-SEP-13 - 07-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) UK Society for Social Medicine,
Perry IJ, Harrington JM, Kabir Z, Browne G, Fitzgerald AP Kearney PM (2013) The contribution of changes in diet and other risk factors to recent favourable trends in blood pressure in middle-aged Irish adults. [Poster Presentation], UK Society for Social Medicine, Bristol, UK , 11-SEP-13 - 13-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013) European Congress on Obesity,
JM Harrington, DL Dahly, AP Fitzgerald, MS Gilthorpe, IJ Perry. (2013) Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: A latent class analysis of an aging Irish cohort. [Oral Presentation], European Congress on Obesity, Liverpool, UK , 12-MAY-13 - 15-MAY-13. [Details]
(2012) EuroPRevent,
Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Kearney PM, Dahly DL, Mc Carthy VJC, Kennedy E, Perry IJ (2012) Diet quality, insulin resistance and risk of type 2 diabetes in middle-aged men and women: results from the Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study. [Other], EuroPRevent, Europe . [Details]
(2011) International Conference on Correspondence and Related Methods (CARME 2011),
Grannell, A., Fitzgerald AP., Corcoran P. ; (2011) Deliberate Self-harm among Irish Adolescents. [Oral Presentation], International Conference on Correspondence and Related Methods (CARME 2011), Rennes, France , 08-FEB-11 - 11-FEB-11. [Details]
(2010) Microbes and Health Sackler Colloquium,
Claesson MJ; Cusack S; O'Sullivan O; Greene-Diniz R; de Weerd H; Flannery E; Marchesi JR; Falush D; Dinan T; Fitzgerald G; Stanton C; van Sinderen D; O'Connor M; Harnedy N; O'Connor K; Henry C; O'Mahony D; Fitzgerald AP; Shanahan F; Twomey C; Hill C; Ross RP; O'Toole PW (2010) Composition, variability, and temporal stability of the intestinal microbiota of the elderly. [Oral Presentation], Microbes and Health Sackler Colloquium, USA , 01-SEP-10 - 01-SEP-10. [Details]
(2008) Landscaping Study of Tactile Perceptions from Expert and Nonexpert Performers of Spinal Anaesthesia,
Kulscar Z, Fitzgerald AP, Shorten G; (2008) Euroanaesthesia 2008: 6th Joint Meeting of the European Society of Anaesthesiologists. [Oral Presentation], Landscaping Study of Tactile Perceptions from Expert and Nonexpert Performers of Spinal Anaesthesia, European Academy of Anaesthiology , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details]
(2007) International Association for suicide prevention,
Meaney S, Williamson E, O¿Mahony D, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ. ; (2007) Intentional Self Harm, Assault And Unintentional Injuries: Do The Profiles Differ?. [Poster Presentation], International Association for suicide prevention, Killarney, Ireland , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007) Canadian Cardiovascular Congress,
Fitzgerald AP; (2007) Risk Prediction: The Regionalisation of SCORE in Europe and Beyond. [Invited Oral Presentation], Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Quebec, Canada , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007) European Society of Cardiology,
C McGorrian, AP Fitzgerald, T Leong, R Conroy, S Sans, IM Graham. ; (2007) Is self reported diabetes a coronary heart disease a risk equivalent for fatal cardiovascular events? Experience from the SCORE project. [Oral Presentation], European Society of Cardiology, 2007 , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007) Multidisciplinary Symposium For Health Care Professionals,
Fitzgerald AP; (2007) Risk Assessment- Global Cardiovascular Risk Management. How Can I Make a Difference in Hypertension Management?. [Oral Presentation], Multidisciplinary Symposium For Health Care Professionals, Quebec, Canada , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2006) Ability of Medical Personnel to accurately differentiate neonatal seizures from non-seizure movements,
Boylan G, Fitzgerald AP; (2006) Ability of Medical Personnel to accurately differentiate neonatal seizures from non-seizure movements. [Oral Presentation], Ability of Medical Personnel to accurately differentiate neonatal seizures from non-seizure movements, 14th Annual Medical Faculty Research Day University College Cork , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006) 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference UCC, 2006, University College Cork,
Mc Carthy, V., Bairead, E., Fitzgerald, A.P., Shanahan, F., and Perry, I.P. (2006) Appendectomy, smoking and inflammatory bowel disease; a case control study. [Oral Presentation], 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference UCC, 2006, University College Cork, University College Cork , 17-NOV-06 - 17-NOV-06. [Details]
(2006) The SCORE and HeartSCORE projects,
Fitzgerald AP; (2006) The SCORE and HeartSCORE projects. [Invited Oral Presentation], The SCORE and HeartSCORE projects, 10th Jubilee International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006) EUROPREVENT 2006,
Fitzgerald A.P.; (2006) Regional variation in risk prediction for cardiovascular mortality in Europe: The Swedish, German, Belgian and Greek examples. [Invited Oral Presentation], EUROPREVENT 2006, Athens, Greece , 11-MAY-06 - 13-MAY-06. [Details]
(2006) Self reported diabetes predicts risk of cardiovascular death differently in men and women in high risk European countries: The SCORE project,
McGorrian, C; Fitzgerald, AP; Leong, T; Hand, EB; Graham, IM; (2006) The SCORE project. [Oral Presentation], Self reported diabetes predicts risk of cardiovascular death differently in men and women in high risk European countries: The SCORE project, EUROPREVENT, Athens, Greece , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006) Impact of self reported diabetes on the effect of gender and other risk factors: the SCORE project 2006,
Fitzgerald AP; (2006) the SCORE project 2006. [Oral Presentation], Impact of self reported diabetes on the effect of gender and other risk factors: the SCORE project 2006, ESC / World Congress of Cardiology , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2005) Regional variation in risk prediction for cardiovascular mortality in Europe: The Swedish, German, Belgian and Greek examples. Invited presentation,
Fitzgerald AP; (2005) Regional variation in risk prediction for cardiovascular mortality in Europe. [Invited Oral Presentation], Regional variation in risk prediction for cardiovascular mortality in Europe: The Swedish, German, Belgian and Greek examples. Invited presentation, EUROPREVENT, Athens, Greece , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005) Prediction of seizures in asphyxiated neonates: correlation with video-ECG monitoring,
Geraldine Boylan, Fitzgerald AP; (2005) Prediction of seizures in asphyxiated neonates:. [Oral Presentation], Prediction of seizures in asphyxiated neonates: correlation with video-ECG monitoring, Irish Paediatric Association , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2003) Wonca Europe Regional Conference ,
Fitzgerald A.P.; (2003) SCOREcard - National Risk Charts. [Oral Presentation], Wonca Europe Regional Conference , Ljubljana, Slovenia , 18-JUN-03 - 21-JUN-03. [Details]
Fitzgerald AP; (2003) new tool in cardiovascular prevention. [Oral Presentation], SCORE and SCORECARD, WONCA, Slovenia , 01-JAN-03 - 01-JAN-03. [Details]
(2001) European Society of Cardiology Congress,
Fitzgerald A.P.; (2001) Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) - Methodology. [Oral Presentation], European Society of Cardiology Congress, Stockholm, Sweden , 01-SEP-01 - 05-SEP-01. [Details]


