CELT Project documents
- A Ballad History of Ireland [en]
- A Briefe description of Ireland: made in this year, 1589, By Robert Payne [en]
- A Bé Find, in rega lim [ga]
- A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602 [en]
- A Chapter in the History of a Tyrone Family [en]
- A Cheap Bargain [en]
- A Choimdiu baíd [ga]
- A Choimdiu, nom-choimét [ga]
- A Cholmáin mhóir mheic Léinín [ga]
- A Chronology of Ireland [en]
- A Coat [en]
- A Description of Killarney [en]
- A Discourse of Ireland, anno 1620 [en]
- A Discovery of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued (...) [en]
- A Drinking Song [en]
- A Dé dúilig, atat-teoch [ga]
- A Dé dúlig adateoch [ga]
- A Farewell to Patrick Sarsfield, Earl of Lucan [en]
- A Florentine Tragedy [en]
- A Fragment of Irish Annals [ga]
- A Friend's Illness [en]
- A Game of Chess [en]
- A German visitor to Monaincha in 1591 [en]
- A Ghearóid, déana mo dháil [ga]
- A Happy New Year [en]
- A Highway for Freedom [en]
- A History of the Franciscan Order in Ireland [en]
- A Jacobite narrative of the war in Ireland: A Light to the Blind [en]
- A Journey to Lough Derg [en]
- A Lamentation for the Death of Sir Maurice Fitzgerald [en]
- A Latin Dialogue of the Body and the Soul [la]
- A Lesson of the Strike [en]
- A Letter from the Lord Deputy-General of Ireland upon Surrender of Limerick, 1651 [en]
- A Letter of Love to the Young-Convinced [en]
- A Letter sent by I. B. Gentleman vnto his very frende Mayster R. C. Esquire [en]
- A Letter to the Archbishop of Dublin, concerning the Weavers [en]
- A Lullaby [en]
- A Maire mín, maithingen [ga]
- A Marbán, a díthrubaig [ga]
- A Mediaeval Handbook of Gynaecology [...] [ga]
- A Mediaeval Handbook of Gynaecology [...] [la]
- A Memory of Youth [en]
- A Mhuire mhór [ga]
- A Middle-Irish Fragment of Bede's Ecclesiastical History [ga]
- A Mór Maigne Moige Síuil [ga]
- A Narration of the services done by the army ymployed to Lough-Foyle, vnder the Leadings of mee Sr Henry Docwra Knight [en]
- A Nation Once Again [en]
- A Niocláis, nocht an gcláirsigh! [ga]
- A Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland [...] [en]
- A Political Party of the Workers [en]
- A Prayer for my Daughter [en]
- A Proclamation touching the Earles of Tyrone and Tyrconnell [en]
- A Proposal for correcting, improving and ascertaining the English Tongue [en]
- A Proposal for giving badges to the beggars in all the parishes of Dublin [en]
- A Railway Thief [en]
- A Rann I Made [en]
- A Seasonable Caveat Against Popery [en]
- A Second Year's Work [en]
- A Selection from the Love Poetry of William Butler Yeats [en]
- A Shionainn Bhriain Bhóroimhe [ga]
- A Shionann Chuinn Chéadchathaigh [ga]
- A Song for Mary Magdalene [en]
- A Song for the Irish Militia [en]
- A Statute of the Fortieth Year of King Edward III., enacted in a parliament held in Kilkenny, A.D. 1367, before Lionel Duke of Clarence, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [fr]
- A Statute of the Fortieth Year of King Edward III., enacted in a parliament held in Kilkenny, A.D. 1367, before Lionel Duke of Clarence, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. [en]
- A Sunday in Dartmoor [en]
- A Tale of a Tub [en]
- A Tour in Ireland, with general observations on the present state of that kingdom in 1776–78 [en]
- A Tract on the Plague [ga]
- A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge [en]
- A Treatise of Ireland [en]
- A Treatise on Fevers [en]
- A Treatise on Fevers [en]
- A View of the present State of Ireland [en]
- A View of the present State of Ireland [en]
- A Vision [en]
- A Vision of Connaught in the thirteenth century [en]
- A Visit to Lecale, in the County of Down, in the year 1602–3: English translation [en]
- A Voice of Encouragement—A New Year's Lay [en]
- A Woman Homer sung [en]
- A Woman of No Importance [en]
- A Woman of the Mountain keens her Son [en]
- A ben, bennacht fort-ná ráid! [ga]
- A bennáin, a búiredáin [ga]
- A bhean chridhe chompánta [ga]
- A bhean fuair an falachán [ga]
- A bhean lán do stuaim [ga]
- A bhean na gcíoch gcórrsholas [ga]
- A bhean na lurgan luime [ga]
- A bhráighe tá i dtor London [ga]
- A brief Declaration of the Government of Ireland [en]
- A chláirsioch Chnuic Í Chosgair [ga]
- A chnuic thoir re taoibh Ealla [ga]
- A cholann chugat an bás [ga]
- A chroch Dé déana mo leigheas [ga]
- A chros thall ar an dtulaigh [ga]
- A description of Ireland: A.D. 1618 [en]
- A dhuine chaitheas corp Dé [ga]
- A dhuine chollas go sáimh [ga]
- A dhuine chuirios an crann [ga]
- A discourse of the present state of Ireland, 1614, per S. C. [en]
- A fhir do-ní an t-éad [ga]
- A fhir ghlacas a ghalldacht [ga]
- A fhir ná suid ar in síd [ga]
- A fhir thall triallus [ga]
- A fhir théid i dTír Chonaill [ga]
- A fhir éadmhair 'gá mbí bean [ga]
- A list of ancient Irish authors [ga]
- A modest Proposal [en]
- A poem on the Kings of Connaught: English translation [en]
- A poem on the Kings of Connaught [ga]
- A proposal for the universal use of Irish manufacture [en]
- A proposal to pay off the debt of the nation [en]
- A serious and useful Scheme to make an Hospital for Incurables [en]
- A seventeenth-century criticism of Keating's 'Foras Feasa ar Éirinn' [ga]
- A sgríbhionn luigheas tar lear [ga]
- A shaoghail ón a shaoghail [ga]
- A short view of the state of Ireland [en]
- A theachtaire thig ón Róimh [ga]
- A treatise on good manners and good breeding [en]
- A-tá an saoghal ag seanmhóir [ga]
- A-tá sunn seanchas Mu-áin [ga]
- A-táid trí comhruig im chionn [ga]
- A-tám i gcás eidir dhá chomhairle [ga]
- A-tám i n-easbhaidh amhoirc [ga]
- A-tú i gcogadh rem chairdibh [ga]
- Abenteuer Königs Aed Oirdnide [ga]
- Absenteeism of Irish Genius [en]
- Abstammung der zwölf Apostel [ga]
- Academical Education [en]
- Acallamh na Senórach I [ga]
- Account of Surrender of Limerick, 1651 [en]
- Ach und Weh [ga]
- Act of Settlement [1662] and Act of Explanation [1665] [en]
- Adamnan's De Locis Sanctis [en]
- Adamnan's De Locis Sanctis [la]
- Address of Irish Commandants to the President and Congress of the United States [en]
- Address to the Delegates [en]
- Adelphus adelpha mater [la]
- Adram in Coimdid [ga]
- Ag so brágha dheit a Dhé [ga]
- Against Home Rule: the case for the Union [en]
- Against unworthy Praise [en]
- Aghaidh gach droichsgéil a-mach [ga]
- Agreement Reached in the Multi-Party Negotiations [en]
- Agreement between Gerald, 9th earl of Kildare and the Mac Rannalls, A.D. 1530 [ga]
- Aided Chuind Chétchathaig [ga]
- Aided Muirchertaig Meic Erca [ga]
- Aided Néill Nóigiallaig [ga]
- Aided na trí nAed [ga]
- Aided Óenfir Aífe [ga]
- Aideen's Grave [en]
- Ailill Aulom, Mac Con, and Find ua Báiscne: English translation [en]
- Ailill Aulom, Mac Con, and Find ua Báiscne [ga]
- Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend [ga]
- Aisling Aonghasa [ga]
- Aisling Tundail [ga]
- Aislinge Meic Con Glinne: English translation [en]
- Aislinge Meic Con Glinne [ga]
- Aislinge Óenguso [ga]
- Aiste Dáibhí Cúndún [ga]
- Aithbe dam bés mora [ga]
- Aithin mé dot oide a Eoin [ga]
- Aithreach damh mo dhíochoisge [ga]
- Aithrighe sunn duid a Dhé [ga]
- All Things can tempt me [en]
- Als Culanns Hund krank war [de]
- Als Culanns Hund krank war: German Translation [de]
- Altirische Reimsprüche [ga]
- Amendments proposed by the Irish Delegates, December 4th, 1921 [en]
- Amendments proposed by the Irish Delegates, December 4th, 1921 [en]
- America and Ireland [en]
- Amor Intellectualis [en]
- An Account of some strange Disturbances in Aungier Street [en]
- An Answer to a Paper, called A Memorial of the poor Inhabitants, Tradesmen, and Labourers of the Kingdom of Ireland [en]
- An Appointment [en]
- An Argument on Behalf of the Catholics of Ireland [en]
- An Cloidheamh Soluis agus fios fáth an aon sgeil ar na mnáibh [ga]
- An Essay on modern Education [en]
- An Essay towards a new Theory of Vision [en]
- An Gadaí [ga]
