
Dr Tatsuma Padoan is currently Lecturer in East Asian Religions, in the Department of Study of Religions at the University College Cork, and a Research Associate at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He is also 2nd/3rd year Coordinator for the BA programme in Religions and Global Diversity, Study of Religions Department Representative for the BA programme in Anthropology, and Coordinator of the core seminar on anthropological classics for the MA programme in Anthropology at UCC. Since November 2022 he has been co-founder and co-director, together with Prof Laura Rascaroli, of SENSA Lab (Laboratory of Semiotics, Ethnosemiotics, Nonfictional Studies and Audiovisuality) at UCC, a platform for research on semiotics with a strong focus on anthropology and media. In 2017-2018 and 2022-2023, he has been a Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at Osaka University. Dr Padoan obtained his PhD in Religions and Anthropology of Japan (Languages, Cultures and Societies) in March 2011 from Ca' Foscari University of Venice. He has been research student in Cultural Anthropology at Tokyo’s Keio University, carrying out research activities on mountain asceticism and pilgrimage in Japan. While in Venice, he trained in semiotics under the guidance of semiotician Paolo Fabbri, then becoming a member of LISaV (International Semiotics Laboratory of Venice). After his PhD, he taught Japanese Religions at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and Cultural Anthropology at the Free University of Bolzano, where he conducted an ethnographic and semiotic study of learning processes in design. He has then been Newton Postdoctoral Fellow (British Academy) in the Department of Religions and Philosophies at SOAS, University of London, for two years in 2014 and 2015, and Lecturer in Japanese Religions in the same department in 2015-2016. In 2017-2018, he conducted further research on the relationship between learning, ritual and ethics, through 10 months of additional fieldwork among ascetics in Katsuragi, central Japan, thanks to a JSPS fellowship based at Osaka University, Anthropology Department. Over the years, Dr Padoan has been invited to give lectures and seminars at the University of Oxford, Manchester, Bologna, Turin, Osaka, Maynooth, SOAS in London, Ca’ Foscari and IUAV in Venice, IULM in Milan, and presented his work at workshops and conferences at the University of Cambridge, the Centre International de Sciences Sémiotiques “Umberto Eco” (CiSS) in Urbino, the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme in Aix-en-Provence, the University of Siena, Sussex, Tartu, Florence, ISEAS in Kyoto, Sainsbury Institute in Norwich, Technische Universität in Berlin, and others. His research has been funded by the British Academy, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Canon Foundation, Toshiba International Foundation, UCC CACSSS, and many others. His current research project "Aesthetic Communication: The Role of Senses in Social Interaction, Across and Beyond the Human", is funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (Gr. CONF-938), and the Future Humanities Institute at UCC. His research areas cover the study of ritual – including asceticism, ritual apprenticeship, pilgrimage, religious materiality and spirit possession – as well as the study of design practices and the politics of urban space. In terms of methodology, he is particularly interested in the relationship between Paris School semiotics, linguistic anthropology and actor-network-theory, as a set of models for the practical analysis of local discourses in religion, material culture, and science and technology studies.

Research Interests

  • Anthropology of Buddhism
  • Paris School Semiotics
  • Actor-Network-Theory
  • Anthropology of Pilgrimage
  • Japanese Religions
  • Japanese Mountain Asceticism, Katsuragi Shugen
  • Urban Pilgrimage and Tourism in Tokyo, Shichifukujin no meguri
  • Semiotics of Space and Aesthetic Communication
  • Spirit Possession, Subjectivity and Somatic Efficacy
  • Memory, Ritual Enunciation and Religious Materiality
  • Religious Syncretism and Combinatory Practices
  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Anthropology of Design and Material Culture