  Committee Function From / To
Athena Swan - School of Mathematical Sciences Co-Chair 2021 / 2025
EDI School of Mathematical Sciences co-Chair 2023 / 2025
SEFS Athena Swan AS Representation for School of Mathematical Sciences 2021 / 2025
UCC Athena Swan Silver Application Member of Working Group 2023 / 2024
Staff & Student Committee (School of Public Health) Committee member 2024 /
ACRIBiS Statistical Advisor 2022 / 2025
Graduate Studies Board School of Public Health Member 2022 / 2025
Animal Ethics Experimentation Committee Member 2022 / 2025
HeartScore Steering Committee Member /
SCORE Investigators Member /
HRB PhD Scholar Programme in Health Services Research Member /
Project Management Committee, SIREN Member /


  Employer Position From / To
School of Mathematical Sciences/School of Public Health, University College Cork Senior Lecturer (Biostatistics) 01-SEP-08 /
University College Cork Lecturer in Statistics 01-JAN-05 / 01-JAN-08
Haughton Institute for Further Education Research Statistician 01-JAN-03 / 01-JAN-05
Royal College of Surgery in Ireland (RCSI) Research Statistician 01-JAN-01 / 01-JAN-03
United Medical and Dental School (Guy's and St Thomas') Researcher 01-JUN-88 / 01-JUN-90
United Medical & Dental School (Guy's and St. Thomas') Lecturer in Statistics 01-JUN-90 / 01-SEP-95


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2000 Harvard School of Public Health ScD Biostatistics
1987 Georgia Institute of Technology MS Applied Mathematics
1985 University College Cork MSc Statistics & Applied Mathematics
1984 University College Cork BSc Mathematical Sciences