- An Historical Apology for the Irish Catholics [en]
- An Ideal Husband [en]
- An Irish Materia Medica [ga]
- An Irish Astronomical Tract [en]
- An Irish Astronomical Tract [ga]
- An Irish Corpus Astronomiae, being Manus O'Donnell's seventeenth century version of the Lunario of Geronymo Cortès [en]
- An Irish Corpus Astronomiae, being Manus O'Donnell's seventeenth century version of the Lunario of Geronymo Cortès [ga]
- An Irish Version of Gualterus de Dosibus: English translation [en]
- An Irish Version of Gualterus de Dosibus [ga]
- An Liagh i n-Eirinn i n-allod III & IV: De Febrium Symptomatibus [ga]
- An Liagh i n-Eirinn i n-allod. II [ga]
- An Old Irish poem on St. Patrick [ga]
- An Síogaí Rómhánach [ga]
- An account of Philaretus during his Minority [en]
- An argument against abolishing Christianity [en]
- An examination of certain abuses, corruptions, and enormities in the city of Dublin [en]
- An gcluine mé, a mhacaoimh mná? [ga]
- An impartial relation of the most memorable transactions of General Owen O'Neill and his party, from the year 1641 to the year 1650 [en]
- An sgítheach tú, a mhacaoimh mná [ga]
- An tú ar gcéadaithne, a charrag [ga]
- An tú m'aithne, a fhalluing donn? [ga]
- Anathomia Gydo [ga]
- Anathomia Gydo [ga]
- Anbthine mór ar muig Lir [en]
- Anbthine mór ar muig Lir [ga]
- Anglo-Irish poems of the Middle Ages [en]
- Anglo-Irish poems of the Middle Ages: The Kildare Poems [en]
- Annales Breves Hiberniae [la]
- Annales Dominicani de Roscoman [la]
- Annales Dominicani de Roscoman [la]
- Annales Dominicani de Roscoman [la]
- Annales Hiberniae [en]
- Annales Hiberniae [la]
- Annales Hibernie ab anno Christi 1162 usque ad annum 1370 [la]
- Annales de Monte Fernandi [la]
- Annalium Hiberniae Chronicon ad annum MCCCXLIX [la]
- Annals of Inisfallen: English Translation [en]
- Annals of Inisfallen [ga]
- Annals of Inisfallen, Pre-Patrician Section: English translation [en]
- Annals of Inisfallen, Pre-Patrician Section [ga]
- Annals of Loch Cé [en]
- Annals of Loch Cé: Volume 2 [en]
- Annals of Loch Cé [ga]
- Annals of Loch Cé [ga]
- Annals of Tigernach [ga]
- Annals of Ulster otherwise Annala Senait, Annals of Senat [ga]
- Annals of Ulster otherwise Annala Senait, Annals of Senat [la]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 1 [en]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 2 [en]
- Annals of the Four Masters [en]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 4 [en]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 5 [en]
- Annals of the Four Masters [en]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 1 [ga]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 2 [ga]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 3 [ga]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 4 [ga]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 5 [ga]
- Annals of the Four Masters: Volume 6 [ga]
- Ann´la Gearra as Proibhinse Ard Macha [ga]
- Annála Connacht [en]
- Annála Connacht [la]
- Anocht sgaoilid na sgola [ga]
- Anrufung der Dreieinigkeit [ga]
- Aoibhinn duit, a dhuine dhoill [ga]
- Aoibhinn, a leabhráin, do thriall [ga]
- Aoidhe meise ag máthair Dé [ga]
- Aonar dhamhsa eidir dhaoinibh [ga]
- Apologia [en]
- Apraid a éolchu Elga [ga]
- Ar bhás Eochaidh Hí Eóghusa aliis cecinit [ga]
- Ar iasacht fhuaras Aonghus [ga]
- Ar n-oide múinte mac Dé [ga]
- Archduke Ferdinand's visit to Kinsale in Ireland, an extract from Le Premier Voyage de Charles-Quint en Espagne, de 1517 à 1518 [en]
- Art Unions [en]
- Art and the Handicraftsman [en]
- Articles agreed on by Captain Henry Sankey [en]
- Articles for Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal [en]
- Articles for Newtown, Co. Leitrim [en]
- Articles of Agreement as signed on December 6th, 1921 [en]
- At Galway Races [en]
- At Verona [en]
- At the Abbey Theatre [en]
- Athanasia [en]
- Atá grádh nách admhaim oirn [ga]
- Atá sinn ar slighidh [ga]
- Auraicept na n-Éces [ga]
- Aus Laud 615 [ga]
- Aus der Kindheit Jesu [ga]
- Ave Imperatrix [en]
- Ave Maria Gratia Plena [en]
- Aviso del estado en que al presente estan las cosas de los Catholicos en el Reyno de Irlanda [...]: Biblioteca Palafoxiana (Puebla, Mexcio), Miscellaneous printed item, no. 32206. [es]
- Áirem Muintire Finn [ga]
- Baile Bricín [ga]
- Baile in Scáil [ga]
- Ballad Poetry of Ireland [en]
- Ballade de Marguerite [en]
- Baoghal dí, lá an Bhreitheamhnais [ga]
- Barbara [en]
- Beag linn ar mbeannacht don mbás [ga]
- Beag nach táinig mo théarma [ga]
- Beag nar dhearmadas mo dhúthaigh [ga]
- Bean dá chumhadh críoch Ealla [ga]
- Beannacht ar anmain Éireann [ga]
- Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Uí Dhomhnaill: English Translation [en]
- Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Uí Dhomhnaill [ga]
- Beg mac Dé profetauit [ga]
- Beggar to Beggar Cried [en]
- Beir eolas dúinn, a Dhomhnuill [ga]
- Belfast Dockers [en]
- Betha Adamnáin: The Irish Life of Adamnán [ga]
- Betha Brigte [ga]
- Betha Choluim Chille [ga]
- Betha Colmáin maic Lúacháin [ga]
- Betha Cranatan [ga]
- Betha Farannáin [ga]
- Betha Fursa [ga]
- Betha Féchín Fabair: Irish translation [ga]
- Betha Meic Creiche [ga]
- Betha Molaga [ga]
- Betha Naile [ga]
- Betha Naile [ga]
- Betha Phatraic [ga]
- Bethada Náem nÉrenn [en]
- Bethada Náem nÉrenn [en]
- Bethada Náem nÉrenn [ga]
- Bethu Brigte [en]
- Bethu Brigte [ga]
- Blind Mary [en]
- Bláth an mhachuire Muire [ga]
- Bodach in Chóta Lachtna [ga]
- Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála [ga]
- Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála [ga]
- Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála [ga]
- Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála [ga]
- Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála [ga]
- Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála [ga]
- Books that influenced "Luke Delmege" [en]
- Bordeaux Notarial Records [frm]
- Brief Relation of the Passages in the Parliament summoned in Ireland in 1613 [en]
- Briefe aus Irland [de]
- Briefe aus Irland nach Sachsen [de]
- Briefe relation of Ireland, and the diversity of Irish in the same [and] Priests in Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad [en]
- Brighid na nAmhrán [ga]
- Brigid of the Songs [en]
- Bringt euer Haus unter Dach! [ga]
- Brinna Ferchertne [en]
- Brinna Ferchertne [ga]
- British Draft of December 1st, 1921 [en]
- Bruiden bheg na h-Almaine [ga]
- Bruidhen Chéise Chorainn [ga]
- Bréagach sin a bhean [ga]
- Bríathra cogaidh con chath Laighnech [ga]
- Brīathra Floinn Fīona meic Cosa anso [ga]
- Buile Shuibhne [ga]
- Buile Suibhne [en]
- Buime trír máthair mhic Dé [ga]
- Bunreacht na hÉireann (Constitution of Ireland) [en]
- By the Arno [en]
- Byzantium [en]
- Bí ad mhosgaladh, a mheic Aonghais [ga]
- Bíodh aire ag Ultaibh ar Aodh [ga]
- Cairt a síothchána ag síol Adhaimh [ga]
- Caithréim Thoirdhealbhaigh [en]
- Caithréim Thoirdhealbhaigh [ga]
- Camma [en]
- Canzonet [en]
- Captain Cuellar's Adventures in Connacht and Ulster [en]
- Cara agus cascara in fhearg [ga]
- Cara na héigne Íosa [ga]
- Carmilla [en]
- Carta de uno que fué en la Armada de Ingalaterra y cuenta la jornada [es]
- Cath Almaine [ga]
- Cath Finntrágha [ga]
- Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired [ga]
- Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired [en]
- Cath Maighe Léna [ga]
- Cath Sléphe Cāin [ga]
- Cathréim Cellacháin Caisil [ga]
- Caíni amra laisin m-Bran [ga]
- Cean-Salla [en]
- Ceannaigh duain t'athar, a Aonghas [ga]
- Ceist! cia do cheinneóchadh dán? [ga]
- Ceithearn coilleadh clann Ádhuimh [ga]
- Celts and Saxons [en]
- Cen áinius [ga]
- Cenn ard Ádaim étrocht rád [ga]
- Chanson [en]
- Chapters towards a History of Ireland in the reign of Elizabeth [en]
- Character of an Irish Squire [en]
- Charmides [en]
- Checkmate [en]
- Christ's Coming [en]
- Christmas 1915 [en]
- Christus Consolator [en]
- Chronicon Scotorum [en]
- Chronicon Scotorum [la]
- Cia do fhéachfadh ar m'éigin? [ga]