Research Grants

  Project Funding
Start Date End Date Award
Aesthetic communication: the role of senses in social interaction, across and beyond the human Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research 11-JUN-24 14-JUN-24 €18,500.00
Aesthetic communication: the role of senses in social interaction, across and beyond the human College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences 06-FEB-24 31-AUG-24 €2,997.00
A semiotics of sacred geography: understanding pilgrimage and holy sites in a comparative perspective British Academy 30-SEP-21 30-MAR-23 €7,000.00
A semiotics of sacred geography: understanding pilgrimage and holy sites in a comparative perspective British Academy 01-JUL-17 30-JUN-21 €28,000.00


  Year Publication
(2025) Towards a Semiotics of Pilgrimage: Ritual Space, Memory and Narration in Japan and Elsewhere.
Padoan, Tatsuma (2025) Towards a Semiotics of Pilgrimage: Ritual Space, Memory and Narration in Japan and Elsewhere. Berlin and Boston: DeGruyter. [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2025) Semiotic Landscapes: Language Practices, Materialities and Agency
Padoan, Tatsuma, Leavitt, John and Peng, Lijing (Ed.). (2025) Semiotic Landscapes: Language Practices, Materialities and Agency Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Walking the Sutra: A Semiotic Theory of Pilgrimage'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2024) 'Walking the Sutra: A Semiotic Theory of Pilgrimage' In: Katić, Mario and Eade, John (eds). Approaching Pilgrimage: Methodological Issues Involved in Researching Routes, Sites, and Practices. London: Routledge. [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2023) 'La conchiglia di San Giacomo'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2023) 'La conchiglia di San Giacomo' In: Mangano, Dario and Sedda, Franciscu (eds). Simboli d’oggi. Critica dell'inflazione semiotica. Milan: Meltemi. [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021) 'On the Semiotics of Space in the Study of Religions: Theoretical Perspectives and Methodological Challenges'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2021) 'On the Semiotics of Space in the Study of Religions: Theoretical Perspectives and Methodological Challenges' In: Van Boom, Jason Cronbach and Põder, Thomas-Andreas (eds). Sign, Method, and the Sacred: New Directions in Semiotic Methodologies for the Study of Religion. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021) 'Dal simbolo al rito (passando per il tartan)'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2021) 'Dal simbolo al rito (passando per il tartan)' In: Marrone, Gianfranco (eds). Contaminazioni simboliche. “Annali del Centro Internazionale di Scienze Semiotiche di Urbino ‘Umberto Eco’”, vol. 1. Milan: Meltemi. [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021) 'Space'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2021) 'Space' In: Baffelli, Erica, Castiglioni, Andrea, and Rambelli, Fabio (eds). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Japanese Religions. London: Bloomsbury Academic. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2018) 'Etnografia e semiotica: su divinità, asceti, pietre, e altri soggetti recalcitranti'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2018) 'Etnografia e semiotica: su divinità, asceti, pietre, e altri soggetti recalcitranti' In: Ferraro, Guido, Finocchi, Riccardo, and Lorusso, Anna Maria (eds). Il metodo semiotico. Rome: Edizioni Nuova Cultura. [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018) 'Sémiotique et anthropologie'
Padoan, Tatsuma, and Sedda, Franciscu (2018) 'Sémiotique et anthropologie' In: Biglari, Amir and Roelens, Nathalie (eds). Sémiotique en interface. Paris: Kimé. [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017) 'Per una semiotica della possessione oracolare: sensi e discorso sul monte Kiso Ontake'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2017) 'Per una semiotica della possessione oracolare: sensi e discorso sul monte Kiso Ontake' In: Tarca, Luigi V., and Raveri, Massimo (eds). I linguaggi dell’assoluto. Milan: Mimesis. [Full Text] [Details]
(2015) 'Buddhism'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2015) 'Buddhism' In: Laycock, Joseph (eds). Spirit Possession around the World: Possession, Communion, and Demon Expulsion Across Cultures. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. [Full Text] [Details]
(2014) 'Hinter den Zeichen. Über Strategien der Verordnung und Verhandlung von Verhaltensregeln in der Tokioter U-Bahn'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2014) 'Hinter den Zeichen. Über Strategien der Verordnung und Verhandlung von Verhaltensregeln in der Tokioter U-Bahn' In: Gleiter, Jörg H (eds). Symptom Design: Vom Zeigen und Sich-Zeigen der Dinge. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. [Details]