Journal Activities

  Journal Role To / From
Statistics In Medicine Referee -
International Journal Of Epidemiology Referee -
British Medical Journal Referee -
Lancet Referee -
European Journal Of Cardio Prevention & Rehabilitation Referee -
International Journal Of Food Science And Nutrition Referee -
Heart Referee -

Other Activities


UCC Athena Swan Silver WG1 (2024)

Memebr of the 5 person Scientific Advisory Board of ACRIBiS (Advancing Cardiovascular Risk Identification with Structured Clinical Documentation and Biosignal Derived Phenotypes Synthesis)


External Statistician on study looking at cardiovascular morbidity risk prediction for over 70s in Poland

Research Seminar Organiser SoMS (2020-2023)

NIHR Grant Reviewer (2020-current)

PhD Biostatistics External Examiner: University of Limerick 2019

Led the School of Mathematical Science successfull Athena Swan Bronze application.  

Conference of Applied Statisticians in Ireland (CASI) 2022 Organising Committee

Member of Third Joint Task Force of European and other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice

Member of the Fourth Joint Task Force of European and other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice

Teaching Interests

Current Postgraduates
Fionna Barry        Doctoral degree
Lydia Iladiva         Doctoral degree
Ann Monaghan    Doctoral degree
Fintan O'Shea     Masters by Research

Modules Coordinated 2024
EH6133    Advanced Quantitive Analysis
ST1001    Introduction to Health Statistics
ST2005    Social Research and Survey Methods
ST6011    Advanced Biostatistics
ST6012    Survival Analysis

Recent Postgraduates

  Graduation Year Student Name Institution Degree Type Thesis Title
2019 Brenda Walsh University College Cork PHD Reconfiguration of emergency and urgent care systems in Ireland from 2006: analysis of quantitative performance indicators at a population level
2019 Kate O'Neill University College Cork PHD The economic burden of diabetes in Ireland
2017 Marsha Tracey University College Cork PHD Public health burden of diabetes in Ireland: time trends, determinants of complications and the implementation of a public health intervention to improve health outcomes for people with diabetes
2016 Jamie Madden University College Cork PHD Exploring circadian blood pressure patterns
2015 Eithne Hunt University College Cork PhD Time use, daily activities, and health-related quality of life of school-going late adolescents in Cork city and county: A cross-sectional study
2013 Eileen Duggan University College Cork PhD An exploration of the positive and negative relationships associated with the development of asthma and atopic disorders in primary school children in Cork
2013 Amanda Wall University College Cork MSc Applications of Logistic Regression, Factor Analysis and Growth Curves in Health Sciences
2012 Karen Kearns University College Cork MPH The burden of chronic illness associated with overweight and obesity in Ireland: an analysis of the SLÁN dataset
2011 Sarah Murphy University College Cork MSc Generalised linear models, classification techniques and kinetic analysis applied to psychosocial, medical and educational data
2011 Sean Miller University College Cork MPH The impact of age-related disease and disability on health service use by older Irish adults: Assessing the effects of social networks and support
2011 Eimear Cleary University College Cork MPH Loneliness and its associations with physical and mental health and social engagement in the aging population of Ireland: An integrated approach
2011 Andrew Grannell UCC MSc Statistical case studies in health and social research
2011 Laura O'Sullivan UCC MSc Cluster analysis, variogram estimation, temporal analysis and relative risk modelling with applications in education, fisheries and medicine
2010 Cora Grant University College Cork MPH An assessment of whether the availability of psychiatric care facilities in acute hospital departments in Ireland is associated with repetition of deliberate self harm
2010 Eimear Keane University College Cork MPH To measure the relationship between deliberate self harm history and the occurrence of repeat episodes in youths who presented to Emergency Departments in the Republic of Ireland between 2005 and 2008: A data analysis project of the National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm in Ireland.

Current Postgraduate Students

  Student Degree Type
O Shea Ryan Fintan Colman Masters Degree by Research

Internal Collaborators

  Name Institute Country
Professor Colin Bradley Department of General Practice/UCC IRELAND
Professor Emma Wallace Department of General Practice IRELAND
Professor Eileen Savage School of Nursing and Midwifery (UCC) IRELAND

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country
Prof. Peter U. Heuschmann University Würzburg GERMANY
Professor Sue Feldman Department of Medical Bioinformatics and Data Science. University of Alabama U.S.A.
Prof. Cecily Begely Chair of Nursing and Midwifery in Trinity College Dublin IRELAND
Professor Tomasz Zdrojewski Department of Preventive Medicine and Education/Medical University in Gdansk POLAND