- Cia do-ghéabhainn go Gráinne [ga]
- Cia ghabhas m'anmain ré ais [ga]
- Cia le gcoiseontar m'anam? [ga]
- Cia thú, a mhacaoimh mná? [ga]
- Cionnus dhíolfad mo luach leighis? [ga]
- Clare's Dragoons [en]
- Clocán binn [ga]
- Closing Rhymes [en]
- Coercion in England [en]
- Colophon from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 610, being an annal for the year 1454 [ga]
- Colum Cille cecinit [ga]
- Colum Cilles Lieblingsstätten [ga]
- Comhrag Fir Diadh ⁊ Chon Cculainn. Táin Bó Cúailnge [ga]
- Commercial History of Ireland [en]
- Compert Con Culainn [ga]
- Compert Conchobuir I [ga]
- Comrac Liadaine ocus Cuirithir: English translation [en]
- Comrac Liadaine ocus Cuirithir [ga]
- Conall Corc and the Corco Luigde [ga]
- Conciliation [en]
- Conciliation [en]
- Congal Cinnmagair [ga]
- Constitution of Dáil Éireann [en]
- Contemporary Diary of Siege of Limerick, 1691 [en]
- Contra Incantationes [ga]
- Cormac and Ciarnat [en]
- Cormac and Ciarnat [ga]
- Cormac cecinit [ga]
- Cormac mac Cuillenáin and the jesters [ga]
- Corrach do chodlas a-réir [ga]
- Correspondents [en]
- Cotail becán becán bec [ga]
- Covenant between Mageoghegan and the Fox [ga]
- Craig-Collins Agreement [en]
- Creidim duit, a abhlann uasal [ga]
- Creidim mar chreideas an eaglais [ga]
- Cridhe lán do smuaintighthibh [ga]
- Cridhe so dá ghoid uainne [ga]
- Cros Chríst tarsin n-gnúisse [ga]
- Créd agaibh aoidhigh a gcéin [ga]
- Créd fá seachnaim síol Aodha? [ga]
- Críchad an Chaoilli [ga]
- Cuchulain's Fight with the Sea [en]
- Cuimseach sin, a Fhearghail Óig [ga]
- Cáin Eimíne Báin annso [ga]
- Cáin Lánamna [en]
- Cáin Lánamna [ga]
- Cétemain, cain cucht [ga]
- Cóir Anmann [ga]
- Cú Bán an t-Shleibhe [ga]
- Cúig cáis as mhó le Moire [ga]
- Cúirt an Mheónoídhche [ga]
- Da brón Flatha Nime [ga]
- Dairt sonn dá seoladh go Tadhg [ga]
- Danklied einer erlösten Seele [ga]
- Dar liom, is galar é an grádh [ga]
- Dark Rosaleen [en]
- Das Alphabet des Cuigne mac Emoin [ga]
- Das Alphabet des Cuigne mac Emoin [ga]
- Das Apgitir Crábaid des Colmán maccu Béognae [ga]
- Das Freien um Ferb [de]
- Das Gedicht der vierzig Fragen von Eochaid ua Cērīn: German translation [de]
- Das Haus des Mac ind Óc [ga]
- Das Leben ein Darlehen [ga]
- De Amore Hereos [ga]
- De Febre Efemera nó an Liagh i n-Eirinn i n-allod [ga]
- De controversia Paschali: English translation [en]
- De controversia Paschali [la]
- Deacair suan ar chneidh gcarad [ga]
- Dealg athálaidh othras Taidhg [ga]
- Death, the Magician [en]
- Debate on the Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland, signed in London on the 6th December 1921: Sessions 14 December 1921 to 10 January 1922 [en]
- Deirdre [en]
- Deirdre [en]
- Deirdre [ga]
- Deithfridh am dháil, a leobhráin [ga]
- Demon and Beast [en]
- Der Mensch ist Kot [ga]
- Der Sitz geistiger Kräfte und Leidenschaften im menschlichen Körper [ga]
- Der Streit um das Heldenstück: German Translation [de]
- Der Tod der sieben Maine [ga]
- Der Tribut des Königs von Ess Rúaid [ga]
- Der Ursprung des gregorianischen Kirchengesangs [Mac atcúala is domain tair] [ga]
- Description of England and Ireland under the Restoration: English translation [en]
- Description of the Orkney Islands: English translation [en]
- Desiderius: Sgáthán an Chrábhaidh [ga]
- Deus meus, adiuva me [ga]
- Dia do bheatha, a Mhoire mhór [ga]
- Dia do bheatha-sa, a Mhuire [ga]
- Dia do bheatha-sa, a Mhuire [ga]
- Dia dom fheitheamh ar fheirg Dhé [ga]
- Dialogue of Silvynne and Peregrynne: S. P. 63/203, no. 119 [en]
- Diary of a Tour in 1732 through parts of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland [en]
- Dickon the Devil [en]
- Die Geburt Chonchobars: German Translation [de]
- Die Geschichte des Nuada Find Femin: German translation [de]
- Die Helden von Emain Macha (Mongán mac Fíachna cecinit do thecosc a athar) [ga]
- Die Herkunft der Partraige [ga]
- Die Hölzer am Kreuze Christi [ga]
- Die Sage von CuRoi: German Translation [de]
- Die Sage von CuRoi [ga]
- Die Ursache von Noinden Ulad [ga]
- Die Verwandlungen des Tuan mac Cairill [ga]
- Die Wiederauffindung der Táin Bó Cúalnge [ga]
- Die Wiederauffindung der Táin Bó Cúalnge [ga]
- Die ersten Ärzte Irlands [ga]
- Die fünfzehn Namen des Boyne [ga]
- Die gaelische Ballade vom Mantel [ga]
- Die heilige Jungfrau [ga]
- Die irischen Triaden (nach Kuno Meyer): German translation [de]
- Difficulties of Capitalism [en]
- Difficulties of Socialism [en]
- Direct Action in Belfast [en]
- Discourse on the mere Irish of Ireland: Exeter College Oxford, MS 154, ff. 55–74 [en]
- Dissertation [en]
- Dlighe, a dhuine, déanamh lóin [ga]
- Dlighidh ollamh urraim ríogh [ga]
- Do Fhlaithrí Ó Maoil Chonaire [ga]
- Do bhriseas bearnaidh ar Bhrian [ga]
- Do bháidh teine Tír Chonuill [ga]
- Do briseadh cunnradh ar cách [ga]
- Do bádussa úair [ga]
- Do chadail ar bhfear faire [ga]
- Do chomramaib Laigen inso sis [ga]
- Do chuaidh mo shúil tar mo chuid [ga]
- Do thuit meirge catha Cuinn [ga]
- Do tógbhadh meirge Murchaidh [ga]
- Do-bhéaram seal re saobhnós [ga]
- Do-ní duine Dia dá mhaoin [ga]
- Document Number Two [en]
- Documents on Thomas Walker's plot against Tyrone in 1601 [en]
- Docwra's Relation of Service done in Irlande [en]
- Doirbh don chéidsheal cinneamhuin tairngeartaigh [ga]
- Dom-fharcai fidbaide fál [ga]
- Dorn idir dhán is dásacht [ga]
- Dracula [en]
- Draft Treaty A [en]
- Drei Erzählungen aus dem Buch von Lismore [ga]
- Droichead na bpeacthach páis Dé [ga]
- Duanaire Finn [ga]
- Duanta Eoghain Ruaidh Mhic An Bhaird [ga]
- Duanta Fearghal Óg Mhic an Bhaird [ga]
- Dublin Trades Council [en]
- Dublin and the War [en]
- Duine deighmhisnigh Dái-bhíoth [ga]
- Dá bhrághaid uaim i nInis [ga]
- Déanadh Chríosd comhairle a mháthar [ga]
- Déanadh go subhach síol Ádhaimh! [ga]
- Déanam cionntughadh na colla [ga]
- Désespoir [en]
- Dúthracar, a Maic Dé bí [ga]
- Dūan in chōicat cest [ga]
- Dūan in chōicat cest [ga]
- E Tenebris [en]
- Each gan aradhain an fhearg [ga]
- Early Irish Population-Groups: Their Nomenclature, Classification, and Chronology [en]
- Easter Day [en]
- Easter, 1916 [en]
- Echtra Cormaic i Tir Tairngiri ocus Ceart Claidib Cormaic [ga]
- Egerton Annals: Mionannala [ga]
- Eiderchomhrádh sunn ag Donnchad mac Briain et Mac Coisi [ga]
- Ein Gebet Fursas [ga]
- Ein Gedicht aus Additional 30,512, fol. 34b2 [ga]
- Ein König muß zehn ständige Begleiter haben [ga]
- Ein Spruch Adamnans [ga]
- Ein altirischer Spruch [ga]
- Ein altirisches Gedicht über das Ende der Welt [ga]
- Eine Irische Version von Beda's Historia [ga]
- Eine Variante der Brendan-Legende: German translation [de]
- Eine Variante der Brendan-Legende [ga]
- Eine Weissagung Colum Cilles [ga]
- Eiséirgi do éirigh Dia [ga]
- Elfenbegräbnis [ga]
- Ellen Bawn [en]
- Emerson: Free-Thought in America [en]
- Endymion [en]
- Eochair-Sgiath an Aifrinn [ga]
- Eoghainín na nÉan [ga]
- Eoineen of the Birds [en]
- Epistola S. Patricii ad Christianos Corotici Tyranni subditos [la]
- Erard mac Coisse cecinit [en]
- Erard mac Coisse cecinit [ga]
- Esnada Tige Buchet [ga]
- Exegesis on the Four Evangelists [la]
- Extracta de Lile na heladhan Leighis [en]
- Extracts from Acts of Parliament at Dublin, 1689 [en]
- Éagnach [ga]
- Éanlá coinne ag cloinn Ádhaimh [ga]
- Éireannaigh féin fionnLochlannaigh [ga]
- Éisd rem fhaoisidin, a Íosa [ga]
- Éisd rem fhuighlibh, a Athair [ga]
- Éisdidh re marbhnaidh Meic Dhé [ga]
- Éistidh riomsa, a Mhuire mhór [ga]
- Fa ngníomhraidh measdar meic ríogh [ga]
- Fabien dei Franchi [en]
- Fada deoraidheachd na ndaoine [ga]
- Fallen Majesty [en]
- Fame [en]
- Fearg an Choimdheadh re cloinn Ádhaimh [ga]
- Fearr beagán cloinne ná clann [ga]
- Feis Tighe Chonáin [ga]
- Ferchuitred Medba indso [ga]
- Fergus Wry-Mouth [en]
- Fergus and the Druid [en]
- Fil duine [ga]
- Fil súil n-glas [ga]
- Find and the Phantoms [en]
- Find and the Phantoms [ga]
- Fingal Rónáin [ga]
- Fingen Mac Flainn's Gedicht auf die Fir Arddae [ga]