(2012) 'Dei treni e dei riti. Politiche ferroviarie e memoria estetico-rituale nella Tokyo contemporanea'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2012) 'Dei treni e dei riti. Politiche ferroviarie e memoria estetico-rituale nella Tokyo contemporanea' In: Mangano, Dario, and Mattozzi, Alvise (eds). La ricerca semiotica. Rome: Aracne. [Full Text] [Details]
(2007) 'The Hybrid Power of the kami mandara. Polythetic Classifications and Anthropological Perspectives on the Combinatory Religion of Medieval Japan'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2007) 'The Hybrid Power of the kami mandara. Polythetic Classifications and Anthropological Perspectives on the Combinatory Religion of Medieval Japan' In: International Shinto Foundation (eds). Shinto – In Search of Sincerity (Essays on Shinto, vol. 4). Tokyo: International Cultural Workshop. [Details]
(2007) 'Sacred Economy and Transactional Religion: Dynamics of Power, Economics and Religion from Pre-modern to Contemporary Japanese Society'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2007) 'Sacred Economy and Transactional Religion: Dynamics of Power, Economics and Religion from Pre-modern to Contemporary Japanese Society' In: International Shinto Foundation (eds). Shinto – In Search of Sincerity (Essays on Shinto, vol. 4). Tokyo: International Cultural Workshop. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2025) 'Dialogues between Continental Semiotics and Linguistic Anthropology, special issue of the journal Semiotic Review'
Padoan, Tatsuma, and Nakassis, Constantine (eds.) (2025) 'Dialogues between Continental Semiotics and Linguistic Anthropology, special issue of the journal Semiotic Review'. The Semiotic Review of Books, [Details]
(2025) 'The Inventiveness of Tradition, special issue of the journal Versus VS: Quaderni di Studi Semiotici'
Padoan, Tatsuma, and Mangiapane, Francesco (eds.) (2025) 'The Inventiveness of Tradition, special issue of the journal Versus VS: Quaderni di Studi Semiotici'. Versus VS: Quaderni di Studi Semiotici, [Details]
(2023) 'Percezioni ibride. Ripensare fenomenologia e semiotica attraverso la Actor-Network-Theory'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2023) 'Percezioni ibride. Ripensare fenomenologia e semiotica attraverso la Actor-Network-Theory'. Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici, 17 (37):94-116 [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021) 'Recalcitrant Interactions: Semiotic Reflections on Fieldwork among Mountain Ascetics'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2021) 'Recalcitrant Interactions: Semiotic Reflections on Fieldwork among Mountain Ascetics'. Acta Semiotica, 1 (2):84-119 [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021) 'Pilgrimage and Spirit Possession: Reconnecting Senses, Discourse and Subjectivity on Mt Kiso Ontake'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2021) 'Pilgrimage and Spirit Possession: Reconnecting Senses, Discourse and Subjectivity on Mt Kiso Ontake'. Irish Journal of Asian Studies, 7 :39-57 [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2020) 'Glossolalie visive: la fotografia spiritica tra scienza e religione'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2020) 'Glossolalie visive: la fotografia spiritica tra scienza e religione'. Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici, XIV (30):329-344 [ Publisher's Version] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019) 'Reassembling the Lucky Gods: Pilgrim Economies, Tourists, and Local Communities in Global Tokyo'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2019) 'Reassembling the Lucky Gods: Pilgrim Economies, Tourists, and Local Communities in Global Tokyo'. Journeys (Berghahn Journals, 20 (1):75-97 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2014) 'Drawn by Images: Control, Subversion and Contamination in the Visual Discourse of Tokyo Metro'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2014) 'Drawn by Images: Control, Subversion and Contamination in the Visual Discourse of Tokyo Metro'. Lexia: Journals of Semiotics, 17-18 ('Effective images'):554-574 [Full Text] [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2014) 'The Lucky Gods of Tokyo'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2014) 'The Lucky Gods of Tokyo' SOAS Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions Newsletter, 26-27 :8-9. [Details]
(2008) 'Kami in Fabula: A Tentative Analysis of a Mediaeval Mythological Text'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2008) 'Kami in Fabula: A Tentative Analysis of a Mediaeval Mythological Text' SOAS Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions Newsletter, 16-17 :24-27. [Details]
(2008) 'Ryōbu Shintō and Shugendō in Medieval Japan'
Padoan, Tatsuma (2008) 'Ryōbu Shintō and Shugendō in Medieval Japan' Bulletin of the European Association for Japanese Studies, 78 :9-14. [Details]