- Finn and Grainne [en]
- Finn and Grainne [ga]
- Finn and the Man in the Tree [en]
- Finn and the Man in the Tree [ga]
- Finns Stammbaum und die Fiana [ga]
- Fled Bricrend [ga]
- Fled Dúin na nGéd [ga]
- Fogus furtacht don tír thuaidh [ga]
- Foillsigh do mhíorbhuile, a Mhuire [ga]
- Fontenoy [en]
- Foraire Uladh ar Aodh [ga]
- Foras Feasa ar Éirinn (Book I-II) [ga]
- Forbuis Droma Damhghaire [fr]
- Forces of Civilisation [en]
- Foreign Travel [en]
- Forfess Fer Fālgae [ga]
- Forud na Fíann fás in-nocht [ga]
- Four saints: Cormac, Beccan (Emin), Culan, Diarmaid [ga]
- Fraechs Werbung um Finnabir [de]
- Fragmentary Annals of Ireland [en]
- Fragmentary Annals of Ireland [ga]
- Francesco Chiericati's letter to Isabella d'Este Gonzaga [en]
- Freke Estate (Cork) Survey of 1787/88 [en]
- Friedrich Ludwig von Wachholtz in Cork [de]
- Friends [en]
- From A Hermitage [en]
- From Spring Days to Winter [en]
- Fuaras mian, ón, fuaras mian [ga]
- Fuirigh go fóill, a Éire [ga]
- Fursa Crāiptech profetauit [ga]
- Féach do dheireadh, a dhuine [ga]
- Féach féin an obair-se, a Aodh [ga]
- Féach orm, a inghean Eóghain [ga]
- Fíthels Ratschläge an seinen Sohn [ga]
- Fód codarsna críoch Bhanbha [ga]
- Fóiridh mo leisge, a Leath Chuinn [ga]
- Fúar liom an adhaighsi dh'Aodh [ga]
- Gabh m'éagnach a Eoin Baisde [ga]
- Gabham deachmhaidh ar ndána [ga]
- Gach éan mar a adhbha [ga]
- Gaois Ailbhe i n-inghin Domhnuill [ga]
- Garbh éirghe iodhan bhrátha [ga]
- Gebet um Schutz in Gefahr [ga]
- Gebet um Thränen [ga]
- Gein Branduib maic Echach ocus Aedáin maic Gabráin [ga]
- Genealogical Tracts I: Anmand na n-Athachthuath [ga]
- Genealogies from Rawlinson B 502 [la]
- Geschichten von Cano mac Gartnāin: German translation [de]
- Ghost Stories of Chapelizod [en]
- Ghost Stories of the Tiled House [en]
- Ghosts [en]
- Gluais a litir go Lunndain [ga]
- Goire Conaill Chernaig i Crúachain ocus Aided Ailella ocus Conaill Chernaig [en]
- Goire Conaill Chernaig i Crúachain ocus Aided Ailella ocus Conaill Chernaig [ga]
- Goirt anocht dereadh mo sgéal [ga]
- Grace Nugent [en]
- Green Tea [en]
- Guide to Killarney and Glengarriff [en]
- Guleesh na Guss Dhu [en]
- Gáir na Gairbe glaídbinne [ga]
- Géisid cúan [ga]
- Généalogie de la Maison de Mac-Carthy anciennement Souveraine des Deux Momonies ou de l'Irlande Méridionale [fr]
- Harp Strings [January 1908] [en]
- Harp Strings [June 1908] [en]
- Hebräische Wörter erklärt [ga]
- Heinrich Meidinger's letters from Ireland [de]
- Heinrich Meidingers Briefe aus Irland [de]
- Her Voice [en]
- Hints for Irish Historical Paintings [en]
- Hints towards an essay on conversation [en]
- His Dream [en]
- His Majesty's Castle of Dublin [en]
- History of the Commercial and Financial Relations between England and Ireland from the Period of the Restoration [en]
- Holy Week at Genoa [en]
- Home Rulers and Labour [en]
- Home Thrusts [1 July 1899] [en]
- Home Thrusts [10 November 1900] [en]
- Home Thrusts [13 December 1913] [en]
- Home Thrusts [20 August 1898] [en]
- Home Thrusts [3 September 1898] [en]
- House Decoration [en]
- How Does She Stand?: Three Addresses [en]
- How Ronan slew his Son: English Translation [en]
- Hugh O'Neill's War aims [en]
- Humanitad [en]
- Hymn for Pentecost [en]
- Hymn to Spring [en]
- Hymnum S. Cú Chuimne in laudem S. Mariae [la]
- Hélas! [en]
- I am Ireland [en]
- I have not garnered gold [en]
- I mbrat an bhrollaigh ghil-se [ga]
- Imacallaim Tuain fri Finnia [ga]
- Imeacht na n-Iarlaí [ga]
- Immacallam in Druad Brain ocus inna Banfháitho Febuil [ga]
- Immram Brain [ga]
- Impression [en]
- Impression du Matin [en]
- Impression du Voyage [en]
- Impressions [en]
- Impressions [en]
- Impressions of Tennyson [en]
- Imrum Snedhghusa ocus Mic Ríagla [ga]
- Imtheachta Æniasa [ga]
- In Cath Catharda [ga]
- In Cath Catharda: The Civil War of the Romans: English translation [en]
- In Spirut nóeb immun [ga]
- In tan no théigmis don dáil [ga]
- In the Forest [en]
- In the Gold Room [en]
- In this Supreme Hour of Our National Danger [en]
- Indians in Dublin [en]
- Infformacion giuen to Queen Elizabeth against Sir William Fitzwilliams, his gouernmente in Irelande []
- Influences of Education [en]
- Institutions of Dublin [en]
- Instructio Pie Vivendi et Superna Meditandi [ga]
- Insurrectionary Warfare [en]
- Int én bec [ga]
- Int én gaires asin t-shail [ga]
- Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland [en]
- Introductory Rhymes [en]
- Invitation to the elected representatives the Irish People, January 7th, 1919 [en]
- Iomdha fear suirghe ag San Mairghréag [ga]
- Iomdha fáth ag feirg an Choimdheadh [ga]
- Iomdha ród díreach go Dia [ga]
- Iomdha teachtaire i dtigh Dé [ga]
- Iomdha uaisle ar iath Laighean [ga]
- Iongaibh thú orm, a Iarla [ga]
- Ionmhain triúr táinig dom fhios [ga]
- Ionmholta malairt bhisigh [ga]
- Iosagan [en]
- Iosagan [ga]
- Iosagán [en]
- Ireland and the War [en]
- Ireland in the New Century [en]
- Ireland's People [en]
- Irish Antiquities and Irish Savages [en]
- Irish Art [en]
- Irish Litanies [ga]
- Irish Manuscripts [en]
- Irish Memorandum of November 22th, 1921 [en]
- Irish Memorandum of October 24th, 1921 [en]
- Irish Music and Poetry [en]
- Irish National Hymn [en]
- Irish Primary Education [en]
- Irish Quatrains [ga]
- Irish Quatrains [ga]
- Irish Quatrains III [ga]
- Irish Rebels and English Mobs [en]
- Irish Scenery [en]
- Irish Socialist Republic [en]
- Irish Topography [en]
- Irish Youth and High Ideals [en]
- Is aire charaim Doire [ga]
- Is mebul dom imrádud [ga]
- Is scíth mo chrob ón scríbinn [ga]
- Is úar geimred; at-racht gáeth [ga]
- Isam aithrech (febda fecht) [ga]
- It é saigte gona súain [ga]
- Italia [en]
- Íocadh Críost cumaoin a mháthar [ga]
- Ísucán [ga]
- Jacobite Appeal to Officers and Soldiers, 1689 [en]
- James II. to officers of Irish forces on arrival at Brest, 1691 [en]
- Johann Friedrich Hering's description of Connacht [en]
- John Griscom's letters from Ireland [en]
- Jottings [en]
- Journal of a tour in Ireland [...] performed in August 1804 [en]
- Journey to Connaught, April 1709 [en]
- Journey to the North, August 7th, 1708 [en]
- La Bella Donna della mia Mente [en]
- La Mer [en]
- La Sainte Courtisane [en]
- La lamentation d'Irlande [ga]
- Labhair linn, a Mhuire Mháthar [ga]
- Labour Mans The Breach [en]
- Labour and Easter Week [en]
- Labour and the Budget [en]
- Labour in Irish History [en]
- Lady Windermere's Fan [en]
- Laithe n-aon dia rabhator treis gnía (Bérla na filed) [ga]
- Lament for Banba [en]
- Lament for Owen Roe O'Neill [en]
- Lament for the Death of Eoghan Ruadh O'Neill [en]
- Lament for the Princes of Tyrone and Tyrconnell (Buried in Rome) [en]
- Lament over the Ruins of the Abbey of Teach Molaga [en]
- Lament over the Ruins of the Abbey of Teach Molaga [en]
- Lament over the Ruins of the Abbey of Timoleague [en]
- Lamentation of Mac Liag for Kincora [en]
- Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland [en]
- Le Jardin [en]
- Le Jardin des Tuileries [en]
- Le Panneau [en]
- Le h-ais na Teineadh [ga]
- Le héanmhnaoi cuirthear clú ban [ga]
- Le siège de Druim Damhghaire [fr]
- Leacht carad i g-cath Bhriain [ga]
- Leannáin fileadh síol Suibhne [ga]
- Leatrom so, a inghean Úna [ga]
- Lebor na Cert: English translation [en]
- Lebor na Cert [ga]
- Lebor na hUidre [la]
- Lecture to Art Students [en]
- Les Ballons [en]
- Les Deux Chagrins du Royaume du Ciel: French translation [fr]
- Letter Book of Florence Mac Carthy Reagh, Tanist of Carbery, Mac Carthy Mór [en]
- Letter To M. Clemenceau, 1919 [en]
- Letter from Commissioners in Ireland for Parliament of England [en]
- Letter from English Commissioners for Ireland [en]
- Letter from Jane Adams, containing a private narrative of the rebellion of 1798 [en]
- Letter from Sir Richard Nagle to Viscount Merrion, 14 August 1691 [en]
- Letter of Florence Mac Carthy to the Earl of Thomond, on the ancient history of Ireland [en]
- Letters from Colonel William Wolseley, 1690. Pursuit of Irish Tories [en]
- Letters from Ireland [en]
- Letters from Patrick Sarsfield, earl of Lucan, 1691 [en]
- Letters of Columbanus [en]
- Letters of Columbanus [la]
- Lewis Dillwyn's Visit to Kerry, 1809 [en]
- Lewis Dillwyn's Visit to Waterford, Cork and Tipperary in 1809 [en]
- Liber De Mensura Orbis Terrae [en]
- Libertatis Sacra Fames [en]
- Life of Mac Creiche: English Translation [en]
- Life of Naile [en]
- Life of Saint Fintán, alias Munnu, abbot of Tech Munnu (Taghmon, Co. Wexford) [en]
- Life of St. Columba: English Translation [en]
- Life of St. Declan of Ardmore: English Translation [en]
- Life of St. Declan of Ardmore [ga]
- Life of St. Findan [en]
- List of officers taken prisoners at Ballymore, 8 June, 1691 [en]
- Little Lad of the Tricks [en]
- Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore [ga]
- London Models [en]
- Long to me Thy coming [en]
- Longes mac n-Uislenn [ga]
- Lord Arthur Savile's Crime [en]
- Loubet—and other Things [en]
- Louis Napoleon [en]
- Love Ballad [en]
- Love and War [en]
- Lughaidh, Tadhg agus Torna [ga]
- Lullaby of a Woman of the Mountain [en]
- Lámh indiu im thionnsgnamh, a Thríonóid [ga]
- Léigidh dhamh mo Dhomhnall féin [ga]
- Lóchrann soillse ag síol Adhaimh [ga]
- M' óenurán im aireclán [ga]
- M'airiuclán hi Túaim Inbir [ga]
- M'anam do sgar riomsa a-raoir [ga]
- Mac Carthaigh's Book [en]
- Mac Carthaigh's Book [en]
- Mac Carthaigh's Book [en]
- Mac Carthaigh's Book [ga]
- Mac Carthaigh's Book [ga]
- Mac Carthaigh's Book [ga]
- Mac Conglinnes Vision: German translation [de]
- Macgnimartha Find [ga]
- Machtnadh an Duine Dhoilghiosaich [ga]
- Madam Crowl's Ghost [en]
- Madonna Mia [en]
- Magdalen Walks [en]
- Magdalena von Dobeneck's Letters from Ireland to Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach [en]
- Mair chungnamh lem chairdibh [ga]
- Mairg adeir olc ris na mnáibh [ga]
- Mairg bheireas díogha dá dheoin [ga]
- Mairg chaitheas dlús re dhalta [ga]
- Mairg danab soirbh an saoghal [ga]
- Mairg dar compánach an cholann [ga]
- Mairg darab galar an grádh [ga]
- Mairg do-bheir grádh leatromach [ga]
- Mairg do-chuaidh re ceird ndúthchais [ga]
- Mairg duine bhraitheas é féin [ga]
- Mairg duine bhíos antuigseach [ga]
- Mairg mheallas muirn an tsaoghail [ga]
- Mairg nach diongnadh dán do Dhia [ga]
- Mairg nach doirteann a dhéara [ga]
- Mairg nach tathaigh na trátha [ga]
- Mairg théid tar toil a athar [ga]
- Maith an locht airdríogh óige [ga]
- Maith gach ní ón easurradh [ga]
- Marthain duit, a chroch an Choimdheadh [ga]
- Mary Ann Grant's letters from Ireland [en]
- Mary Pendarves's letters to Ann Granville about her visit to Killala, 1732 [en]
- Maxims controlled in Ireland [en]
- Measgra Dánta [ga]
- Medicine and Medical Doctors [en]
- Meditations in Time of Civil War [en]
- Meitheal do bhí ag Dia na ndúl [ga]
- Members of Parliament at Dublin, 1689 [en]
- Memoranda Gadelica [ga]
- Merugud Uilix maicc Leirtis [ga]
- Merugud Uilix maicc Leirtis [ga]
- Mesca Ulad [ga]
- Message to the Free Nations of the World [en]
- Messe ocus Pangur bán [ga]
- Mild Mabel Kelly [en]
- Mitchelstown Caverns [en]
- Mithid creideamh do chloinn Néill [ga]
- Mithigh sin, a ráith na ríogh [ga]
- Mo Sinnu moccu Min [la]
- Mo chean duitsi, a thulach thall [ga]
- Mo chion dot bhronnadh, a Bhriain [ga]
- Mo labrad [ga]
- Mochuta und der Teufel [ga]
- Molaisse und seine Schwester [ga]
- Monks' Rules: English Translation [en]
- Monks' Rules [la]
- Moral Force [en]
- Mr. Aubrey de Vere's New Volume: A Study [en]
- Mr. Justice Harbottle [en]
- Muirchú's Life of Patrick: English translation [en]
- Munster Outrages [en]
- My Grave [en]
- My Irish Journal, 1669–1670 [en]
- My Land [en]
- My Oratory Lamp [en]
- My Rose [en]
- My Voice [en]
- Mé Éba, ben Ádaim uill [ga]
- Mór an lucht arthraigh Éire [ga]
- Mór ar bfearg riot a rí Saxan [ga]
- Mór grádh Dé do na daoinibh [ga]
- Mór múich i túsa in-nocht [ga]
- Na Bóithre [ga]
- Narrative of a residence in Ireland during the Summer of 1814, and that of 1815 [en]
- National Art [en]
- Nationality [en]
- Neimhthinn an galar é an grádh [ga]
- Nekrolog auf Art Buidhe mac Domhnaill Riabhaigh [ga]
- Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen [en]
- No Redress—no Inquiry [en]
- No second Troy [en]
- Northern Notes [en]
- Notes on the Front [15 April 1916] [en]
- Notes on the Front [18 March 1916] [en]
- Notes on the Front [19 February 1916] [en]
- Notes on the Front [2 October 1915] [en]
- Notes on the Front [23 October 1915] [en]
- Notes on the Front [25 December 1915] [en]
- Notes on the Front [4 March 1916] [en]
- Notes on the Front [5 February 1916] [en]
- Notes to be considered for the government of Ireland [en]
- Ná bí dom bhuaidhreadh, a bhean [ga]
- Ná bí dom buaidhreadh, a bhean [ga]
- Ná déana díomas, a dhuine [ga]
- Námha m'anma an chalann chriadh [ga]
- Ní dhlighim aithfear ar fheirg [ga]
- Ní díol grádha gleann na ndeor [ga]
- Ní dúal cairde ar creich ngeimhil [ga]
- Ní fada ón Fhódla a táth a dtuaidheamhain [ga]
- Ní maith altuighim m'anáir [ga]
- Ní mhair séan do ghnáth [ga]
- Ní mhairenn oighre Murchaidh [ga]
- Ní mé bhar n-aithne, a aos gráidh [ga]
- Ní mé bhur n-aithne, a aos gráidh [ga]
- Ní rí fíre acht flaith nimhe [ga]
- Ní taobhtha dhamhsa riom féin [ga]
- Ní tráth aithreachais d'fhuil Conaill [ga]
- O Little Bird [en]
- O Lovely Head [en]
- O'Brazil, the Isle of the Blest [en]
- O'Brien of Ara [en]
- O'Byrne's Bard to the Clans of Wicklow [en]
- O'Connell's Statue [en]
- O'Donovan Rossa [en]
- O'Hussey's Ode to the Maguire [en]
- Observations made by Sir John Davys, Attorney of Ireland [en]
- Observations on the Articles of Peace between James Earl of Ormond for King Charles the First on the one Hand, and the Irish Rebels and Papists on the other Hand [...] [en]
- Och! och! a Mhuire bhúidh [ga]
- Of Public Absurdities in England [en]
- Of the Lawes of Irelande [en]
- Official Correspondence relating to the Peace Negotiations June-September, 1921 [en]
- Oh! The Marriage [en]
- Olc íocthar ar luagh leighis [ga]
- Old Ireland [Ancient Ireland] [en]
- On Barbarous Denominations in Ireland [en]
- On Hearing the Dies Iræ Sung in the Sistine Chapel [en]
- On Stella's Birthday [en]
- On Wounds [en]
- On Wounds [ga]
- On a Political Prisoner [en]
- On the Life of St. Brigit: English Translation [en]
- On the Life of St. Columba: English Translation [en]
- On the Life of St. Patrick: English translation [en]
- On the Massacre of the Christians in Bulgaria [en]
- On the Mer-de-Glace [en]
- On the Qualitees, Maners and Kunnynge of a Surgean: From RIA MS 443 (23 N 16) [ga]
- On the Sale by Auction of Keats' Love Letters [en]
- On the Strand of Howth [en]
- Optimism V. Pessimism: A Causerie [en]
- Orange and Green [en]
- Orange and Green will carry the Day [en]
- Orders made and established by the lords [...] at Kilkenny [...] 24th October 1642 [en]
- Orgain Denna Ríg [ga]
- Orgain Néill Noígiallaig: English translation [en]
- Orgain Néill Noígiallaig [ga]
- Orgguin trí mac Diarmata Mic Cerbaill [ga]
- Ort do sheiseacht, a shaoghail [ga]
- Orthanach Ua Coillama cecinit [ga]
- Our National Language [en]
- Our Own Again [en]
- Our Personal and Social Responsibilities [en]
- Our Policy [en]
- Our Purpose and Function [en]
- Our Rulers as a Study [en]
- Owen Reilly: A Keen [en]
- Ór na mban baincheann nimhe [ga]
- Pan [en]
- Panthea [en]
- Parliamentary Democracy [en]
- Parnell's Funeral [en]
- Parrach Mha'l Bhrighde 's a mhac [en]
- Parrach Mha'l Bhrighde 's a mhac [ga]
- Patraic cecinit [ga]
- Patricius segnet Irland [ga]
- Paudeen [en]
- Paudyeen O'Kelly and the Weasel [en]
- Peace [en]
- Peace and the Gael [en]
- Pen, Pencil and Poison [en]
- Phèdre [en]
- Pococke's Tour in Ireland in 1752 [en]
- Poems by William Allingham [en]
- Poems in Prose [en]
- Poems in Prose [en]
- Poems in Prose [en]
- Poems in Prose [en]
- Poems in Prose [en]
- Poems in Prose [en]
- Portia [en]