Book Reviews

  Year Publication
(2017) 'Review of Stefania Consigliere (ed.) (2014) Mondi Multipli voll. I-II, Naples: Kaiak', in Tecnoscienza. The Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 8, 1.
Padoan, Tatsuma (2017) 'Review of Stefania Consigliere (ed.) (2014) Mondi Multipli voll. I-II, Naples: Kaiak', in Tecnoscienza. The Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 8, 1. Book Reviews [Details]
(2012) 'Un pensiero tutto curve: François Jullien (2011) L'ansa e l'accesso. Strategie del senso in Cina, Grecia, a cura di Paolo Fabbri, Milan: Mimesis', in Alfalibri (supplemento mensile di Alfabeta2), no. 17.
Padoan, Tatsuma (2012) 'Un pensiero tutto curve: François Jullien (2011) L'ansa e l'accesso. Strategie del senso in Cina, Grecia, a cura di Paolo Fabbri, Milan: Mimesis', in Alfalibri (supplemento mensile di Alfabeta2), no. 17. Book Reviews [Details]


  Year Publication
(2009) 'The Medieval Cult of Gyōki and Ise Shrines: Concerning the Narratives of Gyōki’s Pilgrimage to Ise', in Rethinking Medieval Shinto. Special issue of Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie vol. 16.
Itō Satoshi (2009) 'The Medieval Cult of Gyōki and Ise Shrines: Concerning the Narratives of Gyōki’s Pilgrimage to Ise', in Rethinking Medieval Shinto. Special issue of Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie vol. 16. Kyoto: Translations [Details]
(2009) 'On the Formation of Shinto Icons', in Rethinking Medieval Shinto. Special issue of Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie vol. 16.
Kadoya Atsushi (2009) 'On the Formation of Shinto Icons', in Rethinking Medieval Shinto. Special issue of Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie vol. 16. Kyoto: Translations [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2023 CACSSS Research Support Fund College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, UCC
2019 CACSSS Research Support Fund College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, UCC
2017 Newton International Fellowship Alumni Follow-on funding scheme British Academy
2017 JSPS International Postdoctoral Fellowship (Short-Term) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2015 JSPS International Postdoctoral Fellowship Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2014 Newton International Postdoctoral Fellowship British Academy
2014 STS Italia Conference Scholarship Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies
2012 STS Italia Conference Scholarship Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies
2011 Early Fall School of Semiotics (EFSS) Scholarship Interdepartmental Center for Research on Communication (CIRCe) of the University of Turin, and the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies
2011 STS Italia Summer School Scholarship Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies
2011 Graduate Student Grant International Centre for Semiotic Sciences "Umberto Eco", University of Urbino
2010 Graduate Student Grant International Centre for Semiotic Sciences "Umberto Eco", University of Urbino
2009 Canon Foundation in Europe Fellowship Canon Foundation in Europe
2009 Research Funding Venice for Peace Research Foundation, Inc.
2008 Scholars Travel Grant Toshiba International Foundation
2008 Graduate Student Travel Grant Columbia Center for Japanese Religion, Columbia University of New York
2007 Graduate Student Travel Grant Columbia Center for Japanese Religion, Columbia University of New York
2007 Toshiba International Foundation Scholarship European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS)
2007 Postgraduate Scholarship Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
2005 First Prize in the Shinto Essay Competition International Shinto Foundation, Inc.
2004 First Prize in the Shinto Essay Competition International Shinto Foundation, Inc.