- Portions of a manuscript history relating to Ireland [en]
- Premier Voyage de Charles-Quint en Espagne, de 1517 à 1518 [extrait] [frm]
- President De Valéra's Interview [en]
- President de Valéra's address to the Electorate [en]
- Prince Alfrid's Itinerary through Ireland [en]
- Proceedings of the forces in Ireland under Sir Hardress Waller and Lord-Deputy Ireton by Parliamentary army officers 1650-1651 [en]
- Prophezeiung Sétna's [ga]
- Prophezeiung böser Zeiten [ga]
- Randglossen und Reimereien aus H. 3. 18 [ga]
- Rangordnung der Könige in Tara [ga]
- Ranna an aeir [ga]
- Rannam le chéile a chlann Uilliam [ga]
- Rare Adventures in Ireland in 1619 [en]
- Ratification of Treaty of Limerick 1691/1692 [en]
- Ratification of Treaty of Limerick: George Clarke to Sir Theobald Butler [en]
- Ravenna [en]
- Reasons for capitulation at Limerick, 1691 [en]
- Reconciliation [en]
- Regimen Sanitatis [ga]
- Regimen na Sláinte [ga]
- Regimen na Sláinte [ga]
- Regimen na Sláinte [ga]
- Regimen na Sláinte [ga]
- Regimen na Sláinte [la]
- Regimen na Sláinte [la]
- Regimen na Sláinte [la]
- Regula Choluimb Chille [ga]
- Regula Choluimb Chille [ga]
- Regula Mucuta Raithni [ga]
- Reich und arm [ga]
- Reich und arm [ga]
- Reicne Fothaid Canainne [en]
- Reicne Fothaid Canainne [ga]
- Release by Sarsfield, earl of Lucan, 1691 [en]
- Remonstrance of the Irish Chiefs to Pope John XXII [en]
- Renunciation [en]
- Republican Army Orders, 1921 [en]
- Requiescat [en]
- Researches in the South of Ireland [en]
- Rev. Daniel A. Beaufort's Tour of Kerry, 1788 [en]
- Ro loiscit na lámasa [ga]
- Ro-chúala [ga]
- Robad mellach, a meic mo Dé [ga]
- Rogha gach beathadh bheith bocht [ga]
- Rogha na cloinne Conall [ga]
- Roisin Dubh [en]
- Rome Unvisited [en]
- Rop tú mo baile [ga]
- Ropo mían dom menmainse [ga]
- Rosa Alchemica [en]
- Rosa Anglica: English translation [en]
- Rosa Anglica [ga]
- Rugadh báire ar an mbochtacht [ga]
- Running to Paradise [en]
- Rury and Darvorgilla [en]
- Ráisit d'inis nárbo dermar [ga]
- Rí con Éireann Ábhartach [ga]
- Rānacsa, rem rebrad rān [ga]
- 'Sí mo ghrádh [ga]
- Sadb ingen Chuinn Chētchathaig cecinit [ga]
- Saltair na Rann [ga]
- San Miniato [en]
- Santa Decca [en]
- Saoghalta sin, a shaoghail [ga]
- Sbéacláir na cruinne an chroch naomh [ga]
- Schalken the Painter [en]
- Schilderung von Irland, Bruchstücke aus dem Tagebuche eines Reisenden [de]
- Scolding Mobs [en]
- Scél Baili Binnbérlaig [en]
- Scél Baili Binnbérlaig [ga]
- Scél lem dúib [ga]
- Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin [ga]
- Scéla Mucce Meic Dathó [ga]
- Scéla lái brátha inso sís [ga]
- Seacht n-ingheana 'gon umhla [ga]
- Sechzehn Briefe aus Irland nach Sachsen [de]
- Segen der Freigebigkeit [ga]
- Segenbringender Glockenklang [ga]
- Selected poems by John Millington Synge [en]
- Self-Education [en]
- Self-Reliance [en]
- Sentan the Culdee [en]
- September 1913 [en]
- Serenade [en]
- Serglige Con Culainn [ga]
- Sermons of Columbanus [en]
- Sermons of Columbanus [la]
- Sex Aetates Mundi [ga]
- Sguir dod dhíomas, a dhuine [ga]
- Sgían mo charad ar mo chliú [ga]
- Shepherd and Goatherd [en]
- Short Annals of Fir Manach [ga]
- Short Annals of Leinster [ga]
- Short Annals of Tirconaill [ga]
- Silentium Amoris [en]
- Sir Dominick's Bargain [en]
- Sir Francis Bacon's MSS relating to Ireland [en]
- Sir Parr Lane, Character of the Irish [en]
- Sixteen Dead Men [en]
- Sloinfead scothadh na Gaoidhilge grinn [ga]
- Slán fat fholcadh [ga]
- Slúaigead so re síl Adaim [ga]
- Socialism and Nationalism [en]
- Some Aspects of Irish Literature [en]
- Some Rambling Remarks [en]
- Son hearing that the Students of our New University have joined the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Agitation against Immoral Literature [en]
- Song of Dermot and the Earl [en]
- Song of Dermot and the Earl [fr]
- Sonnet on approaching Italy [en]
- Sonnet to Liberty [en]
- Sonnets of Travel [en]
- Soraidh slán don oidhche a-réir [ga]
- Soul and Country [en]
- Speech of Éamon de Valéra on his election as President of Sinn Féin, October 25th, 1917 [en]
- Squire Toby's Will [en]
- St. Augustine at Ostia [en]
- St. Patrick's Hymn before Tara [en]
- Stair Nuadat Find Femin [ga]
- Stories of Lough Guir [en]
- Stories of Red Hanrahan [en]
- Story of the abbot of Druimenach, who was changed into a woman [ga]
- Supernatural Songs [en]
- Swallows of Allah [en]
- Symphony in Yellow [en]
- Síaburcharpat Conculaind [ga]
- Súanach sin, a Éorann án [ga]
- T'aire riomsa a rí ó nUidhir [ga]
- Tabhrum an Cháisg ar Chathal [ga]
- Taedium Vitae [en]
- Tagair red Mhac a Mhuire [ga]
- Tairnig éigse fhuinn Gaoidheal [ga]
- Taken Root! [en]
- Tan bím eter mo shruithe [ga]
- Teach carad do-chiu folamh [ga]
- Teachtaire díleas ag Dia [ga]
- Teallach einigh iath Laighean [ga]
- Teasda easgcara an fhiadhaigh [ga]
- Teine ar n-a fadágh fearg Dé [ga]
- Tell the Truth [en]
- Tesmolad Cormaic mac Airt [ga]
- Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage [ga]
- Thalassa! O Thalassa! [en]
- That the Night Come [en]
- The Adventure of the Carle of the Drab Coat [en]
- The American SDP [en]
- The Annals in Cotton MS. Titus A. XXV [ga]
- The Annals of Tigernach [en]
- The Annals of Ulster: Volume 1 [en]
- The Annals of Ulster: Volume 2 [en]
- The Annals of Ulster [en]
- The Annals of Ulster [la]
- The Aran Isles: or, A report of the excursion of the Ethnological section of the British association from Dublin to the western islands of Aran, in September, 1857 [en]
- The Attack on 'The Playboy of the Western World,' 1907 [en]
- The Ballad of Reading Gaol [en]
- The Battle Eve of the Brigade [en]
- The Battle of Carnn Chonaill [en]
- The Battle of Carnn Chonaill [ga]
- The Battle of the Books [en]
- The Bird and the Fly [en]
- The Birthday of the Infanta [en]
- The Blunderful Blunder of Blunders [en]
- The Boatman of Kinsale [en]
- The Book of Clanranald [en]
- The Book of Clanranald [sga]
- The Book of Magauran [ga]
- The Book of O'Hara [ga]
- The Boyish Exploits of Finn [en]
- The Bridal of Carrigvarah [en]
- The Burden of Itys [en]
- The Burial [en]
- The Burial of King Cormac [en]
- The Burning of Finn's House [ga]
- The Canterville Ghost [en]
- The Captivity of the Gaels [en]
- The Case for Home Rule [en]
- The Chase of Síd na mBan Finn and the Death of Finn [en]
- The Chase of Síd na mBan Finn and the Death of Finn [ga]
- The Child that went with the Fairies [en]
- The Cock and Anchor [en]
- The Cold Heaven [en]
- The Colloquy between Fintan and the Hawk of Achill [ga]
- The Coming Revolution [en]
- The Coming of Wisdom with Time [en]
- The Commonwealth of Ireland [en]
- The Confession of Saint Patrick [la]
- The Consolation [en]
- The Constitution of Sinn Féin [en]
- The Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922 and Public General Acts passed by Oireachtas of Saorstát Eireann during the year 1922: English language version [en]
- The Court of Crinnawn [en]
- The Courtship of Momera [en]
- The Coventry Letter, 1686, on Acts of Settlement and Explanation [en]
- The Critic as Artist [en]
- The Cry of the Curlews [en]
- The Cry of the Curlews [en]
- The Dawn of the Century [en]
- The Dawning of the Day [en]
- The Dearg-Daol [en]
- The Death of Conn of the Hundred Battles [en]
- The Death of Dermid [en]
- The Death of Finn Mac Cumaill: English translation [en]
- The Death of Finn Mac Cumaill [ga]
- The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes: English translation [en]
- The Death-Tales of the Ulster Heroes [ga]
- The Decay of Lying [en]
- The Description of Ireland [en]
- The Deserted Village [en]
- The Desmond Survey [en]
- The Destruction of Dind Ríg: English translation [en]
- The Destruction of Troy [ga]
- The Devoted Friend [en]
- The Diary of Bonnivert, 1690 [en]
- The Dindshenchas of Emain Macha [ga]
- The Discovery and Recovery of Ireland with the Author's Apology [en]
- The Dispute on the Docks [en]
- The Dole of the King's Daughter [en]
- The Dolls [en]
- The Dord Feinne [en]
- The Downfall of the Gael [en]
- The Dream of John Mac Donnell [en]
- The Duchess of Padua [en]
- The Dungannon Convention [en]
- The Effect of Emigration on the Irish Church [en]
- The Elf-Child [en]
- The Enchanted Cave of Keshcorran [en]
- The English Renaissance of Art [en]
- The Enumeration of Finn's People [ga]
- The Evil Guest [en]
- The Exile of the Sons of Uisliu: English Translation [en]
- The Expedition and Death of King Dathy [en]
- The Expulsion of the Dessi [en]
- The Expulsion of the Dessi [ga]
- The Expulsion of the Déssi [ga]
- The Fair Hills of Eirè, O! [en]
- The Familiar [en]
- The Fascination of what's Difficult [en]
- The Fate of the Cildren of Lir [en]
- The Fate of the Cildren of Lir [ga]
- The Finn episode from Gilla in Chomded húa Cormaic's poem "A Rí richid, réidig dam" [en]
- The Finn episode from Gilla in Chomded húa Cormaic's poem "A Rí richid, réidig dam" [ga]
- The First Sin [en]
- The Fisherman and his Soul [en]
- The Flight of the Earls [en]
- The Flower of Finae [en]
- The Fool [en]
- The Fortunes of Sir Robert Ardagh [en]
- The Gaelic Maundeville [en]
- The Gaelic Maundeville [ga]
- The Gaelic Notes in the Book of Deer [ga]
- The Gaelic abridgment of the Book of Ser Marco Polo [en]
- The Gaelic abridgment of the Book of Ser Marco Polo [ga]
- The Garden of Eros [en]
- The Gascon O'Driscol [en]
- The Genealogies, Tribes, and Customs of Hy-Fiachrach, commonly called O'Dowda's Country [en]
- The Genealogies, Tribes, and Customs of Hy-Fiachrach, commonly called O'Dowda's Country [en]
- The Geraldine's Daughter [en]
- The Geraldines [en]
- The German Universities [en]
- The German and Gallic Muses [en]
- The Girl of Dunbwy [en]
- The Glenmasan Manuscript [en]
- The Glenmasan Manuscript [ga]
- The Golden Jubilee of O'Connell's Death [en]
- The Grave of Keats [en]
- The Grave of Shelley [en]
- The Great Case of Liberty of Conscience once more briefly debated [...] [en]
- The Green above the Red [en]
- The Grey Rock [en]
- The Hags of the Long Teeth [en]
- The Happy Prince [en]
- The Harlot's House [en]
- The Hiding of the Hill of Howth [en]
- The History of Ireland [en]
- The History of Ireland [en]
- The History of To-day [en]
- The History of the Kingdom of Ireland [en]
- The Hour Before Dawn [en]
- The Hour-Glass [en]
- The House by the Church-yard [en]
- The Importance of Being Earnest [en]
- The Independent and New Machinery [en]
- The Industrial Resources of Ireland [en]
- The Irish Brigade [en]
- The Irish Charters in the Book of Kells [ga]
- The Irish Crisis [en]
- The Irish Language [en]
- The Irish Lives of Guy of Warwick and Bevis of Hampton [en]
- The Irish Lives of Guy of Warwick and Bevis of Hampton [ga]
- The Irish Parliament of James II [en]
- The Irish Peasantry [en]
- The Irish Vision at Rome [en]
- The Irish ordeals, Cormac's adventure in the Land of Promise, and the decision as to Cormac's sword [ga]
- The Irish version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius [en]
- The Irish version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius [ga]
- The Journey of Symon Semeonis from Ireland to the Holy Land [en]
- The Journey of Viscount Ramon de Perellós to Saint Patrick's Purgatory [en]
- The Keening Woman [en]
- The King [en]
- The Last Heir of Castle Connor [en]
- The Laud Genealogies and Tribal Histories [ga]
- The Laud Synchronisms [ga]
- The Leabhar Oiris [ga]
- The Leper Priest of Lüneburg [en]
- The Liber Angeli [la]
- The Library of Ireland [en]
- The Life and Influence of Saint Augustine [en]
- The Life of Colman Son of Luachan: English Translation [en]
- The Life of Columba, written by Adamnan [la]
- The Life of Fursa: English translation [en]
- The Life of Saint Finan [en]
- The Life of Saint Finan [ga]
- The Life of St Féchín of Fore: English translation [en]
- The Life of the Icelander Jón Ólafsson: Youghal [en]
- The Literary Life [en]
- The Little Brawl at Almhain [en]
- The Lost Path [en]
- The Lovely Land [en]
- The Magi [en]
- The Manifesto of Sinn Féin as passed by the Dublin Castle Censor [en]
- The Manifesto of Sinn Féin as prepared for circulation for the General Election of December, 1918 [en]
- The Manners and Customs of Ireland [en]
- The Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee [ga]
- The Mask [en]
- The Master [en]
- The Meaning of Birthdays [ga]
- The Metrical Dindshenchas [en]
- The Metrical Dindshenchas [en]
- The Metrical Dindshenchas: Volume 3 [en]
- The Metrical Dindshenchas [en]
- The Metrical Dindshenchas: Volume 1 [ga]
- The Metrical Dindshenchas: Volume 2 [ga]
- The Metrical Dindshenchas: Volume 3 [ga]
- The Metrical Dindshenchas: Volume 4 [ga]
- The Miracles of Senan: English Translation [en]
- The Miracles of Senan [ga]
- The Miseries and Beauties of Ireland [en]
- The Model Millionaire [en]
- The Moondyne [en]
- The Mother [en]
- The Mother [en]
- The Mountain Tomb [en]
- The Mourner's Soliloquy in the Ruined Abbey of Timoleague [en]
- The Murder Machine [en]
- The National Danger [en]
- The Natural History of Ireland [en]
- The New Danger [en]
- The New Helen [en]
- The New Remorse [en]
- The Nightingale and the Rose [en]
- The Old Age of Queen Maeve [en]
- The Panegyric of King Cormac [en]
- The Parliament of 1613–1615 [en]
- The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac [la]
- The Path to Freedom [en]
- The Peacock [en]
- The Peal of Another Trumpet [en]
- The Penal Days [en]
- The Peril of Home Rule [en]
- The Picture of Dorian Gray [en]
- The Player Queen [en]
- The Portrait of Mr. W. H. [en]
- The Priest [en]
- The Psychology of a Volunteer [en]
- The Pursuit of the Gilla Decair and his Horse [en]
- The Quarrel between Finn and Oisín [en]
- The Quarrel between Finn and Oisín [ga]
- The Rann of the Little Playmate [en]
- The Re-Conquest of Ireland [en]
- The Realists [en]
- The Rebel [en]
- The Remarkable Rocket [en]
- The Resources of Ireland [en]
- The Returned Emigrants [en]
- The Right Road [en]
- The Right Road [en]
- The Rise of Historical Criticism [en]
- The Roads [en]
- The Room in the Dragon Volant [en]
- The Rose Tree [en]
- The Round Towers of Ireland [en]
- The Ruins of Donegal Castle [en]
- The Sack of Baltimore [en]
- The Scholar's Primer [en]
- The Sea Kings [en]
- The Second Battle of Moytura [en]
- The Second Battle of Moytura [ga]
- The Second Coming [en]
- The Secret Rose [en]
- The Selfish Giant [en]
- The Separatist Idea [en]
- The Seraph of Assisi [en]
- The Shining Sword and the Knowledge of the Cause of the one Story about Women [ga]
- The Siege of Knocklong [en]
- The Singer [en]
- The Socialist Labour Party of America and the London SDF [en]
- The Song of Gladness [en]
- The Songs of Ireland [en]
- The Sorrows of Innisfail [en]
- The Soul of Man [en]
- The Sovereign People [en]
- The Speeches of Grattan [en]
- The Sphinx [en]
- The Sphinx without a Secret [en]
- The Spiritual Nation [en]
- The Star-Child [en]
- The State of the Peasantry [en]
- The Surprise of Cremona [en]
- The Swearer's Bank [en]
- The Sweating System [en]
- The Testament of Cathaeir Mor [en]
- The Thief [en]
- The Three Beggars [en]
- The Three Hermits [en]
- The Tidings of the Resurrection: English translation [en]
- The Tidings of the Resurrection [ga]
- The Training of Cúchulainn [en]
- The Training of Cúchulainn [ga]
- The Travels of Cosmo the Third, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1669) [en]
- The Travels of Joseph Woods, Architect and Botanist, in 1809 [en]
- The Treaty of Limerick, 1691 [en]
- The Triads of Ireland: English translation [en]
- The Triads of Ireland [ga]
- The Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country [ga]
- The Truth of Masks [en]
- The Two Civilisations [en]
- The Two Kings [en]
- The Valuation of Ireland [en]
- The Vision of Laisrén: English translation [en]
- The Vision of Laisrén [ga]
- The Vision of Tnugdalus [la]
- The Vision of Tom Chuff [en]