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Member /
Italian Association for Semiotic Studies - Associazione Italiana Studi Semiotici (AISS) Member /


  Employer Position From / To
Osaka University, Anthropology Department JSPS Visiting Fellow 30-MAR-17 / 13-JAN-18
University College Cork Lecturer in East Asian Religions 26-SEP-16 /
SOAS, University of London Lecturer in Japanese Religions 28-SEP-15 / 27-SEP-16
SOAS, University of London Newton International Postdoctoral Fellow 31-JAN-14 / 27-SEP-15
Free University of Bozen – Bolzano Senior Teaching Fellow in Cultural Anthropology 27-FEB-12 / 31-MAR-14
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Senior Teaching Fellow in Japanese Religions 01-MAR-10 / 30-SEP-13
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Teaching Fellow in Japanese Language 01-MAR-10 / 30-SEP-12


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2011 Ca' Foscari University of Venice Doctor of Philosophy Religions and Anthropology of Japan (Languages, Cultures and Societies)


  Language Reading Writing Speaking
Italian Fluent Fluent Fluent
Japanese Fluent Fluent Fluent

Journal Activities

  Journal Role To / From
Current Anthropology Peer Reviewer -
Signs And Society (Chicago Journals) Peer Reviewer -
Glocalism: Journal Of Culture, Politics And Innovation Peer Reviewer -
Etnografia E Ricerca Qualitativa (Ethnography And Qualitative Research) Peer Reviewer -
Medical Anthropology Peer Reviewer -
Ocula: Semiotic Eye On Media Peer Reviewer -
Versus Vs: Quaderni Di Studi Semiotici Peer Reviewer -
Sign Systems Studies Peer Reviewer -
Lexia: Journals Of Semiotics Peer Reviewer -
Rivista Dell’Associazione Italiana Di Studi Semiotici Peer Reviewer -
Tecnoscienza The Italian Journal Of Science And Technology Studies Peer Reviewer -

Other Activities


British Academy, Review Panel, Grant Assessor for Visiting Fellowship Programme 2018 and 2023

Teaching Interests

I am open to supervising doctoral students in anthropology and study of religions, working on any of the following research areas: semiotics of religions, linguistic anthropology, Paris School semiotics, Deleuzian semiotics, Actor-Network-Theory, ethnosemiotics, anthropology of Buddhism, Japanese religions, anthropology of Japan, pilgrimage, ritual practice, Japanese mountain asceticism, religious materiality, learning and apprenticeship, anthropology of memory, aesthetic communication, nonhuman agency, semiotics of perception, spatial semiotics, nonrepresentational views on meaning, ethnography as translation, discourse and narrativity in social interaction, travel and tourism, design practices, Science and Technology Studies, and enunciation theory.

Teaching Roles

  • 2nd and 3rd year Co-ordinator for the BA Programme in Religions and Global Diversity, Department of Study of Religions
  • Study of Religions Departmental Representative for the BA Programme in Anthropology
  • Board Member of the MA and BA Programmes in Anthropology
  • CACSSS Teaching and Learning Committee, Member of the “Recruitment and Employability Sub Committee”, Study of Religions Department and School of Society, Politics and Ethics Representative

Modules taught:   

BA in Anthropology 
BA in Religions and Global Diversity 
MA in Anthropology