- The Vow of Tipperary [en]
- The Voyage of Sir Richard Edgecomb into Ireland, in the Year 1488 [en]
- The Voyage of Snedgus and Mac Ríagla [en]
- The Voyage of the Hui Corra [en]
- The Voyage of the Hui Corra [ga]
- The Wandering of Ulixes son of Laertes: English translation [en]
- The Warning Voice [en]
- The Wayfarer [en]
- The Well and the Tree [en]
- The Well of D'yerree-in-Dowan [en]
- The Welshmen of Tirawley [en]
- The West's Asleep [en]
- The White Cat of Drumgunniol [en]
- The White Hound of the Mountain: Cú Bán an t-Shleibhe [en]
- The Witch [en]
- The Woods of Ireland [en]
- The Wooing of Emer by Cú Chulainn: English Translation [en]
- The Wooing of Étaín: English translation [en]
- The Workers' Republic [en]
- The Young King [en]
- The Young Man's Song [en]
- The adventures of Ricinn, daughter of Crimthann mac Lugdach [ga]
- The ancient territory of Fermoy [en]
- The bardic poems of Tadhg Dall Ó Huiginn [ga]
- The bardic poems of Tadhg Dall Ó Huiginn (1550–1591): English translation [en]
- The birth and life of St Mo Ling: English translation [en]
- The birth and life of St Mo Ling [ga]
- The circuit of Ireland by Muircheartach mac Néill [ga]
- The colloquy of Colum Cille and the youth at Carn Eolairg [en]
- The colloquy of Colum Cille and the youth at Carn Eolairg [ga]
- The conduct of the Allies [en]
- The deaths of Lugaid and Derbforgaill [ga]
- The destruction of Da Derga's Hostel: English translation [en]
- The fifteen tokens of Doomsday: English translation [en]
- The fifteen tokens of Doomsday [ga]
- The four jewels of the Tuatha Dé Danann [ga]
- The genealogy of Corca Laidhe: English translation [en]
- The genealogy of Corca Laidhe [ga]
- The greevances of the Englishe Pale []
- The haunted Baronet [en]
- The instructions of King Cormac Mac Airt: Tecosca Cormaic [en]
- The instructions of King Cormac Mac Airt: Tecosca Cormaic [ga]
- The journal of John Stevens, containing a brief account of the war in Ireland, 1689–1691 [en]
- The journey of Symon Semeonis from Ireland to the Holy Land [la]
- The murdered Cousin [en]
- The present miserable state of Ireland [en]
- The saints of Munster brought it about well [ga]
- The sworn statement of Mary Magee, of Corrogs, Newry, County Down [en]
- The three drinking-horns of Cormac úa Cuinn [en]
- The three drinking-horns of Cormac úa Cuinn [ga]
- The tour of the French traveller M. de La Boullaye Le Gouz in Ireland, A.D. 1644 [en]
- Theocritus [en]
- Theoretikos [en]
- These are the Clouds [en]
- Three Irish Medical Glossaries [ga]
- Three Lectures on Gaelic Topics [en]
- Thugas grádh don fhuath [ga]
- Tiar táinig tús na seanma [ga]
- Tidings of Doomsday: English translation [en]
- Tipperary [en]
- Tiughraind Bhécáin meic Luigdech do Cholum Cille ann so [Dofed andes a ndáil Fíadhatt] [ga]
- To All Labourers' Societies [en]
- To Irish Wage Workers in America [en]
- To L. L. [en]
- To Milton [en]
- To My Wife [en]
- To a Beloved Child [en]
- To a Child Dancing in the Wind [en]
- To a Friend whose Work has come to Nothing [en]
- To a Poet, who would have me Praise Certain Bad Poets, Imitators of His and Mine [en]
- To a Shade [en]
- To a wealthy Man who promised a second Subscription to the Dublin Municipal Gallery if it were proved the People wanted Pictures [en]
- To my Native Land [en]
- To the Boys of Ireland [en]
- To the Harper O'Connellan [en]
- To the Seafarers of Ireland [en]
- To the right Worshipful The Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Common Council of the City of Cork [en]
- Tochmarc Ailbe: German translation [de]
- Tochmarc Ailbe [ga]
- Tochmarc Emire [ga]
- Tochmarc Emire la Coinculaind [ga]
- Tochmarc Ferbe [ga]
- Tochmarc Moméra [ga]
- Tochmarc Éadaine: Modern Irish translation [ga]
- Tochmarc Étaíne [ga]
- Togail Bruidne Da Derga [ga]
- Togail na Tebe [ga]
- Toghaim Aibhisdin mar aighne [ga]
- Toghmarc Baisi bandruad ind so [ga]
- Toghuil tsītha Truim inn so [ga]
- Toitean Tighe Fhind [ga]
- Tomhais cia mise, a Mhurchaidh [ga]
- Tomhus mhúir Chruachna i gCluain Fraoich [ga]
- Tone's Grave [en]
- Tosach féile fairsinge [ga]
- Tour in England, Ireland, and France, in the years 1826, 1827, 1828, and 1829 [en]
- Towards Break of Day [en]
- Traigshruth Firchertne [ga]
- Travels in Ireland [en]
- Travels into several remote nations of the World [...] [en]
- Travels of Sir William Brereton in Ireland, 1635 [en]
- Trom an suan-so ar síol Ádhaimh [ga]
- Tromdámh Guaire [ga]
- Truagh do bheatha, a bhean a-réir [ga]
- Truagh giorra na hoidhche a-réir [ga]
- Truagh mo dháil le deich laithibh [ga]
- Trunk-Without-Head [en]
- Tréide as dile lem fo-rácbus [ga]
- Tréide cétna labratar iarna genemain [ga]
- Tréide cétna labratar iarna genemain [ga]
- Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis [ga]
- Trí glúine geinealach Dé [ga]
- Tríall, a reacaire, reac m'fhuighle [ga]
- Trúag sin, a Chaílte, a chara [ga]
- Tuan mac Cairill ro clos [ga]
- Tuc dam, a Dé móir [ga]
- Tugsad naoimh Mumhan go maith [ga]
- Tuirseach sin, a mhacaoimh mná [ga]
- Turnamh dóchais díoth muirne [ga]
- Turus acam Día h-Aíne [ga]
- Two Early Tours in Ireland: The Voyage of Perilhos [en]
- Two Tales about Finn [ga]
- Two medical fragments [ga]
- Two tales about Finn [en]
- Táin Bó Cúailnge Recension I [ga]
- Táin Bó Cúalnge Recension 1 [en]
- Táin Bó Cúalnge from the Book of Leinster: English translation [en]
- Táin Bó Cúalnge from the Book of Leinster [ga]
- Táin Bó Fraích [ga]
- Táin Bó Regamna [ga]
- Táin Bó Regamon [ga]
- Táinig ceo tar an gcreidimh [ga]
- Tóraighecht in Ghilla Dhecair ocus a chapaill [ga]
- Tórramat do nóebaingil [ga]
- Tāin Bō Rūanaid [ga]
- Uaidhe féin do fhás Íosa [ga]
- Uaigneach a-taoi, a theach na mbráthar [ga]
- Uasal céad-obair an Choimdheadh [ga]
- Uath Beinne Etair [ga]
- Ultor De Lacy [en]
- Un principe di Toscana in Inghilterra e in Irlanda nel 1669: Irlanda [en]
- Un principe di Toscana in Inghilterra e in Irlanda nel 1669: Visita a Roberto Boyle [it]
- Una Pope-Hennessy: Lady Gregory and Yeats [en]
- Uncle Silas: a Tale of Bartram-Haugh [en]
- Une version irlandaise du Dialogue du Corps et l'Âme: French translation [fr]
- Une version irlandaise du Dialogue du Corps et l'Âme [ga]
- Unpatriotic? [en]
- Upon a House shaken by the Land Agitation [en]
- Urbs Sacra Æterna [en]
- Urra ar leighis Dia na ngrás [ga]
- Urteilsspruch wegen entwendeter und beschädigter Pferde [ga]
- Über die Nichtigkeit der Welt [ga]
- Vera, or the Nihilists [en]
- Verba Scáthaige [ga]
- Verschiedenes aus Egerton 1782 [ga]
- Verschiedenes aus Harley 5280, fol. 57b [ga]
- Viatge al Purgatòri de Sant Patrici [ca]
- Viatge del Vescomte Ramón de Perellós y de Roda fet al Purgatori nomenat de Sant Patrici [ca]
- Vita Nuova [en]
- Vita Sancti Findani [la]
- Vita sancte Ite Virginis [la]
- Von den Todsünden [ga]
- Von heimlichen Sünden [ga]
- Voyages en anglois et en françois d'A. de la Motraye en diverses provinces [en]
- Voyages en anglois et en françois d'A. de la Motraye en diverses provinces [en]
- Walter Carpenter Free [en]
- Warum Usnechs Söhne das Land verließen: German Translation [de]
- We Must not Fail [en]
- We Will Rise Again [en]
- Welches sind die drei, die gleich nach ihrer Geburt zuerst gesprochen haben?: German translation [de]
- Welcome to the Prince of Ossory [en]
- Wer einen Priester schmäht, fährt zur Hölle [ga]
- Wexford [en]
- When Helen lived [en]
- Why We Want Recruits [en]
- Why do I avoid the descendants of Aodh? [en]
- Why do ye torture me? [en]
- Wicked Captain Walshawe, of Wauling [en]
- Wie Ronan seinen Sohn ermorden ließ: German Translation [de]
- Wie Sechnall und Patrick Fiac vom Tode retteten [ga]
- Wie das Schwein des Sohnes der Stummen zerlegt wurde: German Translation [de]
- Wie die zwölf Söhne Cennétigs ihren Tod fanden [ga]
- William Allingham, The Diaries 1824-1846 [en]
- Woman and Child [en]
- Woman of Three Cows [en]
- Wood Quay Ward [en]
- Wunderbare Geschichten von Corpre Cromm mac Feradaig [ga]